Having eliminated them from the battle, he focuses on Gajeel, whom he makes quick work of. [2], As an Etherious, Torafuzar has shown the ability to transform into a much larger form, further enhancing his aquatic characteristics. By altering the surrounding environment with this Curse, Torafuzar creates his ideal battlefield: he can maneuver within the black waters freely, unaffected by the lack of oxygen and noxious traits, and instead moving faster, whereas his opponents are greatly hindered, having their movements slowed, being deprived of air and risk drowning, and eventually succumbing to the poison; all while subjected to the Etherious' brutal pummeling. Tartaros Tartaros He rushes after the Fairy Tail Mage, however, his attempt to attack Lucy is intercepted by Loke, much to his surprise. Recently Changed Pages. He swiftly swims through the river and lands a devastating blow on Aquarius which leaves her stranded on the ground. Small scales are present around his eyes and at the ends of h… Cube (former) Rate. 31 Jan. 2015 Believe. Gajil et Natsu contre avec le second mode activé Tempester et Trafzer. Wikis. Then you should check out MyAnimeList! Torafuzar also explains that Gajeel's iron has slowed down the absorption of the toxins in the water, but adds that they're now taking effect on both him and everyone else submerged in Tenchi Kaimei, and grabs him. They're faced with the Eclipse Celestial Spirit King, who begins to turn them into constellations. Small scales are present around his eyes and at the ends of h… Race Rōmaji ", 300px He becomes even more muscular, gaining larger and sharper teeth, showing more defined lips and growing two small fins at his head's sides, whereas the darker section on top of it takes on the appearance of a single, massive webbed fin. Gajeel is trapped in Torafuzar's toxic water. Torafuzā [55], Enhanced Speed: Even on dry land, and in spite of his massive build, Torafuzar has proven to be remarkably fast, rapidly leaping to lunge at Lucy from a great distance[58] and managing to parry Gajeel's attack on Tempester, interposing himself between the two in an instant, as well as to outmaneuver the Mage, covering the meters between them and landing a blow on the Iron Dragon Slayer before the latter could react. Demon Physiology: Torafuzar, being an Etherious, possesses some traits which, among the shown members of his race, appear to be exclusive to him. His chin plate becomes more prominent and squared, now sporting a vertical line of studs on each end. Torafuzar asked, his voice something like an urbane-sounding growl. Male Masaki Terasoma When Lamy asks him to leave the achievement for killing Lucy to her, Torafuzar replies that he's only executing his mission and proceeds to attack Loke one more time. Register Start a Wiki. His toned body is dark pinkish in color, while the plate covering his flattened, angular head, sporting a single fin-like protrusion on its front, is dark red, as are the rhombus-shaped markings adorning the back of his neck; similar markings are also found on the plate's back end, but white in color. Deceased Torafuzar's black Sea is a building level flood at best. Alias ... Torafuzar voiced by Randy E. Aguebor and 1 other. [34] Reeling from the attack, Torafuzar watches in shock as Levy gives air to Gajeel and the others, and fruitlessly tries to block Gajeel's follow-up attacks. Previous Team Chapter 356 The Fairy Tail manga and anime series features an extensive cast of characters created by Hiro Mashima.The series takes place primarily in the Kingdom of Fiore, a country in the fictional universe Earth-land, where several of its residents perform various forms of magic.Those who practice magic as a profession, referred to as wizards (魔導士, madōshi), [vol. [32] Then deciding to get serious, Torafuzar and Tempester shift into their Etherious Forms while Natsu and Gajeel switch to their respective dual element Dragon Modes. [18] His blade arms make for effective natural weapons, with him using them to attack opponents with powerful swipes[51] and defend against both armed and unarmed attacks. Status Even though his lungs are filled with air thanks to Levy, his body is quickly filling up with poison. [9], Master Swimmer: Torafuzar is an exceedingly capable swimmer, seeing as fighting in an underwater environment is his specialty. Rate. [18] His blade arms make for effective natural weapons, with him using them to attack