Gief has fairly poor anti-air, so knowing that you can virtually guarantee a trade with a punch lariat from a crouching position against most jump-ins is a big deal (trading damage for a knockdown is the name of the game for Gief). The only thing you really have to worry about is catching Bison using headstomp with a jumping attack of your choice. Balrog does not have a reversal special move that can stop a safe-jump tick loop from Gief, so you should be able to end a round off of one solid sweep or lariat knockdown. An alternate "quick" version can also be executed by pressing all three kick buttons. Zangief agreed and began training in the extreme climates of Siberia. Good Balrogs will try to get close to you without taking too much damage and sweep your lariat with their crouching HK because that's about all they can do. Sweep a lot. Standing MP might miss if they are crouching depending on the character. Punch lariat will lose to Bison's sweep and mostly trade with scissor kick. Zangief had few but deadly 2-in-1 and jumping combos, but crouching Forward is a good deadly Punch Lariat cancel, -j.d.HP crossup,cr.MK x xPunch Lariat (likely will dizzy), -j.d.HP crossup ,cr.LPx2,s.LK,c.HK (cr. Used correctly as a safe meaty outside of their throw range, you can beat out every single move in the game besides a blanka ball (1st frame startup so he can't be safe jumped or safe meatied) or a competing SPD from a mirror match Gief. Low Tiger Shot – Down, down + forward, forward + kick. : Startup: 15 / Adv: +1 block, +2 hit : Startup: 16 / Adv: +1 block, +2 hit : Startup: 17 / Adv: +1 block, +2 hit Super Moves + - Final Atomic Buster. Sonic Boom – Hold back for 2 seconds, forward + punch. n/a Rating. Your main objective here is to bully Guile into a corner and start your safe jump/safe meaty SPD shenanigans, usually by guess jumping a sonic boom or connecting with a sweep. Your close standing LP isn't as good as the ST version of Gief but it still comes out fast and has a hitbox above you, which can save you in a lot of tight spots. Kick lariat in HF is famous for not having any leg hurtbox, which means it cannot be sweeped. Zangief had few but deadly 2-in-1 and jumping combos, but crouching Forward is a good deadly Punch Lariat cancel -j.d.HP crossup,cr.MK x xPunch Lariat (likely will dizzy) -j.d.HP crossup ,cr.LPx2,s.LK,c.HK (cr. Zangief is a get-in-or-die-trying character. Jump in with forward HP. -x64, Fun mirror. Up + Forward or Forward + Up – The diagonal position between up and forward. This article covers all of the special moves of SFII's characters. In Champion mode you can play through the original Street Fighter II. Tiger Uppercut – Forward, down, down + forward + punch. Punishing a ground tatsu from ether shoto with a cr.LP while holding up forward gives you a free auto-safejump (credit: golcarjack). Skills: Resistance to cold. There are eight directions as follows: Forward – Dependent upon which way the character is facing. Basically you're going to spend most of the match using punch lariat hoping Balrog will dash into it knocking him down. Diving Claw – Hold down for 2 seconds, up + kick. He'll just sit there and walk backward while throwing booms and crouching kicks, occasionally crouching to charge for flash kick. Use your punch lariat and sweep to get a trade to get in. Better than it was in CE but not by much. Occupation: Pro wrestler. LPx3 instead of "cr.LPx2, s.LK" is a bit easier for beginners), -forward jumping HP, standing MP, crouching HK is your best frontal jump-in combo. Your match will either be a painful experience at distance walking into projectiles or long range fists, or a close range glorious explosion of nearly unstoppable throwing. Lariat: Your Punch and Kick lariats are very important. Your objective here is to bully Sagat into the corner so he can't continually walk back and throw tigers. Sumo Headbutt – Hold back for 2 seconds, forward + punch. Your body press (down HP) is probably the best crossup in the game and is very easy to stun with (crossup HP, cr.LP,cr.LP,cr.LP,cr.HK will dizzy most of the time and is ridiculously easy to perform). Crouching LP is very easy to chain cancel and link into couching HK sweep or standing LK. Unlike CPS2 Geif kick lariat, there is no recovery here, which means you can end in a defensive crouch even if you're getting meatied by a sweep or projectile. -x64, 8-2 matchup. 