Voiced by Hank Azaria, Dr. Nick Riviera debuted in The Simpsons' second season as a hilariously under-qualified medical practitioner looking to treat Bart after being run over. There will also be people who happen to die within a month of getting the vaccine, particularly when the vaccine rolls out to elderly general population, due to the simple law of large numbers and the fact that on any given month far more elderly people die than young people. It’s my privilege to get to writing about the origins for The Simpsons version of BGM on behalf of Wookiee. Lisa writes an … It must, however, be acknowledged that it is possible that COVID-19 vaccination might have caused Dr. Michael’s severe ITP. Dr. Michael apparently died before he could be operated on, as risky as surgery would be. He will join Maude Flanders, Bleeding Gums Murphy, Mona Simpson (Homer’s mom), Amber Simpson (Homer’s Las Vegas wife), and Edna Krabappel in the Springfield graveyard. Ron Taylor. He's a jazz musician or some such. The episode " Sweets and Sour Marge " was dedicated to him. Ron Taylor, Actor: Trading Places. Indeed, one of the deaths in the placebo group for the Pfizer vaccine was due to a hemorrhagic stroke. A depressed Lisa's spirit is lifted when she meets a jazz-man, Bleeding Gums Murphy. Thus, platelet infusions are generally not used except in emergencies when bleeding is occurring or platelet counts are as low as Dr. Michael’s were. The name of this illness is Aplastic anemia. Bleeding gums are the most common symptom of gum disease. Dr. Iannelli notes that ITP is rare and that there is only one vaccine for which there is a documented association, the MMR vaccine. :-( JasonOfOrillia. However, he … ‘At first they thought it must be a mistake. As bad as I feel for her, I just wish that Ms. Neckelmann hadn’t in her grief leapt to the conclusion that it was definitely the COVID-19 vaccine that had caused her husband’s death from ITP and trumpeted his story as a warning to the world, so that his death wouldn’t be “in vain.” Her Facebook post handed the antivaccine movement and COVID-19 cranks a powerful propaganda weapon. The story also noted that ITP “can also be caused by cancer, anemia, heavy drinking, viruses, some genetic conditions, toxic chemicals and medications such as diuretics and the rarely used antibiotic chloramphenicol”. David H. Gorski, MD, PhD, FACS is a surgical oncologist at the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute specializing in breast cancer surgery, where he also serves as the American College of Surgeons Committee on Cancer Liaison Physician as well as an Associate Professor of Surgery and member of the faculty of the Graduate Program in Cancer Biology at Wayne State University. “The CDC and FDA are responsible for reviewing COVID-19 vaccine safety data and presenting that information for federal recommendations on vaccine administration,” communications director Jason Mahon said in an email. Chronic ITP affects women two to three times more often than men. I thought at first it was a bufo toad but nothing that I found on the internet says anything about a dog bleeding to death (from his mouth and annus) from a toad. Bleeding Gums Murphy's Death + Lisa's and Murphy's final duo. Unfortunately, Dr. Michael’s case is, at present, a single anecdote, making it impossible to demonstrate causation. Be that as it may, Ms. Neckelman’s post led to sensationalistic headlines, like this one from (who else?) Ultimately, Dr. Michael was diagnosed with ITP, and here’s what ultimately happened: After two weeks of infusions and experimental treatments that failed to raise Gregory’s platelet count, doctors decided they had no choice. Nosebleeds and bleeding gums; Prolonged bleeding from cuts; Skin rash; Dizziness; Headache; Yeah Kaori seemed to have most of these symptoms except Nosebleeds, bleeding gums and skin rash. He In mild cases, treatment may not be needed. When he checked himself into Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, the hospital where he works and had the groundbreaking vaccine, medics discovered he was suffering from an acute lack of platelets. Watching Dr. Monroe's "accident" in The Simpsons movie again, it certainly seems that the intention at the time was for Dr. Nick to be killed, but his surprise return doesn't negatively impact the show's approach to death. It’s always a pleasure to re-watch episodes of the Best. When rituximab binds to CD20, it causes B-cell death and is used against blood cancers and autoimmune diseases. Most Popular on TIME 1 (As I like to say, “idiopathic” basically means “we don’t know the cause.”), The story further noted that ITP is rare and that in extremely rare cases, the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine has been