opponents with powerful swipes[51] and defend against both armed and unarmed attacks. Tartaros The Etherious reaches his surprising underwater speed by merely relying on his legs, without the need to use his arms. Professional Status 10. Image Gallery, Torafuzar (トラフザー Torafuzā) is an Etherious and was a member of the now-disbanded Dark Guild Tartaros, and was a member of the Nine Demon Gates. As the two Demons charge, they are suddenly attacked simultaneously by the Dragon Slayers and pushed back after receiving a series of full-brunt assaults, with Torafuzar suddenly beginning to feel fear. Torafusa is able to move quickly against Natsu and the others as they've already passed out from the poisonous… Wiki Content. Wiki Points . Tartaros Chapter - Steel. Sting and Rogue arrive to lend a hand, but the situation spirals quickly out of control! Name: Torafuzar, The Dark Origin: Fairy Tail Gender: Male Age: Unknown (Likely several hundreds, but no more than 400) Classification: Demon (Etherious), Tartaros Guild Member, Nine Demon Gates He was, given his greater strength, the real leader of this mission, ... After fighting the other female mages of Fairy Tail for so long Evergreen had been forced to learn some close combat skills, and could also use these daggers to direct her Fairy … [20] As they convene, the group are joined by Kyôka and Silver, both of whom were off on "special missions". "The other Jellal and Lucy faced this threat. MyAnimeList is the largest online anime and manga database in the world! He wears a dark brown, open short-sleeved shirt,[5] adorned by a number of light brown triangles and trimmed by thick beige fur, over his muscular chest, which is crossed by two dark brown bands, each secured on the front by two small, light grey metallic links. Torafuzar is a massive, extremely muscular Etherious who shares many characteristics with a shark, but also vastly resembles a Lizardman in both build and posture. However, his and his fellow Demon Gates' attacks don't deter Fairy Tail's determination,[26] and their battle persists,[27] with Torafuzar and Gajeel clashing one more time. When Lamy asks him to leave the achievement for killing Lucy to her, Torafuzar replies that he's only executing his mission and proceeds to attack Loke one more time. Kanji Etherious Form (エーテリアス フォーム Ēteriasu Fōmu): Torafuzar, as an Etherious, has shown the ability to enter his true form: his Etherious Form. [22], Later, Torafuzar, thanks to Mard's announcement, learns that Lucy is still present within Cube in spite of Alegria being active. 1. Personal Status Arcadios has come down sick, so Hisui and Lucy need two bodyguards to protect them for Heart's Day. Torafuzar's stats are as given in the table. [33], While Natsu and Gajeel bicker, Torafuzar unleashes a sea of black, poisonous water. Looking out the window she looked on with shock as the Kardia Cathedral was obliterated by the monolithic entity ramming through it, sending many people fleeing in a panic. As he questions how a Fairy Tail member could have escaped Alegria, Keyes, Silver and Tempester all join him, but are halted in their attacks by Juvia, Gray and Natsu respectively. Rate. He is also concerned about his team's "dignity" (in stark contrast to his colleague Ezel, who went on to claim that Demons have no need for something like that), urging Franmalth to stop laughing out frantically to avoid tainting it, and triumphantly called out his guild's name while fighting Ga… Although before he can finish him off, Levy arrives and locks lips with Gajeel to provide him with air. Trafzer, de l'Obscurité (?) Apr 1, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by sam james. However, this fear is mixed with later confusion when Natsu and Gajeel suddenly punch each other and begin quarrel amongst themselves. Torafuzar is an Etherious of the Dark Guild Tartaros and a member of the Nine Demon Gates.. Join the online community, create your anime and manga list, read reviews, explore the forums, follow news, and so much more! Torafuzar's stats are as given in the table. Etherious Form (エーテリアス フォーム Ēteriasu Fōmu): Torafuzar, as an Etherious, has shown the ability to enter his true form: his Etherious Form. He then approaches Lucy and claims that he will finish her off with one blow, but Jackal and Lamy intervene with plans to torture her. Portrayal Race At MyAnimeList, you can find out about their voice actors, animeography, pictures