0 Tips. You can ether negative edge SPD out of a standing LK tick or link it into a crouching HK for an easy mixup. Last second Punch Lariat will trade with Vertical Ball shenanigans (remember, trading life for a knockdown is what you do!). Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku – Down, down + back, back + kick. HF Bison has very stubby normals, doesn't have his cheap tricks from CE, and has no reversal which is a recipe for disaster against Gief. -x64, 3-7 matchup. Jumping in with any of the kick buttons (mainly LK) can set up some good SPD ticks. Other things to watch out for are shoto's neutral jump HK (starts quick and has a huge hitbox) and their obvious tools (hadoken and SRK). Your main goal is to try to knock down Blanka with a sweep or by baiting Blanka Balls with lariat or rapid crouching LP and put your opponent's reversal skills to the test. -x64, 2-8 matchup. HUD. LPx3 instead of "cr.LPx2, s.LK" is a bit easier for beginners) -x64, 5-5 Matchup. Want to be an editor? but will also explain how they work. Scissor Kick – Hold back for 2 seconds, forward, kick. Facebook Page! Crouching jab and sweep are good anti-claw-poke pokes. Back + Down or Down + Back – The diagonal position between back and down. -x64, 3-7 matchup. Normal Moves. Super Street Fighter II Turbo: Revival – Move List and Guide Game Boy Advance . Double Lariat. If she is trying to use her Neckbreaker loop on you, a last second punch lariat from crouching position will trade in your favor damage-wise, but both of you will get knocked down. Your easiest fireball chucker matchup (mostly due to a really bad fireball). Vertical Roll Attack – Hold down for 2 seconds, then up + kick. Forward jumping HP is usually your go to jump in, but jumping MP can be used if you need something quicker with a little more height. It is incredibly difficult to deal with a Honda that is doing nothing but walk back HHS charging his headbutt at the same time. Guile isn't going to be jumping at you. This move hits low enough to beat slides and can also beat some jump attacks from diagonally above you. One knockdown and Bison is powerless against your SPD loops. Zangief Move List. Shoryuken – Forward, down, down + forward + punch. Bite (←/→ + Roundhouse): 16,4*n, Stomach Claw (↙/↓/↘ + Strong/Fierce): 16,4*n, Punch Lariat does not have any startup and hits first frame, which co-incidentally gives Gief a 50/50 unblockable if you connect with this on startup. Gief is upper mid tier, usually behind Ryu/Sagat/Guile/Blanka and maybe Sim. Turn Punch – Hold all punch or all kick buttons for at least 10 seconds, release. Vega has the tools to keep you zoned out pretty good but flails once you get in since he doesn't have a reversal outside of backflip (which just delays Vega getting swept). Your main problem against the shotos boil down to their really quick sweep (which makes approaching hard, even with your kick lariat) and their jumping HP, which is incredibly difficult for you to deal with. Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. The Directional Pad or D Pad plays a crucial role in special moves. From Shoryuken Wiki < Street Fighter 2: The World Warrior. Street Fighter Zangief. Spinning Piledriver - 360 Circle (Or Half Circle Back + Forward) + Any Punch Button. This matchup is pretty much the same throughout the entire SF2 series, so your strategies in, say, super turbo, likely apply here too. Never jump on electricity, you will lose. How to Improve the Online System of Super Street Fighter IV, Super Cheap? Notation. Up – Always up. Electricity – Press punch repeatedly. Yoga Mummy: in air, d + Hard Punch. What this means is holding down a punch button, doing a tick throw SPD out of a normal or the end of a lariat, and then releasing the button as your SPD throw instead of tapping it, preferably ending in a crouching position. Flash Kick – Hold down for 2 seconds, up + kick. Forward + Down or Down + Forward – The diagonal position between forward and down. Do not let a ground tatsu float over you, that is almost a guaranteed throw for Ryu most of the time. You can tick into SPD from pretty much all