You can favorite the presentations, download presentations, and even embed them in Those that alter one’s behaviors, feelings, and perceptions. click on SIGN IN WITH FACEBOOK OR SIGN IN WITH GOOGLE button, by this you will be a registered member of slidesfinder One is “physically fit” if they have the ability to: “carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue, and with ample energy to enjoy leisure-time pursuits and to meet unforeseen emergencies.”, Physical Fitness Health fitness Body composition Cardiorespiratory endurance Flexibility Muscular endurance Muscular strength Performance or skill-related fitness Agility Balance Coordination Power Reaction Time Speed. Cease exercise with diabetes with acute illness or infection. Cybex and Orthotron machines, Development of Muscular Strength and Endurance Principle of Overload is critical. Development of dependence. It's FREE! It falls under the umbrella of kinesiology, which is the scientific study of human movement. be displayed on your uploaded presentation. Nutrition and Fitness Nutrients carbohydrates fats proteins vitamins minerals water Maintaining water balance is important. Choose Sensibly Choose a diet low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and moderate in total fat. They are all artistically enhanced with visually stunning color, shadow and lighting effects. Exercises Isometric exercises Muscle exerts force against an immovable object. EXERCISE (CONT…) EXERCISE FREE ACTIVE PASSIVE RESISTED ASSISTED WEIGHT TRAINING 6. Choose beverages and foods to moderate intake of sugars. Purpose of Exercise Physiology -the study of immediate physiological responses to physical activity and the changes in physiological response to chronic (repeated) PA -exercise physiologists apply principles of biology and chemistry to understand how the body responds to PA; serves as foundations for conditioning, fitness, rehab programs Breast cancer is the most common cancer globally what can we do to help prevent it? Find your interest in the form of powerpoint Current U.S. diet is too high in fat, cholesterol, sugar, and sodium and lacking in carbohydrates and fiber. A well-balanced diet is necessary to obtain all the nutrients required by the body. Active Living through Planning and Education: Physical Activity (PA), the Built Environment and Active Transportation (AT). Static stretching Slowly moving into a stretching position and holding for a certain period of time (10-30 seconds; 5 times). 13 Applications of Exercise Physiology To Other Disciplines and Professions 14 What was the first exercise physiology laboratory? CrystalGraphics 3D Character Slides for PowerPoint, - CrystalGraphics 3D Character Slides for PowerPoint. library of professional ppt presentations. Liver damage, cardiovascular disease CNS impairment, malnutrition Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Negatively affects one’s body composition. Health and physical activity What is Health? - Promoting Physical Activity and Exercise Health education is primary used to make people aware of the benefits of being physically active Health risk appraisal is ... - Blood glucose checks before and after exercise are the key ... your BG is 250 mg/dl before your exercise and you have ketones ... water exercise ... - Exercise and Lifelong Fitness Chapter 13 The Importance of Physical Activity Physical Activity is defined as any movement that requires your large muscle groups to work. It's save your time :). Drink alcoholic beverages in moderation. And, best of all, most of its cool features are free and easy to use. 1. Learning objectives included, prior learning checked through mind map activity at start, then descriptions of the benefits followed by a task slide for students to present what they have learned in the form of a leaflet, poster or letter. Time Duration of activity Type Mode of exercise being performed. PHYSICAL INACTIVITY IS ASSOCIATED WITH SHORTER AVERAGE LIFE SPAN. Physical activity to maintain independence in older adults. Effects of Training Greater cardiorespiratory efficiency. How do you use the FITT formula to design a fitness program? Safety Information collected from medical screening, and informing individual of environmental conditions Behavioral factors Motivation of individual to adhere to fitness program, Planning a Fitness Program Threshold of training Minimal level of exercise needed to achieve desired benefits. Our new CrystalGraphics Chart and Diagram Slides for PowerPoint is a collection of over 1000 impressively designed data-driven chart and editable diagram s guaranteed to impress any audience. Myths about Exercise and Weight Control Exercise burns relatively few calories. It’s a great marketing CHAPTER 10 PHYSIOLOGY OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Chapter Objectives • Cover the key features of the subdiscipline of Static contraction Isotonic exercises Force is generated while the muscle is changing in length. (pag 8) The WHO (World Health Organization) defines health as complete wellness. The physiology of exercise is a broad concept that addresses the central issue as to how the body adapts itself to the demands of physical activity. Light exercise does not make you breathe heavily, Light exercise done for less than 10 minutes will, Moderate exercise involves noticeably heavier, Moderate exercise done for less than 10 minutes, Strenuous exercise involves rapid breathing with, Strenuous exercise done for less than 10 minutes, Another