NOTE: in the information box at the bottom of the screen, there is information about each choice. Be patient, it may take a little while to load. 1. 22755 Hawthorne Blvd. Leave all other settings alone. Select “Save Smog City 2 from Particle Pollution.” 3. Before downloading, please provide some basic information to help us determine how Smog City 2 is being used. Access the Smog City 2 web site at You will be manipulating the variables to discover the answers to the following Some energy sources produce more smog-producing emissions than others. Student Worksheet. Unformatted text preview: Save Smog City 2 from Particle Pollution Student Worksheet 1.Access the Smog City 2 web site at . Smog City 2- Save the Smog City from Ozone Go to: Instructions: Change the settings in “Smog City” and notice the effects that those changes have on the amount of “smog” the city produces and the air quality. Access the Smog City web site. Why? Activity 24 Detecting Air Pollution. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. Select “Save Smog City 2 from Particle Pollution.” 3. After desegregation, much of the racial violence in Miami had calmed only to be reignited by the 1980s. Research Triangle Park, NC 27711. Select “Save Smog City 2 from Particle Pollution. Access the Smog City 2 web site at www. All areas have “clickable” choices. There are six variables you can manipulate in the simulation. Questions Based on all the data collected, answer the following questions 1. Torrance, Ca. Minimize the “Save Smog City 2 from Ozone!” instructions at the top of the screen. org. The reason for this is because when there are less people, there are less emissions as well as less particle pollutions from wood burning fireplaces (when the weather drops below 50 degrees. ) 1. You can use the reset button at any time to return to the default settings. All areas have “clickable” choices. Access the Smog City 2 web site at 5. Access the Smog City 2 web site at www. Select “Save Smog City 2 from Particle Pollution.” 3. Select “Save Smog City 2 from Particle Pollution. You need to upgrade your Flash Player to view Smog City 2. Access the Smog City 2 web site at . Minimize the “Save Smog City 2 from Ozone!” instructions at the top of the screen. Energy SourcesCars &TrucksOff RoadConsumer ProductsIndustryAir Quality Index (AQI) ColorMessageValue 23313RedUnhealthy175 23331RedUnhealthy152 13333Red Unhealthy173 5. Name: Date: Save Smog City 2 from Particle Pollution Student Worksheet 1. ]]> Create Your Own Smog City 2 Experience! As temperature goes up, air quality goes down. Once Smog City 2 loads to your computer, take note of the areas of Smog City, including Weather Conditions, Emissions Levels and Population. 3. Record what happens on the Student Worksheet in the table below. Using the reset button, return all Emission controls to the middle setting and turn the Population control to level 1. ” instructions at the top of the screen. We will also notify you if we make any significant changes to the program. Save Smog City 2 from Particle Pollution Student Worksheet 1. Access the Smog City web site. Once Smog City 2 loads to your computer, take note of the areas of Smog City, including Weather Conditions, Emissions Levels and Population. 2. Save Smog City 2 from Ozone Student Worksheet 1. SMOG CITY WEST. Save Smog City 2 from Ozone Student Worksheet 1. Set the Temperature to 80 degrees F. Check the black sign in the cityscape for the temperature. Using the worksheet below, adjust each of the remaining controls noted in red and record the result in the worksheet. Leave all other choices at the default settings. How does this affect particle pollution levels? Once Smog City 2 loads to your computer, take note of the areas of Smog City, including Weather Conditions, Emissions Levels and DAY 3 & 4. What is the AQI? Students apply an interactive smog visualization application, Smog City to see how ozone levels are related to population levels and emissions. 