I am in the same situation. For 3 weeks and every week, I am receiving benefit letter from VEC. What if you still haven’t receive the $1800 yet? Or does it say zero dollars available. I filed for the $1800.00 in lost wage assistant as well in september. My first payment should have been yesterday, 1/13 for weeks ending 1/2 and 1/9. So just for fun I called to check. I still haven’t. It usually takes at least 2 business days for them to process and sometimes the payment is there the next day after that. Please. My PEUC was already exhausted beginning of December but I continued to file each week in case it was needed. Now remember, I still haven’t self certified or anything. I still haven’t received my $340 weekly UI since 10/8/20. I do not know how accurate this is but the representative simply said I cannot receive anymore because I didn’t self certify on the 1st of August. You might need to call. Also I called to check my balance it still say a $0 balance. It works every time for me. I havent recieved anything at all from them no 1800 but I got my regular 165, I spoke with someone weeks ago. Yes, I received that text today too. I called back on Tuesday to see if my payment had been processed and how much money I had left on my claim. I am waiting for nothing during those times. I cannot file on the gov2go app either. What am I supposed to do? I’m currently receiving PUA weekly. Thank you. I went by there (Roanoke) today and the security guard gave me the paper that has the website address to make the appointment. • Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC): adds $600 per week and the regular benefits that recipients of Unemployment Insurance are entitled to receive; the benefit is retroactive to the week beginning March 29, 2020, and the program expired on July 31, 2020. God bless everyone! It says not process due to outstanding issue. It’s hard getting thru VEC system to speak anyone. I had certified every week never stopped same questions asked….Now how long do I wait? So I did some research because I was not receiving my checks and I was supposed to receive the base amount + 600 dollars, and found out on the VEC website that I am supposed to turn in my net amount because we have to pay so much in taxes and when I contacted the Harrisonburg Virginia Workforce Office the management said that I had to turn in my gross amount regardless and I had to send them pictures from the VEC showing otherwise so they gave me a fax number and I contacted the VEC directly off of their website and the woman that supposed to handle complaints and they have yet to do anything about it now at least I was working but my biggest concern is people like me who didn’t know any better and should have been receiving their Pua and have children and bills to pay more than I do we’re getting screwed because the VEC did not train their people properly and they don’t even read their own rules and they haven’t done anything to fix it but I’m sure they’re giving a lot of money to people who are not supposed to even get it I was screwed out 11 weeks of Pua because of the screwed up system and I’m sure they have the money to fix it but they refuse to do it. If you are not eligible for regular unemployment, you may collect benefits under the PUA program. I still haven’t gotten the LWA yet its been a bunch of crap with UI Office. Hmm, never heard of tra. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Smart! Do you have a number for Chesapeake Va area? The Virginia Employment Commission provided the update on Monday. This is ridiculous anyone else awake to same results ? I hope this helps y’all Virginians.”. However, if you win the appeal but have not claimed benefits, you will not be paid for these weeks. Payments, including retroactive payments, will be made shortly after that. Some people ran out of weeks before the date of 12/31. The next update will be provided on January 13, 2021 at 2:00 pm." I did receive that payment. I was able to file claims for weeks ending 1/2 and 1/9 on Gov2go. I always call in I’m not real crazy about the site. I completed a PEUC application on 12/29 and have confirmation of this. RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) — Additional funding for Virginians on unemployment is being delayed for a second time, partially due to a system outage that … I too am still waiting. What is happening when you try to apply on Gov2go? Hi…I always called in for my weekly claims every Monday…ALWAYS! Initial claims are filed through the Virginia Workforce Connection here. Pretty much I will believe payment is coming when its actually deposited and cleared into my bank account. Hopefully it will be here later today or the next. Did anyone in Virginia get theirs after self verifying past the oct 15th “deadline” I did it on the 16th when I t popped up in my gov2go timeline…. Too much red tape and nonsense. If so, do they need banking information from me or is it able to go onto my Way2Go card!? Thanks, I also noticed that they changed the date of peuc implemention. Generally they call within 24 to 48 hours so hopefully they can answer any questions we may have. I filed through GOV2GO. You should continue to file weekly certifications during this process. I tried this morning and it says no week to file, I always have filed on Sunday with no problem, however today it says no week to file anyone else having this problem? It’s sad that we have to go through this and then we can’t even speak to anyone about our claims they have to do better people in Georgia are suing through legal aid because a lot of people got evicted from their homes lost card among other things and alit of people been waiting to receive calls from the office there so people are fed up and taking a stand, Well the guy steve ram on YouTube who covers alot of news updating that we should receive payments today, Will people on pua and puec receive payments today to or just people who receive regular benefits, Well i just got off the phone with a vec operater and she said we will not receive np benefits till nexr week smh this is sad virginia as whole is sad the people out here are hurting and at least 40 states received their benefits, Wat number did u call to speak to someone and wat number did u select because every tome I