linked to thrombocytopenia in children, according to a 2003 study. This time it showed just one platelet. Dr. Gregory Michael, 56, an OB-GYN at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, died after suffering a hemorrhagic stroke apparently resulting from a lack of platelets. Acute ITP often occurs after a viral infection. Remember when she said she has always been a little anaemic. Even people who have severe forms of chronic ITP can live for decades. If memory serves me, Lisas quest was to get some of his music played on the radio. Bleeding Gums: "I don't really have a family, all I had was a little brother who grew up to become a doctor. The reason that splenectomy works is because platelets with antibodies bound to them are taken up by macrophages in the spleen. “Pinchy would’ve wanted it that way,” Homer says through sobs when … Miami medical examiners are investigating his death, the Florida Department of Health said in a statement. And, again, this was observed in children, not adults. It’s impossible not to feel enormous sympathy and empathy Ms. Neckelmann. It was also noted that severe bleeding due to ITP after COVID-19 infection was rare and that diagnosing ITP in the setting of COVID-19 infection is challenging due to the common incidence of clotting disorders and diffuse intravascular coagulation (DIC), which can also cause platelet depletion. Bleeding Gums, Weight Loss. Given how low the annual incidence of ITP is at baseline taken in context with the fact that there will be tens of millions of adults vaccinated with the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine this year, we would expect to see a significant increase in the annual incidence of ITP if this vaccine did actually increase the risk of ITP. The voice of Bleeding Gums Murphy was provided by Ron Taylor , while his … (And did you know that the latter even had a name ?) Clearly more study is needed, and one anecdote isn’t enough to draw any conclusions. Three weeks ago, I wrote about how the roll out of COVID-19 vaccines under the FDA’s emergency use authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna RNA-based vaccines would very likely result in a tsunami of confusion of correlation with causation to blame the vaccines on all manner of seeming “adverse events,” whether the adverse events were caused by the vaccine or not. Treatment depends on the severity of bleeding and the platelet count. But they said you cannot go home, this is incredibly dangerous, you could suffer a brain bleed and die.’. A Florida doctor has died several weeks after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, although it’s not yet clear whether his death Monday was related to the shot he received on Dec. 18. Pfizer told DailyMail.com Wednesday that it was aware of Dr. Michael’s ‘highly unusual’ death and was investigating further. In season 7, the cartoon's resident psychologist, Dr. Marvin Monroe, stopped appearing and was later confirmed deceased, with his gravestone being shown on-screen. There are also other drugs that can be used, non-steroid immunosuppressants such as mycophenolate mofetil and azathioprine, or even the chemotherapy agent vincristine. However he died from a hemorrhagic stroke – when blood from an artery bleeds into the brain – before he could undergo the surgery. Bleeding Gums Murphy. It’s hard-wired into us to search for causes whenever something horrible happens, and we usually find one, whether it is the true cause or not. Either way, platelet transfusions are not a long-term treatment for ITP, as they can only temporarily increase the number of functional platelets. That means that, in any given three day period (chosen because Dr. Michael’s wife reported that her husband’s symptoms began three days after he was vaccinated with the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccine), one would expect approximately 48 adults to be diagnosed with ITP. His funeral took place on January 28 at the New Christ Memorial Church of God in Christ. While the Flanders family losing the matriarch of their house is devastating, her character is not the most memorable. Yeah you heard it right!! In the case of Maude Flanders and Bleeding Gums, both exits were major plot points that reverberated through other characters and bled into later episodes; to undo either of those would've cheapened the impact of the deaths. Following this, his only album "Sax on the Beach" jumps in price and Lisa plays a tribute to him. 