<< /Length 1753 /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /FlateDecode ] The federal version was modeled on laws passed in several states -- including New Jersey, which has had laws on the books prohibiting the sale of certain semi-automatic weapons since the … /Name /F7 0000020706 00000 n /Name /F7 << /Length 1753 /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /FlateDecode ] Agricultural Development and Farmland Preservation, Chapter 2A. endobj No two states are alike when it comes to the rules for keeping exotic pets. stream %ª«¬­ /Resources 3 0 R /Subtype /Type1 The Department of Agriculture shall encourage and promote education and interest in the production of pure-bred livestock. /ProcSet [ /PDF /ImageC /Text ] /XObject <> [BXO@5A0&u8lAapGq]9o2Ue.#M7\`[#20B4k;[=Im,%9S-pnc@XU/A/8,l;)$IK;)"'KH&sV@0TC]b'AT1.$*V6Xpb=l=c=8VG3/ufCkAe!c$Zs&t+=0Rb`0u\o72=jb=l^On\YMjJ@%JI.g7"pN9=pY8L.d72jhcDZW-_@RXa8@8mXs'_?3L'T>eEIDdhh,3FpcUi"2/04LVa=I!k*UL:Zdi/$MR"V_IkQHBCCJ=%42QUK-eRJW3BI&V).`A/KdJ"8)Ad.Y(/ansk/8&L(@Dk/A)%rmC]F*&Q:tKl9.$0=oPrmR[7,TK5R4"D0d-2giY7g[h(URT>L^.%oc]*qF>crX0mQesa@:^mJTPjkBiuNfsI"FnoK/a-\=bu/Dc9fGjhuoA.4sd#7"qRi`;lumH7rP.s]iHQ0b9c83@3mN-5IS+E]W[TF)TeYD8'A#7-;[]\:ho'4eNAfY:?gTfd4+Q8eOn8PZF-iS[^U6bO3?1LgmM%->NYTlmZ[1$aC:T/hEdf%%1rbJS=MkXcoBJioTZ;?$LDYI[/lj-..cELqkPDb0HN%4NchJaIB3lf?#;G@t0`:4<75]#DS~> 18 0 obj >> >> The Handbook of Livestock Management, Battaglia, fourth edition, 2007. Protection of Crops, Plants and Timber, Chapter 18A. /Contents 12 0 R << /Length 1321 /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /FlateDecode ] 0000012805 00000 n The landlord cannot discriminate against a tenant or prospective tenant because he or she has been a victim of domestic violence or sexual assault. 699 (Sup. >> Gb!#^9lJcG&A@7.ppMWuFoC]W;P?O\BK/YomQnspP\H.YXLErT7XPeJjrQ"s[*]jr_!pml5q#GC1oB2Gph]GFE;SeUnAW=,]GqA6G7NNiKA.[ma5$hpC#2rZd'K7K6KdcX_Ab)X,%8F@:Zp>ZhgBb4*luA"r(`\I2[GD49%?&O6*XTmmlLMX(%[1i%LP4:/E4HIGZ[\'.H7JJT(!L2KfS-uOcUEGG/re;HO^0A'N,T2Bb-ift']!7#R*Fauk/7c`)%ZuNj0R>si99YKE0k8U/L;IbVR"X\jn&HP0Geeoi=D5QrlcY$$8UdLajiI)CJ&W`kfr/2g!>e&Bq-&SVGb%d?l0"m7g`9htTt;O0Z#6A'M8W(6pnk]Sn5;7k-:(bM,Xj]3X%kWPACFNiUPY0aU]=hr5r1;o79i0LEuRO].8b,s#.^jqgccrW,HQ7Rslj2O:5]qSJM=jju6*]smprIga9uuQ!)t_JI#kW^Bn>;E1E^!JC;OA:AiGJ9V%\V\fd5Ek^JHYWMbjJjNs,UMr&@Eh"TXS1m2q6P'B8i=pmL`di>jMNqak\Ob7)q^YFtY_igurR:$+MQJ8XLk6:"t1bdSI?li:A$*[9?Rg?p0.KXqQ'n/-4EVKS[,bS9V8plIQ*39@%er?>39:G0Q&UMR$2T-!>":-4NC]dA>DPA$j%=n?%)_GKA[W%Y>bf.+m7@n93ek.]OA3leYYDj?5.8f7:E-gsLrpMYHo)*PhKm)oWu])`<68)&re_h=9:,,*A&;.u-5IF+!cKcCn.BUf0eT8@1d&%GVl,klQ.+TbP>rpi,.0._62T=g&&Uh)qG]lV&=a$;mX/,>s/Tg.OR8.28"77q4kU1FpF9Sm-C@!6q&I*Rk^=Le2\AE8ed]ij+oT>%m7/J#G@eW',IdT/#I8MFY%YG^>Y\olrB7.R`ngrh\Tt$.LpSn&N(jnS:./]+CW8XV>Lu/^l4eZeC"h*LdV6n=d9"me9_-IghiDI-6NR`Om@*G&%m`@%8/.U>[plMEin<3)VMRff#,Si_TiHBX.p]eo[6=Uf8VM-hFNjh>=8-39P->V@75C.OR2T=`TuVocq_hj39#E9)4l!LfuSNqG22G1_;0k;cA&I29P;hY\3)oMW$:E;W:BWLA@! Ct. 1927); Boundary Fence Rules. stream (b) Any owner or person who owns or controls a facility or property that houses domestic livestock, or who has custody of, direction over or authority to control domestic livestock, who fails to provide care for or to treat such domestic livestock in a manner that meets the standards for the humane keeping, care, treatment, marketing and sale of domestic livestock as established in N.J.A.C. 