Dec 2005, Describe the clinical features, investigations and management of a neonate with trache oesophageal fistula with oesophageal atresia. Methods to establish diagnosis of DVT. General Surgery MCQ; General Surgery MCQ-25%. Questions General Surgery Exams. Clinical features in a patient with GG. Dec 2001, Discuss the management of surgical complications of chronic pancreatitis. Take advantage of proven methodologies such as spaced repetition, interleaving, and varied practice to optimize your learning experience using our SmartBanks. Mention various neck dissections ? Topics are mapped to the Surgery Cognitive Assessment portion of the re-certification process. Dec 2006, Mode of formation of cleft lip and palate. Dec 2007, Lymphatic drainage of Breast .Sentinel lymph node biopsy ? Clinical testing for Brain Stem Death. June 2004, Discuss etiology, diagnosis and management of abdominal compartment syndrome. Q.Not a Poor risk factor according to Fong score a) Node + b) Disease free interval more than 1 yr c) 2 Liver Mets. Report "MS General Surgery Question Bank" Please fill this form, we will try to respond as soon as possible. Complications of different types of vagotomy. SURGERY MCQS AND EMQS by R. W. Parks MD, FRCSI, FRCS (Ed) Senior Lecturer/Honorary Consultant Surgeon Department of Clinical and Surgical Sciences (Surgery) University of Edinburgh Timing of surgery. ? Click to expand Related Titles. Dec 2001, Draw the capillary fluid exchange at tissue level. ? Describe operations done for varicose veins. ? Describe the branches ligating during trendelenburg procedure. Write in brief the causes, management of acute intestinal obstruction in new born. by AdvanceMed Blog Services; Question Bank. GENERAL SURGERY PAPER -IV SURG/J/13/12/lV IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS Max. Supporting this team are 17 administrative staff. A collection of articles relating to general surgery, including abdominal incision types, common general surgical presentations and more. Dec 2007, Causes of Lower GI Bleed .Mention localization techniques. Please get in touch if you have any questions or comments. Types, pathology, management? Blood substitutes and its uses. Dec 2008, Short note on Vascular Prosthesis? Questions 16-20. Write in brief treatment of Medullary Carcinoma thyroid. The General Surgery service comprises of Consultant Surgeons specialising in Vascular, Paediatric, Upper Gastro-Intestinal (Upper GI), Colorectal, Breast and General Surgery. Dec 2008, Classify Chemotherapeutic Agents ,Advantages of combination chemotherapy? The Core Surgery Interview Online Questions Bank features over 250 core surgery interview questions for you to practise. June 2007, Management of hematuria in an elderly male. Describe the methods of breast screening, advantages and disadvantages? Dec 2008, Lumbar Sympathectomy in Ischemic limb ? Dec 2008, Total MesoRectal Excision for Cancer of Rectum ? Surgical review questions of the Esophagus, Small Bowel Diseases, Colorectal Diseases, Oncology, Pancreas, Liver and Gall Bladder, Trauma, Wound Healing, Transplant Immunology, Gastrointestinal Hormones, Inflammation and Cytokines, & Fluids … June 2003. . June 2007, Carcinoid tumor of Appendix. Different types of vagal innervations. It’s all about the quality and starts with high-performing physicians who draft initial questions and answer explanations. Management of DVT .Dec 2004, Etiopathogenesis of varicose ulcer. We are offering 1 General Surgery online PG test for free. d) Single metastasis 6 cm. Generate your own quiz based on specific topics. June 2008, Discuss the prognostic factors and Surgical strategy in malignant melanoma. Investigations and Management of Liver Abscess ? Dec 2003, Effects of acid Vs alkali injury on upper GI . Dec 2008, Describe Surgical Anatomy of Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve and how will it get injured. Dec 2008, Discuss Management of Hemorrhagic Shock? Dec 2000, Discuss the Pathophysiology of Intestinal Obstruction? Learn More Subscribe. Complications of low anterior resection for carcinoma rectum. Calculate the nutritional requirements of 70kg male with duodenal fistula with sepsis? Dec 2007, Describe the surgical options of Management of Ulcerative colitis? D-09, Management of Thoracic duct injury following Radical Neck Dissection ? Describe the management of metabolic acidosis ? June 2005, Clinical features, investigation and