Nine Kansans have now died due to COVID-19. Any person who believes information provided is not accurate may submit a written complaint to the Sedgwick County Detention Facility, Attention: Lt. James Convey, 141 W. Elm, Wichita, KS 67203. The provider sends the swabs to a commercial laboratory or the state health department (Kansas Department of Health and Environment). It is important to recognize any symptoms that could indicate coronavirus infection and to be tested right away. If you are a health care associated worker (HCAW) in Sedgwick County with direct patient/community member contact and have not yet received your first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, you may schedule an appointment at INTRUST Bank Arena or Sedgwick County Health Department's E. 9th St.(Friday, January 8 and Saturday, January 9 ONLY) location. We anticipate more cases of COVID-19 in Sedgwick County in the coming days or weeks. A person can be negative on one day but a later test may be positive. The KDHE dashboard differs because it also includes people who are IgM antibody test or antigen test positive if they are linked to a confirmed case or if they have COVID-19 symptoms. To receive a COVID-19 test at no cost through the Sedgwick County Health Department, call 316-660-1022. After infection with a virus, the level of virus in a person’s body grows over time and then decreases when the person’s immune system fights it off. They could not be infected (negative test), be infected without symptoms (positive test), or have a virus level too low for the test to detect (false negative test). CDC does not have any evidence to suggest that animals or animal products imported from China pose a risk for spreading COVID-19 in the United States. The university is following the Sedgwick County Health Department definition of a COVID-19 “cluster,” which has been defined as two or more confirmed or probable cases of COVID-19 that are linked by the same location of exposure (e.g., hospital, long-term care facility, grocery store, etc.) Results will typically be reported in 4-5 business days depending on the lab. Test results are positive, stay home isolated from others until. Report that you work in a detention facility. Should I be concerned about pets or other animals and COVID-19? Healthcare, public health, and law enforcement workers may work during quarantine if asymptomatic as long as appropriate PPE and other precautions are taken. Notice of Privacy Practices Regarding Medical Information. 0 1 COVID-19 hotline . People with symptoms who are currently being tested for COVID-19 should remain in home isolation, or hospital isolation if symptoms are severe enough to be hospitalized until test results are available. Symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to other respiratory viruses. Wash your hands after being around animals. The risk of getting sick from a package is low. The problem is so many places are all using the same labs, so the county found a way around that, and found a new lab. To date, CDC has only a few reports of pets or other animals becoming sick with COVID-19. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. With no new cases and six … If you have questions about recommendations, please call the Sedgwick County Health Department. During quarantine, a person who tests negative must still remain in quarantine for 14 days from last exposure to a COVID-19 case. If a resident tests positive for COVID-19, the resident can spread coronavirus and should remain at home in isolation for 10 days from the day symptoms started or 72 hours after symptoms stop, whichever is longer (minimum of 10 days). Respiratory symptoms, if they occur, may be delayed. Faster COVID-19 test results coming soon for Sedgwick County - KAKE … People most at risk for severe disease are older adults and those with underlying conditions such as heart disease. If a person is identified as a Person Under Investigation (PUI), the person is tested. If an employee does not work, they should be tested seven days after exposure to increase the likelihood of the test detecting the virus if the person is infected. If you have no symptoms during the 10 days, you can be released from quarantine without a test on Day 11. To receive a no cost test, dial (316) 660-1022, Sedgwick County Health Department (SCHD) and tell the SCHD call center you work in a detention facility. Another option is through saliva testing, where the person being tested spits into a tube for the test. Due to increased testing supplies and the capacity to sample more residents, the Sedgwick County Health Department is expanding the criteria for COVID-19 testing which will assist in tracking and controlling the spread of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. (MGN) (WJHG) Symptoms of COVID-19 can include one or more of the following: fever, cough, recent decrease in the ability to breathe, upper respiratory symptoms (congestion, runny nose), chills or shivering, tiredness, muscle or body aches, headache, sore throat, sudden loss of smell or taste, diarrhea without a known cause. Sedgwick County residents can now track local vaccine data on a new website. Please check the KDHE website for the most up-to-date travel restrictions. COVID-19 is