Smith tried for conspiracy to commit murder. Links go to pages that give a fuller treatment of the time period of the various issues and periods. Big celebration at Smith’s home. (see Early Mormonism and the Magic World View, 293). (Morm. Joseph Fielding Smith called as Church Historian. Young visits Idaho, exploring if entire Mormon colony might take refuge there. Joseph Smith’s thirty-eight and one-half years were marked by the highest of spiritual peaks and the depths of tribulation, sorrow, and betrayal such as few mortals have experienced. Oliver Cowdery marries Elizabeth Ann Whitmer. Dozens of Mormons are massacred at Haun’s Mill and others are burned out of their homes in the middle of winter. Sidney Rigdon tries to seize control of Church, disfellowshipped for a few weeks. Apostle Charles Penrose letter to President John Taylor, expressed concern that “the. Presidency instructs B.H. Brigham Young says of the first vision that an angel of the Lord, not the Lord, visited Joseph Smith. The payment of tithing became a requirement to receiving a temple recommend. Missourians retaliate. While the war was virtually bloodless, fears caused by the invasion drove some Mormons in southern Utah to massacre settlers bound for California at a place called Mountain Meadows. (. Joseph Sr. publishes announcement in local newspaper. A timeline created with Timetoast's interactive timeline maker. W. Fugate, one of the 9 original Kinderhook witnesses, writes an affidavit that he, Robert Wiley, and Bridge Whitton created the Kinderhook plates as a hoax. The list will be updated periodically when new information becomes available. As missionary efforts expand, missionary training centers are built throughout the world to help train missionaries in teaching techniques and languages. Mark Hoffman accidentally blows himself up, survives, while handling a third bomb. Penniless, earning little money treasure digging, he borrows $50 from Martin Harris. Church maintains rigid policy terminating female employment upon the birth of first child, so they can go home. Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith is published. He surpasses David O. McKay as the most widely traveled Mormon leader. (. Loyalty oaths are introduced to keep Mormons out of some jobs. Persecution follows the Church. of Mormon History Assn / Dir. Satisfactory answers were not provided. (NBS p. 358), Brigham Young locates the Manti temple by declaring it to be the exact “spot where the Prophet Moroni stood and dedicated this piece of land for a Temple site.”. Wine used in sacrament as late as this year. Smith says that Davies County is Adam-Ondi-Ahman where Adam dwelt after his expulsion from Eden. Cheap land is a prominent factor. This part of the surrender agreement is later declared illegal. The growth of the Church in Brazil, the Caribbean, and Africa causes President Spencer W. Kimball to pray about lifting the ban on blacks from holding the Priesthood. From this point forward, Smith discontinues use of seer stones when dictating revelations, begins offering revelations as they occur to him. Smith family purchases lamp black paint from Dr. Gain Robinson’s Palmyra store – used to paint objects black for use in treasure seeking rituals. He claimed that God chose him to restore the true church. Lucy Harris gathers affidavits from neighborhood, files complaint before magistrate. Mormons and Missourians petition Judge King to quell the disturbances. Gordon Hinckley instructs G. Homer Durham to dismantle the church history department – “their efforts were not only unappreciated but seen as dangerous.”, LDS Church instructs Bishops not to allow discussion of. Smith reveals that God instructs Ebenezer Robinson to take Marinda Hyde into his home until her husband Orson Hyde returns from mission. (Nauvoo City Council Minutes Book, Sec. This timeline overlays the Book of Mormon history with Latter-day prophetic history and organizes the matching events. Sidney Rigdon delivers fiery speech, threatening Missouri Gentiles, declares “war of extermination,” sparking the Mormon War. American Temperance Society forms in U.S. William Law obtains multiple grand jury indictments against Smith, including living with Maria Lawrence “in an open state of adultery.”, “I have more to boast of than ever any man had. Dean Jessee, the Church’s leading expert on Joseph Smith documents is chastised for writing about first vision. The Church of Christ (now officially The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint) was organized with six founding members in Fayette, New York, on April 6, 1830. Isaac Hale (Emma’s father) affidavit on this day states that Smith boarded with him while he was employed by money-diggers as a seer, by means of putting a stone in his hat, then putting the hat over his face. Daviess County judges issue writs for the arrest of Joseph Smith and Lyman Wight. Roberts knowledge. Oliver Cowdery, second cousin to