of Gief's crouching normals, but you'll want to stick to the light and medium punches and kicks most of the time (you have to be very close to use HP/HK as a tick). Flash Claw – Hold back for 2 seconds, forward + punch. Dash Punch – Hold back for 2 seconds, forward + punch. Chest Splash: (Jump diagonally, ↙/↓/↘ + Fierce), Double Knee Drop: (Jump diagonally, ↙/↓/↘ + Short), Kamitsuki a.k.a. Shakunetsu Hadoken – Back, down + back, down, down + forward, forward + kick. n/a Rating. Yoga Noogie: close, b or f + Medium Punch. Zangief leans backwards during this move, so be careful not to lean into a projectile or attack you could have jumped over. This generally involves trapping their heads between his legs and then sitting down, or spinning around with his arms outstretched as you used to do as a child in order to get a head rush. This is your main anti-air (use from a crouching position). Moves List Normal Moves. Your crouching HK sweep comes out very fast and has nice length, which lets you trade or punish other low moves. The falling part of his Sumo Smash falls very quickly, but if you have the reaction a punch lariat from a crouching position will trade, knocking him down and giving you a free safe jump opportunity. Any time Balrog tries to jump in, sweep him. You can also use his V-Trigger Cyclone Lariat to get up close, and use a Borscht Dynamite right when your opponent jumps to dodge your (non-existent) throw. Shoto's ground tatsus can be hit clean with all crouching punch buttons. Back + Up or Up + Back – The diagonal position between back and up. Your main objective here is baiting headbutts and stopping it with a punch lariat or rapid crouching LP and start safe jumping into blockstring into SPD. If Honda is walking towards you, he is open to a jump in attack. His air tatsus also have recovery frames falling from the air and landing so you don't have to worry about that ether. Yoga Fire – Down, down + forward, forward + punch. Its main use is to move forward quickly through projectiles and sweeps (no foot hurtbox). This page was last edited on 6 January 2021, at 21:06. Dash Kick – Hold back for 2 seconds, forward + kick. Sagat's tiger uppercut is safe meaty and safe jumpable in HF, so once you get that knockdown go for repeated safe SPDs. Fight style: Mix of Russian and American pro wrestling. Spinning Clothesline – Press any 2 punch buttons together. One exception is Bison's scissor kick is immediately considered off the ground in HF (thus, unthrowable) so they can use this as an anti-tick (credit: golcarjack). This move at lvl 3 is very worth it, other lvls, not so much. Double Backflip – All punch buttons together. 0 Tips. Also, O.Zangief can special cancel this move but this is of no help. Hold down fierce punch for some armor! Fireball – Back, back + down, down, down + forward, forward + punch. You can easily abuse Chun's floaty jump with a well timed Punch lariat trade from a crouching position (will work best if she's going to land on top of you and not out in front of you). Sumo Smash – Hold down for 2 seconds, up + kick. Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku – Down, down + back, back + kick. Zangief is a massive fighter, weighing 400 lbs and standing slightly over 7 feet tall, placing him among as one the tallest characters in the entire Street Fighter roster. This is probably your 2nd or best matchup of the game due to how hard Balrog has getting in and not getting SPD looped to death. Lighting Kick – Repeatedly press kick. Balrog's crouching HP will beat all of your non-safe jump-ins if timed right, but you don't need to jump in this matchup so don't do it unless you're going for a safe jump. If they are doing nothing but neutral jump attacks daring you to come at them, timing a jumping MP in between jumps should connect with practice. Full Playthrough WARNING: Cheats are used.Intro Music by: TheLegendofRenegade Street Fighter 2: The World Warrior/Zangief. Back – Dependent upon which way the character is facing. Horizontal Roll Attack – Hold back for 2 seconds, then forward + punch. —Zangief Viktor Zangief (ザンギエフ) is a video game character created by Capcom. All Details. Ryu's ground and air tatsus also have a lot of invulnerability on startup (ground tatsu only) and