Castiglione, The Courtier (1528) Martin Luther, "Ninety-Five Theses on the Power of Indulgences" (1517) Habsburg-Valois Wars (1521-) Peasants' War in Germany (1525) Turkish victory at Mohacs, spread of Protestantism in Hungary (1526) Calvin, the Institutes of the Christian Religion … The Protectorate Tenure, 1653-1658. Cuius regio, eius religio in the Holy Roman Empire. The first modern bank that brought much wealth to Amsterdam. Period: 1789 to 1791. Plague, famine, and recurrent wars decimated the population. It clearly lays out the course content and describes the exam and AP Program in general. He was the longest reigning Monarch in European History who influenced France both culturally and politically. Homework: start watching the videos (Tom Richey AP Euro) Sep 11, 2020. AP European History: Home; The Renaissance, Reformation, and Age of Exploration > Development of Monarchies and Religious Wars ... Timeline. Women in European Society. Bastille is captured by peasants, rebellion begins. Painted mona lisa, last supper, vetruvian man, Influential renaissance artists, created David, Creation of man, Risen Christ, Style that replaced plague era paintings with more realistic, accurate paintings, Sweeping brushstrokes of mostly religious views, meant to revitalize interest for the church and inspire religious zeal and emotion in who viewed it, Henry the navigator discovered Africa, Marking the beginning of a new era of exploration and colonization, Rise of mercantilism pushes exploration, desire of new reasources like spices, luxury goods, and gold, America revolting against Britain and gaining independence because of taxation without representation, British international trade organization that trades spices and other luxury goods from India and Asia. Click on image to enlarge. Important Events & Dates in Modern European History (Semester 1) 14th-15th Century 1348-1351 Black Death 1415-1417 French Revolution. A religious war between Catholics and Prodestants in Western Europe. Begins Reformation. 500. The great famine in northern europe. AP European History Timeline. Click on image to enlarge. Arts: 1350: Petrarch thinks of the idea of humanism. Signed in 1648, the Treaty of Westphalia once again ended a religious war, the Thirty Years’ War. In History. Bible printed. 476. $35.80 for a 2-page paper. First introduction to balance of power, War between britain and france in the Americas, featuring significant impacts of native americans. Brought much well to the Dutch and Amsterdam. Very catholic ruler who was disliked in the public view because of her Catholic faith that caused her to execute protestants. The loss of the money used to build the huge fleet of 130 ships in the Armada also weakened the Spanish ability to project power in its new colonies. Considered father of Humanism for his humanistic papers and essays. Issued by Henry IV that allowed Calvinists of France many rights in attempt to promote civil unity. The French Wars of Religion, or Huguenot Wars of the 16th century, are names for a period of civil infighting, military operations and religious war primarily fought between Roman Catholics and Huguenots (Reformed Protestants) in the Kingdom of France. It was the treaty that recognized Calvinism, finally, along with Lutheranism and Catholicism. In History. An edict issued by Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI to insure his daughter inherited his land. The Black Death was significant in Europe because it killed devastating numbers of Europe's population. Paris women rioted over high bread prices and so they ransacked the Palace of Versailles, which ended with King Louis XVI to return to Paris with them. Revolt during the summer of 1358 in France, Part of the Hundred Years' War, The Hussites were followers of the ideas of John Hus and were one of the forerunner groups for the reformation. 1492. WWII & Totalitarianism; 1918-1946. Humanist writer who supported religious toleration. 1304 - 1374. Duma, War between triple alliance and Triple Entente, Austria's prime minister assassinated, issue ulitmatum to serbia and cash german blank check, France gets taken and Germany loses. Book written by Simone Beauvoir that explained women's role throughout history. 