2. Scenario 2: Weather 1. Why? The first setting, Sunlight, has already been completed for you. The lower the altitude, the closer to the ground the lid traps the pollution. Calm – Light Breeze – Breezy – Windy 30? Directions: After opening the page, click on the link- “run smog city”. << /Length 4 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Save Smog City 2 from Particle Pollution Worksheet. Access the Smog City 2 web site at . smogcity2. What is the AQI? org. 7 days/week: 1 pm - 6 pm . F EmissionChoices Included in the Area: Energy Sources ??? Once Smog City 2 loads to your computer, take note of the areas of Smog City 2, including Weather Conditions, Emissions Levels and Population. Click here to download the latest Flash plug-in.. 3. The compounds react to form ground-level ozone and particle pollution. 2. What is the AQI level? 2) What is Ozone and why are children most at risk? Be patient, it may take time to load. Several counties allegedly registered air clean enough to make the tests obsolete, but even the counties with continuing poor air quality are looking for alternate ways to … Why? Variables: (Pick One for Each) • Air Speed (little windmill) ??? Use the reset button to return the Off Road control to the middle setting, so all controls are in default position. Consumer Products- Industry ??? Shed, Garage or accessory structure (2) 30% max impervious 30% max impervious Not applicable Front yard (6) 50% max impervious 90% max impervious Not applicable DAY 2. NOTE: Smog City is a JAVA Applet that runs in your Microsoft Internet Explorer or … Retrieved January 20, 2021, from, World Religions Project Compare Contras Assignment, Energy Consumption and Air Pollution Assignment, Reduce Pollution Would Be More Moral Assignment, Why America Needs More City Parks and Open Space Assignment, CA Electronics Celebrates Grand Opening Assignment, Galileo, Descartes, and Newton Assignment, Tv Advertising vs Online Advertising Assignment. 2. All areas have “clickable” choices. You need to upgrade your Flash Player to view Smog City 2. How does temperature affect the level of smog in the city? cars and trucks. Race riots in Miami include a series of violent events that occurred in Miami mainly through the 1980s. How does this affect particle pollution? To-Go Only. Record what happens on the Student Worksheet in the table below. Student Worksheet: Save Smog City 2 from Particle Pollution! Unhealthy for sensitive groups is the AQI when emissions and population controls are in the middle. t�����jh�úa��Y��xmꎙ˶�Μ�V-M�_�a�؇�IQ�B�|�vp������hDl�! Smog stays in areas with lower airspeed because it The worksheet focuses on vocabulary, speaking and grammar (present perfect, past perfect and past simple tenses). F – 40 ? September 2013 9J�X4�WwU��y�T�Tn��>�st�e>a�Ǘ����I�9IdYB���E.�L+ ���������9�xtlC0:#h́;�ɤ���s�䠰g]�M�9�%O��2%V�H;U���s]��*�$!W�K�6~��~��ml��j|א�IV���l&����:�^���ho�*_���,�a~�9���3��t�#VR����霑�iY�m%|��eV�M#)G�4 Minimize the “Save Smog City 2 from Particle Pollution!” instructions at the top of the screen. You can turn it off in left sidebar. Once Smog City 2 loads to your computer, take note of the areas of Smog City, including Weather Conditions, Emissions Levels and Population. Notice how each of the choices are pre-set to a certain level. Order your assignment! Mouse-over or click on the choices. Off Road Vehicles ??? Once Smog City 2 loads to your computer, take note of the areas of Smog City 2, including Weather Condition s, Emissions Levels and Population. Select “Save Smog City 2 from Particle Pollution.” 3. SAVE SMOG CITY 2 FROM OZONE WORKSHEET Worksheet Courtesy of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Sacramento Air Quality Management District Scenario 1: Emission Sources 1. DAY 5. Smog City 2. ;���F�)X8!C-��PS�F�K�j��w`�^=a�� 9�8r���#���I�燁*w�)tܖ�i���K��f�����i� ��������9�5���h ����W剑o2���2cr=2#����M�LH'�;ld*��<DŽ[�-�u�/�sb�{sv�⍝=q2�җ�C���h=����9YM����ͥ����;�;��{�q�=���7�{�%�����)ǥLo��Y�dqD'y�4�~��[����Y�Սurщ���?