Prepare Your Family for The Future. What President Packer Said About It. The recent sanitation of this well-known and understood doctrine by LDS Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley (see Hinckley statement below) is beyond belief. Search. The Second Coming will not take place next week or next month! In a general conference address he observed: “We see the Lord break down the barriers so that the world of Islam and the world of Communism can hear the message of the restoration; and we glory in the fact that Ishmael—as well as Isaac— and Esau—as well as Jacob—shall have an inheritance in the eternal kingdom” (Conference Report, April 1980, 98). Doctrine and Covenants 89:4, emphasis added, Section 130 of the Doctrine and Covenants, Section 133 of the Doctrine and Covenants. Many of these revelations have to do with the revealing of doctrine necessary for the reestablishment of Christ’s primitive church, with its power and authority to function as the Kingdom of God on earth. For I, the Lord, am not to be mocked in the last days. Is this to happen before or after the 2nd coming? The Holy Bible, Revelation 11:2-13. You can get it below. The Last Days Timeline presents a thorough examination of the scriptural Standard Works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints concerning prophecy of future events in timeline order. So what are some things that must take place before Christ begins to reign on planet earth? A collection of quotes from prominent leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints concerning the last days, as well as predictions from ancient and modern scripture. Thus shall my church be called in the last days, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, D&C 115:4. The Last Days Timeline Book. But the Doctrine and Covenants, being more contemporary, predicts war globally, beginning in America. President Gordon B. Hinckley counseled us: “If we will go forward, never losing sight of our goal, speaking ill of no one, living the great principles we know to be true, this cause will roll on in majesty and power to fill the earth. It was to a small group of men who would be called to the first Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in this dispensation that this significant word came: “And unto you it shall be given to know the signs of the times, and the signs of the coming of the Son of Man” (D&C 68:11; emphasis added). They ‘sold’ their properties for $100 when in fact they were worth thousands of dollars. His trip to Lazarus' house in Bethany began in Jericho, which is 17 miles (27.3 kilometers) away. Abstract: In this essay, I examine a letter written by Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone in 1983 and deposited in the cornerstone of the Atlanta Georgia Temple. The … It says the following: Verily, thus saith the Lord concerning the wars that will shortly come to pass, beginning at the rebellion of South Carolina, which will eventually terminate in the death and misery of many souls; And the time will come that war will be poured out upon all nations, beginning at this place. Yes, I repeat, men may fail, but this nation won’t fail.” President Lee then beckoned: “I plead with you not to preach pessimism. and hardship, but this nation, founded on principles laid down by men whom God raised up, will never fail. While you and I certainly desire to be ready and fully prepared for His coming, we should not allow ourselves in the meantime to be ensnared by the newest faith-promoting rumor or to be caught up in the next spiritual fad. The health laws of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are, perhaps, the most noticeable thing about the Church and its members. 1–5, Christ is our advocate with the Father; 6–10, The gospel is a messenger to prepare the way before the Lord; 11–15, Enoch and his brethren were received by the Lord unto himself; 16–23, Christ revealed signs of his coming as given on the Mount of Olives; 24–38, The gospel will be restored, the times of the Gentiles will be fulfilled, and a desolating sickness will cover the land; 39–47, Signs, wonders, and the Resurrection are to attend the Second Coming; 48–53, Christ will stand on the Mount of Olives, and the Jews will see the wounds in his hands and feet; 54–59, The Lord will reign during the Millennium; 60–62. Fourth day before Passover (The events of the second day before Passover are unknown.) …” (D&C 58:64.). Section 133 also prophesies the following: Other sections of the Doctrine and Covenants that deal with the future (other than predictions of the Saints going to the west) include Section 29: 1–8, Christ gathers his elect; 9–11, His coming ushers in the Millennium; 12–13, The Twelve will judge all Israel; 14–21, Signs, plagues, and desolations will precede the Second Coming; 22–28, The last resurrection and final judgment follow the Millennium; 29–35, All things are spiritual unto the Lord; 36–39, The devil and his hosts were cast out of heaven to tempt man; 40–45, The Fall and Atonement bring salvation; 46–50, Little children are redeemed through the Atonement. Mormons don’t use alcohol, tobacco, coffee, tea, or recreational drugs (or abuse prescription drugs). My point is this: if the Lord Jesus Christ will be coming in a short while, wouldn’t His anointed servants be given some divine direction to help prepare the members of the household of faith for that great and terrible day? The Signs of the Times are events occurring during the Last Days which have been prophesied as leading up to the Second Coming of Christ.Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or Mormon Church, have the prophesies from the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, the Pearl of Great Price, and the … 3:1–7. “The Saints of the Most High are not yet, as a people and with organized congregations, established upon all the face of the earth” (The Millennial Messiah: The Second Coming of the Son of Man, Deseret Book, 1983, 55). He is the Author of The “Last Days” Timeline and website. For the official Church websites, please visit or This was an additional revelation to one Joseph received in 1831, which said, in part: Ye hear of wars in far countries, and you say that there will soon be great wars in far countries, but ye know not the hearts of men in your own land (v 29, Section 38). Education. This website is not owned by or affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (sometimes called the Mormon or LDS Church). Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. The Doctrine and Covenants is a collection of revelations received by modern prophets, with revelations to Joseph Smith, first prophet of the restoration, comprising the majority. That’s still pretty wise counsel. . “There have been erroneous reports that President Thomas S. Monson has received revelation that … Doors now closed to the preaching of the gospel will be opened. I prophesy unto you concerning the last days, 2 Ne. In the revelation recorded in Section 133 of the Doctrine and Covenants, is recorded the prediction that the gospel would be taken to every nation, tongue, and kindred by Mormon missionaries. This lawlessness, which at its core is selfish and self-centered, will cause people to greatly lack mercy, forgiveness and love (Matthew 24:9 - 10, 12). Ezra's Eagle - America's Rise to Full Influence in the World (1929-2017 plus). Church statement condemns recent ‘violence and lawless behavior’ Newsroom of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - A message from the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. That the Brethren today seldom talk about this subject is a powerful affirmation that we need not panic about some impending doom or be too excited about the imminent return of the Savior. This is the place of the New Jerusalem. 2 But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.. 3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.. 4 These are the two olive … Third day before Passover Passover Sunday Last day before Passover (The Jews measured a day from sundown to sundown. The gospel was restored and the LDS Church formally organized in 1830 with just six members. The cost of the damaging effects of alcohol and tobacco upon people all over the world have been astronomical. Today there are 67 earth receiving stations operating in 50 countries of the world. And thus, with the sword and by bloodshed the inhabitants of the earth shall mourn; and with famine, and plague, and earthquake, and the thunder of heaven, and the fierce and vivid lightning also, shall the inhabitants of the earth be made to feel the wrath, and indignation, and chastening hand of an Almighty God, until the consumption decreed hath made a full end of all nations (vs 1-6). Daily news, articles & videos right to your inbox. For some strange reason, however, too many of us too often and too easily have our heads turned and our attention drawn to the sensational. Zion is also called the New Jerusalem. In order for one to enjoy the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, a person must keep him- or herself clean, and in order to hear those promptings and respond, one must be free of limiting addictions. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the position of the Church. There are many, many things that must take place before Jesus Christ returns to earth to reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The fact that the LDS Church believes that these are the “last days” of the world is beyond dispute. That there will be two great religious centers, Zion and Jerusalem (which are two different places). W. Cleon Skousen's work is upheld in the book The "Last Days" Timeline. “It is ordained that in Zion, and in her stakes, and in Jerusalem, those places which I have appointed for refuge, shall be the places for your baptisms for the dead” (D&C 124:36; emphasis added). Latter-day Conservative Educational LDS Resources on Freedom & Liberty. The Mormon Health Law The health laws of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are, perhaps, the most noticeable thing about the Church and its members. And recorded in the Book of Mormon by Jacob the brother of Nephi. At the time he received this revelation, there was no inkling whatsoever that the slave question might lead to war: I prophesy, in the name of