Lucy Smith, hired as school teacher, boards at Joseph Sr. home. Pressed by Isaac Hale’s annoyance at Joseph and daughter living off sweat of others’ brows, Smith makes a payment for Isaac’s land using borrowed money. Smith’s journal records, “Drank a glass of beer at Moessers.” Church later excises this entry from its records. Grandin does not trust the Smiths to pay him, will not extend credit or begin work without securing collateral. Presidency changes the Prophet succession policy to prevent John Willard Young ascension to Prophet. Cardston, Alberta, Canada is founded. (Ether 1:33–37) Jaredites traveled to great sea, and barges were built. Mormon missionaries have, from the very earliest days of Mormonism, gone out to their neighbors, surrounding communities, and far away lands to preach the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. Though multiple women identify William Smith as providing Joseph Smith’s authorization for their extramarital affairs, their testimonies are stricken from the record by Brigham Young upon Smith’s protest. The Book of Mormon Timeline 6 ft. Wall Chart. Museum destroyed in the Great Chicago Fire. Utah census notoriously inflated, including fictitious and deceased people, in bid to qualify the territory for statehood. Ray committee returns from Daviess with similar reports of depredations. 1:1–4) 100. Wilford Woodruff records in his journal hearing Smith testify of revelation to continue bank. Mar 26, 1830. (Vogel. Mormons threaten Judge Adam Black and others suspected of anti-Mormon activities. All are united in identifying them as sections from the Book of Breathings. and came to the Americas. Isaac Hale’s affidavit identifies this as the month he met Joseph in the money digging business. A Brief History. (Quinn), Smith departs on Canadian mission tour – wants everyone out of Kirtland to cool down. Blackrock Advocate, a New York newspaper, questions solvency of Bank of Monroe, a Mormon bank. Major apostasy among leadership begins. Ezra Booth leaves the church, begins publishing series of articles in Ohio Star renouncing Mormonism, criticizing Smith’s inconsistent revelations. Solomon Spaulding’s widow, Matilda Spaulding Davison, upon hearing a reading of Book of Mormon, declares it to be similar to husband’s writing. (Mulekite history represented by light pink on the timeline). Smith and Rigdon request annual salary of $1,100 each. Ted Bundy arrested in UT for aggravated kidnapping, freed, placed on 24 hour watch. U.S. Government passes Morill Act, first in a series of laws designed to force Church to relinquish plural marriage. Manti temple dedicated, with seer stone on altar during prayer. Sampson Avard organizes the Danites. President John Taylor instructs Charles Card to explore settlements in Canada, in large part to continue the practice of polygamy outside the reach of U.S. laws. The name Lemuel would be portrayed as a wicked character in the Book of Mormon. $14.99. King Follet Discourse is returned to the History of the Church. For ten years, the Mormons have peace in the Rocky Mountains. David W. Patten leads Mormon troops to rescue spies. Rumors and blame spreading of handcart suffering. John C. Bennett first accusation concerning Smith and Boggs appears in. God and Jesus appear to 14-year-old Joseph Smith in the "First Vision". Lyman Wright.” Years later, History of the Church, 1:175-76 recorded, Smith reveals that already married Mormon men should, Joseph delivers D&C 61 revelation, that “Satan controls the waters.”. Mormon missionaries. Smith marries Emily Partridge’s sister, Eliza, instructing each to keep the arrangement secret from the other. The history of Mormon missionary work is almost as long as Mormon history itself, for without missionary work, there would be no Mormon Church. LDS Church leaders establish colonies in Chihuahua, Mexico to continue the practice of polygamy. General Parks visits Mormons and Missourians in Daviess. Both Joseph Sr. and Jr. accompany Josiah Stowell to South Bainbridge to search for buried treasure. Smith marries 42 year old Patty Sessions, who was already married to David. Smith refers in sermon to succession promise to his son Joseph III. D&C 119 received, redefines tithing as paying “one-tenth of all their interest annually” and any “surplus property” as a “standing law unto them forever.” See May 12, 1838 – Smith’s salary request was denied. The Mormons scatter throughout Iowa and the surrounding territory, though most follow Brigham Young and the Quorum of the Twelve, who lead them to Winter Quarters in Nebraska. Angel Moroni reveals location of golden plates to Joseph Smith. Financial panic, many banks fail. Only July 24, 1847, the main body of the first pioneers arrives in the Salt Lake Valley. All rights reserved. The Holy Ghost is the Holy Ghost. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo renders Salt Lake City a breakaway colony on U.S. soil. Kimball meets Presiding Bishopric, 1st Quorum of 70 (46 individuals) to lobby race ban policy/doctrine change. Grandin declares “most people entertain an idea that the whole matter is the result of a gross imposition, and a grosser superstition.”. Martin Harris “gave up his entire time to advertising the book” for $1.75, soon reduced to $1.25. About 588 BC. Smith was “very passable exhorter” at Methodist camp meetings, revivals. Christ is Christ. Zion’s Camp brings 200 members from Ohio to help, but to no success. 1829. Church employs former FBI agents to watch for disloyalty, builds files on suspects. (John Whitmer Historical Assn, Vol 37, Issue 2). The records of the Nephites provide highly accurate dates, however, when necessary, probable estimations have been made. Driven by persecution, Mormons leave New York. Estimates place LDS corporate wealth at approx.. $40 billion as the Church completes $3 billion downtown Salt Lake revitalization project, while owning 2% of Florida. D. P. Hurlbut travels through Kirtland and Palmyra to investigate Joseph’s past, denounces Smith for ministering “under pretense of Divine Authority”, stirs up opposition. Brigham Young privately ordains his 11 yr. old son, John Willard Young, as Apostle to increase likelihood of him eventually becoming senior Apostle, thereby leading Church after Brigham’s death. Marinda Hyde approaches Nancy Rigdon at funeral, informs that Smith wants to see her “on special business.”, Smith “busily engaged in making out a list of debtors and an invoice of [his] property to be passed into the hands of the assignee.” He declares personal debts of $73,066.38. The policy excludes not only women, but also men of color. (Later, in 1904, Joseph F. Smith will issue a manifesto that ends the doctrine officially, and mandates excommunication for members who continue to practice polygamy, outside the United States or in.) Smith and Cowdery relocate to Whitmer farm in N.Y., at Whitmer’s expense. Timeline Chronology for the Jaredite culture from the Book of Ether in the Book of Mormon. Joseph Smith received the golden plates. Joseph Smith completed the Book of Mormon translation. Missionary work takes off in South America and the Pacific Islands, and the first missionaries are sent to China, Japan, Russia, and India, though they meet with little initial success. The dark line … Brigham Young writes letter to Bishop Warren S. Snow in Manti, UT reassuring him that his recent castration of an innocent young man of 24 years, Thomas Lewis, to dissuade him from marrying an attractive young lady that Bishop Snow wanted for himself – “Just let the matter drop, and say no more about it…and it will soon die away among the people.”. Joseph and Emma move to Harmony to live with her parents. Journalist William Morgan disappears, presumably murdered for preparing anti-Mason expose. Fearing the Mormons intend to continue attacks, Generals Atchison, Doniphan, and Parks call out state militia to quell alleged Mormon rebellion. Mormon Nauvoo legion boasts 3,000 troops, while U.S. Army has 8,500. Smith states / implies his son Joseph III would be his successor. Brown, confessing he no longer believes Smith had any skill in translating Egyptian. MormonThink puts up its first billboard on I-15 near Salt Lake City. Joseph Smith Sr. goes to debtor’s prison. Joseph Smith and Emma Hale are married in South Bainbridge, New York. Mormon history is full of suffering, persecution, and trials, but always the Saints were faithful and rose above the challenges they faced. Smith signs agreement granting Martin Harris and friends equal right to sell books “until enough of them shall be sold to pay for the printing.”. Solicitor General of the United States, Rex Lee, a Mormon, recuses himself from a case against Bob Jones University. Joseph reveals D&C 129 – how shaking hands will reveal if messenger is of God or Devil. All attempts to dislodge the Mormons from that region failed, and, with the ending of official persecution at the close of the nineteenth century, the Church entered upon a sustained period of growth and prosperity, which continues to this day. By 2000, there would be over 100 temples worldwide, built in such diverse places as China, Japan, the Philippines, Africa, North and South America, and throughout Europe. Smith tells of second attempt to get plates from Hill Cumorah, again denied. Negotiations with printer continue. William Law (in Joseph’s Presidency) pleads with Smith to stop polygamy – Lawrence sisters among other concerns. From this day I understand the Kinsman degree of freemasonry. Smith family crops ruined by record cold summer. Ammaron gave Mormon charge of the plates. Church becomes his sole livelihood for the remainder of his life. Governor Lilburn W. Boggs, responding to reports of civil and Indian disturbances in western counties, orders twenty-eight hundred state troops to stand ready to march.
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