way to evaluate exercise is to determine, Perceived exertion is a method of rating how hard, As you exercise, decide what you believe your, Aim to work out in the somewhat hard to hard, If taking insulin, any level of exercise done for. Stress Management Stress is the body’s physiological response to demands placed on it. No*, you can login with your account without confirmation. You don’t have to live in pain. Exercise physiology is an evaluation of the acute responses and chronic adaptations of the body to the stresses of exercise. Energy balance is important to achieving a favorable body composition. Research Results on Obesity and Physical Activity Rates and Other Findings (Other findings include active screen time and sitting), - Research Results on Obesity and Physical Activity Rates and Other Findings (Other findings include active screen time and sitting) Active Living Research, Successful Implementation of Exercise is Medicine. Stress Management Use stress to your advantage Approaches to manage stress Relaxation training Physical activity Cognitive strategies Time management Biofeedback Physical fitness contributes to stress resistance, Deterrents to Fitness Dietary practices Tobacco Excessive alcohol consumption Use of drugs Inappropriate stress management approaches, Tobacco and Fitness Over 430,000 premature deaths/ year are related to smoking. Exercise Physiology is the study of the acute responses and chronic adaptations to a wide range of physical exercise conditions. The uploader spent his/her valuable time to create this Exercise Physiology and Fitness powerpoint presentation slides, to share his/her useful content with the world. The student has a basic knowledge of physiology and biochemistry of exercise. - CHAPTER 9 Middle Childhood: Physical and Cognitive Development Figure 9.1: Growth Curves for Height and Weight. We believe in making your search INFORMATIVE and FUN. There are many types of physical activity, including swimming, running, jogging, walking and dancing, to name a few. Nature of stressors (physical or cognitive) Nature of stress response (“fight or flight”) The critical role of perception in interpretation and management of stress Stress and its role in disease Coronary heart disease, cancer, hypertension, eating disorders, depression, etc. A Profession Many of them are also animated. our users who have confirmed their slidesfinder login email. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. educationists and others anywhere around the world, and lightning fast. The metabolic adjust-ments that preserve normoglycemia during physical activity are in large part hormonally mediated. presentations on slidesfinder and save your valuable time . Work up to more strenuous activity, If possible, exercise with your spouse or a, Set aside the same time each day for your, Take a class, or join an exercise club. A sub-component of exercise physiology that involves the application of exercise physiology principles, knowledge and skills for purposes of the prevention, rehabilitation or diagnosis of disease or disability in humans. Work of Physiology & Sports Nutrition, Fundamental Nursing Chapter 24 Therapeutic Exercise. Most important component of health fitness. Measurement of Body Composition Hydrostatic weighing Skinfold measurements Skinfold caliper from selected sites  Use of formulas to calculate percentage of body fat Body mass index (BMI) height-to-weight ratio, Anorexia Nervosa Intense fear of fatness Altered perception of body image Weight loss of 15% or more below minimal normal body weight Obsession with losing increasing amounts of weight Increasing preoccupation with food Severe food restriction, Anorexia Nervosa Increased physical activity and excessive exercising Lack of sexual desire, in females absence of menstrual periods Changes in mood - irritability, anxiety, and depression No known physical or psychological illness that can account for weight loss, Bulimia Recurrent episodes of binge eating Inconspicuous eating Binge episode ended by abdominal pain, sleep, or self-induced vomiting Feelings of loss of control when vomiting Food restriction to lose weight when not bingeing, Bulimia Vomiting, fasting, exercising, or laxative abuse Fear of not being able to stop eating voluntarily Frequent weight fluctuations greater than 10 pounds Depressed mood following bingeing. A complete exercise program includes aerobic, See our health professional. Physical Fitness Ability of the body’s systems to function efficiently and effectively. Muscular Strength and Endurance Muscular strength is the ability of a muscle or a muscle group to exert a single force against a resistance. View the full post at:, | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view, Exercise: benefits of regular physical activity, - Home exercise program is designed for the beginner, using simple exercises that can be done around the home, with either no equipment required or minimal equipment that is found around most homes. Target zone Defines the upper limits of training and the optimal level of exercise. The Great Buddha says, "Share your knowledge.It’s a way to achieve immortality"! Whether your application is business, how-to, education, medicine, school, church, sales, marketing, online training or just for fun, is a great resource. Health risks associated with drug abuse. - Exercise Science students at the end of the curriculum provided the one-on-one exercise/wellness programming and reported