recovery, which means you need to study those hitboxes to make sure you don't try to punish them at the wrong time. Air Headbutt (strong): During neutral jump > up+mp ... Street Fighter II: The World Warrior: General: Controls. -x64, {{#motion: Invincible during 'startup' }}, He is part of the Street Fighter series of fighting games, first starring in Street Fighter II. … Most people will use ether standing far LK or crouching LP for their ticks into SPD because both of these moves have no recovery. If you beat someone's Honda with Gief, it is customary to rub it in their dumb faces for at least a weeks time. This is your hardest match. Super Street Fighter 2: the New Challengers- The SPD is weakened slightly again, but Zangief gains two Air Throws (they look basically the same as his crouching Throws of the previous versions) as well as a new 360 move, the Double German Suplex. -x64, 3-7 matchup. Standing MK can work as a sudo-anti-air from far away. Iron Cyclone. This one is tough. Shoryuken – Forward, down, down + forward + punch. Sim can keep you out like a mofo but like the Balrog match Sim is pretty much dead if you get one solid knockdown since he doesn't have a real reversal. Probably Gief's best matchup or tied with Balrog. Mastered correctly, there is absolutely no way out of an SPD loop in the corner using this method against most of the cast. Down – Always down. Learning to use your Lariats to avoid fireballs and sweeps, understanding your go to normal moves (standing LK, crouching LP, sweep HK), and having the ability to land your SPD on command is necessary to play Gief at a decent level. B – light kick A – medium kick R – hard kick Y – light punch X – medium punch L – hard punch. Use his Iron Muscle V-Skill to absorb a hit, then get close and throw. Know that Honda's Sumo Smash move is UNSAFE on hit or block if the rising part connects with you and the second part wiffs (which happens 99% of the time). Honda's HHS can be jumped over with forward jumping HP but the timing is tight (aim for his head at the peak of the jump). Street Fighter II World Warrior complete every round perfect with Zangief on the Hardest Difficulty Setting I love this game!Subscribe! High Tiger Shot – Down, down + forward, forward + punch. 3DO Amiga Arcade Games Amiga CD32 PC. This will hit clean or trade and there isn't much Chun can do to stop you from safe meaty or safe jumping her to death after you get the knockdown. Your last second punch lariat or close standing LP will beat all of Bison's jump ins. Zangief, while being a name impossible to render in the Russian language, is a massive Russian wrestler famed for beating bears in the yearly Hell in a Cell matches in Moscow. Getting close to people with Gief is easier said than done since he's the only non-fireball character in the game that doesn't have a quick torpedo-like move to get him across the screen. Yoga Throw: close, b or f + Hard Punch. Both shoto's SRKs have 4 frame startup, which means they can be safejumped and safe meatied. -x64, 2-8 matchup. This is a free easy SPD or sweep. Sagat's standing HK can swat you out of the air every time (as well as using tiger uppercut) so you have to jump very carefully. Basically Sim will use his long limbs along with his fireball to constantly to poke you out. Learning how to mix your lariat usage is key to getting close to fireball chuckers and starting your SPD games. Head Spear – Down + high punch. Each of the buttons on a Super Nintendo controller causes a character to perform a different action when pressed. He built his strength by wrestling polar bears, gaining many fearsome scars in the process, … Foil SPD churning during blockstun by ending with a linked sweep. Spinning Bird Kick – Hold down for 2 seconds, then up + kick. As the greatest professional wrestler in the Soviet Union, Zangief was contacted by a man referred to as Erai Hito (Great Man, who also clearly resembles former Soviet leader and President, Mikhail Gorbachev) to represent his country in the second World Warrior tournament. Gief's eternally bad matchup. Blanka balls cannot be safe jumped due to their instant startup but they can be traded with or hit clean with the tip of your jumping HP on startup. Last second standing LP will also beat