and much more! Torafuzar appears to be the most serious member of the Nine Demon Gates. Mere moments later, Torafuzar delivers a fierce blow unto Gajeel when the Dragon Slayer loses focus. [3] He dons loose, whitish brown pants, possessing prominent dark hems, with an orange-brown band circling his waist,[4] alongside simple brown shoes,[6] with darker toe boxes extending in a stripe towards the ankle. [7][8][9], Torafuzar's calm response to Jackal's provocation, Torafuzar appears to be the most serious member of the Nine Demon Gates. [23], However, Torafuzar soon feels a large disturbance and realizes that Jackal's Curse aura has disappeared, prompting him to return to Lucy's location to check up on what is happening. In this state, he was shown performing an acrobatic motion to kick Natsu and Gajeel away at the same time, in contrast to his usual, upper body-based fighting style. Episode 234 "Cease that foul laughter this instant, Franmalth. He gains multiple series of holes aligned in a linear fashion on his upper body, and grows a small, pointed segmented tail getting smaller near its tip. Deneb flew at Torafuzar, while Polaris braced himself before the Celestial Spirit Mages. The Book of Zeref's worst denizens stand arrayed before Fairy Tail… The former also voiced Desil Galette after the show's first timeskip. 767. Meanwhile, Gray emerges from his dramatic encounter with Silver with a new power: demon slayer magic, and Erza finally reaches the control room only to find it infested by demons! Torafuzar(Fairy Tail) Vs Kisame (Naruto) StormShadow_X. Discover (and save!) English Voice The Dark (晦冥 Kaimei)[1] Due to being indexed as a Non-Human character type, they do not have visual traits assigned. Before Gajeel can deliver more strikes, Torafuzar uses his body's ability to change its hardness, thereby making his body stronger than iron. Natsu Dragneel voiced by Todd Haberkorn and 3 others. [32] Then deciding to get serious, Torafuzar and Tempester shift into their Etherious Forms while Natsu and Gajeel switch to their respective dual element Dragon Modes. Episode 234 Nine Demon Gates Perso : Torafuzar, Anime : Fairy Tail (2014). Rate. "Cease that foul laughter this instant, Franmalth. Because he is sealed within his book, his guild aims to unleash him and his terrible destruction on the world. 15px Male Watch Fairy Tail 2 Episode 79 Online at Anime-Planet. After Silver takes Gray away from the scene, Torafuzar blocks Gajeel's attack after the latter uses his iron to protect himself from Tempester's whirlwind. Rate. Curse Happy voiced by Tia Ballard and 3 others. [57], Enhanced Strength: One of the largest members of the Nine Demon Gates, second only to Ezel, Torafuzar is considerably strong, being completely unaffected by Aquarius' crashing waves, instead swimming through them to assault the Celestial Spirit directly (displaying the strength of his apparently small and squat lower limbs),[57] and sending both Natsu and Gajeel flying away from him and crashing into a wall with a single arm swipe. Small scales are present around his eyes and at the ends of his … Sting and Rogue continue their battle with Mard Geer, leader of Tartaros. Tier: 7-B, higher with Etherious Form . Having eliminated them from the battle, he focuses on Gajeel, whom he makes quick work of. [36][37], Tenchi Kaimei (天地晦冥 Tenchi Kaimei): Torafuzar utilizes this form of Curse that enables him to summon large tides of black water out of nowhere, strong enough to make Fire Dragon Slayer Magic unusable inside of it; the water's uniqueness, however, resides in it being poisonous, having carbon as one of its most abundant and dangerous components, killing anyone who swallows it in five minutes, and eventually affecting those who avoid doing so by mere exposure,[38] even if they somehow coat their body. Découvrez vos propres épingles sur Pinterest et enregistrez-les. [21], After hearing about Jackal's successful mission involving the destruction of the entire Magic Council, Torafuzar listens as some of the other Nine Demon Gates members argue over their lack of participation in the plan so far. 767. Due to being indexed as a Non-Human character type, they do not have visual traits assigned. Fairy Tail 396 see's the great battle between Gajeel vs Torafusa while at the same time Fairy Tail are under trouble when Levy aids Gajeel in kissing and giving him the precious air he desperately requires. [35] Moments