�m����4�Y'�Q0�y/�ϲ�%e��w�; Download Smog City 2 for use on computers without an internet connection or to run the simulator off-line. PART 1: SMOG CITY EXPERIMENT. In a Class or Group Discussion based on all the data collected, answer the following questions: Was there any one variable that seemed to have a greater increase in smog than others tested? Access the Smog City 2 web site at . • Lesson 15.2 Worksheets • Lesson 15.2 Assessment • Chapter 15 Over- more smog on cloudy days. 90505. Access the Smog City 2 web site at Student Worksheet: Smog City Name: _____ Group: _____ Smog City PART 1: SMOG CITY EXPERIMENT 1. 2. To use advanced options, you will need to enter your own Google Maps API Key. Select “Save Smog City 2 from Ozone.” 3. computers with Internet access Smog City Simulation; copies of Student Worksheet, pdf; copies of vocabulary list, pdf; Background: Smog City is an interactive air pollution simulator that demonstrates how personal choices, environmental factors, and land use can contribute to air pollution. Using an interactive air pollution simulator to control the air quality in Smog City 2, you can see how individual choices, environmental factors, and different types of land use affect air pollution. Students read an article about how authorities have been trying to deal with the smog in Beijing. Minimize the “Save Smog City 2 from Particle Pollution! 2. Name: Date: Save Smog City 2 from Particle Pollution Student Worksheet 1. Higher airspeed=less smog, and vice versa. Levels: 1 2 3 4 5 5. Temperature inversions create a warm layer of air above the ground-level ozone that traps pollution. Record what happens on the Student Worksheet in the table below. Save Smog City 2 from Ozone Worksheet. Part 2: Class / Group Discussion. In this activity, you will create an experiment and use the Smog City simulator to run the experiment. F – 50? F – 110 ? Don’t waste your time! ” 3. stream Keep fire burning to a minimum or use a gas burning fireplace instead, ride a bike, take public transportation, walk, keep “off road” trips to a minimum, avoid revving engines for longer than 30 seconds when driving, etc. ���N�3�����T��߱л7l�o(o���Vd[ �t�_p��!�О�c5s ��N�ʺ,係MN�H̑�#3m5v���`٘v�Q'��g�����ьr{.P�s�-��܋��j�g��@�<6ka�L��+꺭�6�#�:m~��d��!HN�W�9��yk��#o���!o���� K��c(�4�c��Z�t�9�3����ɜ������x����a}��4��8���;�s?��O�P�1���>ѓ��/�ּ�G1]�_Nn�d~���;`�������elk�p���mqPV��� ��?�A �?�Au�뤕=g�9�]j�7l����X��|�dԝVa.��ܩ�й��1�&�4j��o2݊����}Q'O��^`nM�/�5�S��Kn���Voq:�!�����ꡍo��֦��97�Ɂ�wi��;�� ��Q6��\�U�H�*ģ��d�'ͭ�%��tw����j#rP�&e���E��O�up�M��������J&�\e�qw� ��{e�>������� Q"[���ֳzA=g"�>��0��#ξ�ӊ|���������X�o�cY3�K�*�R�h����m����0ߝ���Jd��Y>|�$ţ4�n+Wi��ʴ�kL�J��+��� �����c�;�:�$_"��II��z��,��P�E�A���,E�A(�C��,+��ZOY�Fq���I\�u����y)�������D�w:����=�7���N~���1]�?��Mhi+��R�*��}jo���4x�������X. 2. Was there any one variable that seemed to have a greater increase in particle pollution than others tested? Change the wind speed to calm (far left). Once Smog City 2 loads to your computer, take note of the areas of Smog City 2, including Weather Condition s, Emissions Levels and Population. g�*�U#}ם3���Ĩ �M�ԉ}�̘�})˚B�`��LY]%�4�f�,M��2���@�Q)6G~Su)�;�����B�r]�Vc�x�c1��^�F�l���u�a�b�a��aRE��W�������V�fՐF �:5̢���`�������l�����Z[S,�T���^����2)�̯�52��|K,U}���`��so[�dӤ�c����c}܁��k �F{�&�t��s!����Ȣ��L7V�7�4��ere� rJ���Vr-��U��,��π:H)�i�������U!�w�5�S��K�;�ҭ�+dU��Ғ j�B�:���c��7EfK������h|�-��#?��@ Mouse-over or click on the choices. Weather ConditionsChoices Included in the Area: Sunlight : Inversion Layer: Wind Speed: Maximum Daily Temperature: Clear -Partly Cloudy – Cloudy No inversion – Low inversion – High inversion. Turn only Cars and Trucks control to 1.Leave all other choices at the default settings 2. Select and click on Run Smog City … (2019, Dec 19). smogcity2. Smog City. All areas have “clickable” choices. x��Z[o�8~�8�)kD���m&���L��`��B�t��,fti���{H˺�vb�`S��c��ܿ#���4r\����� /��0����q ��o��O�%����+���0-�?D���^�� Cn.H���=���;�����~��:.��\݉���n�jօ��WQTi�I�����R������{cFO� Obtain another Smog City Student Experiment worksheet if necessary. You will be manipulating the variables to discover the answers to the following questions.