to faculty. Wear diabetes and personal ID, appropriate shoes, Take your pulse every 10-15 minutes to be sure, Do not overexert. Moderate decrease in caloric intake and moderate increase in caloric expenditure. Have any tests done, Determine your target heart rate. Or use it to upload your own PowerPoint slides so you can share them with your teachers, class, students, bosses, employees, customers, potential investors or the world. School of Recreation ... Extracurricular Activity Safety Training Program, - Extracurricular Activity Safety Training Program 2011-2012, - Kin 310 Exercise/Work Physiology Office hours - HC 2910 (lab) F 10:30-11:20 or by appointment ( class email list announcements, questions and responses. Individual’s initial fitness level Assess initial level of fitness to design realistic program and a starting point. Death as a result of overdose of severe reaction. The student understands regulation of energy metabolism and muscular function during exercise and physical activity. Hypertension: resting blood pressures of a systolic >180 or diastolic >100 or higher should receive medication before regular physical activity with particular restrictions on heavy weights strength conditioning, which can … Being active has been shown to have many health benefits, both physically and mentally. Helps prevent hypokinetic disease. Exercise lowers, Activity will lower your blood glucose because, In type 2 diabetes, exercise may cause cells to, Exercise also reduces the amount of glucose, Regular exercise may reduce insulin requirements, Initially, exercise may make blood glucose, There are two types of exercise aerobic and, Aerobic exercise uses oxygen to help release, Anaerobic exercise does not use oxygen to burn, One approach to exercise is the lifetime activity, The idea is to fit 10 minutes of aerobic physical, Another approach is a planned aerobic exercise, Aerobic exercise burns glucose and fat and, It also helps you to cope with stress and, Activities such as bowling and baseball are not, Anaerobic exercise helps build muscle tissue. Breast Cancer Prevention with Physical Activity and Exercise, - How breast cancer can be prevented through physical activity and exercise. What are the main risk factors? Physical Activity & Health Adults - 30 minutes of physical activity equal to brisk walking on most, preferably all, days of the week. Three PowerPoint presentations, one each on the physical, mental and social benefits of exercise. 15. To achieve the greatest benefit for your heart, People with other medical problems, such as heart, You may need different meal plans or insulin, For example, one plan for work days, one for, Seasonal changes in activity levels may also, Insulin is absorbed more rapidly over a working, If you take insulin, give your injection over a, If your blood glucose is low (below 70mg/dl). Cardiorespiratory Endurance Frequency: 3 to 5 times per week Intensity: 60% to 90% HRMAX Time: 20 - 30 minutes Type: Aerobic activities Jogging Running Walking Dancing Cross Country Skiing Biking Swimming, Target Zone HRMAX=220 bpm - age Target zone = 60% to 90% HRMAX Lower threshold target HR= HRMAX x 60% Upper threshold target HR= HRMAX x 90% Calculations for a 20-year-old HRMAX =220-20=200 bpm Lower threshold = 200 bpm x 60%=120 bpm Upper threshold = 200 bpm x 90%=180 bpm. View Chapter 10 Exercise Physiology(2).ppt from EXS 100 at SUNY Cortland. Yes, you need to login with your account before uploading presentation. Warm-up, workout, cooldown components Helps prevent injury and prepares body for exercise as well as returns it to a normal state. Concentric and Eccentric contractions Isokinetic exercises Contractions are performed at a constant velocity. Exercise Physiology is the description and explanation of functional changes brought about by single or repeated exercise sessions 4. Principles of Fitness Training Principle of overload To improve, one must perform more than one’s normal amount of exercise. Exercise Physiology. Through dynamic and interactive learning activities, easy-to-follow layouts, and research-oriented content, students and instructors will find this an invaluable resource for their continued education. Provide for maintenance of fitness. FITT formula Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type Manipulate these factors to produce an individualized exercise program. When you exercise, you're helping build a strong and healthy body that will be able to move around and do all the things you need it to do. Description. Determined by height and weight tables or BMI Obesity is associated with numerous health problems and earlier mortality. An Academic Program of Study, and a Course in Exercise Science 2. Specialization Cardiac rehabilitation Assessment of cardiovascular functioning Prevention of cardiovascular disease Rehabilitation of individuals with the disease Exercise biochemistry Effects of exercise at the cellular level Exercise epidemiology: Relationship between physical activity and mortality Pediatric exercise science:Scientific study of the response of the body to exercise during childhood and maturation. Special diets for special situations. - Active Living through Planning and Education: Physical Activity (PA), the Built Environment and Active Transportation (AT) Glyn Bissix, PhD. Positive balance More calories consumed than expended. We provide unique informative PowerPoint presentation for marketers, presenters It studies functional changes taking place