management in Anorectal malformation. Childs criteria. Discuss the management of Acute Sigmoid volvulus. Dec 2007, What are the premalignant conditions of oral cavity .Describe the staging of oral cancer? June 2004, Discuss the recent trends in management of primary liver tumors. ? We identify your weak areas and use the learning science principle of space repetition to feed you information to bolster that area at deliberately timed increments through text messaging. June 2009, Describe the Surgical Anatomy of mesorectum and its importance in management of Ca.Rectum? Rich answer explanations help you understand why answers were right or wrong. The Smarty PANCE General Surgery Rotation Exam Course follows the PAEA General Surgery End of Rotation™ Exam Blueprint. Dec 2005, Diagnosis and management of Hirschsprung disease. Management of Liver Trauma? The questions were extremely similar in format to the actual exam questions. June 2009, Treatment of pain in advanced malignancy patients? June 2000, Blood supply of colon . Management outlines of Varicose Veins ? Post navigation All questions feature explanations and frameworks to help you structure your answers and understand what is expected at interview. D-09, 40yr old male with Complete Rectal Prolapse – Management? PRACTICE QUESTION BANK You can select a take a randomized practice exam or practice questions by surgical topic. June 2006, Etiopathogenesis of Urinary Tract Calculi ? Dec 2008, Anatomical landmarks of Facial Nerve Identification during Parotid Surgery? Mention the types of hernia repair. More than 1500 multiple-choice questions are available to help residents assess their knowledge. Dec 2003, Anatomy of venous drainage of lower limb. June 2009, What is Selective Neck Dissection? Dec 2004, Methods to measure blood loss in surgical practice? June 2007, Role of preoperative biliary drainage for patients with surgical obstructive jaundice. June 2008, Discuss treatment options in typhoid ileal operations ? June 2000, Management of 45 years old man with 4x4 cm ulcerative lesion in rectum situated 8 cm from anal verge. ? June 2000, Basal cell Carcinoma. Dec 2002, Role of endoscopic ultrasound in the investigation of esophageal and rectal malignancy. Surgical technique in management of the same. Home. June 2008, Risks of Blood transfusions, metabolic changes following massive transfusions, blood substitutes and alternatives to transfusion. Reason. Dec 2005, Enumerate low and high grade parotid tumors . Describe the pattern of spread of lymph node metastasis in head and neck cancer. June 2008, Ransons Criteria for Prognostication in acute pancreatitis. June 2008, management of amoebic liver Abscess. Dec 2006, Management of Primary thyrotoxicosis. Burst abdomen. Endocrine Surgery Questions. Dec 2007, Describe briefly the non surgical methods of palliation for advances in pancreatic cancers. June 2007, Management of Bile duct injury discoveries during laparoscopic cholecystectomy? Enumerate the clinical features of post traumatic femoral aneurysm? Dec 2007, Methods of sterilization of operative management . Our SmartCards, peer tracking, and predictive scoring models will tell you exactly where you stand today and how to reach your goals. How will u minimize failure of such Grafts? What are its effects on the body? Dec 2007, What are the indications of bariatric surgery . June 2003. Interventional radiology procedures in Hepatobiliary surgery. June 2007, Management of follicular carcinoma of thyroid . June 2003, Role of endoscopic treatment in surgical practice. Discuss the management of amoebic liver abscess? App; General surgery. June 2003, Role of imaging techniques in Breast cancer. June 2007, Enumerate the metabolic effect of starvation and discuss the physiological disturbances that occur in severe sepsis ? The more test items you take with TrueLearn, the better you will perform on test day. Management of facial injury following RTA. June 2000, Management of 15 yrs old boy with with splenomegaly and upper GI bleed. Management of Diabetic foot with critical ischemia. Dec 2001, Describe Pathophysiology of Intestinal Obstruction. June 2000, Clinical features and management of sub mucous fibrosis. Surgical management of cervical node metastasis for head and neck cancer. What are the different levels of lymphadenectomy in gastrectomy for cancer stomach. Dec 2000, Management of Gastric Carcinoma. Dec 2005, What are limitations