1598-1613: "Times of Trouble" in … Many historians view the failure of the Spanish Armada as the beginning of a long, slow decline of Spanish power that eventually resulted in a total loss of its vast empire. A timeline created with Timetoast's interactive timeline maker. However, ideas began to spread, leading to a Renaissance period in northern Europe and ending after the Thirty Years' War, Period of European colonization and mercantilism which lasted from 1488 with the first European sailing around the Cape of Good Hope and ended around the time of the American Revolution in 1776, The Protestant Reformation began with Luther's posting of his 95 thesis and lasted until 1648, after the Thirty Years' War. Book about how capitalism was the best form of economy because peoples own interests line up wit hthe interests of the goverment, Time of Economic ruin in Europe and America, led to rise of many facist leaders, American stock market crashes, starting Great depression, French control over religion was not totally catholic, so allowed religious freedom, The Ninety-five Theses or Disputation on the Power of Indulgences are a list of propositions for an academic disputation written in 1517 by Martin Luther, led to people questioning the church and the start of the Reformation, started Lutheranism, and inspired peasant revolts, Holy roman empire invades and sacks rome, forces pope to relocate. Population dropped to an all time low, but by the 1500's had a more productive economy and more powerful technology. Inspired by changes brought by the Reformation, peasants in western and southern Germany invoked divine law to demand agrarian rights and freedom from oppression by nobles and landlords. Test. Hire a subject expert to help you with Ap European History Timeline Project. In these AP Euro review videos, Tom Richey, an AP European History teacher, lectures on the most important topics for the AP European History exam. Poland, Portugal, France, Belgium, Italy, German states excluding Austria unified under one crown, inspires nationalism, France feared the new power unified germany would have, fought war over balance of power, Regulated European colonization and trade in Africa, Germany emerges as an imperial power, Ottomans systematic extermination of 1.5 million Armenians, Overthrow Czar Nicholas, Duma created. Martin Luther posts his 95 thesis on a church door, arguing that indulgences are morally wrong. Levied taxes without parliamentary consent, was considered tyrannical by many, partially responsible for the English Civil War. The Italian Renaissance (Italian: Rinascimento [rinaʃʃiˈmento]) was the earliest manifestation of the general European Renaissance, a period of great cultural change and achievement that began in Italy during the 14th century and lasted until the 16th century, marking the transition between Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Exploration. 1528: Castiglione publishes, The Courtier. The earliest modern human dates back to 43,000 years ago. bookworm1586. 1455-56 – Gutenberg . Britain then tried to take sugar colonies, against France and Spain. Home Renaissance > Absolutism > Enlightenment > French Revolution > Industrial Revolution Nationalism Group Calendar Renaissance. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. A plague from rats imported from ships from Asia that caused the death of 1/3 of Europe, Period of relative peace and intellect throughout Italy that lead to a great deal of art and culture, ending with the sacking of Rome, Until 1450, the Italian Renaissance had little effect on Northern Europe. Have a look at the key dates of events that shaped Europe. AP European History Timeline. 1509: Erasmus publishes, The Praise of Folly. AP® European History Teacher’s Guide connect to college success ™ Steven Mercado Chaffey High School Ontario, California Jessica Young Oak Park and River Forest High School Oak Park, Illinois Note: This Teacher's Guide was developed prior to the course changes in 2015-16. Granted the Calvinist Protestants of France (also known as Huguenots) substantial rights in the nation, which was still considered essentially Catholic at the time. European history was the only subject available in the Advanced Placement course for sophomores, and everyone was taking it so why not? Women started fighting for more equal rights in the workplace and posed questions about their body and the idea of abortion and birth control pills. AP European History Final Project: Home; Chapters > > > > > > > > > two: timeline. The council held to resolve the dispute over who the pope was. AP European History Timeline. AP European History Timeline Project 1679 The Writ of Habeus Corpus was established in 1679 by the Whig Parliament because they feared Charles II's absolutist power. It was the treaty that recognized Calvinism, finally, along with Lutheranism and Catholicism. A single Homo neanderthalensis tooth remains as the link between prehistory and civilization, dating back 1.4 million years. Social History: 1498-1511: The Portuguese gain control of the East Indian spice trade. Social 1434-1737 Florence is ruled by the Medici family, great patrons of the arts.Family contained religious and political leaders. He won most of these wars and the vast majority of his battles, building a large empire that ruled over continental Europe before its final collapse in 1815. American colonies separated from Great Britain. The Renaissance (or “rebirth”) was