called the 866-832-2363 and press option 3 I get the response all representives are busy assisting other people please try again later, Too be truthful i acted like i needed to file a claim for pua and gave her the run down and she understood and took it from there and informed me the info is only to update it smh yea its crazy and proceeded to let me know it wasnt no payments issued till next week. Yes, mark complete for December 27th. That is old. And again thanks bunches and God bless. FPUC will be payable as long as you are eligible through benefit week ending March 14, 2021. File Your Weekly Continued Claim by Telephone. (PUA claimants with remaining balances) If you did not exhaust your 39 weeks of PUA you will be allowed to claim additional weeks. Thanks. Since that time, an additional 400 employees have been hired to help with the excessive calls. Please help as I have not received anything for week 12/26…God bless and stay safe! Call 866-832-2363 option 1 then option 9 to speak to a representative. I’ve been filing every week but have not received any benefits. I filed my 2 claims this past weekend. It seems as if my weeks just picked back up from where it left off of. Anyone have any information on this? I received it last week on the 30th. Wages earned may reduce your unemployment benefit. These forms are to be used only after being directed to do so by a VEC representative. Hope I’ve answered your question and please don’t hesitate to ask me if you have anymore questions that I might be able to help you with. A separate application is required. Virginia’s antiquated unemployment filing system — which Fogg said was put in place in 1985 — has strained under the demand for assistance unleashed by the pandemic. I have filed but still waiting payment for weeks ending in 12/26, 1/02 and 1/09 because VEC is reprogramming their software today 1/14 inorder to implement the new relief package for PUA specifically…therefore hopefully payment will hit retroactive either by tomorrow…or next week. I did not receive my weekly UI benefit of $378. I just want someone who can confirm that the filing is very short. For more contact options see this article – > https://www.savingtoinvest.com/state-unemployment-numbers-and-getting-in-touch-with-a-live-agent-for-help-with-your-ui-claim/, I got mine last night,(1800) I did go to gov2go last week an did the Lwa application, took 4-5 days for me to get money after the application,,,fill out the application If you can, Who’s still waiting on there money besides me. You will get paid soon once VEC starts processing payments – and should include your back way for weeks certified. I received a mail from Commonwealth of VA stating that with PEUC, I can get 50% of regular UI that I received (my UI is exhausted). Do I even qualify for the LWA?! I have 1 more week left of regular UI and then the $ runs out. My benefits i received was Oct 27 and it me file for a month then it stop letting me file.. West Virginia began distributing payments in early September. I do use the VRS phone number at times to call for the balance or if there was a hiccup in the system, to make sure my payment for that week is on its way. Hope this helps…, I recertified on Dec. 30 and have the confirmation number so im good right? The $300 and $400 extra unemployment benefits authorized by President Trump have started to go out in a number of states. Received my 2 weeks and boost for 2 weeks yesterday. I have filed with the same experience. Two different situations. Yes I know a huge pain. So I’m not able to file extended 11 weeks and she is filing but neither of us are getting paid. I have put aside 10% just in case so I don’t get a surprise come Tax Day. Will need some patience to get through to someone, but for $1800 its worth it. I’m wondering why?? For weekly filing in GOV2GO, when do we choose the option “Mark as complete” and “Mark as incomplete? So I did some research because I was not receiving my checks and I was supposed to receive the base amount + 600 dollars, and found out on the VEC website that I am supposed to turn in my net amount because we have to pay so much in taxes and when I contacted the Harrisonburg Virginia Workforce Office the management said that I had to turn in my gross amount regardless and I had to send them pictures from the VEC showing otherwise so they gave me a fax number and I contacted the VEC directly off of their website and the woman that supposed to handle complaints and they have yet to do anything about it. I’m on PEUC and had not exhausted before they stopped on 12/26. The VEC system is all messed up.Is there anybody been able to file their weekly PUA claim today? RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — A program that provided extended unemployment benefits to out-of-work Virginians will end Saturday. Then today I received another letter stated my EB has to be reapplied even thought I have a confirmation all is good! May have changed given all the issues they had but I have not seen anything. So after trying to be put on hold I still can’t even get the pleasure of waiting to speak to someone… it’s only just machine after machine and I need to speak to someone to figure out what’s wrong, I’ve tried virtually every option on the call hoping to be put through to a representative but it just repeats information or hangs up… I don’t know what to do anymore. Cause its not letting file a claim saying u have no weeks to claim..im jus trying if im good tho. They all insisted I had to give my gross amount but I am self-employed and I even had an argument with the local VEC office in my area and they said the same thing and because they insisted I had to give my gross amount I didn’t get but two weeks worth of Pua up until July 25th and that was it and I was supposed to get 13 weeks and even though I have faxed them the information and contacted the woman who takes the complaint through the VEC they still haven’t done anything and I seriously doubt they will I know a lot of people that haven’t received anything and they were working regular jobs they weren’t even self-employed and still didn’t get there Pua even though they qualified my neighbor got one payment back in April and that was it most of the money is probably going to people that don’t