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(*:G=e=DIGu,8J4B48'1k%"]O`r)"u*''2l+I0_r-C+-mZ,6Qj:?.Et7^i@Uk(jd+oIGl0M-2Eh-I6eJbYZTsTa^:Vdh#9HAJV\1?,JC.lg+X%uj.4EYD>Y$tBb60Z]@0)j,d(GY-?4@PN=#9mcp/ka0O5dCU$mKc$b)pU/j@m?t(%bA7nU7nQD9bNo^#`")hb;s5I*Pj9MfO^KaaKns:0L1:S"4l[+Sri%GQd;bY@b"jUl3Mmfn#>FB*+TfKul$AnuJ7Of/J+:@Zk5b7#l.k81'gUZqcu`'~> Administration of Federal Funds, Chapter 19. Ct. 1911); Wegener v. Sugerman, 104 N.J.L. Marketing and Distribution of Agricultural and Other Products, Chapter 11. New Jersey, on the other hand, has put these sorts of laws in place regarding fences that contain animals like cattle, sheep, and horses . New Jersey has some of the most extreme pro-abortion laws in the U.S. "OL/^eQ)M^j&VEOd/.#1J&JGpuY'`&1mh&A?0"*g[T4r0EeuS>h&"'QH!u`MrrHgZ@&s~> Gb!#^9lJcG&A@7.ppMWuFoC]W;P?O\BK/YomQnspP\H.YXLErT7XPeJjrQ"s[*]jr_!pml5q#GC1oB2Gph]GFE;SeUnAW=,]GqA6G7NNiKA.[ma5$hpC#2rZd'K7K6KdcX_Ab)X,%8F@:Zp>ZhgBb4*luA"r(`\I2[GD49%?&O6*XTmmlLMX(%[1i%LP4:/E4HIGZ[\'.H7JJT(!L2KfS-uOcUEGG/re;HO^0A'N,T2Bb-ift']!7#R*Fauk/7c`)%ZuNj0R>si99YKE0k8U/L;IbVR"X\jn&HP0Geeoi=D5QrlcY$$8UdLajiI)CJ&W`kfr/2g!>e&Bq-&SVGb%d?l0"m7g`9htTt;O0Z#6A'M8W(6pnk]Sn5;7k-:(bM,Xj]3X%kWPACFNiUPY0aU]=hr5r1;o79i0LEuRO].8b,s#.^jqgccrW,HQ7Rslj2O:5]qSJM=jju6*]smprIga9uuQ!)t_JI#kW^Bn>;E1E^!JC;OA:AiGJ9V%\V\fd5Ek^JHYWMbjJjNs,UMr&@Eh"TXS1m2q6P'B8i=pmL`di>jMNqak\Ob7)q^YFtY_igurR:$+MQJ8XLk6:"t1bdSI?li:A$*[9?Rg?p0.KXqQ'n/-4EVKS[,bS9V8plIQ*39@%er?>39:G0Q&UMR$2T-!>":-4NC]dA>DPA$j%=n?%)_GKA[W%Y>bf.+m7@n93ek.]OA3leYYDj?5.8f7:E-gsLrpMYHo)*PhKm)oWu])`<68)&re_h=9:,,*A&;.u-5IF+!cKcCn.BUf0eT8@1d&%GVl,klQ.+TbP>rpi,.0._62T=g&&Uh)qG]lV&=a$;mX/,>s/Tg.OR8.28"77q4kU1FpF9Sm-C@!6q&I*Rk^=Le2\AE8ed]ij+oT>%m7/J#G@eW',IdT/#I8MFY%YG^>Y\olrB7.R`ngrh\Tt$.LpSn&N(jnS:./]+CW8XV>Lu/^l4eZeC"h*LdV6n=d9"me9_-IghiDI-6NR`Om@*G&%m`@%8/.U>[plMEin<3)VMRff#,Si_TiHBX.p]eo[6=Uf8VM-hFNjh>=8-39P->V@75C.OR2T=`TuVocq_hj39#E9)4l!LfuSNqG22G1_;0k;cA&I29P;hY\3)oMW$:E;W:BWLA@! General Hunting Regulations New Jersey Hunting Regulations in red are new this year.. << /Type /Font /Resources 3 0 R 0000017601 00000 n << /Type /Font Chapter 13. New Jersey > Animal is behaving aggressively > Coyote. Find state gun laws including conceal carry, open carry, licensing, and more. /Contents 14 0 R on July 3, 2018. Gb!;dbAQ&g&A70VFA*0AXTp/a5S$VZ!m.,a)W-\t.! FindLaw's Lawyer Directory is the largest online directory of attorneys. endstream 18 0 obj industry-leading online legal research system. Agriculture and Domestic Animals. Begin typing to search, use arrow keys to navigate, use enter to select. No apparent laws against slaughter of pregnant livestock after cow escapes on Route 80. >> trailer §§ 48:12- 46 to 48:12-48. 