inspired by a revival of interest in classical texts from ancient Greece and Rome, as well as a shift toward a more secular individualistic way of thinking. Theology, physiology, and occasionally medicine and law were the main subjects taught. AP Modern European History Timeline (Ruthman) Terms : Hide Images. Failures in institutions led to Western people fixing said institutions. PLAY. Francesco Petrarca, commonly anglicized as Petrarch, was an Italian scholar and poet in Renaissance Italy, who was one of the earliest humanists. Henry IV signed it, and said the famous quote, "Paris is worth the mass", Great protestant leader and phenominal military leader dies, huge blow against prodestants. Very ornate. ... AP European History Timeline created by mrsbearoberson. Then Lenin sent in, overthrows duma and institutes communism, get out of WW1, then Stalin takes power, Treaty that levied heavy war raperations on Germany, screwed them over with inflation, Germany in chaos, Meeting between Stalin and Truman, said that Communism and Capitalism cant coexist, Russians sent in tanks to literally squash protests, Political liberilization in Czechoslovakia, put down by russians, Union between Europeans for mutual defense and economic help. Inventions such as the Spinning Jenny, the Water Frame, and the Steam Engine helped progress this period. Highly recommended. 1417 – End of Great Schism; Single pope elected in Catholic Church. French style similar to the ornate baroque. First global war, Meeting that reaffirmed conservative power and promoted balance of power, anti nationalistically, Romantic nationalist revolutions in 1830, ex. AP European History: Home; The Renaissance, Reformation, and Age of Exploration > ... Timeline. European History Timeline Timeline Description: The first Homo sapiens migrated to Europe from Africa during the prehistoric era and drove the Neanderthals to extinction. AP European History Timeline. A diet in the Holy Roman Empire which produced the Edict of Worms, that declared Martin Luther and his following to be outlaws, and his religion banned. PDF; 4.72 MB; See Where AP Can Take You. Feudal governments and papacy struggled against mounting chaos. This government took over after Charles I’s execution under Oliver Cromwell. Period of French Revolt which lead to the Rise of Napolean Bonaparte and utilized many Enlightenment ideas to attempt to formulate a new government. 1455-56 – Gutenberg . 1337-1453. AP European History Timeline The Renaissance and Exploration 15th Century 1417 – End of Great Schism; Single pope elected in Catholic Church 1444 – Lorenzo Valla’s The Elegance of the Latin Language 1452 – Birth of Leonardo da Vinci 1453 – End of the Hundred Years War 1455-56 – Gutenberg Bible printed 1478 – 92 – Rule of art patron Lorenzo de Medici in Florence 1479 – … In History. Enlightened thinker who urged that the role of government is to protect the people from themselves. AP European History Timeline. AP European History. Click on image to enlarge. At the end of the war, the rise of strong centralized authority made political power the prize instead of religious power. 1948: Organization for European Economic Cooperation and the Council of Europe 1949: Creation of COMECON 1957: Formation of Common Market 1962: Cuban missile crisis 1973: OPEC oil embargo Social: 1945-1960s: Decolonization of Asia and Africa 1945-1965: US takes lead in Big Science 1961: US puts first man on the moon 1961: Berlin Wall knocked down Middle Ages The Church of England was established and emphasis was on loyalty to the throne. Cynical enlightened thinker who wrote much about the evils of the church and advocated freedom of religion and expression. The decree that the leader of a region may choose between Lutheranism and Catholic. 1444 – Lorenzo Valla’s. 1 AP EURO REVIEW SHEET #1: European Wars For each of the following wars, make simple notes of the following : Causes, Course, Consequences, Conquerors, Conquered Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453) Fall of Constantinople (1453) Reconquista (Completed in 1492) War of the Roses (1455-1485) Ottoman-Hapsburg Wars (1526-1791) Key Battles: Siege of Vienna (1529) Marked … Also discovered new laws of gravity, Father of western philosophy and geometry, Published theories on gravity and how it relates to astronomy. This guide reviews the Renaissance as well as key points and timelines. Timeline of European History ... My son is taking AP European history, and this poster is an amazing summary of the countries covered. Led to space race, many indirect wars and eventually the fall of communist russia, Populations across western Europe lost a about a third of their population, driving costs down and creating the need for more jobs, The specialized agriculture brought prosperity to the land-owning nobility, but also to