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In case of emergency, platelet transfusions are used, but this is usually not the first choice because the new platelets are usually chewed up by the autoimmune response just as fast as the patient’s own platelets. The Daily Mail story, as sensationalistic as it is, does provide us with more information that Ms. Neckelmann’s Facebook post: Dad-of-one Gregory suffered no immediate reaction to the injection but three days later he was taking a shower and noticed petechiae – spots of red that indicate bleeding beneath the skin – on his feet and hands. Bleeding gums are a sign of gingivitis, or inflammation of your gums. Stories like this always make me wonder how I’d react to the unexpected and rather rapid death of my wife. If you are a potential patient and found this page through a Google search, please check out Dr. Gorski's biographical information, disclaimers regarding his writings, and notice to patients here. Other characters have been retired under tragic real-life circumstances, such as Edna Krabappel, who was retired after the passing of voice actress, Marcia Wallace, in 2013. It’s a thing with a lot of Simpsons characters. Hi, Dr. Bleeding Gums Murphy VOICE. I believe this show was about the death of Lisas favorite sax player, "Bleeding Gums Murphy". He worked out, we had kayaks, he was a deep sea fisherman. Craig has previously been published on sites such as Den of Geek, and after many coffee-drenched hours hunched over a laptop, part-time evening work eventually turned into a full-time career covering everything from the zombie apocalypse to the Starship Enterprise via the TARDIS. As the COVID-19 vaccines roll out, it’s going to become more and more likely that these people will receive their diagnosis within a couple of weeks of having been vaccinated against COVID-19. 7 | Which of Sunday’s surprise returns did you appreciate more: The Simpsons‘ Bleeding Gums Murphy or Family Guy‘s Holden Caulfield? ‘All the blood results came back normal except for the platelets which came back as zero,’ Heidi said. Oh well, bye, bye." Look for antivaxxers to spin these coincidences as “definite proof” that the COVID-19 vaccine kills, just the way they’ve done for vaccines and sudden infant death syndrome (which is not caused by vaccines) and for the HPV vaccine and deaths of teenaged girls. I used the specific examples of syncope and Bell’s palsy, the former of which is a common reaction to needlesticks of many kinds (including all vaccinations) and the latter of which was almost certainly not related to vaccination against COVID-19, also explaining how the law of large numbers will mean that there will certainly be a lot of health issues manifesting themselves sometime soon after vaccination just by coincidence alone, up to and including death. However, many dental treatments can help restore the gums around the teeth. Nevertheless, The Simpsons has made the bold decision to kill off a few characters for good over the years. With Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith. Three turned out to be exacerbations of preexisting ITP and were excluded, but the review also reported one fatality due to intracranial hemorrhage, the same complication that took Dr. Michael’s life. Bleeding Gums Murphy Bleeding Gums Murphy (voiced by Ron Taylor , Daryl L. Coley and Kevin Michael Richardson ) [26] is a jazz musician, idol, and mentor of Lisa Simpson . Bart, meanwhile, sues Krusty the Clown and is given a $100,000 settlement. The world of The Simpsons is one that very much plays by its own rules, with main characters who not only wear the same clothes each day, but also haven't aged since the series began in 1989. True, ITP is listed on the Gardasil package insert as a possible adverse reaction, but, as Dr. Iannelli goes on to explain further, later studies have shown no association, and the risk of getting ITP after an actual measles infection is considerably higher than the risk of ITP after the MMR vaccine, thus leading him to point out that “worry about ITP is a not a good reason to skip or delay getting vaccinated”. The blood tests came back with zero platelets every time. Taylor's other roles included guest spots in NYPD Blue, Twin Peaks, City of Angels and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .He died in 2002 aged 49 from a heart attack. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Certainly, the clinical trials for neither the Pfizer/BioNTech nor the Moderna COVID-19 vaccines detected any signal for ITP in the form of bleeding, low platelet counts, or the like within two months of vaccination. Cause of death: Unspecified illness Lisa would never have known her mentor Bleeding Gums Murphy was in the hospital if she hadn't stumbled on his room while Bart was … Exploring issues and controversies in the relationship between science and medicine. Humans are, as I like to say, pattern-seeking creatures. Learn more about receding gums in this article. Again, most symptoms other than the sort that I experienced will turn out not to be due to the vaccine. - Share your reason with the rest of the community. His real name has never been mentioned; Murphy claims his nickname came from the fact he had never once been to a dentist. Murphy recorded only one album, titled Sax on the Beach, which was extremely lucrative for him. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Finally, there’s surgery. Unfortunately, pouring gasoline on the flame was, in her understandable grief, Dr. Michael’s wife Heidi Neckelmann, who wrote a Facebook post that rapidly went viral, particularly in antivaccine circles: The love of my life, my husband Gregory Michael MD an Obstetrician that had his office in Mount Sinai Medical Center in…, Posted by Heidi Neckelmann on Tuesday, January 5, 2021. They gave him an incredible amount of platelet infusions, I’m told all the platelets in Miami Dade County,’ Heidi said. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Dr. Nick would become a popular recurring character in The Simpsons, famous for his "Hi, everybody! Every general surgeon knows about ITP, because it is general surgeons who are called upon to do a splenectomy in patients whose ITP is refractory to other treatments. Dr. Nick returns in "Lost Verizon" and then had a bigger role in "Eeny Teeny Maya Moe," when Moe is looking to get surgery to make himself shorter and taps up Riviera to conduct the operation. (The same principle applies to claims that vaccines cause autism.) Distraught Heidi, 58, thinks the groundbreaking Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine may have somehow been the trigger. If the severity of the injury wasn't enough (this is The Simpsons, after all) Nick delivers a twist on his famous line - "Bye, everybody!" I've searched the net looking for information on when and how he died, but I have come up empty other that his credits at the Internet Movie Database". Like platelet transfusions, though, intravenous immunoglobulin usually only transiently increases platelet counts and is usually only used in cases where steroids don’t work and bleeding is either occurring or feared to be imminent. ‘He felt 100 percent, he was normal, energetic, happy. Even in the case that there is such an association, we know that, for the phase 3 clinical trial to have missed it, the incidence of post-COVID vaccination ITP must be very, very low. Lisa is the only person who attends Bleeding Gums's funeral, and she vows to make sure that everyone in Springfield knows the name Bleeding Gums Murphy. Filmography Films Acute ITP is often self-limited, and it’s rare for ITP in adults to be so resistant to treatment as Dr. Michael’s case: For most children and adults, ITP isn’t a serious or life-threatening condition. With both Dr. Nick and Dr. Monroe returning from apparent death, it could be that The Simpsons' medical experts are so good at their profession, they have hidden powers of regeneration. “Whiskey Business” (S24, E19) While at a jazz club where the greats are playing, Lisa sees a hologram of her idol, Bleeding Gums Murphy. ‘They gave him medicine. I can only try to imagine what she is going through now, particularly given that her husband was within a couple of years of my age. A few media reports likely aren’t though. Again, as I said before, “idiopathic” means basically “we don’t know what causes it.” There are also two forms of ITP, acute and chronic, with the acute form occurring mainly in children and the chronic form occurring in adults: Acute ITP generally lasts less than 6 months. Since then, Dr. Nick has resumed his status as a recurring Simpsons character, last appearing in a late 2019 episode of season 31. ITP is a condition in which there is an immune reaction against platelets, which are responsible for clotting, leading to a decrease in their number to the point where bleeding can occur. Then he bled to death between midnight an five this morning. Near the end of the show, Murphy, from the heavens above, plays this song with Lisa, before he hits his final resting place. As I mentioned above, ITP is an autoimmune condition that results in platelet destruction in the spleen. Sam Simon to spend time with Maude Flanders and Bleeding Gums Murphy ... A huge part of mine and many people's childhood just died (right after I lost another huge part of it). Unsurprisingly, in her grief she blamed the vaccine for her husband’s death from a rare autoimmune condition that destroys platelets and causes bleeding. She has lost weight and only drinks water. Once the gums recede, they cannot grow back. Jim Carrey is Craig’s top acting pick and favorite topics include superheroes, anime and the unrecognized genius of the High School Musical trilogy. The problem then becomes determining whether his tragic outcome was a