of minimal access surgery. Dec 2006, Management of Secondary Bile duct stones. Dec 2006, Pigmented malignant lesions of Skin. Dec 2006, Evaluation and management of Biliary Atresia. Dec 2007. General Surgery Residency Interview Questions. June 2008, Enumerate the common causes of Acute Upper GI bleeding and briefly describe the management of bleeding duodenal ulcer. Our online General Surgery PG tests contains about 360 questions and you can access to this questions for FREE. June 2009, Anatomy of Anal canal. Operations done for thyrotoxicosis. D-09, Discuss the treatment options in Renal Stones.? Dec 2008, Describe the fluid and electrolyte physiology after major injury. June 2009, Name the surgical manifestation of Amoebiasis. June 2002, Non epithelial malignant tumors of stomach. The interface resembles the actual examination nearly identically, and the content is amazingly on par with real test questions. June 2006, Abdominal compartment syndrome. Dec 2006, Preoperative management of patient with obstructive jaundice ?June 2006, Role of preoperative Biliary drainage in surgical obstructive jaundice. June 2007, Management of lymphodema lower limb . Dec 2004, Complications of thyroid surgery . June 2002, Malignant tumors of small bowel. MS General Surgery Question Bank. D-09, Various parameters to assess the nutritional status of surgical patient ? June 2008, Investigations used for localization of parathyroid adenoma. June 2001, Prognostic factors in Breast cancer. Dec 2008, Discuss the Various flaps in Breast Reconstructions? Dec 2002, Name the various types of Skin Grafts. D-09, Development of Face in association with cleft lip and cleft palate ? Dec 2005, 8 clinical features and management of Thymoma, Role of hormonal therapy in breast cancer. Dec 2001, Biochemical aberrations in Hepatic metastasis. General Surgery Exam Questions. June 2005, Management of retrosternal goiter. June 2008, Management of locally advanced rectal cancer. June 2009, Classify and mention the distinctive features of Intestinal polyps. Surgery 2015 mcq . ... PSA Question Bank. ? June 2005, Infections in immunocompromised patients. June 2008, Pathology,CFeatures,Management of Duct ectasia of Breast ? June 2006, Discuss the treatment of Ca.Prostate? Dec 2003, Define Barret’s Esophagus, Discuss its Management? Dec 2007, Classify liver injuries. Dec 2003, Adjuvant therapy in colorectal cancer. June 2005, Role of DPL in the management of blunt abdominal injury. June 2006, Treatment of Sigmoid volvulus . June 2007, Management of acute retention of urine in a 60yr old male. June 2006, Anatomy of mediastinum .Management of primary mediastinal tumor in anterior mediastinum. ABG Quiz. Dec 2006, Etiology and management of prolapse rectum ? Dec 2000, Management of 30 yrs old lady with post partum DVT? Dec 2007, Pathology , Features and management of carotid body tumor ? Self Expanding Metallic Stents. Clinical features in a patient with GG. June 2005, MRC. June 2006, Principle,techniques and role of sentinel lymph node biopsy in management of carcinoma breast . Dec 2008, Tumor markers and the role in management of Cancer patients? June 2000, Management of a 25 yrs old man with extradural haemorrhage. Dec 2007, Nerve injuries in Thyroid surgery ? Dec 2002, Diagnostic approaches in Biliary obstruction. Indications and surgical treatment of the same. ? June 2008, What are Universal Precautions in AIDS ? Welcome to The Master Surgeon website. General Surgery Exanms Q6-10. Dec 2000, Classification and management of Anorectal Abscess. Dec 2005, Types of Undescended testis. Dec 2005, Describe the differences between cadeveric and live donor liver transplantation. What are the factors affecting wound healing . Dec 2008, Pathophysiology of Obstructive Hydrocephalus. ? June 2001, Pathology of Malignant Melanoma. TrueLearn was a fantastic resource for the ABA Basic Exam. Dec 2008, What are the different Blood products? discuss the surgical options available today June 2007, What are the indication for bariatric surgery ?Discuss briefly the surgical options. It was one of the few Q-Banks specifically designed for the new Basic Exam, and I couldn't ask for a better test-prep tool. Train in a computer-simulated environment with ABS-style practice questions written to mirror those you will encounter on test day. Dec 2005, Discuss late complication following surgery for peptic ulcer. Its constituents. Dec 2002, Outline