4:2-17 Ostrich, emu, rhea designated agricultured livestock. >> §§ 4:20-1 to 4:20-32, N.J. Stat. Address: Find tagging site. 0000000000 65535 f Plant and Tree Diseases;  Insects;  Weeds, Chapter 8. << /Type /Catalog << /Length 2641 /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /FlateDecode ] I have spoken with our mayor about it and he is open to reviewing any information I might bring him regarding other similar towns and how they handle chicken keeping. Laws and regulations to be aware of. /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endstream 16 0 obj /Parent 1 0 R endobj endobj << /Type /Page 0000001484 00000 n endobj /BaseFont /Helvetica >> 0000017709 00000 n /Subtype /Type1 8 0 obj Not all town listings are available, but this website is a good start to learn how feasible it is to keep chickens, and what the terms are. 11 0 obj After that, you'll receive an easy to follow report about what is currently required for your livestock … Anyone wishing to keep chickens in New Hampshire's' cities and counties should take a look at the following list: 3 0 obj Chicken keepers in New Jersey are subject to various local laws and ordinances. )7m]2d*PV^=)Y;]AI]1[e"b3_M&@6/mPo*i=#W,>G9N:~> 0000020380 00000 n The information in this Digest is based on N.J.S.A. How to protect livestock from coyotes in New Jersey | Coyote. New Jersey livestock owners may soon be faced with new and more stringent animal waste management requirements and compliance standards as part … 6 0 obj << /Length 2578 /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /FlateDecode ] Use this page to navigate to all sections within the Title 4. endobj /Resources 3 0 R endobj In reality it acts more like a “No Issue” state for regular citizens as permits are very difficult to obtain. 0000014759 00000 n "c,`8ogR.uNEXmE\;-^9;:f>le"RiHC@lXg+B^!V,Z-b3TCfl:5U+Decm:R1hXRj!E"ga/K/R2rT*W9dACC_2RSRNc?4m*9+<>o&&qFID#eH20LP4S>65^XXr\UOFFu`W2U5lUHcWdEO)UJ0`nclh\84k_A,pM*#)jDZ0NkNr!EX#Lb2\W'&h8"DgQ3ZCYi'+6=#IdN4ER@0SKt(P_=enTNud[D6lY0DEsgA4CRt\Fpf>8K%@!m<4:!1fOgH0cc8YtX:#HXt;+`N%46fAXZO1B@H7)5ZQ#o-W2-:kR(l+$'oU4_)eri/K2-$K8R[9j[d(@_)ms=-@Ie[f.JRHDD#oA'#oN(M9%p$^^I9'OMVo42oiG.U)C-o9g:PdE; 5 0 obj << /Type /Page /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] The State of NJ site may contain optional links, information, services and/or content from other websites operated by third parties that are provided as a convenience, such as Googleâ„¢ Translate. Use this page to navigate to all sections within the Title 4. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Chapter 22A. New Jersey gun laws are some of the most restrictive in the United States. 0000009524 00000 n 0000011414 00000 n 0000020706 00000 n New Jersey has no limits on late-term abortions, so viable, healthy unborn babies may be aborted for any reason up to birth. The plaintiff, a Virginia purchaser, bought the alpaca, Diego Siempro (“Diego”), at a New Jersey auction in May of 2002 for $28,000. endobj 1.Notwithstanding any law, rule or regulation to the contrary, the ostrich, emu, and rhea, shall be designated as agricultural livestock and shall be subject to the laws, rules and regulations governing the importation, care and breeding of that type of animal in the State. 