later, Torafuzar's grip is broken and Gajeel punches him with his fist, which, due to the trace amounts of carbon in the water, has turned from iron into steel. Torafuzar est un démon issu du livre de Zeleph appartenant à la guilde Tartaros. Our latest work is one of our biggest and most accurate: Top 100 Strongest Fairy Tail Characters. Read "Fairy Tail 47" by Hiro Mashima available from Rakuten Kobo. 4. Allies at his side, Torafuzar prepares to battle the Fairy Tail Mages. [3][4] One of his most notable traits are his massive, long arms, each sporting an arched-backwards, fin-like bladed protrusion on the outer side;[5] paired with his somewhat small legs, Torafuzar's arms effectively reach down to his feet. The magic kingdom’s rowdiest wizards return! Debuts Curse [5] Lucy manages to summon a third spirit, Aquarius, but Torafuzar demonstrates that he is unaffected by water. His clothes disappear, leaving him clad in a short pair of dark baggy pants with light knee sections, and he dons light metallic bands sporting massive studs on his biceps, wrists and below his knees, plus a plain one around his waist. 7. Torafuzar's mastery over this type of Curse, as noted by Gajeel, allowed him to flood the entirety of the building he was in, with the water pouring outside to cover the surrounding area as well.[39]. Base of Operations Demon Gate member Torafuzar floods the entire area with poisonous water to kill all the Fairy Tail wizards at once. During the conversation, he tries to uphold his team's dignity by telling Franmalth to stop laughing. There is vastly more sand than water. The Etherious reaches his surprising underwater speed by merely relying on his legs, without the need to use his arms. Natsu challenges Mard Geer in a battle for the Book of E.N.D. Summary. [3] He dons loose, whitish brown pants, possessing prominent dark hems, with an orange-brown band circling his waist,[4] alongside simple brown shoes,[6] with darker toe boxes extending in a stripe towards the ankle. [52] Through the use of this style, he was able to pressure Loke, who was using Regulus,[53] as well as to equally clash with Gajeel in both speed and power, despite the latter's use of Iron Dragon Slayer Magic, for a decent amount of time. Torafuzar (Fairy Tail Series) | Heroes unite Wikia | Fandom. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Nine Demon Gates Torafuzar is a massive, extremely muscular Intherious who shares the many characteristics with a shark, but also vastly resembles a Lizardman in both build and posture. Whilst in the water, Torafuzar has a better advantage and easily knocks Lucy and Natsu unconscious. Hasta que eso ocurrió, lo conoció, un extraño turista que buscaba a un « dragón », sin embargo, lo que ella no sabía, fue que su primer encuentro en ese mundo iba a ser con el maestro de Tártaros: E.N.D. [7], Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Torafuzar possesses remarkable skill in unarmed combat, employing it as his main fighting method, seeing as he only resorts to unleashing his Curse if pitted against against particularly powerful opponents;[50] his melee prowess received praise from Gajeel, who described him as a "tough shark" following their close quarters confrontation. By altering the surrounding environment with this Curse, Torafuzar creates his ideal battlefield: he can maneuver within the black waters freely, unaffected by the lack of oxygen and noxious traits, and instead moving faster, whereas his opponents are greatly hindered, having their movements slowed, being deprived of air and risk drowning, and eventually succumbing to the poison; all while subjected to the Etherious' brutal pummeling. Forum Posts. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Torafuzar(Fairy Tail) Vs Kisame (Naruto) StormShadow_X. Base of Operations [12] Unlike the majority of his guildmates, who rejoice in torturing their opponents for fun before killing them, Torafuzar is prone to finish them off quickly,[13] preventing any future hindrances. Manga Debut His toned body is dark pinkish in color, while the plate covering his flattened, angular head, sporting a single fin-like protrusion on its front, is dark red, as are the rhombus-shaped markings adorning the back of his neck; similar markings are also found on the plate's back end, but white in color. Curse [29] He remains silent when Keyes apparently kills Juvia,[30] but appears to be shocked when the Mage proves herself capable of defeating the necromancer. [28], Torafuzar appears to be evenly matched with Gajeel, and the two compliment each other for their skills. Small scales are present around his eyes and at the ends of his head, he lacks a visible nose, and has a golden, elongated armored plate covering his chin (furthering his resemblance to a Lizardman). Follow 18681. 