need it. Benefits are paid through taxes on employers covered under the Virginia Unemployment Compensation Act. I called this morning and only got a bunch of gibberish repeating the same thing over and over again. I will just have to set aside money so there is no big surprise. I’m just confused on the way the payments was issued out. I do have a balance but according to my balance I only have 7 weeks left. Does it mean continue filing weekly or actually certify? Tammy or anyone seeking VEC local numbers please click or go to this link. Otherwise my only advice will be to call early Monday morning to the VEC and see what is going on with your claim. Personally I would call if you know you should be getting the full amount. However, it is their job to help you and you have a right to address your concerns. Did anyone else make their claim from last week today? I was able to call and successfully claim weeks ending in 12/26, 1/02 and 1/09…eventhough I have not received payments yet. I did receive 1500.00 on Monday for the refund, which I’m wondering did they take the tax out. The Virginia Employment Commission on Wednesday announced the end of the state’s Extended Benefits program. Also follow me on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for micro real time updates. My deposits normally hit by 1:00 pm every Tuesday. Will I be receiving that every week? Virginia making payments in backlogged unemployment cases By SARAH RANKIN December 11, 2020 GMT RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Virginia has begun paying unemployment benefits to some of the tens of thousands of people whose claims had previously been on hold - in some cases for many months - because they were awaiting a staff review. Now it won’t let me file for weekly saying my benefits are exhausted. I filed in September. And in general, do we mark it complete every week? God bless! Any help would be greatly appreciated. Can you give an accurate instruction on this so some of us dont make mistake and end up delaying the benefit. Hopefully you get paid today or tomorrow if you filed this past Sunday. Virginia Employment Commission gives update on unemployment and Lost Wages Assistance NBC 29 News | 10-18 CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (WVIR) - Since the start of the pandemic, there has been a record number of claims for unemployment insurance in Virginia. Googled until I can’t stand it anymore and really need this money, as do we all. I had a feeling this would happen since the system would only let me file for the previous week. Visitors should not act upon the content or information without first seeking appropriate professional advice or the official source of information. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.© 2021 All rights reserved | Graphics, changes to the benefits application process along with VEC office closings, FAQ's, pertinent news releases and links to other helpful sites on our, Claimants must file for unemployment benefits online or with the call center, Claimants must meet the monetary qualification requirement, Claimants must meet the separation qualification requirement, Claimants must meet the weekly eligibility requirement, My UI Benefit Rights and Responsibilities, Instructions for Claiming Partial Benefits, VEC B-14 - Physician's Certificate of Health/Request for Medical Information, VEC B-14A - Medical Professional Certificate of Health, National School Breakfast and Lunch Programs, Pell Grant Financial Aid for Job Training, Employer Registration and Job Posting Policy, Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), File Your Weekly Continued Claim by Internet. Trying calling you House of Representative. Usually it says pending by now and have nothing. He said he had already filed on the 27th so he wouldn’t need to file 2x for the same week. This is the same email that was sent to William Walton at the Virginia Employment Commission several days ago and I have still not received a response nor have I been able to reach an agent through the VEC virtual chat. I only used up 7 weeks of 13 week given to us from previous extension under PEUC. Anyone who has questions about Virginia Labor and Employment laws can submit them to: laborlaw@doli.virginia.gov. No online chat, no emails answered, no phone contact, It is a cluster and still no LWA yet people have gotten it. VEC Organizational Chart In addition to the above enhanced benefits, you may be eligible for Lost Wage Assistance (LWA) if you are out of work due to COVID-19. You must continue to file your weekly certification and report any of your wages in the week they were earned, not received. VEC has updated their UI benefit systems to allow for these changes. If we dont file for this week by tomorrow Saturday, this week is gone. Virginia’s Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims for Week Ending December 26th. I tried called the 800 number can’t get in contact with anybody. it’s now after 3 still nothing. Thank you.”, I get regular unemployment do I still qualify for the extra 300. Just make sure you were eligible for LWA (see article). Can you do me a favor. Updated: 8:12 PM EDT September 10, 2020. After filing the PEUC, do I continue filing in Work Force Connection for benefit while waiting for result/reply or wait for result/reply first before filing? I could only file for my most recent week which was last week. When you call, 866-832-2363…select 1 for English…select 1 for PUA claims and then again select 1 to file your weekly claim for PUA…in that specific manner[1,1,1], you will be prompted to enter your social security number…verify the information by pressing 1…and you will be then connected to a live rep who will assist you in filing your claim by asking you the questions and provide a confirmation number before the end of the call…thats it! Lying Saying they got the payment of $1800, only to post really offensive pictures and mock people who are struggling rn. According to a spokesperson for the Commission, over 900,000 claims were filed in just over 4 months from … The fund from the source of $300 is gone. This is much later than other states. I don’t want it to get to the last week and I’m scrambling with no money. 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