See more ideas about cattle brands, cattle, branding iron. The percentage sign (%) can be used in place of any unknown characters. Kilpatrick, B. L, and B. F Hollon. Colorado Brand Book goes back at least as far as the early 1900s. DIVISION OF LIVESTOCK IDENTIFICATION 4780 E. IDAHO STREET, ELKO, NEVADA 89801 Phone: 775-738-8076 / Fax: 775-738-2639 Livestock Brand Recording: Brand: Type: Contact: County: Recorded: RadDatePicker RadDatePicker; Open the calendar popup. You can also use the percentage sign in place of any unknown characters. Livestock branding is a technique for marking livestock so as to identify the owner. Tools. Do not overly narrow the search by providing too much detail. Registers of brands allotted for large stock showing brand, brand number, whether horse or cattle brand, name and address of applicant, remarks and reference to registration number in correspondence files (7/1990A-1992G). A symbol brand must be registered in conjunction with a three-piece brand. Do not overly narrow the search by providing too much detail. You can search the brands database for registered brands. We look forward to working with you. Livestock Identification's role is to protect livestock producers and owners from theft and unfair business practices through the recording of brands and then through the inspection of those brands on livestock presented for sale, shipment out of the state or district, or prior to slaughter and the licensing of livestock and agriculture product buyers. Please see the register a new brand instructions document for more information. A branding exemption is currently in place and cattle producers are not required to brand cattle with a live weight in excess of 100kg before sale. Page last updated: Wednesday, 22 August 2018 - 8:58am, Stock Brand and PIC Register search guide, Western Australian Stock Brand and PIC Register, Property identification code (PIC) search, Registering as an owner of stock or as a beekeeper, Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act, Western Australia's agriculture and food sector, Casual, short-term employment and work experience. Texas does not have a statewide brand registry database. IMPORTANT NOTE: We hope you find this search engine helpful, but it has its limitations. The state’s brand registration and inspection program is financed, in its entirety, through brand registration and inspection fees paid by the cattle owners. If there is a property name recorded against the brand it will be listed. Cattle Protection Board, and California. If there is no owner name listed against an earmark, then it is available for use. Home » Brand Recording » 2016 Brand Book » 2016 North Dakota Brand Record The North Dakota Stockmen's Association has published the 2016 North Dakota Brand Record, containing information regarding the more than 18,000 brands renewed during the recent brand renewal period. You can search for the beekeeper name, trading name and/or beekeeper's address. explores the earliest brands recorded in one of California’s original counties, beginning just after the Gold Rush. Six generations later this brand is still found on livestock grazing in the Kittitas Valley! Query results will display the brands in the brand field as four characters. The Western Australian Stock Brand and PIC Register is maintained by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD). Calgary AB, Canada T2X 1J6 Toll Free: 1-866-509-2088 When you register as an owner of livestock, you will be allocated a set of registered identifiers, including a stock brand, an earmark and a pig tattoo, along with a property identification code (PIC). If the brand you request is already recorded, it cannot be issued. “Brand Book of the State of Kansas.” Brand Book of the State of Kansas, 1941. There are approximately 54,000 brands registered in the State of Montana. Eg. When brand inspection is required, an original or supplemental brand inspection certificate must accompany the cattle. YES NO. Mar 22, 2019 - I have always been truly fascinated with cattle brands and the history of them. Work just like real brands – you must pay for the current renewal period a! Mission, our inspectors, and State brand Commission an earmark, then it already! By county on your ancestors ’ State name and livestock laws of the brand requested is available. 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