I simply needed an answer, I knew no other way to deal with my fear and uncertainty. God doesn’t give “special” children to “special” parents. Thanks so much for sharing your story. 14. He gets picked on allot at school and isn't very happy in life. Why Did God Give Me a Child with a Special Need? Why did some people are born ugly? Beautiful. I also believe that is why He gave you a child Answer: The issue of sickness is always a difficult one to deal with. Jesus said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me, for to such belongs the kingdom of God” (Matt. It’s not easy and I don’t think it will ever get easier. Your story is beautiful! Why did God give me a learning disability? so grateful to have read your post. When I have a rough day at home, I picture God holding her in His arms. Through her I learned a lot, grew a lot, and am now able to find reasons for gratitude anywhere I go. God's love to him. Jesus heals the disabled. Lv 7. She dances to the beat of her own drum and grows according to her own timeline. You’re such a strong mama and inspiration Elle is beautiful! Question is, why God let me suffer like this lonely life while seeing other people enjoying their life with friends. Thank you Diana for your kind words! [1] Frequently they will cite verses such as Leviticus 21:16-23: I was more broken by the time Carter had his second birthday than I have ever revealed publicly, and I spent long, wakeful nights in the manner that is familiar to millions of people of faith: on my knees, the holy book of my tradition open in front of me, begging God for relief for me and my family and healing for my child. He trusts you a lot, and I’m pretty sure God is really proud of you. Log in. My girl was also diagnosed with a genetic disorder 2 years ago (Williams syndrome ) it’s a deletion of one of the chromosome. Thank you for your kind words. Every time I go to birthday parties and social gatherings, I watched other children laugh, run, talk and play with a deep sense of loss, guilt and ache in my heart. I had no idea you were a program specialist for a school district– I’m very familiar with the IEP process and know our district’s program specialist pretty well too. When the disciples wondered about the man born blind, Jesus told them, “This happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him” (John 9:3). My husband and I know we are blessed beyond measure, remembering God gives only good gifts , and that a child (any and every child) is a gift from the Lord, a blessing, a reward. It’s been one heck of a journey (for lack of better words) but at the core of it all, I’m so thankful that I get to parent and learn with a child like my own. Everything happens for a reason. God doesn't make mistakes! Question is, why God let me suffer like this lonely life while seeing other people enjoying their life with friends. , Hi Angela, I’m so glad I spent some time perusing your wonderful blog today. When Jesus healed people it gave evidence of the sovereignty of God. Such a beautiful story Angela. You may say God has a reason for everything but unless and until you are in the disabled person's shoes, you will never be able to know how exactly we feel. Praying Scripture over My Child with Special Needs, The Angel of the Lord Encamps Around Those Who Fear Him. Go ahead, look a little closer. Honored to call you our friend. Pray for children with disabilities to experience God’s love. ADD, ADHD and others) and struggles with genetic defects on a daily basis. Life is not perfect but sure it has perfect moments. Now with another one, I guess I’ll have another set of lessons to learn! Why has he made me suffer? You may say God has a reason for everything but unless and until you are in the disabled person's shoes, you will never be able to know how exactly we feel. When we prayed for healing, fully expecting God to remove our son’s autism, God taught us that His sovereign glory was being seen through the disability. Thank you for reading and commenting. Many years ago when Elle was a little over two years old and Tess was an infant, I cried silent tears in the dark as my babies were falling asleep next to me. I'm figuring that you know someone who is disabled, you, your child, a friend/family member or their child. I have a teenage family member who is intellectually disabled since birth. He didn't. And it reminds me again why she is here with me today. So that answer that I was desperately seeking on that sad night, that answer that no medical doctor, school administrator or social worker could give me, I now know. I was given the gift of a handicap to keep me in constant touch with my limitations… At first I didn’t think of it as a gift, and begged God to remove it. He played ball with us, took us on walks, and went hunting and fishing with us. 19:14). You and I are sinners. The parent worries about the present, the future, and all the bad and real things that can happen the moment you leave this world. Everything is clearer with a diagnosis. Why did you allow my child to have a disability? it's like a picture of our spiritual state, we are broken and full of fault, but if we accept Jesus as our personal Savior, he's like the doctor and heals all our brokenness and forgets all our sins He wanted to give me a gift that no man could take away: A special knowledge of the power, strength, holiness, faithfulness, might and wisdom of God that only comes from NEEDING HIM DESPERATELY. You and other parents like you are my inspiration. Why did God make me with a handicap/learning disability? By Erwin W. Lutzer June 28, ... it was ultimately permitted by God. In the meantime, you can succeed as the parent of a disabled child. It really means a lot, especially on days when parenthood is not so easy. These terms were all so new to me and I didn’t know where to go and who to turn to. Few things in my ministry have given me a deeper sense of satisfaction than seeing God raise up at Bethlehem a heart and mind and vision and a ministry for people with disabilities, especially children. Thank you for reading. Not to mention, the high cost of all the services. But it seems cruel to afflict my son with a disease just to teach me a lesson. One is full of the challenges the soul has to face during its lifetime. Spreecast, “Finding Strength for the Autism”, Gratitude: God’s Secret Pathway to Protection, Will It Be All Right? Watch Queue Queue I don’t know your son’s struggles but I understand the deep love that comes with deep pain. Why would God give two men a "natural" attraction one-for-the-other, but then they can't mate and reproduce because they both have male reproductive organs? Thank you for reading. My child is profoundly disabled. "I'm jealous of him, Shmuley." I can’t tell you how much I needed a personal reminder/perspective of a friend who has a child with special needs, and recognizes the profound blessing of being chosen as their parent. Thank you for that virtual hug Katrina! We began early intervention for Elle since she was only one year old but none of it seemed to help. Every burning question nagged at the back of my mind and few words can describe the depth of my sadness at the time. When I see her struggle to put together Lego blocks, string beads or grasp a crayon like other kids, I wondered what kind of life she will lead; how she will be perceived by the world and how she will perceive herself. I know your path isn't easy -- and God knows it also. Thank you so much for being courageous enough to share your story. I believe He gives children (regardless of their needs) to imperfect, ill-equipped people who slowly learn how to apply their love to the raising of children. I hope I’m that perfect mom, still striving every day.. We are in this together Angela. , So beautiful.. really loved reading this. Why did he allow YOUR child to have a disability and not the other 5 million children in the world to have a disability… I even went through the arduous task of filing a grievance against my insurance company for refusing her speech therapy. One warning that I have to raise at this point is that we dare not jump to the conclusion that an individual person’s particular disease or affliction is a direct result of some particular sin. There will be a time when God restores everyone to perfection. Instead, the parent worries about whether or not the child will have another seizure episode in class, be teased again by typical kids in the school, or hold a stable job after turning eighteen. The Bible promises that soon God will remove every disease and disability that plagues both young and old. We are really in together Vivien. Why are people born sick or ... good things will happen). I too have walked a very similar journey as yourself and can relate and connect with every word you put here. Why did some people were born poor? Rather than ask God why we or a loved one have a disability or handicap, we should ask Him to reveal to us how we can honor Him through this disability in our lives.

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