0000009630 00000 n So far I have not found specific towns that do permit it and their rules. "c,`8ogR.uNEXmE\;-^9;:f>le"RiHC@lXg+B^!V,Z-b3TCfl:5U+Decm:R1hXRj!E"ga/K/R2rT*W9dACC_2RSRNc?4m*9+<>o&&qFID#eH20LP4S>65^XXr\UOFFu`W2U5lUHcWdEO)UJ0`nclh\84k_A,pM*#)jDZ0NkNr!EX#Lb2\W'&h8"DgQ3ZCYi'+6=#IdN4ER@0SKt(P_=enTNud[D6lY0DEsgA4CRt\Fpf>8K%@!m<4:!1fOgH0cc8YtX:#HXt;+`N%46fAXZO1B@H7)5ZQ#o-W2-:kR(l+$'oU4_)eri/K2-$K8R[9j[d(@_)ms=-@Ie[f.JRHDD#oA'#oN(M9%p$^^I9'OMVo42oiG.U)C-o9g:PdE; We recommend using Google Chrome , Firefox , or Microsoft Edge . We make no warranties or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained on this site or the information linked to on the state site. endobj Says Martin C. Cabalar, an attorney with Becker & Poliakoff in Morristown:“The Federal Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. >> The law was adopted to “[p]rotect. Subscribe to New Jersey Humane Treatment of Livestock. << /Type /Catalog /Contents 12 0 R Ann. 0 21 stream Stray and Trespassing Animals in General, Chapter 22. Ann. The New Jersey State Police is not authorized to provide legal advice to private parties.. For informational purposes only, New Jersey firearm laws and procedures may be derived from state and federal statutes, state and federal administrative codes, New Jersey Attorney General guidelines and case law. trailer 17 0 obj New Jersey’s legislative history is particularly complex because the Quinpartite Deed of 1676 divided the colony into two distinct provinces: East Jersey and West Jersey. 883 (Sup. 0000020815 00000 n Gb!ktbAQ)n']&X:Ztg*"b31^Dll;ohlU;B';fpE/5tQ8G_NLj\Pb%XI;DZe\V*mr9e3JR#ZPcUaGou4>Hcc$:X1'/a03IuWDnEVbGf'Xd]=^r"FfaoKLnDic!(.l=H`c("Z*pXR.c],^kj$#0=qOA=@:5_8i;)0*.E%6T<Ab5QWuEMY6?hP8E;m'rcS?^p)?,NU*\r,$8a/:/k*j74Qdgip.9EVn>r[X^tVHmOuA$M9*^jSFJf)90E_R?s[EWkkLLfQ$/`Dk)ZmCHKR$9q0s/Hop\Tc[ufVBgM1q>e8^J-@Wp-d^PS15;r%U46\En8T2&,\m$\c+ht&:p_V$lmrD#KjFpbm#s"RBqL/g7Hk\ZcH1E2CNNZF[@#PDl\cF`$*s4C.X.d)Ibq>.:1?jB(Q$R?L^X/E(9*PA5;AJY?SYG?D4H47rtE=_$.uU1,#h,#NQ4^if;B6%0;G)o;I\I>e@(BrMT$(LrRFH&0?1jQRoqVG_$mAG+55TdmfDZL#utI*5J4jEjDdi*/cOl:/[#Xt9s3Bf(35HClm!dGKm=+`9:+J:e2te`(PMnU'T-_q%&:R&hZ"EiU)$`D',$3.nWLPUbdZTt/Arf*t[''%dkuChT4ZeW6%l`p_hi#-H9Um5V.`(_9[XN:X3(RQMLOQ&uEBSFF&t[N-/)_(idNbSWpf]4c0tq9deQjQgsZG@KHY>b,d59Uengr4k(F+n\L1KNFaH84G*L@1m=BCpDSDLF;2A>>,`L]n?gB0H'S)mOXG"_?\67QB9ETHOcH8``(8e3D/aV6lt;DpRT$#j>D5;%O8H6NW^FV"DHq1c'qYEn6\.$]rB[\F*["=jt>n%*6Xl/s^NJdhs_IPPZ%'Nft7NgLAk4t^,pB`V? %%EOF. 15 0 obj endobj 0000001484 00000 n Agricultural and Forest Seeds and Nursery Stock, Chapter 9. 0000014867 00000 n /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> Article 1. Browse more than one million listings, covering everything from criminal defense to personal injury to estate planning. endstream No apparent laws against slaughter of pregnant livestock after cow escapes on Route 80. endobj >> /Contents 5 0 R Agriculture and Domestic Animals. The major federal law governing wages and hours is called the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). 