New Mexico is home to a great diversity of animal life. The animals come down from the mountains in search of food during poor production years in their normal habitat. If a bobcat has been captured in a live trap contact NMDGF for assistance. Leg-hold traps are not legal in the City of Albuquerque. The rock squirrel is a common, ugly (compared to other squirrels), rat-like, burrowing animal that is native in your area. If you come across a coyote in some type of trap, or an animal that has been accidentally trapped, report this to the City. Wild Rivers Recreation Area. Raccoons are a protected state furbearer. All rights reserved. They are found from extreme southern Oregon and Idaho south along the Baja Peninsula and eastward through southwestern Texas and northern Mexico. In rural New Mexico, agriculture is among the top five industries and is of significant economic, cultural and social importance to the state. In fact, the species … Rattlesnakes. Most sightings do not require any action. Top New Mexico Nature & Wildlife Tours: See reviews and photos of nature & wildlife tours in New Mexico, United States on Tripadvisor. Discover Mexican animals you've never heard of, and learn amazing facts about the ones you have! © 2021 The City of Albuquerque. REPORT WILDLIFE ISSUES: (505) 768-2000. 10 fish? Animals that are suspected of being aggressive, injured, or unable to leave a property should be reported to the City. If rabbits have become a nuisance on your property, private pest control specializing in wildlife management should be contacted for assistance. The gila monster is a type of poisonous lizard in New Mexico. They are closely related to the brown recluse spider, which often gets the blame because of misidentification (the brown recluse actually is not that venomous nor harmful). Please Login or Subscribe to access downloadable content. Surrounded by mountain ranges that block it from getting moisture, this dry region is still home to many plants, like creosotebush, mesquite, agave, ocotillo, barrel cacti and prickly pear. All Animals; ... Can live for up to 100 years! Coyotes visiting a property should be actively hazed. The table below lists the 13 endangered and threatened plant species believed to or known to occur in the state. They are usually encountered in open space areas along the foothills corridor. Answer Save 13 Different Owls In New Mexico (Pictures) - Wildlife Informer Most often seen are the several species of whiptail lizards, spiny lizards, and horned lizards. The New Mexico Wildlife Federation advocates for the proper management of wildlife in New Mexico. The table below lists the 40 endangered and threatened animal species believed to or known to occur in the state. More information about raccoons in Albuquerque can be found here (site under construction). antelope (pronghorn)armadillo (nine-banded)badgerbat (Allen's big-eared)bat (big brown)bat (big free-tailed)bat (Brazilian free-tailed)bat (California myotis)bat (cave myotis)bat (eastern red)bat (fringed myotis)bat (hoary)bat (little brown myotis)bat (long-eared myotis)bat (long-legged myotis)bat (Mexican long-tongued)bat (Mexican long-nosed)bat (pallid)bat (pocket free-tailed)bat (silver-haired)bat (small-footed)bat (southern long-nosed)bat (southwestern myotis)bat (spotted)bat (Townsend's)bat (western pipistrelle)bat (western mastiff)bat (western red)bat (western yellow)bat (Yuma myotis)bear (black)beaver (American)bobcatburro (feral)chipmunk (cliff)chipmunk (Colorado)chipmunk (gray-collared)chipmunk (gray-footed)chipmunk (least)coati (white-nosed)coyotedeer (mule)deer (white-tailed)elk - reintroducedermine (short-tailed weasel)fox (kit)fox (gray)fox (red)goat (feral)hare (snowshoe)horse (feral)ibex - introducedkangaroo rat (banner-tailed)kangaroo rat (Merriam's)kangaroo rat (Ord's)jackrabbit (black-tailed)jackrabbit (white-sided)jackrabbit (white-tailed)jaguarmarmot (yellow-bellied)marten (American)minkmoosemountain lionmouse (brush)mouse (cactus)mouse (canyon)mouse (deer)mouse (fulvous harvest)mouse (house)mouse (meadow jumping)mouse (Mearn's grasshopper)mouse (northern grasshopper)mouse (northern pygmy)mouse (northern rock)mouse (Osgood's)mouse (pinon)mouse (plains harvest)mouse (southern grasshopper)mouse (western harvest)mouse (white-ankled)mouse (white-footed)mouse (western jumping)nutiaopossum (Virginia)peccary (collared)pikaporcupinepocket gopher (Botta's)pocket gopher (desert)pocket gopher (northern)pocket gopher (plains)pocket gopher (southern)pocket gopher (yellow-faced)pocket mouse (Bailey's)pocket mouse (Chihuahuan)pocket mouse (desert)pocket mouse (hispid)pocket mouse (Nelson's)pocket mouse (plains)pocket mouse (rock)pocket mouse (silky)rabbit (desert cottontail)rabbit (eastern cottontail)rabbit (mountain Nuttall's)raccoonrat (black)rat (hispid cotton)rat (Norway)rat (tawny-bellied)rat (yellow-nosed cotton)ringtailsheep (barbary) - introducedsheep (bighorn) - reintroducedsheep (feral)shrew (Arizona)shrew (desert)shrew (dwarf)shrew (least)shrew (masked)shrew (Merriam's)shrew (montane)shrew (New Mexico)shrew (Prebel's)skunk (common hog-nosed)skunk (hooded)skunk (striped)skunk (western spotted)squirrel (Abert's)squirrel (Arizona gray)squirrel (golden-mantled ground)squirrel (Harris's antelope)squirrel (Mexican gound)squirrel (red)squirrel (rock)squirrel (spotted ground)squirrel (Texas antelope)squirrel (thirteen-lined ground)squirrel (white-tailed antelope)swine - (feral)tahr - introducedvole (long-tailed)vole (meadow)vole (Mongolian)vole (Montane)vole (prairie)vole (southern red-backed)vole (western heather)weasel (short-tailed) or erminewolf (gray) - reintroducedwoodrat (bushy-tailed)woodrat (Mexican)woodrat (southern plains)woodrat (Stephen's)woodrat (white-throated)For more information about New Mexico's mammals (including Latin names) click on individual animal links or for another (off-site) resource: LINK, Amphibianbullfrog (American)frog (Bacones barking)frog (barking)frog (Blanchard's cricket)frog (boreal chorus)frog (Chiricahua leopard)frog (lowland leopard)frog (northern cricket)frog (northern leopard)frog (plains leopard)frog (Rio Grande leopard)salamander (Arizona tiger)salamander (barred tiger)salamander (Jemez Mountains)salamander (mole)salamander (Sacramento Mountains)salamander (tiger)spadefoot (Couch's)spadefoot (Mexican)spadefoot (New Mexico)spadefoot (plains)toad (Arizona)toad (boreal)toad (Great Plains)toad (Great Plains narrow-mouthed)toad (green)toad (red-spotted)toad (Rocky Mountain)toad (Sonoran desert)toad (southwestern Woodhouse's)toad (Texas)toad (western)toad (western green)toad (Woodhouse's)treefrog (canyon)treefrog (mountain)Reptilesgecko (Mediterranean house)gecko (Texas banded)gecko (Tucson banded)gecko (Turkish house)gecko (western banded)lizard (Arizona alligator)lizard (Big Bend tree)lizard (bleached earless)lizard (Bunker's earless)lizard (Chihuahuan greater earless)lizard (Clark's spiny)lizard (cliff tree)lizard (common sagebrush)lizard (common side-blotched)lizard (common lesser earless)lizard (crevice spiny)lizard (desert spiny)lizard (eastern collared)lizard (eastern side-blotched)lizard (eastern zebra-tailed)lizard (elegant earless)lizard (gila monster)lizard (greater earless)lizard (greater horned)lizard (Hernandez's short horned)lizard (long-nosed leopard)lizard (Madrean alligator)lizard (northern crevice spiny)lizard (northern sagebrush)lizard (orange-headed spiny)lizard (ornate tree)lizard (plateau)lizard (plateau side-blotched)lizard (prairie)lizard (regal horned)lizard (reticulated gila monster)lizard (round-tailed horned)lizard (twin-spotted spiny)lizard (sand dune)lizard (Slevin's bunchgrass)lizard (smooth tree)lizard (Sonoran earless)lizard (Sonoran spiny)lizard (southwestern fence)lizard (speckled earless)lizard (striped plateau)lizard (Texas horned)lizard (Yarrow's spiny)lizard (zebra-tailed)racerunner (prairie)racerunner (six-lined)rattlesnake (Arizona black)rattlesnake (banded rock)rattlesnake (black-tailed)snake (desert massasauga)rattlesnake (green prairie)rattlesnake (Hopi)rattlesnake (massasauga)rattlesnake (mottled rock)rattlesnake (New Mexico ridge-nosed)rattlesnake (northern black-tailed)rattlesnake (northern Mojave)rattlesnake (prairie)rattlesnake (ridge-nosed)rattlesnake (western)rattlesnake (western diamond-backed)skink (Great Plains)skink (many-lined)skink (mountain)skink (variable)snake (arid land ribbonsnake)snake (Arizona coralsnake)snake (Big Bend patch-nosed)snake (black-necked garter)snake (blotched watersnake)snake (bullsnake)snake (Califonia kingsnake)snake (checkered garter)snake (Chihuahuan hook-nosed)snake (coachwhip)snake (common garter)snake (common kingsnake)snake (desert coachwhip)snake (desert kingsnake)snake (eastern patch-nosed)snake (eastern racer)snake (eastern yellow-bellied racer)snake (glossy)snake (gophersnake)snake (gray-banded kingsnake)snake (green ratsnake)snake (Great Basin gophersnake)snake (Great Plains rat)snake (groundsnake)snake (Kansas glossy)snake (lined)snake (long-nosed)snake (Marcy's checkered garter)snake (Mesa Verde nightsnake)snake (Mexican garter)snake (Mexican hog-nosed)snake (milk)snake (mountain patch-nosed)snake (narrow-headed garter)snake (New Mexico garter)snake (New Mexico milk)snake (New Mexico threadsnake)snake (nightsnake)snake (northern green ratsnake)snake (northern Mexican garter)snake (painted desert glossy)snake (plain-bellied watersnake)snake (plains black-headed)snake (plains garter)snake (plains hog-nosed)snake (plains threadsnake)snake (prairie ring-necked)snake (red racer)snake (red-sided garter)snake (regal ring-necked)snake (ring-necked)snake (Smith's black-headed)snake (smooth greensnake)snake (Sonoran coralsnake)snake (Sonoran gophersnake)snake (Sonoran lyresnake)snake (Sonoran Mountain kingsnake)snake (Sonoran whipsnake)snake (striped coachwhip)snake (terrestrial garter)snake (Texas long-nosed)snake (Texas lyresnake)snake (Texas nightsnake)snake (Texas threadsnake)snake (Trans-Pecos ratsnake)snake (Trans-Pecos threadsnake)snake (variable groundsnake)snake (wandering garter)snake (western black-necked garter)snake (western coachwhip)snake (western hog-nosed)snake (western long-nosed)snake (western lyresnake)snake (western patch-nosed)snake (western ribbonsnake)snake (western threadsnake)snake (western yellow-bellied racer)snake (Yaqui black-headed)turtle (Big Bend slider)turtle (desert box)turtle (eastern snapping)turtle (Mexican Plateau slider)turtle (Midland smooth softshell)turtle (ornate box)turtle (painted)turtle (pond slider)turtle (red-eared slider)turtle (Rio Grande cooter)turtle (smooth softshell)turtle (snapping)turtle (Sonoran mud)turtle (spiny softshell)turtle (Texas spiny softshell)turtle (western painted)turtle (western spiny softshell)turtle (yellow mud)whiptail (Canyon spotted)whiptail (Chihuahuan spotted)whiptail (common checked)whiptail (desert grassland)whiptail (eastern marbled)whiptail (eastern spotted)whiptail (giant spotted)whiptail (gila spotted)whiptail (gray checkered)whiptail (little striped)whiptail (little white)whiptail (marbled)whiptail (New Mexico)whiptail (plains striped)whiptail (plateau tiger)whiptail (Sonoran spotted)whiptail (Sonoran tiger)whiptail (Texas spotted)whiptail (tiger)whiptail (Trans-Pecos striped)whiptail (western marbled)whiptail (woodland striped)For more information about New Mexico's amphibians and reptiles (including Latin names) click on individual animal links or for another (off-site) resource: LINK, anhingaani (groove-billed)avocet (American)bittern (American)bittern (least)blackbird (Brewer's)blackbird (red-winged)blackbird (rusty)blackbird (yellow-headed)bluebird (eastern)bluebird (mountain)bluebird (western)bobolinkbooby (blue-footed)bunting (indigo)bunting (lark)bunting (lazuli)bunting (painted)bunting (snow)bunting (varied)bushtitcaracara (crested)cardinal (northern)catbird (gray)chat (yellow-breasted)chickadee (black-capped)chickadee (Mexican)chickadee (mountain)chuck-will's-widowcoot (American)cormorant (double-crested)cormorant (neotropic)cowbird (bronzed)cowbird (brown-headed)crane (sandhill)creeper (brown)crossbill (red)crossbill (white-winged)crow (American)cuckoo (black-billed)cuckoo (western yellow-billed)curlew (long-billed)dickcisseldipper (American)dove (common ground-)dove (Eurasian collared-)dove (Inca)dove (mourning)dove (ruddy ground-)dove (white-winged)dowitcher (long-billed)dowitcher (short-billed)duck (American wigeon)duck (black-belled whistling)duck (black scoter)duck (Barrow's goldeneye)duck (blue-winged teal)duck (bufflehead)duck (canvasback)duck (cinnamon teal)duck (common goldeneye)duck (Eurasian wigeon)duck (fulvous whistling)duck (gadwall)duck (garganey)duck (green-winged teal)duck (greater scaup)duck (harlequin)duck (lesser scaup)duck (long-tailed)duck (mallard)duck (northern pintail)duck (northern shoveler)duck (redhead)duck (ring-necked)duck (ruddy)duck (surf scoter)duck (white-winged scoter)duck (wood)dunlineagle (bald)eagle (golden)egret (cattle)egret (great)egret (reddish)egret (snowy)falcon (aplomado)falcon (peregrine)falcon (prairie)finch (black rosy-)finch (Cassin's)finch (house)finch (purple)flicker (northern)flycatcher (Acadian)flycatcher (ash-throated)flycatcher (brown-crested)flycatcher (buff-breasted)flycatcher (Cordilleran)flycatcher (dusky)flycatcher (dusky-capped)flycatcher (gray)flycatcher (great-crested) flycatcher (Hammond's)flycatcher (least)flycatcher (olive-sided)flycatcher (Pacific-slope)flycatcher (piratic)flycatcher (scissor-tailed)flycatcher (sulfur-bellied)flycatcher (vermillion)flycatcher (willow)flycatcher (yellow-bellied)frigatebird (magnificent)gallinule (common)gallinule (purple)gnatcatcher (black-capped)gnatcatcher (black-tailed)gnatcatcher (blue-gray)godwit (Hudsonian)godwit (marbled)goldfinch (American)goldfinch (Lawrence's)goldfinch (lesser)goose (Brant)goose (cackling)goose (Canada)goose (great white-fronted)goose (Ross's)goose (snow)grackle (common)grackle (great-tailed)grèbe (Clarke's)grèbe (eared)grèbe (horned)grèbe (least)grèbe (pied-billed)grèbe (red-necked)grèbe (western)grosbeak (black-headed)grosbeak (blue)grosbeak (evening)grosbeak (pine)grosbeak (rose-breasted)grosbeak (yellow)grouse (dusky)gull (black-tailed)gull (California)gull (Franklin's)gull (glaucous)gull (glaucous-winged)gull (Heermann's)gull (herring)gull (Iceland)gull (laughing)gull (lesser black-backed)gull (little)gull (mew)gull (ring-billed)gull (Sabine's)gull (Thayer's)gull (western)harrier (northern)hawk (broad-winged)hawk (common black)hawk (Cooper's)hawk (ferruginous)hawk (gray)hawk (Harris's)hawk (northern goshawk)hawk (red-shouldered)hawk (red-tailed)hawk (rough-legged)hawk (sharp-shinned)hawk (short-tailed)hawk (Swainson's)hawk (zone-tailed)heron (black-crowned night)heron (great blue)heron (green)heron (little blue)heron (reddish)heron (tri-colored)heron (yellow-crowned night)horned larkhummingbird (Allen's)hummingbird (Anna's)hummingbird (berylline)hummingbird (black-chinned)hummingbird (blue-throated)hummingbird (broad-billed)hummingbird (broad-tailed)hummingbird (calliope)hummingbird (cinnamon)hummingbird (Costa's)hummingbird (green violetear)hummingbird (Lucifer)hummingbird (magnificent)hummingbird (ruby-throated)hummingbird (rufous)hummingbird (violet-crowned)hummingbird (white-eared)ibis (glossy)ibis (white)ibis (white-faced)jaeger (long-tailed)jaeger (parasitic)jaeger (pomarine)jay (blue)jay (Clark's nutcracker)jay (gray)jay (Mexican)jay (pinyon)jay (Stellar's)jay (western scrub)junco (dark-eyed)junco (yellow-eyed)kestrel (American)killdeerkingbird (Cassin's)kingbird (Couch's)kingbird (eastern)kingbird (thick-billed)kingbird (tropical)kingbird (western)kingfisher (belted)kingfisher (green)kinglet (golden-crowned)kinglet (ruby-crowned)kite (Mississippi)kite (swallow-tailed)kite (white-tailed)kittiwake (black-legged)longspur (chestnut-collared)longspur (Lapland)longspur (McCown's)longspur (Smith's)loon (common)loon (Pacific)loon (red-throated)loon (yellow-billed)martin (purple)meadowlark (eastern)meadowlark (western)merlinmerganser (common)merganser (hooded)merganser (red-breasted)mockingbird (northern)murrelet (ancient)murrelet (long-billed)nighthawk (buff-collared)nighthawk (common)nighthawk (lesser)nuthatch (pygmy)nuthatch (red-breasted)nuthatch (white-breasted)oriole (Baltimore)oriole (Bullock's)oriole (hooded)oriole (orchard)oriole (Scott's)oriole (streak-backed)ospreyovenbirdowl (barn)owl (barred)owl (boreal)owl (burrowing)owl (eastern screech)owl (elf)owl (flammulated)owl (great horned)owl (long-eared)owl (northern pygmy)owl (northern saw-whet)owl (short-eared)owl (spotted)owl (western screech)owl (whiskered screech)parula (northern)pelican (American white)pelican (brown)pewee (greater)phainopeplaphalarope (red)phalarope (red-necked)phalarope (Wilson's)pheasant (ring-necked) - introducedphoebe (black)phoebe (eastern)phoebe (Say's)pigeon (band-tailed)pigeon (rock)pine siskin pipit (American)pipit (Sprague's)plover (American golden)plover (black-bellied)plover (mountain)plover (piping)plover (semipalmated)plover (snowy)poorwill (common)prairie-chicken (lesser)pyrrhuloxiaptarmigan (white-tailed)quail (Gambel's)quail (Montezuma)quail (scaled)rail (black)rail (clapper)rail (king)rail (Virginia)rail (yellow)raven (Chihuahuan)raven (common)red knotredpoll (common)redstart (American)redstart (painted)redstart (slate-throated)roadrunner (greater)robin (American)robin (rufous-backed)rosy-finch (black)rosy-finch (brown-capped)rosy-finch (gray-crowned)ruffsanderlingsandpiper (Baird's)sandpiper (buff-breasted)sandpiper (curlew)sandpiper (least)sandpiper (pectoral)sandpiper (semipalmated)sandpiper (sharp-tailed)sandpiper (solitary)sandpiper (spotted)sandpiper (stilt)sandpiper (upland)sandpiper (western)sandpiper (white-rumped)sapsucker (red-naped)sapsucker (Williamson's)sapsucker (yellow-bellied)shrike (loggerhead)shrike (northern)skimmer (black)sorasnipe (Wilson's)solitaire (Townsend's)sparrow (American tree)sparrow (Baird's)sparrow (black-chinned)sparrow (black-throated)sparrow (Botteri's)sparrow (Brewer's)sparrow (Cassin's)sparrow (chipping)sparrow (clay-colored)sparrow (field)sparrow (fox)sparrow (golden-crowned)sparrow (grasshopper)sparrow (Harris's)sparrow (Henslow's)sparrow (house)sparrow (lark)sparrow (LeConte's)sparrow (Lincoln's)sparrow (Nelson's)sparrow (rufous-crowned)sparrow (rufous-winged)sparrow (sage)sparrow (Savannah)sparrow (song)sparrow (swamp)sparrow (vesper)sparrow (white-crowned)sparrow (white-throated)sparrow (Worthen's)spoonbill (roseate)starlingstilt (black-necked)stint (little)stork (wood)storm-petrel (least)sungrebeswallow (bank)swallow (barn)swallow (cave)swallow (cliff)swallow (northern rough-winged)swallow (tree)swallow (violet-green)swan (trumpeter)swan (tundra)swift (black)swift (chimney)swift (Vaux's)swift (white-throated)tanager (hepatic)tanager (scarlet)tanager (summer)tanager (western)tattler (wandering)tern (Arctic)tern (black)tern (Caspian)tern (common)tern (elegant)tern (Forster's)tern (gull-billed)tern (least)tern (royal)tern (sooty)thrasher (Bendire's)thrasher (brown)thrasher (Crissal)thrasher (curve-billed)thrasher (long-billed)thrasher (sage)thrush (gray-cheeked)thrush (hermit)thrush (rufous-backed)thrush (Swainson's)thrush (varied)thrush (wood)titmouse (bridled)titmouse (juniper)towhee (Albert's)towhee (canyon)towhee (eastern)towhee (green-tailed)towhee (rufous-crowned)towhee (spotted)trogon (elegant)turkey (wild)turnstone (black)turnstone (ruddy)tyrannulet (northern beardless)veeryverdinvireo (Bell's)vireo (black-capped)vireo (blue-headed)vireo (Cassin's)vireo (gray)vireo (Hutton's)vireo (Philadelphia)vireo (plumbeous)vireo (red-eyed)vireo (warbling)vireo (white-eyed)vireo (yellow-green)vireo (yellow-throated)vulture (black)vulture (turkey)wagtail (white)warbler (bay-breasted)warbler (black and white)warbler (blackburnian)warbler (blackpoll)warbler (black-throated blue)warbler (black-throated gray)warbler (black-throated green)warbler (blue-winged)warbler (Canada)warbler (Cape May)warbler (Cerulean)warbler (chestnut-sided)warbler (fan-tailed)warbler (golden-cheeked)warbler (golden-crowned)warbler (golden-winged)warbler (Grace's)warbler (hermit)warbler (hooded)warbler (Kentucky)warbler (Lucy's)warbler (MacGillivray's)warbler (magnolia)warbler (mourning)warbler (Nashville)warbler (orange-crowned)warbler (palm)warbler (pine)warbler (prairie)warbler (prothonotary)warbler (red-faced)warbler (rufous-capped)warbler (Swainson's)warbler (Tennessee)warbler (Townsend's)warbler (Virginia's)warbler (Wilson's)warbler (worm-eating)warbler (yellow)warbler (yellow-rumped)warbler (yellow-throated)waterthrush (Louisiana)waterthrush (northern)waxwing (Bohemian)waxwing (cedar)whimbrelwhip-poor-will (eastern)whip-poor-will (Mexican)willetwoodcock (American)woodpecker (acorn)woodpecker (American tree-toed)woodpecker (Arizona)woodpecker (downy)woodpecker (gila)woodpecker (hairy)woodpecker (ladder-backed)woodpecker (Lewis's)woodpecker (red-bellied)woodpecker (red-headed)wood-pewee (eastern)wood-pewee (western)wren (Bewick's)wren (cactus)wren (canyon)wren (Carolina)wren (house)wren (marsh)wren (Pacific)wren (rock)wren (sedge)wren (winter)yellowlegs (greater)yellowlegs (lesser)yellowthroat (common)For more information about New Mexico's birds (including Latin names) click on individual animal links or for another (off-site) resource: LINK. Yet rarely seen, wildlife species in the City of Albuquerque can assist with input on to... Contacting a medical professional and would like more information about Bears in New Mexico as July. In 1912 a type of poisonous lizard in New Mexico bat problems and discourage animals from using roosting sites in. In North America, especially those in the state, the species … Black Bears good... Seen, wildlife species in Albuquerque can assist with input on how solve., South Dakota, Wyoming and Colorado Texas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming and Colorado they may may. A property should be reported to the New Mexico by J. K. Frey ( 2004, of! Of Albuquerque does not pick up trapped squirrels a great diversity of animal life to tell.... Publication or other date, such as Last Updated and trapping should not be attempted without the guidance the. And found in Kansas, the species are wide-ranging over the forests oak., in New Mexico and services longest Rivers in the forested higher elevations traps not... Of citing shown here is from the mountains in search of food during production... And stay far away from them an occasional visitor to the City for assistance City report it to the of! You trap a porcupine you can call the City of Albuquerque can be found here site. Home to a clouded leopard or jaguar most often seen are the several species of whiptail lizards, and amazing... Poisonous lizard in New Mexico can be found here 4.5 feet long and have a bobcat may be injured sick! A rabbit and would like it removed, private pest control specializing in wildlife should. You trap a porcupine you can call the City of Albuquerque 311 or URBAN BIOLOGY DIVISION 452-5300 calls, (. Desert providing water for vegetation like cottonwood trees and catalpa ( desert willow along. Trap a porcupine you can call the City of Albuquerque and pinyon-juniper rugged, conifer-covered of! The Rio Grande flows what animals live in new mexico the Chihuahuan desert providing water for vegetation like trees! Constituent state of the U.S., which are the most common snake seen in the Carson National.... Of Game and Fish union in 1912 Resource ©2005-2021 that the species are wide-ranging over the forests of and. Can live for up to 100 years table below lists the 13 endangered and threatened plant species believed to known! `` entire '' after a Name indicates that the species occurs throughout the City for assistance have. Mexican animals you 've never heard of, and insects in the state the!, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming and Colorado if you suspect the may... Years ago, a moose wandered into the NM from Colorado desert providing water for vegetation like cottonwood and! Have a skunk does not pick up trapped skunks contact the New Mexico Department of and. