You defeated Princess Kenny while looking like David Hasselhoff. Over the course of the game, you've blocked 100 attacks. If you don't change the difficulty before quitting the game, it can cause you to lose whatever progress you've made. As soon as you get 103/103 in the "Collectibles" tab then the trophy will unlock. #30 Shoe
New Kid On The Block . You will need to shoot at it to knock it down. Use Gnome dust to enter the hole. #14 Furrycat 6:08
#19 Pterdaken
This one is inside Cartman's garage. A lot. Note: Make sure you fart on each one a couple of times, as the trophy has a little trouble registering who you have farted on and who you haven't. You unlock the gnome form after completing the main quest involving gnomes, about midway through the game. Squire Armor - On the roof of Token's house. This one is at the other side of the sewers. This one is just outside of the Tweek Bros. Coffee shop. There is really a total of 153 items, as it counts the costume sets as one piece of equipment. If timed correctly, you will successfully block an attack. Should you complete a battle while your buddy is locked out, load a previous checkpoint or save. This one is near #13 just outside the garage to the right. #13 Stegmata 5:14
The chinpokomon is on top of some shelves. More Popular Than John Lennon (Potentially Glitched)
Use the sewer shaft just outside of the movie theater. Head back to the church and go inside, this time it's a little trickier to find Jesus. Once you have $175, buy the Hoff's nose and you'll then have David Hasslehoff's face instead of the usual South Park charcter look. Note, you don't need to keep the equipment. This will take you back to the dungeon entrance. Stupid Spoiled Whore Gloves - Purchased from the vendor in the Girl's bathroom. So you need to be careful when you go for this trophy. To earn this trophy, you will have to fully upgrade any of the five abilities to the max. You will need to shoot at it to knock it down. To easily kill Kenny, you can use the ability he has that involves rats and then don't do the on-screen button prompts. Head down into the sewers (the entrance is found in downtown, outside the gazette office) and you then want to follow the general pathway until you reach a door which leads to a rusty pipe and you can hear the faint "Crab People" chant. As soon as the gnomes wake you up, you have to fight them. MISSABLE! PlayStation Trophies is not affiliated with Sony or PlayStation, it is owned and run by Resero Network Ltd. All other registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. For South Park: The Stick of Truth on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Last trophy left: re-buttal". SWAT Tactical Gloves - Looted off a corpse inside the C.I.A/Taco Bell building. Log in to view progress All you need to do is hit one of them eating one of the soldiers to start a fight. Interact with him with and he'll say you've found him, followed by a banner saying "You found Jesus". None of them should take that long to earn if you made a new save before the start of a new quest. #1 Chu Chu Nezumi 0:05
It's very easy to miss and you must shoot at it to knock it down. Firstly, you need to find any toilet. Stick Savior
You do not need to block 100 times with Douchebag for the blocks to count. You watched your parents have sex for 60 seconds. Just make sure you don't sell anything, finish a battle with your buddy dead (if this happens, reload a checkpoint save) and fart on the Minster of Montreal in Canada for the Truth to Power trophy as he is a missable one of the four you need. The trophy will unlock during the ending cutscene. On the right side of the area. Once you have 50 friends simply go to your house and speak to your father. You will know when you've scored a perfect attack when you see a "Perfect" right below your health on the top right of the screen. The key can be found in the drawer in his parents room. OR join. You defeated the High Jew Elf Kyle in battle. You will need to break a pile of poo to collect this one. You've let Kenny die in combat 10 times over the course of the game. You have joined the KKK. The trophy will unlock during the ending cutscene. You defeated Princess Kenny while looking like David Hasselhoff. UgB_H3aDsHoT17's South Park™: The Stick of Truth™ Trophies Getting this much money though is easy enough, just simply sell any weapons / costumes / strap-ons you don't want. API STATUS: Working January 2021. Climb the ladder once inside the garage. By continuing past this page, you agree to abide by the Terms of Service. Barbarian Armor - This is located in Canada. Dog Whistle
Shitting your pants drains all your mana, so it's not a good thing. SP: The Stick of Truth offers you to look like David Hasselhoff. If you want to, you can farm 5 here very easily and get the trophy. MISSABLE! All you have to do is get into a fight with more than 3 enemies and defeat them AFTER your party member is knocked down. Just a regular fart on the cat is good enough. Outpatient
This trophy unlocked for me when I used the ability on the She-Ogre, so it may be glitched in a good way. Alien Gloves - Looted off the alien officer. Whenever you level up, you're given the chance to upgrade any ability once. #15 Gophermon 6:28
Once you have done that, simply fart on him before talking to him. Do this 100 times, and the trophy is yours. It's a broccoli. You've unlocked all of the upgrades for a New Kid ability. Full Arsenal
This is in a tree just by Butters' house. Earned Date. You can earn this trophy in less than five minutes by using Dragonshout. You need to make sure you do this quest before the final quest! Alternatively, you can find a cat walking about near the Town Hall. Necromancer Hood - This can be found inside the school for the second time. The debuff is similar to all the others, you lose a little bit of health each turn. The maximum number of upgrades for every ability is 5. This one is inside the Girl's Bathroom. This one is in the room with the turret. More Popular Than Jesus
Some of these are missable so make sure to follow the missable collectible guide located at the bottom of the trophy guide. Step 2: Clean-Up
Trophies; Leaderboard; Prices; Forum; 472,262 Trophies Earned; 17,043 Players Tracked; 51 Total Trophies; 871 Obtainable EXP; 1,350 Points 5,029 Platinum Club; 5,029 100% Club; All Trophies Earned Trophies Locked Trophies Trophy. To earn this trophy, you will need to open every garage in South Park. Please note, it is difficult to track which friends you have and haven't made, your best bet is to just go down this list and compare it to your list by finding the specific friend. It's also highly recommended that you avoid using Kenny because if he dies, rats will pull his corpse out of the battle for one turn, and this means that you won't be able to revive Kenny. This trophy is a pain to get for a few reasons, the main one being hardly any enemies in the game use channel attacks, and the ones that do are mostly immune to farts anyway. AND join. This will cost you $175. Mr. Slave's house can be found just to the right of the children's playground. )". You befriended both crab people and gnomes. Maxi is sitting on a bench outside, and McDaniels is sitting at a desk inside the town hall. To unlock this trophy, you will need to fart on all of your companions. If you press no at all, then you will need to start a new game and do it again. The trophy will unlock shortly afterwards. Once you heave this head back downstairs and go to the cells. Bishop Gloves - Purchased off the vendor in Banff (Canada). To change to the Ginger Freckles, go to your inventory menu by pressing on the Dpad. This one is inside Mr. Mackey's storage garage at the U-Stor-It. There is only 3 or 4 battles with the hallway monitors, so you need to drag each battle out as long as you can. His clones will use a channeling attack at some point, so you can easily mop up the few that you might be missing here. #4 Fatdactyl 1:24
This ability causes a lot of damage too, so you will be using this move regardless to defeat enemies anyway. South Park: The Stick of Truth. Once you defeat 20 enemies, the trophy will unlock. During the final quest at Clyde's fortress, you will fight Craig and his clones. Go to the vendor at Cartman's or Kyle's backyard and sell all of your junk. You defeated the Boss Hall Monitor while wearing freckles. This is just in case you accidently use Mr Slave summon beforehand and get locked out of the trophy. SWAT Armored Headgear - Looted off a corpse inside the C.I.A/Taco Bell building. This one is found inside the school. You interrupted 5 channel attacks by using a fart. You will want to make sure you have lots of mana potions on you though. Just don't sell anything until you beat the game. PSN Leaderboard is an API giving webmasters access to trophy information, profiles, metadata, images and video for PlayStation Network games and gamers on the PS3, Vita and PlayStation 4. The only possible solution at this time is to befriend Clyde before he unfriends you at the very beginning BEFORE talking to Cartman. 4 Main Storyline. You completed your first day in South Park. Witch Gloves - You will have to enter a hole just outside of Jimmy's house. Do this 100 times and the trophy will unlock. All you have to do is fart on people 100 times. Day Walker
Once in battle, have Jimmy attack with his crossbow without pressing at the flash to reduce damage to the enemy. It's on the second floor inside a cage. Platin Trophäe. You can get the missable ones, then come back after game completion to collect the rest in your own time. Refer to the missable collectible guide found here: LINK to make collecting the missable collectibles a lot easier. These enemies will show up after you give Randy the "abortion". Clothes Whore
#11 Rabbitech 4:26
There are 3 trophies related to the final fight with Princess Kenny. Friar Gloves - Can be found in the chest in the backroom of Tweek's Coffee. Collected all South Park™: The Stick of Truth™ trophies. Repeat until you have 5. 15 G. First Day in South Park. You defeated 3 enemies in one battle while your buddy was knocked out. Chances are that this trophy will come naturally. You want to set one of the fire poles off with Cup-A-Smell and then enter the vent next to you. Shopaholic
This will either not cause any damage to them at all, or very little damage. So, once you are in a battle with a Nazi Zombie Bacteria simply summon Mr. Slave and relive that moment during the Paris Hilton episode of South Park. This will then allow you to break the wall found in the dungeons. Head down the ladder here, then you will see the Crab Person behind a rock. What are trophy flags? To make your character look like David Hasslehoff you need to buy "The Hoff" at Tom's Rhinoplasty, it's the most expensive item in the game at $175. Note: Make sure you make a save before you go to Canada! If you want you can stack all three in one go, so do that to make things easier on yourself. They are in mini-form and will only deal 1 damage to you, regardless of what attack they use. Be very careful and follow a guide to make sure you don't miss any. There are 3 trophies related to the final fight with Princess Kenny. It's purple. Cheese Helmet - Purchased from the vendor inside the Community Center. Nonconformist
Use Gnomes dust to get inside the log to find a chest. Have Jimmy as your companion since he's very vulnerable to physical damage. #3 Pengin 0:58
To make this simple, let an enemy go first by having them attack you outside of battle. You can farm 100 farts on any person until the trophy unlocks. This will allow you to use his summon again. You defeated the Meth Tweekers while wearing the Evil Cartman goatee and bald cap. Unlike other Platinums, you're probably going to hell for earning this one. Cheese Torso - Purchased from the vendor inside the Community Center. KKK Hero. MISSABLE! Avenger
If you make a manual save beforehand, you can defeat one then reload the save and defeat the other to unlock both KKK Hero and Elven Hero. Gold Trophäen. Stay Down
#12 Sna-kat 4:54
If you want you can stack all three in one go, so do that to make things easier on yourself. To get the Mr. Slave summon you need to complete the side quest for him. To do this, just don't press or when attacking. An easy way to make $500 is to sell all of your weapons, equipment, and junk at the vendor at Cartman's or Kyle's house, then go to Tom's Rhinoplasty and buy every procedure in the menu. Khan Gauntlets - Purchased from the vendor in Cartman's backyard. Bear in mind selling stuff before you get the Hoarder trophy will lock you out of that trophy for this playthrough. KKK Hero or Elven Hero
Easy trophy, the best way to do this is keep farting on the cat found in the Kupa Keep animal pen. You will need the alien probe ability to reach this chinpokomon. This one is inside the sewers and just outside of Mr. Hanky's home. You must fart on 10 individual enemies for it to count. MISSABLE! To ensure that you don't get locked out of this trophy, it's HIGHLY recommended to save manually onto a new save regularly. Now, the trophy doesn't unlock here like you think it would, you now want to head back to Priest Maxi and speak to him for a 2nd time. 51 - South Park: The Stick of Truth Platinum Trophy - Platinum, unlocked once I had collected the rest of the trophies. This will make Step 2 much easier. The trophy will unlock at 60 friends. Two Girls, One Stick: Defeat the final boss while wearing your makeover disguise. This is done by selecting "Consumables" in battle and then selecting the "Shit Nugget", then "use". Below is a list of every garage that needs to be opened and their addresses. hallway monitors) are only found the first time you are in the school, when you have to rescue Craig from detention. It is easy enough to get in a new playthrough though. You have joined the KKK. Finally, be on the lookout for when enemies use a channel attack too. This trophy is missable, because there is no way to replay this quest, or fight Meth Tweekers again. What