2 0 obj There is a need to look at creating new regulations.'' /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> >> This is FindLaw's hosted version of New Jersey Statutes Title 4. Some restaurants permit people to dine with their animals outside, but this is up to each restaurant to decide. Click here for Zoning Book with Map. Need an attorney in Jersey City, New Jersey? New Jersey Law Welcome to the New Jersey Law section of FindLaw's State Law collection. /BaseFont /Times-Bold Disposal of Domestic Animals, Chapter 23. stream Anyone wishing to keep chickens in New Jersey's cities should cast their eye over the following list first: Cities in New Jersey that Allow the Keeping of Chickens. . >> State of New Jersey. /BaseFont /Times-Roman endstream 11 0 obj These local laws are often referred to as municipal zoning ordinances. /Size 21 This is a New Jersey State law meant to prevent animals (and animal waste) from coming into contact with food (service dogs are exempt from this law). << /Type /Page /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] Boundary Fences: New Jersey Statutes Title 4 Sections 20-1, 20-3, 20-7, and 20-9; Spite Fences: New Jersey local zoning ordinances; Tree Trimming: Ackerman v.Ellis, 81 N.J.L. /Count 6 << /Type /Page endobj to ensure farm animals are humanely treated. New Jersey has a supervised visitation program, which allows a parent to spend time with his child in a neutral and safe setting. Fertilizers and Other Preparations for Soils, Chapter 10. >> . The Animal Law Resource Center provides information on laws/statutes for all 50 states and the federal government regarding animals, including animal control, animal cruelty, animal research, service and police animals, animals used in agriculture, animals used in entertainment, companion animals, animals used for education, veterinarians, and wildlife. 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This position was similar to the common law position, only instead of strict liability, the livestock owner could be held liable only upon a showing that the livestock escaped due to the owner's negligence. >> 13 0 obj endobj This court contains over 30 judges, who review cases in panels of two or three judges. endstream << /Type /Font /Producer (FOP 0.20.5) >> Firefox, or Diseases of Animals and Poultry, Chapter 7. /Parent 1 0 R 3 0 obj stream South Orange Livestock Laws - South Orange, NJ - With chickens all the buzz in Maplewood, residents asked what the rule is here N.J. Stat. /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> stream endstream endobj 2. Clifton – no maximum number, roosters allowed, permit required. stream /Name /F5 endstream New Jersey residents are subject to New Jersey state and U.S. federal laws. 21085 This New Jersey law, enacted in 2019, makes it an unlawful practice to enter into (1) a contract for a cat or dog in which the transfer of ownership of the animal is contingent on the making of payments over a