dwellers, lawyers, bureaucrats, and wealthy peasants began to invest in land in the countryside. Political. Caused by animosity between parliment and the monarchy. Level 1: World timeline – a timeline consisting of twenty maps, each showing the world at a different date in history. AP European History Final Project: Home; Chapters > > > > > > > > > two: timeline. Level 2: Regional timelines – timelines of maps of the “Big Regions” of world history: Europe, the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, East Asia, South East Asia, Oceania, North America and South America. Very attractive and colorfu and covers the major periods very clearly. Create professional timelines & roadmaps in minutes. More information... People also love these ideas Complete AP Euro timeline Social. This course is designed to prepare you for the AP European History exam, covering all of the topics outlined in … Tradition and Capitalism Chapter notes due, SAQ, start presentations. Napoleon becomes Emperor, and that ends Semester 1! Created by. In addition to inspiring nationalism, the defeat of the Spanish Armada gave England the practical … The documents that was influenced by the idea of 'Natural Rights' and declared what rights every human should have. Overthrew the monarchy, established a republic, experienced violent periods of political turmoil, and finally culminated in a dictatorship under Napoleon that rapidly brought many of its principles to Western Europe and beyond. Throughout the course, my sense of chronology was completely off. 1524-1525: In Germany there are Peasant Revolts. A Protestant country, England, prevailed against the more powerful navy of a Catholic country, Spain. He just loves it!! AP EURO REVIEW SHEET #6: Timeline of Key Dates NOTE: THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS. 15th Century. Terms in this set (11) 1400-1450. 1453 – End of the Hundred Years War. The Hundred Year's War was a war between England and France over feudal disputes that lasted 116 years, with fighting divided over the course of that time. Henry VIII of England separated the Church of England from the Roman Catholic Church and established himself as the Supreme Head of the Church of England. ... See more History timelines. ollegesuse AP scores to determine students [ eligibility for advanced course placement and/or course credit. Ap European History History Major Ap World History Art History American History Black History People Black History Quotes Black History Facts History Timeline. Inventions such as the Spinning Jenny, the Water Frame, and the Steam Engine helped progress this period. Tradition and Capitalism Continue presentations Oct 2, 2019. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. An economic bubble of Denmark that burst when the bank was forced to stop payment on paper noted, destroying their economy. AP European History Important Eras and Events Timeline created by meag4n. 15th Century. Most widespread revolutionary wave in European History, Communist manifesto shook up middle calss, Emphasis on leisure time, consumerism led to the middle and upper classes mixing so they're almost indistinguishable from one another, Women during World War I had worked in factories and did the jobs of men and they started believing they were equal and fought for voting rights. 4 Periods of Modern European History - Timeline PERIOD I : 1450-1648 TOP TIER ADDITIONAL Year Event(s) significance Year event 476 C.E. The failed Spanish attack on England using naval forces. AP European History can lead to a … See more Politics timelines. Flow of Balken slaves into Eastern Mediterranean: 1400-1500 Jews and Muslims were expelled from Spain: 1492 Peasants’ Revolt in Germany: 1525 St.Bartholomew’s Day massacre: August 24, 1572 “Time of Troubles” in Russia: 1598-1613 English Poor Law: 1601 Food riots begin in Europe: AP European History is an introductory college-level European history course. Medici family in power in Florence (1434-) Invention of Printing Press (1440-) Portuguese establish first African trading post (1443) Re-emergence of serfdom in eastern Europe (1400-) 1450-1500. Political 1949- NATO Created 1955- Warsaw Pact Created 1961-1989- Berlin Wall in Use 1968- Breznev Doctrine 1991- Official end of the USSR Economic1947- Marshall Plan 1949- COME-CON 1973- OPEC Actions Cause Economic Issues Around Globe 1985- Gorbachev’s Perestroika 1993- Creation of the European … Hire verified expert. Book by Isaac Newton during the Scientific Revolution stating Newton's Laws of Motion. The Advanced Placement (AP) Program® is designed to allow high school students to pursue college-level studieswhile attendinghigh school. One of the meetings of the National Convention, the group that began the French Revolution. Natural Philosopher who studied mathematics and physics. STUDY. Tradition and Capitalism Complete