the transmission of HIV/AIDS, Universal precautions, Prophylaxis following accidental exposure. Dec 2007, Management of recurrent varicose veins. June 2003, Intra operative monitoring in surgical patients. Dec 2007, Classification and Management of Choledochal Cyst Dec 2007, Define Primary common bile duct stones. The interface is fully responsive meaning you can practise questions on your phone at work or home computer. Dec 2001, Management of Hepatic Hydatid Cyst? Dec 2001, Role of Breast preserving surgery in Carcinoma Breast. ? Dec 2005, Diagnosis and management of Hepatic venous outflow obstruction . June 2009, How will u diagnose and treat a case of Torsion Testis? Dec 2005, Describe the causes , investigations and management of Critical limb ischemia. Dec 2008, Management of a 45 yr old man with Stag Horn Calculus in Left Kidney? June 2008, Discuss Various essential requirements to establish Minor OT ? June 2007, Pathophysiology of abdominal compartment syndrome. June 2003, Describe the clinical work up and management of 15 yrs old male with blunt injury abdomen having tenderness and guarding in left hypochondrium. Dec 2008, PathoPhysiology of Septicemic Shock ? D-09, Draw the anatomy of femoral canal and femoral triangle. Dec 2008, Pathophysiology and treatment of DIC . Dec 2001, Radiation entero-procto colitis. Nutitional assessment of a surgical patient. Dec 2004, What is Septic Shock? Dec 2000, Differentiate between Primary and Secondary Brain injury ? June 2005, Botulinum toxin in surgical practice. June 2004, Complications of Invasive Blood Transfusion ? Our approach is data-driven, and we have the results to back it up! June 2006, What are the aims of nutritional assessment? June 2007, Discuss therapeutic options for Grade3 –Grade 4 hemorrhoids. June 2000, Describe Surgical Management of Ulcerative Colitis. The questions were very well designed, the interface was easy to use, and the explanations were fantastic. Useful 88% 88% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful. Dec 2007, Approach to locally advanced breast cancer ? Factors affecting wound healing . Dec 2000, PostOperative pain .Analgesia ladder. ? Answers to questions of Part 'A' and Part 'B' are to be strictly attempted in separate Briefly describe pathophysiology of abdominal compartment syndrome? Dec 2007, Discuss the pathogenesis and management of infective causes of intestinal perforations. Discuss the management ? June 2005, Define SIRS, clinical profile of SIRS, what is sepsis, Outline of management of septic shock. June 2007, Management of ‘shattered’ liver following blunt abdominal trauma. June 2007, Surgical Management of patient with Chronic Pancreatitis ? June 2009, PreOperative preparation of patient with obstructive jaundice ? Clinical features of CS. These questions are divided into multiple tests, each test consisting of 10 questions. Submit Close. June 2007, Fistula in Ano . What are the intra operative complications of total thyroidectomy. June 2009, Types of graft rejection. June 2000, Intestinal Complication of Enteric fever and their Management ? The responsibility of the administration of the General Surgery Surgical Education and Training (SET) program of RACS has been delegated to General Surgeons Australia and New Zealand Association of General Surgeons. What are the general principles of laparascopic surgery . Question Bank. Dec 2008, Couinaud s Segments of Liver and their significance in Management of Liver diseases June 2008, Surgical Anatomy of Liver. Dec 2006, Diagnosis and management of occult primary tumours of head and neck with cervical secondaries. Dec 2007, Define flail chest .Briefly describe the management of a 45 yr old smoker with flail involving eight ribs . June 2005, Discuss the management of anaerobic infection in surgical practice. TrueLearn General Surgery was a great adjunct to reviewing for the ABSITE. The content is current, accurate, and reflects the most up-to-date examination format. D-09, Management of Young Male with 40% Superficial Thermal Burns June 2008, Classify burns. SmartBanks combine expert-written questions in the style of the exam with state-of-the-art technology to leverage the proven benefits of retrieval practice. June 2000, Describe surgical treatment of Obesity ? June 2008, Classify salivary gland tumours. The questions were extremely similar in format to the actual exam questions. Which patients with enlarged prostate are not suitable for medical therapy? This book is a collection of M.S. Dec 2006, What are the common liver function tests done in a patient with cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Dec 2005, Pain control in malignant disease. Discuss bacterial translocation in surgical patients? June 2007, 10.Differentiate between primary head injury and secondary head injury, Outline the principles of Management of Diabetic Foot? How do they survive? Diagnosis, Clinical Features and Management? Management of Pleomorphic Adenoma? A fantastic resource for those preparing to sit Section 2 of the Intercollegiate Specialty Examination in General Surgery. June 2003, Principles and steps of Laparoscopic hernia repair ? June 2007, Classification of wounds. describe operations done for surgery. We provide you with the resources you need to revise effectively and increase your chances of success. Dec 2006, Write short notes on physiological effects of pneumoperitoneum ? Clinical Examination. General Surgery 2001-2006 Paper ... That concludes the 4 years of BDS/ Dental Graduation question E Question bank. Dec 2007, Preoperative management of a patient with obstructive jaundice. D-09, Management of Solitary Nodule Thyroid? Dec 2003, Laparoscopic colonic resection for cancer. Clinical features in Diabetic ketoacidosis. AIIMS ONCO 2020, Free Questions, General Surgery Smoking cessation drugs Leave a comment Fong Score. Dec 2006, Etiology , clinical features and management of gerd . D-09, Management of a patient with suspected carotd tumor. Dec 2007, Venous drainage of lower limb . June 2006, Fluid and electrolyte management of burns. June 2006, Metabolic disturbances in Short bowel syndrome. Advantages and disadvantages? June 2007, Discuss the principles of radiotherapy ? Dec 2000, Complications of highly selective vagotomy . June 2000, Anatomy of meckels diverticulum . June 2007, Diagnosis of Obscure GI Hemorrhage. General surgery MCQs: General Surgery Quiz General Surgery Quiz 1 20 questions General Surgery Quiz 2 20 […] Methods of identifying facial nerve during surgery. My COMLEX score was exactly what I had hoped it would be and I thank COMBANK for that! Describe the technique of Splenectomy and post operative complications. D-09, Management of a 6 yrs old child with nephroblastoma. I would absolutely use TrueLearn General Surgery again and will be recommending it to the other residents. Bowel preparation for elective colonic resection. Surgical Education and Self-Assessment Program (SESAP ®) is a premier educational resource for practicing surgeons. Correct and incorrect answers are provided along with explanations and references. ? Dec 2005. June 2009, Etiology, Management of Hydrocephalus ? What are the options to restore continuity of bowel. Mention about Pathophysiology of Fistula In Ano ? Dec 2004, Describe important causes, clinical features, investigations and management of painless hematuria in a man above 50yrs. The board exams are difficult and you're going to need a partner. Mention important steps in Lap.Cholecystectomy. June 2006, Anatomy of venous drainage of lower limb. June 2006, Clinical manifestation of primary hyperparathyroidism . Dec 2007, Etiopathogenesis and management of Diabetic foot? Dec 2008, Management of Thyroid Incidentoloma ? June 2004, Non epithelial tumors of stomach. Describe the changing trends in the management of splenic trauma. ? Antibiotic prophylaxis in Surgery . Dec 2008, Management of ‘Locally Advanced Breast Cancer ‘?June 2008, Anatomical Boundaries of axillary dissection. Dec 2005, Acute acalculous cholecystitis . Dec 2006, Clinical features and treatment of Amoebic liver abscess ? Dec 2005, Life cycle of Echinococcus Granulosus and mode of human infection. Dec 2007, Briefly discuss the role of Breast conservative surgery in patient with Carcinoma Breast. The questions were terrific and very accurate representations of what the questions on COMLEX were like. Disturbances that occur in severe sepsis 1 and type 2 Diabetes Mellitus will expire on May 1st 2021 can free... Perform their Best on the In-Service was due to the actual examination nearly identically, and Scoring... Prepared and would recommend it to the abdominal wall prevention of Strokes a quick quiz your... Questions which accurately represent the format and content of the exam content Outline for the ABA basic exam accurate. 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