during the physical exercise. At what intensity should it be performed? sending your stats of uploaded presentation. Children and teens constitute 90% of the new smokers. Re-productivity of content are not allowed. Increase caloric expenditure through physical activity and exercise. platforms and BUILD YOUR CROWD WITH PRESENTATION !! M. Tupper HFHS 2008 Exercise Physiology Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Health Benefits Enhanced cardiovascular function Reduction of many cardiovascular disease risk factors Increase ability to perform tasks of daily living Reduced risk of muscle and joint injury Improved work performance Improved physical appearance,self-image, and sound mental health, Health Benefits Reduction of susceptibility to depression and anxiety Management of stress Enhancement of self-concept and esteem Socialization through participation in physical activities Improved overall general motor performance Energy Resistance to fatigue Mitigate the debilitating effects of old-age or retain a more desirable level of health for a longer period of time, Energy Production for Physical Activity Use of ATP as energy to perform muscular activity. Middle Childhood: Physical and Cognitive Development. It, Light exercise for one person may be moderate, Your own response to exercise will change as you. I am Interested in This Major. All rights reserved. This ppt presentation uploaded by onlinesearch in Health & Wellness ppt presentation category is available for free download,and can be used according to your industries like finance, marketing, education, health and many more. If the activity lasts longer than 30 minutes, The timing of snacks varies from person to person. Passive exercise machines are not effective. It is equally concerned with how the body responds to the intense demands placed on it by physical activity and the changes that occur in the body as individuals regularly participate in exercise training (1). Physiology of Sport and Exercise has been a cornerstone textbook of the engaging field of exercise physiology. Build A Healthy Base Let the Pyramid guide your food choices. Hardly anyone can be better qual-ified for this project: Jack Wilmore, PhD, was a distin-guished professor and head of the Department of Health and Kinesi-ology at Texas A&M University, a A lot of times people will relapse on substances because they have anxiety, or depression, or other mental health issues that are overlapping or emerging in their early recovery. Physiology of Exercise. | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view EXERCISE Exercise is the repeated rhythmic movements given to body parts to keep it healthy and develop the body parts 5. HPA 2382 - CLINICAL EXERCISE AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY PHYSIOLOGY 2 X (3 credits) X (3 credits) HPA 2383 - ADVANCED CLINICAL HEALTH AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ASSESSMENT X (3 credits) X (3 credits) HPA 2384 - MOVEMENT SCIENCE IN HEALTH AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY X (3 credits) X (3 credits) Selects one of the following 2 options: The physiology of exercise deals with the study of an organism in the course of a movement activity. What are the roles of physical activity and exercise in breast cancer prevention? - Beautifully designed chart and diagram s for PowerPoint with visually stunning graphics and animation effects. Keep food safe to eat. Views : 1567 | Downloads : 0. Through dynamic and interactive learning activities, easy-to-follow layouts, and research-oriented content enriched with visual supplements, students and instructors will find this an invaluable resource for their continued education. How often in order to see benefits? © 2013 SlidesFinder. is a great resource that gives you access to numerous presentations on varied subjects. Physical activity has been defined as “any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscle that increases energy expenditure above a basal level” , whereas exercise has been defined as “a subcategory of physical activity that is planned, structured, repetitive and purposive in the sense that the improvement or maintenance of one or more components of physical fitness is the … Read More, Published on : Dec 06, 2013 Exercise Physiology The study of the effects of exercise on the body. presentations for free. We only using their Facebook login credentials. This helps you give your presentation on Exercise Physiology and Fitness in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations. Exercise and Lifelong Fitness - Exercise and Lifelong Fitness Chapter 13 The Importance of Physical Activity Physical Activity is defined as any movement that requires your large muscle groups to work. heath & Wellness,eduction & training etc. Importance of Physical Activity In Maintaining The Calorie Balance, - Importance of Physical Activity In Maintaining The Calorie Balance Dr.Y.Venkata Ramana M.Sc, Ph.D Scientist - D Dept. Exercise can be used for spot-reducing. Choose and prepare foods with less salt. SlidesFinder is a very popular and powerful online presentation sharing website that allows Visit-, Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Disease. A basic knowledge of physiology and Fitness Impact of alcohol on physical and psychological state, therefore it a... Necessary to obtain all the Nutrients required by the body Programs provide for cognitive and affective as! 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