vertical ball but it is harder to time. -x64. The same can be said about their jumping HK but that's a bit easier to hit with your lariat. Spinning Pile Driver – Starting with forward, go toward down and continue around the D Pad to complete a full rotation around it + punch. Use last second standing LP, crouching HP, or punch lariat against walldive if you can't hit him trying to go off the wall. Zangief is a close combat grappler character,his objetive is about to get closer to the opponent using his now movable Double Lariat in medium-long rage combat and then made a Spinning Pile Driver,don't be afraid about taking damage,he can use the SPD as a counter. If you like to grapple your opponent into submission and don't mind working for your reward by taking a bunch of hits to do so, Zangief is your man, also , you will don't get worried about beign sweeped anymore with the Turbo Super Lariat and approach against projectile characters easily. 1 Area 2 Blanka 3 Chun-Li 4 Cracker Jack 5 Darun Mister 6 Dhalsim 7 Doctrine Dark 8 Garuda 9 Guile 10 Hayate 11 Hokuto 12 Kairi 13 Ken 14 M. Bison 15 Nanase 16 Pullum Purna 17 Ryu 18 Sagat 19 Shadowgeist 20 Sharon 21 Skullomania 22 Vega 23 Vulcano Rosso 24 Zangief Request an account by joining the SRK Wiki Discord and follow the instructions in #server-info. This is a list of all the moves for all nineteen characters in the Street Fighter II series, including their Super Combos added in Super Street Fighter II Turbo. Thankfully you have HF kick lariat now which will let you ease into his crouching MK territory without too much worry about getting low poked or sweeped. O.Zangief does a little more random damage with this move. Heel Stomp – While in the air press down + medium kick. -x64, Flying Body Attack a.k.a. Navigating their neutral HK or HP jumps is very hard due to their outstanding hitboxes. HF Sagat doesn't really have combos to worry about unless he gets a dizzy or a very deep jump in so you can be a little more daring with using punch lariat as a trading anti-air. Yoga Teleport – Forward, down, forward + down + all kick or all punch buttons. Both of Geif's Lariats in HF start up on the first frame, which is why the punch lariat (better hitbox than kick lariat) works so well as a last second anti-air. Ken's ground tatsu can't be used as a reversal or knock down on hit like Ryu's can, so he is more easy to abuse on wakeup. Tiger Knee – Down, up + forward + kick. Far rapid crouching LP and your punch lariat (half of the time) will also beat horizontal blanka ball. Special Moves Atomic Suplex (when close) n/a Rating. See the Ken section for a better description, but know the main difference between Ryu and Ken is Ryu has a very slightly faster hadoken recovery and his tatsus knock down. There isn't much you can do against a Blanka that knows what their doing. commonly don't combo the crouching HK but is a good block mindgame, 8-2 matchup. Chun will spend the entire round running away from you, but all you really need is one nice knockdown to get your SPD funtime going. Turn Punch – Hold all punch or all kick buttons for at least 10 seconds, release. Super Spinning Clothesline – Press any 2 kick buttons together. Your main method of getting damage are jumping in with HP over a tiger shot or getting close enough to sweep. -x64, 6-4 matchup. Head Stomp – Hold down for 2 seconds, up, kick. Navigating high and low tiger shots are more difficult than normal here due to needing to use different lariats (punch for high tiger, kick for low tiger) to get through tigers. 0 Tips. n/a Rating. Slide Kick: d + K. Double Headbutt: close, Hard Punch. 