Save Smog City 2 from Particle Pollution Student Worksheet 1. Save Smog City 2 from Ozone Student Worksheet 1. What steps could be taken to control emissions levels? Turn only Off Road down to 1. (Hint: Read “WHAT IS THIS” in the information box) The AQI is green again. F – 100 ? (level 1 is cleaner sources like a wind or solar technology, level 3 produces more smog like a coal-fired power plant) Levels: 1 2 3 This includes Passenger vehicles (all sizes), large and medium trucks, motorcycles Levels: 1 2 3 4 5. 2. Changing population, as shown by the “total emissions” chart and the emission sources n the cityscape, affects VOCs, NOx and SO2. 2. 15.2 RESOURCES Scientific Method Lab, Acid Rain and Seeds • Outdoors Lab, What’s in the Air? Materials. Move the Inversion control to low-altitude (the far right). This includes airplanes, trains, power boats, earth movers, tractors, harvesters, forklifts, bulldozers, backhoes Levels: 1 2 3 4 5 This includes paint thinner, charcoal lighter fluid, glue or other adhesives, gasoline Levels: 1 2 3 4 5 This includes manufacturing facilities, power plants, oil refineries/storage/distribution centers, food and agricultural processing Levels: 1 2 3 4 5 Area Name:Choices Included in the Area: Population ??? 2. There are six variables you can manipulate in the simulation. Once Smog City 2 loads to your computer, take note of the areas of Smog City, including Weather Conditions, Emissions Levels andPopulation. Once Smog City 2 loads to your computer, take note of the areas of Smog City, including Weather Conditions, Emissions Levels and Population. These are called the default settings. The smog-tackling program only lasted a few years and had often been a fiercely political issue for many Florida residents and legislators. • NOTE: in the information box at the bottom of … They study associated vocabulary and complete a worksheet. Objectives. Materials. 2. 3. F – 80? AQI Toolkit for Teachers. The emissions are the main reason for the poor air quality. M���� ^�WȈ��ެ�8l���h`W�l�>n2�_��,��g ��!���ۆ�H�b�n���c,�([�V�c��Չ�*�*��΍�m�=��w��k$:�3�֎���� 2. Which one? Population made the most impact in either direction quicker than any other factor. When temperatures are cool, changing population also changes the usage of wood-burning stoves, which emit particle pollutionIn Smog City 2, you can increase the population from near-zero to about two million people. Ozone (O3) is an odorless gas in the atmosphere, children are at risk because ozone can cause respiratory problems 3) How does air speed and wind affect the level of smog in the city? smogcity2. Uses the reset button to return the Cars and Trucks control to 3, so all controls are in default position. Tell students to access the Smog City 2 Web site at and click on "Save Smog City 2 from Particle Pollution." Click here to download the latest Flash plug-in.. Cars and Trucks ??? F – 90? ” Scenario 1: Emission Sources 1. Describe three possible short-term effects and long-term effects of air pollution on human health. FBC Section 1820.4 • For generators utilized to power commercial properties only, one field density test required, to be provided at the time of inspection to verify a minimum of 95% of maximum dry density. • Polyethylene sheets as vapor barrier beneath ground floor slab for 2” concrete cover. Heat increases the chemical conversion of emissions to ozone and particle pollution. Select “Save Smog City 2 from Particle Pollution. . Section 12.2 Air, Noise, & Light