coincidence or due to the vaccine. Ron Taylor is the voice of Bleeding Gums Murphy in The Simpsons. Because of this, The Simpsons can bend its own rules and bring back the likes of Dr. Nick if the writers feel he would be a worthy comic addition to an episode. More: The Simpsons: Ned Flanders Church Plot Hole Explained. Murphy is voiced by Ron Taylor, possibly the first guest star in the series if not the first. Maude’s death came out of nowhere in season 11 in a darkly humorous way and was the result of a pay dispute with her voice actress. In 80 percent of children who have ITP, the platelet count returns to normal within 6 to 12 months. ‘They tested him for everything you can imagine afterwards, even cancer, and there was absolutely nothing else wrong with him.’. It mainly occurs in children—both boys and girls—and is the most common type of ITP. When Bart and Homer destroy the giant glass dome covering Springfield, a large shard of the broken shell falls to the ground and impales Dr. Nick right through the road. TV Show: The Simpsons Franchise: Simpsons. Dr. Iannelli further notes that the annual incidence rate of ITP is estimated to be 3.3 per 100,000 adults/year. Willie wanted to give Bleeding Gums his saxophone, only to be finally told that it wasn't a saxophone and actually an umbrella, meaning that Willie had actually been playing an umbrella for some thirty years. The most common symptoms of ITP include, of course, the petechiae and purpura mentioned before (small lesions on the skin due to bleeding under the skin), plus any or all of the following: There are a number of conditions that have been associated with the development of ITP: Also, medications can increase the risk of ITP: The treatments for ITP depend upon the type and severity. Bleeding Gums explained to Willie that no one informed him of the mistake because "we all thought it was funny". “The state will continue to provide all available information to the CDC as they lead this investigation.”, The USA TODAY story cited above was actually fairly cautious in its telling of the story of Dr. Michael’s tragic death due to idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), also known as immune thrombocytopenic purpura. The first such story has started circulating in the antivaccine nooks and crannies of social media, but it’s also being flogged by the usual British tabloids. Again, you can’t tell that from just one case, however dramatic and tragic. I also have another prediction. Her post is already doing damage to efforts to persuade people to accept COVID-19 vaccines, as antivaccine groups gleefully spread this story far and wide. It’s thus probably more likely than not that Dr. Michael’s diagnosis so soon after vaccination is a coincidence. It’s also entirely understandable that Heidi Neckelmann would believe that it was the COVID-19 vaccine that killed her husband. I was taking him to the vet today. Craig first began contributing to Screen Rant in 2016, several years after graduating college, and has been ranting ever since, mostly to himself in a darkened room. But it can also point to other health problems. call and response catchphrase. Given that there were approximately 44,000 subjects in the Pfizer/BioNTech trial with not a single patient showing signs if ITP, we can reasonably conclude that, even if the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine increases the risk of ITP or causes ITP, the risk must be very, very low. What might lead scientists to think that there is an actual association between vaccination with the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccine and ITP? So they did the test again and this time did a manual count which is supposed to be more accurate. But later, in season 15's "Diatribe of a Mad Housewife," Monroe appears out of the blue at Marge Simpson's book signing. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, Steven P. Novella, MD – Founder and Executive Editor, David H. Gorski, MD, PhD – Managing Editor, Topical Barley Flour for the Management of Newborn Jaundice: A Real Study Done by Actual Pediatricians, specific examples of syncope and Bell’s palsy, applies to claims that vaccines cause autism, first story of a death after vaccination against COVID-19, surgical oncologist at the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, American College of Surgeons Committee on Cancer Liaison Physician, bleeding from the gums (for example, during dental work), Viral infections (including chickenpox, parvovirus, hepatitis C, Epstein-Barr, and HIV), Sepsis, a severe bacterial infection in your blood, Certain drugs for heart problems, seizures, and infections, Heparin, a blood thinner used to prevent blood clots.

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