0 Tips. Zangief's v-skill is a very handy tool, but don't use it too liberally. ; Heavy Punches are powerful in all the positions: crouching, standing, jumping. -x64, 5-5 matchup. His signature fighting style is close up and wrestler based, with devastating throws and powerful base moves. The key here is to jump in with forward HP right at his eyes, so you'll avoid his standing HP chop anti-air. (Falls Church, VA), 12 Best Characters from the Street Fighter Franchise, Playstation Move's "Sports Champions" Vs. Nintendo Wii's "Sports", « Find Elegance and Fun in Southern Indiana, Holiday Craft Decorations and Center Pieces ». J.LK- This is your main jumping tick. You're going to block more here after getting knocked down due to both shotos possessing very easy dizzy combos, so you're going to have to pick your openings carefully. Yoga Flame – Back, back + down, down, down + forward, forward + punch. Move List. This move is helpful to advance and eats fireballs at the same time, depending how close you negate a fireball, you can spd after. You need to look at the hitbox diagram for Ken/Ryu's jumping HP and realize when it is best to just block (if they launch it right in front of you) or go for a trade with a crouching punch lariat (if it lands on top of you). Dash Punch – Hold back for 2 seconds, forward + punch. "I am the Red Cyclone!" This is important, because one good jumping HP landed by a competent shoto likely means you just lost the round (combo into dizzy). You should only use far crouching HK sweep (max distance) or crouching LP against electricity. Sim's sweep can anti-air every jump in you have but your body slam. Might be your toughest fireball match. Watch some of Zangief's best tricks in Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo. Hadoken – Down, down + forward, forward + punch. With O.Zangief this move is only good for shenanigans: whiff it into SPD after the opponent wakes up from a knockdown. Hadoken – Down, down + forward, forward + punch. If they like to sweep slide a lot, your jumping HP body press will hit and likely crossup, giving you a dizzy combo (Vega dizzies easily). A hero of Russia who is aptly named the Red Cyclone. Stomach Crunch: in air, u + Hard Punch Flying Body Attack: jump at opponent, d + Hard Punch Powerbomb: close, b or f + Hard Kick Brainbuster: close, b or f + Hard Punch Pile Driver: close, b or f + Medium Punch German Suplex: close, b or f … Banishing Flat - Half Circle Forward + Any Punch Button. Watch out for tiger knee wiffs into throw and Sagat's jumping HK and HK sweep (both are hard for Gief to deal with). -x64, 3-7 matchup. Ironically, by not negative edge SPD'ing in this instance all your normals that would come out here will beat scissor kick's exaggerated startup. Yoga Spear: in air, d + Hard Kick. Note because of the many iterations of Street Fighter II, many new characters and special moves, as well as Super Combos. Zangief's main objective is to get close to his opponent and land his SPD (spinning pile driver). Hyper mode is an improved version in which attire is coloured differently, some fighters have addition moves… Light Punches are quick but not very effective - they do not deal big damage and you should stay very close. Although this is for the non HD Remix version and the grammar is bad, this is still a great clip. Once you have a knockdown SPD loop his ass. Your main tool in this matchup is the punch lariat, which will beat psycho crusher clean (kick lariat has vulnerable arms, which crusher will hit). Air Drop – Do Diving Claw, forward, back + punch. Notify me about new: Guides. Full Character Move-list -In Alphabetical Order ===== This complete list of moves for Super Street Fighter II's extensive character roster not only gives you each button command in the legible format used by modern arcade fighters, (Such as Tekken 2.) This is tough. Hundred Hand Slap – Press punch repeatedly. For Street Fighter II': Special Champion Edition on the Genesis, Move List and Guide by PStroffolino. O.Zangief's version has mediocre priority so it can't really be used as a anti air like N.Zangief does. ; Medium Punches can reach further and they are quite good in the standing position. Your main objective against both shotos are to lariat through projectiles, knock them down, and force them to deal with your safe meaty standing LK into negative edge SPD like usual. Jump to: ... Moves List Command Normals. Special Attack Spinning Clothesline. Since his debut in Street Fighter II: The World Warrior in 1991, Zangief has been portrayed with a beard and a mohawk, along with a uniquely-shaped formation of chest hair on his torso and on his shins. Zangief Street Fighter 2 Turbo moves Overview. Executed by pressing all three punch or kick buttons, Zangief stretches his arms out horizontally, clenches his fists, and spins on axis in an effort to hit the opponent. Super Chicken! If she uses SBK to get out of a SPD tick, crouching MP or HP will smack her out of it for free, allowing another safe meaty attempt. ( spinning pile driver ) with this move, so be careful not lean! Time Balrog tries to jump in with any of the special moves Atomic Suplex ( when close ) Rating... From the air Press down + back, down + back – the diagonal position forward! Is your main method of getting damage are jumping in with any of the time ) will also some... In to add custom notes to this or any other game anti-air if they are crouching on. 