Pollution. Once Smog City 2 loads to your computer, take note of the areas of Smog City, … Once Smog City 2 loads to your computer, take note of the areas of Smog City, including … %PDF-1.3 Student Worksheet Energy SourcesCars &TrucksOff RoadConsumer ProductsIndustryAir Quality Index (AQI) ColorMessageValue DefaultRedUnhealthy157 21333YellowModerate80 23133RedUnhealthy158 4. computers with Internet access Smog City Simulation; copies of Student Worksheet, pdf; copies of vocabulary list, pdf; Background: Smog City is an interactive air pollution simulator that demonstrates how personal choices, environmental factors, and land use can contribute to air pollution. The default settings, which are circled above, result in a “red”, or “Unhealthy” AQI for particle pollution. 1. ” 3. Get Google API Key. %��������� Leave all other choices at the default settings. 2. In the chart below, circle or highlight the default setting for each choice. Try these experiments or come up with your own: Move the emissions and population controls to the maximum settings. 6. The decade of riots were the result of policing controversies and ethnic tensions fueled by the perceived threat of recent immigrants to African Americans on the Miami job market. Turn only Cars and Trucks control to 1. Turn only Cars and Trucks control to 1. Population in Smog City 2 affects air quality. Explain. Which type of emission has the greatest affect on air quality? The health message is: “Active children and adults, and people with respiratory disease, such as asthma, should avoid prolonged outdoor exertion; everyone else, especially children, should limit prolonged outdoor exertion. This lesson looks at China's air pollution problems. Save Smog City 2 from Particle Pollution Student Worksheet 1. Minimize the “Save Smog City 2 from Particle Pollution!” instructions at the top of the screen. Mouse-over or click on the choices. 2. Can you think of ways to reduce particle pollution levels? 2. Leave all other choices at the default settings. printable version (PDF) Create Your Own Smog City 2 Experience! 2. You will need a computer with internet access and a copy of the Student Worksheet. Current Beer List! Mouse-over or click on the choices. 1. Why? Differentiated Instruction Less proficient readers organize information about the sources and effects of acid deposition. Smog City 2 from PPollution Assignment. Record what happens on the Student Worksheet in the table below. tation use might affect a city’s smog levels. 2 0 obj Leave all other choices at the default settings. Turn only Cars and Trucks control to 1. 4. In Smog City 2 you are in charge - so whether your visit is a healthy or … Record what happens on the Student Worksheet. 2. Which one? ” 3. Observe the AQI (Air Quality Index) box inside the black box. You are in advanced mode. Select and click on “Run Smog City” from the left-side navigation bar. All areas have “clickable” choices. org. Move all Emission controls to level 1. Go to and click on the link that says "run smog city". 2. Choose energy sources that are not produced with fossil fuels, telecommute (shop online) instead of taking trips to the mall, recycle, etc. The AQI is green and healthy. FBC Section 1820.3.2 & 1820.3.1 4. Then have the class minimize the instructions box at the top right of the screen and ignore the "Information" box at the bottom of the screen; they will be exploring several of these concepts in this lesson. Select “Save Smog City 2 from Ozone.” 3. Turn only Cars and Trucks control to 1. Name: Date: Save Smog City 2 from Particle Pollution Student Worksheet 1. 2. Using the reset button, return all Emission and Population controls to the middle setting. Select “Save Smog City 2 from Ozone.” 3. Would you expect there to be more smog on a cloudy day or a clear day? Access the Smog City 2 web site at www. 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