presentations. Period of 'Hunting Witches' in small towns, using witches as excuses for bad things. Used idea of Natural Rights, or rights that everyone should be granted, an idea embraced by the French Revolution. AP European History Timeline Timeline created by avanm6. Get Started ... two: timeline. The conflicts ended with the Peace of Westphalia recognizing three separate Christian traditions in the Holy Roman Empire: Roman Catholicism, Lutheranism, and Calvinism, otherwise known as the Reformed tradition. The three main areas are Intellec-tual and Cultural History, Political and Diplomatic History, and Social and Economic History. ... AP European History Timeline created by wkuk. Style of art that was very grand and furnished. First printing press invented, spurred spread of information and revitalized religion due to the printing of the bible, First book supporting the heliocentric theory, question the humanist belief that man was at the center of the universe, Established foundations for international law, based on natural law, A book that outlined the ideal monarch in an era where Italy desperately needed to centralize to survive, Invented best instrument for observing the stars before the telescope, English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist, orator, and author. Peasants' War, (1524–25) peasant uprising in Germany. Resolved in decision that Pope Martin V was the true pope. Napoleon dominated European and global affairs for more than a decade while leading France against a series of coalitions in the Napoleonic Wars. AP European History. Black Death arrives in Europe. 1347. Over the past thousand years Europe has become coverd by a network of Bronze Age farming cultures, ruled for the most part by powerful chiefs and warrior elites. William of Orange invaded England with a Dutch fleet and took power without any bloodshed, Fought between France and Austria over the spanish throne, Phillip took throne but renounced throne in France. Renaissance began in cities of northern Italy (1) 206539315. Learn. 1478 – 92 – Rule of art patron The Elegance of the Latin Language. $35.80 for a 2-page paper. Along with Cardinal Richelieu, one of the first absolute monarchs, removed rights of Huguenots, and was involved in the Thirty Years' War against the Hapsburg. The War that ended the Reformation with the Treaty of Westphalia. The Renaissance and. This map shows what is happening in the history of Europe in 1500 BCE. 1400s: The height of the Renaissance movement. Avignon Papacy. The Hundred Years' War was a series of conflicts waged from 1337 to 1453 by the House of Plantagenet, rulers of the Kingdom of England, against the House of Valois, rulers of the Kingdom of France, over the succession of the French throne. AP European History Course Information. Ended with the Treaty of Paris of 1763, marking the beginning of British Dominance outside Europe. Public timelines; Search; Sign in; Sign up; French Revolution --AP European History assignment Timeline created by FluffyThePandy. War over whether Maria Theresa should keep the Austrian Throne. Led to counter reformation. Gravity. Comparative History, Political, Military, Art, Science, Literature, Religion, Philosophy. John Hus and the Hussites. Social History: 1500-2000 > Art, Music, and Literature in History: 1450-2000 > Timeline. Course Overview. In Uncategorized. Jan 1, 1348. A period in the French Revolution where rumors spread that an armed group of peasants were roaming the countryside as part of the Revolution. War ends. Army officers want to have a change in government because they cant rise up because they're not nobles. 206539314. c. 1350. 206539314: c. 1350: Renaissance began in cities of northern Italy (1) 206539315: 1492: Columbus began European exploration of the "New World" (2) 206539316: 1517: Luther began the Protestant Reformation (3) 206539317: c. 1520: High Renaissance at its peak in Italy (4) 206539318 : c. 1550: Power shifted from … Reformation. Art that was painted in the classical Greek and Roman style, depicting contemporary scenes. Ended the thirty years war, turning point into centralizing power, Systematic expulsion or forced conversion of all non-Christians in Spain to create a religious monotony in Spain, Create professional timelines & roadmaps in minutes. The Estates General meets in Versailles, and ends in the Tennis Court oath, sparking the French Revolution. War for Spain and France to unite against most of Europe, ended with decision that Philip could be King of Spain, but not of France as well. Scholaticism Scholasticism was defined as learning in the schools or universities. Treaty of Versaiis issued and german war guilt, Hitler invading other countries leads to second World War, Blitzkrieg used to take land quickly, led to disillusionment and anti-facist movement, An intellectual war between America and Russia, the two super powers. Political 1740-1748: War of Austrian Succession 1740-1780: Reign of the empress Maria Theresa 1740-1786: Reign of Frederick the Great of Prussia … Without the Spanish threat on the sea in the years after 1588, British ships could ply the waters between Europe and America to bring colonists and supplies to the new lands and return with the products of colonial labor. 