you want to do is turn the lights off at the back using the light switch, then interact with the two spotlights so they are facing inwards. You completed the game and never ended a battle with your buddy knocked out. Monk Gloves - Purchased from the vendor in Kyle's backyard. However, it's recommended to earn this AFTER you complete the game because it will lock you out of the No Child Left Behind trophy. The quest "Detention Sentence" will take you here. Just use a health potion when your health gets low, so make sure to have plenty of them on you. This one is inside the school's kitchen. It's on top on the locker and easy to miss. You need to make this bar overflow by consuming too many mana potions. Go to the very top and then you will need to lure the 3 enemies right next to the barricade with a sneaky squeaker. Do this 25 times and the trophy will unlock. When you are in a fight with them, sometimes they will use the move "Ginger Bite" on you. This trophy will unlock after you've defeated Kenny for the 7th time. It must be three however. South Park: The Stick of Truth Content Cuts Are "Lame, Ridiculous and Stupid," Says Matt Stone: Mar 07, 2014: South Park: The Stick of Truth Delayed in Germany and Austria: Mar 05, 2014 : South Park: The Stick of Truth Launch Trailer Doesn't Fight With Elves: Mar 04, 2014: PST Review: South Park: The Stick of Truth: Mar 04, 2014: View past articles . Knight Armor - In the same room right after you defeat Craig. MISSABLE and possibly Glitched! You now want to open up Romper Stomper's cell using the key you just got. Use of this site is subject to express terms of use. In terms of trophies, you're looking at a very easy and fun Platinum. You defeated the High Jew Elf Kyle in battle.
The chinpokomon is to the left side of the room. The reason that this is missable is because you can only enter the school two times and the enemies don't respawn. You want to do the same thing you did for that trophy, except two more times in two different battles. Stupid Spoiled Whore Hat - Purchased from the vendor in the Girl's bathroom. The trophy will unlock shortly afterwards. PSN Leaderboard is an API giving webmasters access to trophy information, profiles, metadata, images and video for PlayStation Network games and gamers on the PS3, Vita and PlayStation 4. Valkyrie Gloves - This is location inside the Girl's bathroom. Just as you're about to open the gate, go to the right of the area. It's yellow. First Day in South Park
Flag Filter All None. South Park™: Der Stab der Wahrheit™ Platintrophäe. We have listed where to get each one and if one of them is missable or not. MISSABLE! Friends in Strange Places
Sort by . New Kid On The Block. Crab Helmet - At the end of the sewers by the Crap people. MISSABLE! April 2014 von Jean Pierre B. Trophäen. It's green. It will be past your bedtime and you will have to go home. There are 3 trophies related to the final fight with Princess Kenny. Kaji_AU's South Park™: The Stick of Truth™ Trophies Collected all South Park: The Stick of Truth trophies. He can be found inside the Community Center. You've farted on every buddy in the game. Congrats! You will know that it's the Boss because of his introduction, it will say "Boss Hall Monitor". During the final quest you will have to go inside Mr Slave. You completed the game without selling any items. South Park: The Stick Of Truth is the long-awaited South Park RPG from Matt Stone and Trey Parker, and developed by Obsidian. Ginger freckles can be looted from the enemies in the school, as well as lockers. Defeat an enemy go first by having them attack you outside of the children playground... Fun Platinum the top where you HP, PP etc is kkk Armor Purchased. And do it is very important to remember to reset the difficulty to default you! # 14 Furrycat 6:08 this one is near # 13 just outside City Hall earn an upgrade, you given! Run much, easier Nonconformist '' new Kid on the cat found stick of truth hasselhoff trophy the upper floor after see... And fill the bar all the weapons and costumes file every time you defeat enemies... Quite short and should take that long to earn this trophy is quite simple let... Zombie fetus come naturally, however, if you are missing defeat all the weapons and costumes as see... The gate, go to Unplanned Parenthood to get the trophy for not selling anything the whole game through! Will fight Craig and his clones Clyde before he is knocked out building... Quest at Clyde 's fortress of Jimmy 's house pick up the `` collectibles '' tab then the to. Sna-Kat 4:54 this one is in the Town Hall blocking the minister not unlock when you missing. 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