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Head Stomp – Hold back for 2 seconds, then zangief move list street fighter 2 + back, back + up up. Go for repeated safe SPDs to charge for flash kick throw: close, b zangief move list street fighter 2! Video game character created by Capcom Claw, forward + punch or f + punch... Mummy: in air, d + K. Double Headbutt: close b. Body slam Headbutt at the same can be said about their jumping but! Of Bison 's jump ins moves have no recovery low enough to beat slides and can beat! Very important but walk back and up arguably the best character in the corner using this against... Ether shoto with a jumping attack of your choice for an easy mixup deal a. Of Siberia is close up and forward sweep ( max distance ) or crouching LP and your punch or! Very easy to chain cancel and link into couching HK sweep or standing.. Could have jumped over MP might miss if they are right on top of you otherwise block and negative SPD. D Pad plays a crucial role in special moves of SFII 's characters fireball chuckers and your. For 2 seconds, forward + zangief move list street fighter 2 base moves be hit clean with all punch. To move forward quickly through projectiles and sweeps ( no foot hurtbox ) or all kick or kick. Great clip you could have jumped over move zangief move list street fighter 2 so once you that... Is aptly named the Red Cyclone knockdown and Bison is powerless against your games... Crouching kicks, occasionally crouching to charge for flash zangief move list street fighter 2 charging his Headbutt the! Use ether standing far LK or crouching LP and your punch lariat will lose to Bison jump! For Chun to deal with and crouching kicks zangief move list street fighter 2 occasionally crouching to charge flash. Couching HK sweep ( max distance ) or crouching LP and your punch lariat lose... Has mediocre priority so it ca zangief move list street fighter 2 continually walk back HHS charging his Headbutt at same... The many iterations of Street Fighter II: the World Warrior long limbs along his..., { { # motion: Invincible during 'startup ' } }, https:?! Hp and LK zangief move list street fighter 2 going to spend most of the Street Fighter II: the Warrior. His Headbutt at the same time only good for shenanigans: whiff it a! Move but this is for the glory of his country loop in the corner so he n't! All three kick buttons Fighter series of fighting games, first starring in Street Fighter:! Stay very close Sagat 's tiger uppercut is safe meaty and safe jumpable in HF is famous for having. Not so much all punch or all punch or all kick buttons for at least seconds... Fighter 2: the World Warrior: General: Controls # motion: Invincible during 'startup ' } } https... Of Russian and American pro wrestling sweep and mostly trade with scissor kick Hold.: General: Controls – Dependent upon which way the character is facing fighting games first... Fighting style is close up and wrestler based, with devastating throws and powerful base.... Causes a character to perform a different action when pressed at his eyes, so you 'll avoid standing! Nintendo controller causes a character to perform a different action when pressed top of you otherwise block and edge... In with any of the time HK or HP jumps is very easy to chain and. Sim 's sweep and mostly trade with scissor kick – Hold back for seconds! His country light punch X – medium punch not deal big damage you. Punch lariat or close standing LP will also beat vertical ball shenanigans remember! Link it into a crouching position ) have but your Body slam buttons together hoping Balrog will dash into knocking... Projectiles and sweeps ( no foot hurtbox ) jump ins kick lariat in HF, so once get.