1701 to 1713 English, Dutch, Austrians, and Prussians fought France primarily to control the balance of power in Europe. Humanism During the Renaissance, the humanism movement began in Italy, and spread throughout Western Europe. Politique who changed his religion and alter policies numerous times in order to keep good control of his citizens. Considered father of Humanism for his humanistic papers and essays. Established centralization of Holy Roman Empire, gave much power to Prussia. See more Politics timelines. See more Business timelines. Polish dock workers revolted for more voting rights. … Match. AP European History Timeline created by mrsbearoberson. In History. Happened after the National Convention was forced to use a Tennis Court after being locked out of their meeting place. It used the same policy as the treaty before, The Peace of Augsburg. The Renaissance and. European History Physics 2: Algebra-Based AP Art and Design (2-D Art and Design, 3-D Art and Design, and Drawing): May 20, 11:59 p.m. French revolutionary committee which organized the Revolution and the Committee of Public Safety. Charles II, the Spanish king, died without any children, leaving a power vacuum in Spain. Each prince was to determine whether Lutheranism or Roman Catholicism was to prevail in his lands. "Bloody Mary". The Nineteenth Century: Isms and Revolutions; 1820-1870 . It limited royal power, provided speedy trials, prevented double jeopardy from occurring, and allowed judges to demand that prisoners should appear in court. Sep 14, 2020. Astronomer who accurately observed the heavens. People believed god already decided everyone's path in life, Augsburg, Peace of, 1555, temporary settlement within the Holy Roman Empire of the religious conflict arising from the Reformation . Period of fighting within France between Catholics and Protestants (Huguenots) that results in the Edict of Nantes, Codified English Language, wrote many plays and sonnets. The Black Death 1348-1351. European history has had numerous great turns and changes over the centuries with its mighty empires forming, expanding, exploring and warring, and revolutions of all kinds through the centuries, which can split into four major eras. Jan 1, 1871. Bible printed. How hard could it be? Centralized French government by building and maintaining nobles in Versailles, waged successful wars, revoked the Edict of Nantes. The Dutch created a monopoly on trade and were the strongest trading empire. On your AP European History exam, you can expect to find multiple-choice and short-answer Hundred Years' War . A timeline created with Timetoast's interactive timeline maker. Date when Roman Catholic mobs, during the French Religious War, killed 5,000 to 30,000 protestants. 1444 – Lorenzo Valla’s. My first ever AP course was also probably my hardest. Get Started. A timeline created with Timetoast's interactive timeline maker. It fails, prequel to 1830 revolutions, More focused on steel and production of bigger machines, More colonies, but European superiority belief and Social darwinism gave more justification, citizens want democratic rights, Czar fires on people then gives the citizens AP European History Timeline Project 1679 The Writ of Habeus Corpus was established in 1679 by the Whig Parliament because they feared Charles II's absolutist power. Period: Nov 11, 1300. to Nov 11, 1600. Sep 30, 2019. King of France under whom the Revolution of France occurred, eventually leading to his downfall. Encourage your students to visit the AP European History student page for exam information and exam practice. A period in Europe of economic and technological expansion, resulting from increase life expectancy and health caused by the Agricultural revolution. The … Henry IV is assassinated by a Catholic fanatic. Hire a subject expert to help you with Ap European History Timeline Project. Black death was significant in Europe of economic and technological expansion, resulting increase! Imperialism ; 1850-1918 and health caused by the 1500 's had a more productive economy and powerful... Topics outlined in the time of Covid-19 Timeline created by meag4n the Palace of Versailles and put France major! Freedom it needed to begin large-scale colonizing missions over after Charles I ’ s execution Oliver! Revolution where rumors spread that an armed group of Third Estates Generals formed a group the... 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