2. Meanwhile, Erza and Minerva are still in the labyrinthine Cube, searching for the control room so they can stop the continent-wide magic pulse bomb detonation. Watch Fairy Tail Series 2 Episode 80, Tartaros Arc: Steel, on Crunchyroll. Rather than being swept away by Aquarius' Water Magic, he was instead able to swim up the current with impressive speed, much to the Celestial Spirit's dismay. This is the profile for the Tartaros Guild from Fairy Tail series. Rate. Relations Appears in Fairy Tail (Series) Feirii Teiru FAIRY TAIL フェアリー・テイル by サテライト & Satelight [18][19], Torafuzar gathers with his fellow Nine Demon Gates members at the Tartaros headquarters. They combined Urano Metria and Fairy Glitter, and saved Fairy Tail." He wears a dark brown, open short-sleeved shirt,[5] adorned by a number of light brown triangles and trimmed by thick beige fur, over his muscular chest, which is crossed by two dark brown bands, each secured on the front by two small, light grey metallic links. LOST IN THE ETHERIOUS Desperate to stop the Face bombs from going off, Natsu and Gajeel face off against Tempester and Torafuzar from Tartaros! Fairy Tail: 6x29. Watch Fairy Tail Épisode 79 - Tartaros Arc: Air. Although before he can finish him off, Levy arrives and locks lips with Gajeel to provide him with air. Rate. His toned body is dark pinkish in color, while the plate covering his flattened, angular head, sporting a single fin-like protrusion on its front, is dark red, as are the rhombus-shaped markings adorning the back of his neck; similar markings are also found on the plate's back end, but white in color. Torafuzar is a character from the anime Fairy Tail S2. Chapter 356 Attempted to murder a pregnant woman. Torafuzar is an Etherious of the Dark Guild Tartaros and a member of the Nine Demon Gates.. His attempt proves to be unsuccessful, as Gajeel quickly arrives to save his guildmate. [29] He remains silent when Keyes apparently kills Juvia,[30] but appears to be shocked when the Mage proves herself capable of defeating the necromancer. Ils n'ont que très peu de liens avec l'histoire principale: ce sont des chapitres hors-série. Anime Debut Rather than being swept away by Aquarius' Water Magic, he was instead able to swim up the current with impressive speed, much to the Celestial Spirit's dismay. Relations Appears in Fairy Tail (Series) Feirii Teiru FAIRY TAIL フェアリー・テイル by サテライト & Satelight Torafuzar is a massive, extremely muscular Etherious who shares many characteristics with a shark, but also vastly resembles a Lizardman in both build and posture. Noté /5. He then approaches Lucy and claims that he will finish her off with one blow, but Jackal and Lamy intervene with plans to torture her. Official Name: ja トラフザー: Gender Identity: male: abilities: swimming Swimming is an individual or team sport that involves using arms and legs to move the body through water. [24] Arriving swiftly, he finds Jackal out cold on the ground and Lamy missing, concluding that the two were attacked by Lucy, whom he proceeds to try and kill. He then uses his superior underwater speed to pressure both Natsu and Gaj… 4 Natsu Dragneel & Gajeel Redfox vs. Tempester & Torafuzar Demon Physiology: Torafuzar, being an Etherious, possesses some traits which, among the shown members of his race, appear to be exclusive to him. Épisode 80, Tartaros torafuzar fairy tail: Steel, on Crunchyroll on Dragon Slayers Natsu and Gajeel bicker, Torafuzar a. Kill all the Fairy Tail Characters hit by Gajeel, whom he makes quick work of a découverte! Fairy Tail… Noté /5 is one of our biggest and most accurate Top... Tartaros Arc: Steel, sur Crunchyroll popular Olympic sports Episode 80, Tartaros Arc: Steel sur. Aquarius which leaves her stranded on the ground Torafuzar unleashes a sea of black poisonous. Blow on Aquarius which leaves her stranded on the ground, flying up and back to after Juvia Fairy! Realizes that it would be pointless to argue with the Eclipse Celestial spirit Mages him stocky... 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