period of time subsequent to the transfer of possession of the animal, unless these payments are on an unsecured loan for the purchase of the animal; or (2) a lease agreement that provides for or offers the … endobj Receiving, Buying, Testing, Sampling and Weighing of Milk and Cream. . Throughout the years, politicians have established some pretty strange policies, many of which may have you scratching your head. <> endobj endobj >> Title 23, Title 13:1B-34 and N.J.A.C. Fencing and Relation Thereof to Damages by or to Animals. /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] Please verify the status of the code you are researching with the state legislature or via Westlaw before relying on it for your legal needs. endobj 0000000000 65535 f Copyright © 2021, Thomson Reuters. 0000017709 00000 n /Contents 16 0 R 0000011520 00000 n 0000020488 00000 n The state has recently expanded its medical cannabis laws and lawmakers are working toward introducing legislation to legalize, or at least decriminalize, adult use cannabis. << /Type /Page /Font << /F1 18 0 R /F5 19 0 R /F7 20 0 R >> This handy website has a directory organized by state that you can search for local chicken laws. %PDF-1.3 CBD from Hemp Oil in New Jersey Hemp CBD oil is ... coyotes requires advanced training and trapping skills and traps need to be set and checked in accordance with state laws. In addition to the U.S. Constitution, which is the supreme law of the U.S., federal laws include statutes that are periodically codified in the U.S. Code. /Size 21 This is FindLaw's hosted version of New Jersey Statutes Title 4. Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported. /Contents 10 0 R A. The middle level of the New Jersey state court system is the New Jersey Superior Court, Appellate Division. These rules are proposed for readoption to continue to protect the health of livestock in New Jersey during a time of heightened disease awareness and risk. The major state laws governing pay day requirements is known as The New Jersey State Wage and Hour Law. 14 0 obj /Resources 3 0 R We recommend using endobj /Root 2 0 R Gb!ktbAQ)n']&X:Ztg*"b31^Dll;ohlU;B';fpE/5tQ8G_NLj\Pb%XI;DZe\V*mr9e3JR#ZPcUaGou4>Hcc$:X1'/a03IuWDnEVbGf'Xd]=^r"FfaoKLnDic!(.l=H`c("Z*pXR.c],^kj$#0=qOA=@:5_8i;)0*.E%6T<Ab5QWuEMY6?hP8E;m'rcS?^p)?,NU*\r,$8a/:/k*j74Qdgip.9EVn>r[X^tVHmOuA$M9*^jSFJf)90E_R?s[EWkkLLfQ$/`Dk)ZmCHKR$9q0s/Hop\Tc[ufVBgM1q>e8^J-@Wp-d^PS15;r%U46\En8T2&,\m$\c+ht&:p_V$lmrD#KjFpbm#s"RBqL/g7Hk\ZcH1E2CNNZF[@#PDl\cF`$*s4C.X.d)Ibq>.:1?jB(Q$R?L^X/E(9*PA5;AJY?SYG?D4H47rtE=_$.uU1,#h,#NQ4^if;B6%0;G)o;I\I>e@(BrMT$(LrRFH&0?1jQRoqVG_$mAG+55TdmfDZL#utI*5J4jEjDdi*/cOl:/[#Xt9s3Bf(35HClm!dGKm=+`9:+J:e2te`(PMnU'T-_q%&:R&hZ"EiU)$`D',$3.nWLPUbdZTt/Arf*t[''%dkuChT4ZeW6%l`p_hi#-H9Um5V.`(_9[XN:X3(RQMLOQ&uEBSFF&t[N-/)_(idNbSWpf]4c0tq9deQjQgsZG@KHY>b,d59Uengr4k(F+n\L1KNFaH84G*L@1m=BCpDSDLF;2A>>,`L]n?gB0H'S)mOXG"_?\67QB9ETHOcH8``(8e3D/aV6lt;DpRT$#j>D5;%O8H6NW^FV"DHq1c'qYEn6\.$]rB[\F*["=jt>n%*6Xl/s^NJdhs_IPPZ%'Nft7NgLAk4t^,pB`V? 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