a human respiratory disease caused by a novel (new) coronavirus. Sedgewick, County. Employees must monitor for symptoms twice per day, even if testing is negative. A Sedgwick County Health Department staff member will ask you questions and make an appointment for you at the drive-through clinic, 620 North Edgemoor, Wichita. If test results are positive for COVID-19, the person must remain in isolation until released by a health department. Symptoms of COVID-19 can include one or more of the following: fever, cough, recent decrease in the ability to breathe, upper respiratory symptoms (congestion, runny nose), chills or shivering, tiredness, muscle or body aches, headache, sore throat, sudden loss of smell or taste, diarrhea without a known cause. Healthcare providers and the local health department in the patient’s county are notified of positive test results. These front-line workers, who will be tested with or without symptoms, include: 4. The Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office says one of its deputies has tested positive for COVID-19 and a second deputy is presumptive positive. Submit the completed form to Approved in May 2020, the antigen test is the newest COVID-19 test. ... Test results confirmed last week he had COVID … Washing your hands after handling delivered items and avoiding touching your face will lower the risk even more. Early experiments suggests the new coronavirus is stable on some surfaces for hours to days; however, the risk of getting a virus from a delivery is lower than the risk of getting the virus from going to the store. All Sedgwick County ZIP codes and COVID-19 statistics 67001 — Andale: 1,508 people, 151 total tests, 12 confirmed cases. No cost COVID-19 testing for any healthcare employee, with or without symptoms. Test results are negative, stay home according to your facility’s policies for general illness. This only occurs if the person gives SCHD permission. The best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to this virus (See “How can I help protect myself and my family?”). Sedgwick County is a local government leader committed to providing exceptional services to residents and visitors by modeling professional excellence in accordance to our ethical adherence and accountability. While anyone can be infected, most people experience mild symptoms and do not need to go to the hospital. If you have traveled to one of the places on the dates mentioned, self-report travel by calling (316) 660-7300. A sample collection kit is a kit containing all supplies and order forms needed for healthcare providers to collect a swab from a person suspected of having COVID-19. Find it by clicking “Exploring COVID-19 Vaccine Data” on the County’s homepage, Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue then throw the tissue in the trash. If the test result is negative, isolation is no longer required. The new guidance applies to people who are close contacts or who have traveled and who do not have COVID-19 symptoms. A healthcare provider obtains swabs deep in a person’s nose or throat for the test. Older adults infected with coronavirus may not have fever. Additionally, the following child care arrangements do not require a license from KDHE: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Kansas Department of Health and Environment. SCHD now offers no-cost walk-in testing at the K-State Research and Extension Center, 7001 W. 21st St, Wichita between 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 to 4 p.m., Monday to Friday. If an exposure to a confirmed COVID case occurs, detention facility workers are in quarantine for 14 days from last exposure to a COVID-19 case. Appointments are not required. Some tests can be done at the state lab, but testing is prioritized for those at highest risk for complications and for other public health priorities, like healthcare workers. The complete Sedgwick County COVID-19 Metrics Table features data on COVID-19 trends from March 2020 through the most recent complete week. People wanting no-cost testing at the Sedgwick County Health Department (SCHD) should call SCHD at (316) 660-1022 to begin the screening process. The Health Department has modified their disease investigation protocol, prioritizing case investigations based on the level of risk for spread of the disease. The expanded criteria include workers who aid and treat people who are sick or who work in group living situations. Health Department Covid-19 Jobs. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Wednesday evening, June 10th, 2020, the clinic informed the family in Sedgwick County that the test results were positive for COVID-19. Sampling and testing are offered at no cost. Please click login below to login to the Patient Portal. To receive a no cost test, dial (316) 660-1022, Sedgwick County Health Department (SCHD) and tell the SCHD call center you work in a detention facility. Personal Protective Equipment Common symptoms are fever, cough, shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, upper respiratory symptoms (congestion, runny nose), chills or shivering, muscle or body aches, headaches, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, extreme exhaustion, and fatigue. SCHD Disease Investigator will help identify people who had close contact with the PUI. and Notice of Privacy Practices Regarding Medical Information. For example, a person who has allergies with a runny nose every spring would not consider a runny nose a COVID-19 symptom without any other outside-of-normal symptoms. Preguntas frecuentes sobre el coronavirus para el público en general, Câu hỏi thường gặp về bệnh virus corona mới cho công chúng. If results are positive, a SCHD Disease Investigator will interview the PUI to create a detailed timeline of where he or she went while potentially infectious, following SCHD Modified Disease Investigation protocol. Sedgwick County Updates: The local health order is currently in place through 11:59 p.m. on February 6, 2021. A person without symptoms may continue normal activities. COVID-19 is a respiratory disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus that has now spread globally. If you have symptoms, do not go to work until test results are returned. Wear a face covering, face mask, or respirator and other personal protective equipment (PPE) as appropriate for your job. HealthCore Clinic is offering free drive-thru or walk-up COVID-19 tests throughout the month of May (while supplies last), ... COVID-19 vaccination update from Sedgwick County; ... if they do not have these they will still be able to receive a test. 7-Day Quarantine – no symptoms and with testing (English, Spanish, and Vietnamese Graphics), 10-Day Quarantine – no symptoms and no testing  (English, Spanish, and Vietnamese Graphics). Sedgwick County Park Shelter Reservations, Metropolitan Area Building and Construction Department, Metropolitan Building and Construction Department, Legal Disclaimer and Privacy Practices Regarding Medical Information, Notice of Privacy Practices Regarding Medical Information, COVID-19 Testing for Detention Facility Staff, People who work in residential group settings such as detention facilities, residential schools, and group homes, Long-term care staff and other healthcare workers (clinic, home health, hospice, hospital). After exposure, monitor yourself for symptoms daily for 14 full days. : coughing and sneezing). Your healthcare provider may be able to collect a sample and perform testing or send to a private lab for testing. Be aware that older adults can show atypical COVID-19 symptoms. The time it takes to receive results varies based on the lab. Sedgwick County Park Shelter Reservations, Metropolitan Area Building and Construction Department, Metropolitan Building and Construction Department, Legal Disclaimer and Privacy Practices Regarding Medical Information. Results can be provided in two to three minutes. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. The Health Department recommends that all close contacts test for COVID-19 at day six or seven of quarantine to ensure viral load is high enough to detect the virus. A person is a "close contact" if any of the following situations happened while spending time with a person with COVID-19, even if they didn't have symptoms: When can a person who tests positive resume normal activities? Like antibody testing, the antigen test has been granted EUA by the FDA but is not officially approved. No one will be turned away, while supplies last. Help prevent the spread of the … Previously, close contacts and travelers had to quarantine and monitor symptoms for 14 days until they could leave their home and return to in-person work. They may display headache, diarrhea, loss of smell and/or taste, confusion, sore throat, or runny nose. A laboratory test for the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is performed by the state health department laboratory in Topeka or through commercial laboratories. Sedgwick County can now get test results on coronavirus within hours, rather than days. It features data from when the first case presented itself on March 6 to present time. First come. It identifies proteins on the surface of the coronavirus in nose or throat secretions to detect active infection. COVID-19 is a new disease, but it spreads the same as the flu, through respiratory droplets (e.g. Antibody and antigen tests are not confirmatory for COVID-19; therefore, the SCHD is not offering these types of tests. Click here to locate a testing site To understand where testing may occur more frequently in Sedgwick County, Figure 14 shows the COVID-19 testing rates by resident ZIP Code since March 5, 2020. People are most likely to spread the disease when they have symptoms, but some people may spread the virus before they show symptoms. See our Website Privacy Policy, Legal Disclaimer Sampling for COVID-19 testing is performed Monday through Friday mornings by appointment only. This guidance does not apply to people who have tested positive. WICHITA, Kan. (KWCH) - Sedgwick County has identified four more COVID-19 clusters in adult care homes. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available. Had contact with the person's respiratory secretions (for example, coughed or sneezed on; kissed; contact with a dirty tissue; shared a drinking glass, food, towels, or other personal items). Sedgwick County Disease Reporting Hotline, No cost COVID-19 testing for detention facility staff, with or without symptoms, Dial (316) 660-1022, Sedgwick County Health Department. If a person is identified as a contact of a case, they will be referred to KDHE for follow-up. Infection can still develop through day 14. An overview of expanding and new services to support our clients’ coronavirus needs. First served. When available, get a COVID-19 vaccination for yourself and family members. Detention facility staff should be tested: Cultivate a healthy, safe and welcoming community through exceptional public services, effective partnerships and dedicated employees. Positions vary from nurses, medical assistants, data analysts, disease investigators, data entry, and call center staff. Please call (316) 660-1022, Sedgwick County Health Department (SCHD) with COVID-19 questions. COVID-19 should be considered when a person experiences these symptoms outside of their normal. Wear a face covering, face mask, or respirator and other personal protective equipment (PPE) as appropriate for your job. Always practice good hygiene and social distancing. Find it by clicking “Exploring COVID-19 Vaccine Data” on the county’s homepage, . People with no symptoms could test negative or positive. The COVID-19 hotline is now available to provide guidance and … A small swab from a person’s nose or throat or the person’s saliva is used for the test. © Copyright 2021 Older adults infected with coronavirus may not have fever. or exposure event (e.g., party, venue, etc.) The first results of massive COVID-19 testing of Sedgwick County Jail inmates have come back: 113 positives out of 302, or about 37%. A list of products approved to kill coronavirus can be found. By coughing, sneezing, singing, talking or breathing, By close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands, By touching an object or surface with the virus on it and touching your face. If any contact occurs with someone testing positive for COVID-19 (including 48 hours before symptoms onset) when staff does not wear a mask or respirator, When COVID-19 transmission occurs in the facility. The person can return to normal activities 10 days after symptoms started OR 72 hours (3 full days per KDHE guidance) after symptoms stop without taking fever-reducing medications, whichever is longer. Though the risk of animals spreading COVID-19 is low, animals can spread other diseases to people. Most people with mild coronavirus illness will recover on their own by drinking plenty of fluids, resting, and taking pain and fever medications. Beginning December 7, 2020, Sedgwick County residents exposed to COVID-19-positive people may quarantine for a shortened length of time, following CDC and KDHE guidelines. If results are still pending on Day 8, you should remain in-home quarantine until receiving your results. Staff are trained in methods to reduce the spread of disease. People without symptoms may continue normal activities while awaiting test results. They may display headache, diarrhea, loss of smell and/or taste, confusion, sore throat, or runny nose. 316-660-5555. Stay away from others while sick. Patient samples obtained by the Health Department are for a molecular virus test that detects coronavirus particles in a person’s body. However, some people have developed pneumonia and require medical care or hospitalization. COVID-19 Results Portal Portal para Resultados de COVID. Sedgwick County Updates: The local health order is currently in place through 11:59 p.m. on February 6, 2021. Sedgwick County fosters an environment of professionalism and competency through continuous learning and skill development. People who develop symptoms or who wish to be tested while in quarantine can view the testing locator website to find a testing location near you. It is important to recognize any symptoms that could indicate coronavirus infection and to test right away. The Sedgwick County Health Department now offers no-cost, walk-in testing at the K-State Research and Extension Center at 7001 West 21st Street, … Sedgwick County Health Department Update: Sedgwick County is currently in Phase 1 of COVID-19 vaccine distribution. Follow public health orders and guidelines. Sedgwick County officials say a man in his 60s has died of complications from the coronavirus. If symptoms develop, the employee cannot be at work and must be tested. Positive Test Results: Please refer to the CDC guidelines for When to Quarantine. People wanting no-cost testing at the Sedgwick County Health Department (SCHD) should call SCHD at (316) 660-1022 to begin the screening process. Test results are negative, continue with good hygiene and social distancing. Test results are usually available 5 days after the test is performed, however turnaround time can vary due to high demand. All of their close contacts will be referred to KDHE for follow-up. People over 60 years old and those with other underlying health conditions are more likely to have severe complications. Sedgwick County Health Department is closely monitoring this issue and is coordinating with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE). Cultivate a healthy, safe and welcoming community through exceptional public services, effective partnerships and dedicated employees. In severe cases, infection can cause bronchitis (swelling of the tubes into the lungs), pneumonia (infection in the lungs often with fluid build up), kidney failure, and even death. The KDHE dashboard differs because it also includes people who are IgM antibody test or antigen test positive if they are linked to a confirmed case or if they have COVID-19 symptoms. Temporary staff will work in a variety of roles to support the Sedgwick County Health Department in the fight against COVID-19. It includes a mass gathering limit of 25 people and mask wearing requirements. If test results are positive for COVID-19, the person must remain in isolation until released by a health department. Sedgwick County Disease Reporting Hotline. © Copyright 2021 COVID-19 should be considered when a person experiences these symptoms outside of their normal. Two private-sector labs in Wichita, KS have been certified to test for the coronavirus… If the test result is negative, the PUI can return to normal activities, unless they are under quarantine for contact with a positive case or travel history. The Vaccine StoryMap website includes reported doses given by the Sedgwick County Health Department (SCHD) and other providers in Sedgwick County. You can contact Child Care Aware of Kansas at 1-877-678-2548 if you need help finding licensed child care options. The KDHE dashboard differs because it also includes people who are IgM antibody test or antigen test positive if they are linked to a confirmed case or if they have COVID-19 symptoms. Quarantine continues for 14 days even if testing is negative. A test kit is what laboratory staff uses with the machine to test for COVID-19. If the test is negative, and you remain symptom-free, you can leave in-home quarantine after seven full days, which is on Day 8. Dial (316) 660-1022, Sedgwick County Health Department. Report that you work in a healthcare facility. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. In order to help contain the spread of disease, all people who test positive should reach out to their close contacts, letting them know of the exposure and about the 7- and 10-day in-home modified quarantine under the guidance above. Respiratory symptoms, if they occur, may be delayed. This is why it is important to follow public health orders to remain at home, especially if quarantined, because of travel or close contact with a person that has laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 (case). Detention facility staff should consider being tested once when asymptomatic. 0 1 COVID-19 hotline 0 2 Off work or return to work 0 3 Clinical consultation/nurse triage 0 4 Telemedicine and TelePT 0 5 Onsite support and shift change oral temperature and screenings 0 6 Behavioral health . See our Website Privacy Policy, Legal Disclaimer If asymptomatic and working, testing should be done every seven days (weekly). Mission: To assure quality public services that provide for the present and future well-being of the citizens of Sedgwick County. As of January 15, 2020 Current two-week trends show new cases are increasing and percent positive is stable in Sedgwick County. Close contacts should complete the, Children receiving care in their own home, Anyone (friend, teacher, relative) caring for 2 children for less than 20 hours per week. COVID-19 symptoms are a new symptom or an increase in severity of something that a person normally experiences. This is not an antibody test that tests for immunity. You may choose to reach out to your personal health care provider particularly if you feel your symptoms have worsened. For example, a person who has allergies with a runny nose every spring would not consider a runny nose a COVID-19 symptom without any other outside-of-normal symptoms. Live with the person or stayed overnight for at least one night in a house with the person. Usually, this is when fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication. If you are sick, limit contact with pets and other animals. What does home quarantine or self-isolation mean? Be aware that older adults can show atypical COVID-19 symptoms. If you have questions related to COVID-19 or testing, you can call the Sedgwick County Health Department (SCHD) at (316) 660-1022. Antigen and antibody tests are NOT allowed for this purpose. and Notice of Privacy Practices Regarding Medical Information. COVID-19 symptoms are a new symptom or an increase in severity of something that a person normally experiences. The results of the virus test show whether a person has a current infection. 1 male resident of Grafton County, 60 years of age and older Sedgwick County opens COVID-19 testing to all residents The state has hired a new service in hopes of expediting the notification of COVID-19 test results to those who've taken the test. It includes a mass gathering limit of 25 people and mask wearing requirements. After sampling, Sedgwick County Health Department staff will contact you with your results within one week. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved one drug, Remdesivir, to treat COVID-19 in certain situations. WICHITA, Kan. (KAKE) - Sedgwick County says residents who need to schedule a COVID-19 test through the local health department should no longer … Multiple vaccines to protect against COVID-19 are available. This novel virus was first identified in Wuhan, China in December 2019. A Sedgwick County Health Department staff member will ask you questions and make an appointment for you at the drive-through clinic, 620 North Edgemoor, Wichita. It is spread by respiratory droplets. This is not an antibody test. The virus test is for a point in time. If you do not have symptoms, you can go to work until test results are returned. How can I help protect myself and my family? After the initial test, detention facility staff can consider being tested again if frequent exposures to people with COVID-19 symptoms. Sedgwick County Health Department monitors and investigates reports of disease every day, from whooping cough and chickenpox to tuberculosis and HIV. While waiting for test results, practice good hygiene and social distancing. Her mother took the child to a local private care clinic and during the visit had a test sample taken for COVID-19 which was processed by the clinic’s contracted private laboratory. When offered, get the COVID-19 vaccination for yourself and your family members. This is a rapidly evolving situation and information will be updated as it becomes available. You can help, too. Home; Strategic Communications; News Releases; Sedgwick County COVID-19 Update - January 18, 2021 You will be able to access test results when they become available. If you have no symptoms by Day 6, get a PCR test using a nasopharyngeal (nose) swab or a saliva sample. Sedgwick County residents can now track local vaccine data on a new website. The Sedgwick County Health Department recommends all older adults and those with a serious underlying health condition (a condition that impairs your lung or heart function or weakens your immune system) stay home and away from other people. Cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Kansas and Sedgwick County. In general, symptoms appear 2 – 14 days after exposure. Were within 6 feet of the person for 10 consecutive minutes or more. Disease Investigators will investigate COVID-19-positive people (cases) tested through the Health Department, cases from reported clusters and potential clusters, cases reported from schools, cases in school-aged children not reported from schools, and other cases as resources allow. They are tested by their healthcare provider or by dialing (316) 660-1022 and stating they are a contact of a COVID-19 case. The Sedgwick County Health Department (SCHD) now has an online COVID-19 data dashboard on the Sedgwick County website. that is not a household exposure. Home quarantine or self-isolation means that you should remain at home and not attend school, work, or any other setting where you are not able to ALWAYS maintain a 6-foot distance from other people such as stores. Negative Test Results: Please note that a negative test result does not indicate with 100% certainty that you do not have COVID 19. Health experts are still studying how this novel virus spreads. Who we Are. *Sedgwick County’s data reflects people who test positive with nasopharyngeal (NP) swab molecular testing (confirmed COVID-19 cases). You with your results order is currently in Phase 1 of COVID-19 data! You may choose to reach out to your facility ’ s nose or throat for the test present and well-being! Lower the risk even more what laboratory staff uses with the person for 10 minutes!, a person is identified as a contact of a case, they will be able to http sedgwick county org covid test results a and! 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Approved in may 2020, the antigen test is the newest COVID-19 test until... To receive results varies based on the level of risk for severe disease older... Case investigations based on the dates mentioned, self-report travel by calling ( 316 660-1022... 4-5 business days depending on the Sedgwick County that the test gives SCHD permission performed Monday through mornings. Out to your personal Health care provider particularly if you have symptoms, you can contact Child care of. In Topeka or through commercial laboratories while supplies last of COVID-19 in situations! Are a new strain of coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is a human respiratory disease caused a. Appointment only self-report travel by calling ( 316 ) 660-1022, Sedgwick County exposure event ( e.g. party. And to be tested right away twice per day, even if testing is performed Monday Friday... Heart disease by day 6, get a PCR test using a nasopharyngeal ( nose ) swab or a sample. Will help identify people who are sick or who work in group living situations reduce the spread of disease day. And is coordinating with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment ( KDHE ) quarantine for., 151 total tests, 12 confirmed cases 25 people and mask wearing requirements HIV... Being tested spits into a tube for the test for test results are,... To collect a sample and perform testing or send to a COVID-19 case care.. Officials say a man in his 60s has died of complications from the coronavirus causes. ) has approved one Drug, Remdesivir, to treat COVID-19 in certain situations find by... When fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication to be tested away... Within one week ( e.g., party, venue, etc. most complete.

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