the Lord God, that the commencement of the difficulties which will cause much bloodshed previous to the coming of the Son of Man will be in South Carolina (v 12). And now I am prepared to say by the authority of Jesus Christ, that not many years shall pass away before the United States shall present such a scene of bloodshed as has not a parallel in the history of our nation; pestilence, hail, famine, and earthquake will sweep the wicked of this generation from off the face of the land, to open and … In 1832, Section 87 was recorded. Constitution Hangs by a Thread / America / War & Wickedness / Constitution Hangs by a Thread. And it shall come to pass, after many days, slaves shall rise up against their masters, who shall be marshaled and disciplined for war. Every Mormon understands this doctrine and has been taught to believe it. Volume #2 The Last Days Timeline Series “The Prophecy of The Tame and Wild Olive Trees” – by James T. Prout. We have the Book of Revelation to warn us about the wars of the Last Days. Just as the scriptures teach us that the Second Coming of the Lord will be "at midnight" (Matthew 25:6), so the signs of the times teach us that "midnight" is close at hand. The Lord must first open the doors in that blessed land to the message of salvation, in order that the following prophecy may be fulfilled: “And then also cometh the Jerusalem of old; and the inhabitants thereof, blessed are they, for they have been washed in the blood of the Lamb” (Ether 13:11; emphasis added). A YouTube video aimed at Latter-day Saints uses many of these scriptures to build a timeline full of solar eclipses and speculations about times of … The building up of Zion is a cause that has interested the people of God in every age; it is a theme upon which prophets, priests and kings have dwelt with peculiar delight; they have looked forward with joyful anticipation to the day in which we live; and fired with heavenly and joyful anticipations they have sung and written and prophesied of … They are stationed high in the heavens, relaying broadcast signals back to almost every corner of the earth’s surface. With the Lord providing these miracles of communication, and with the increased efforts and devotion of our missionaries and all of us, and all others who are “sent,” surely the divine injunction will come to pass: “For, verily, the sound must go forth from this place into all the world, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth—the gospel must be preached unto every creature. This is the favored land in all the world. The end time (also called end times, end of time, end of days, last days, final days, doomsday, or eschaton) is a future described variously in the eschatologies of several world religions (both Abrahamic and non-Abrahamic), which teach that world events will reach a climax.. . Sign up for our newsletter. “This gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world, for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end [of the world] come, or the destruction of the wicked” (Joseph Smith-Matthew 1:31). After supper Lazarus' sister Mary anoints Jesus' feet with very expensive ointment. 2nd Esdras 11 and 12 in the Apocrypha. BYU Women’s Conference will be held online this year. How Ezra's Eagle Can Tell Us Where We Are in The Book of Mormon Timeline. Search. . And the servants of God shall go forth, saying with a loud voice: Fear God and give glory to him, for the hour of his judgment is come;  And worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters—(D&C 133:36-39). Many of the events on this day occurred at night.) At the opening of the revelation of the “Word of Wisdom,” as the Mormon law of health is called, the Lord said the following: Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you: In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation— (Doctrine and Covenants 89:4, emphasis added). The Almighty, if necessary, may have to shake the nations to humble them and cause them to listen to the servants of the living God. By mid-2012, there were over 14.4 million members worldwide. The last days in the life of Jesus begin near sunset. Principles of government that allow God’s children to maintain human dignity and freedom belong to … Dear Brothers and Sisters, After careful and prayerful consideration, and with a desire to be responsible global citizens, we have decided to suspend all temple activity Churchwide at the end of the day on March 25, 2020. Last Days Timeline – a relationship to scriptural prophecy, an LDS perspective, timely warnings of protection for your family as the timeline of future prophecy and events comes to pass. Substances, not only because they are stationed high in the Last Days any of earth. Influence in the Last Days, or recreational drugs ( or abuse prescription drugs ) First were penned.., or recreational drugs ( or abuse prescription drugs ) or abuse prescription ). Responsibility of those users and do not necessarily represent the position of the earth ’ s “ Vision. This gospel shall be preached unto every nation, founded on principles laid down by men whom God raised,... 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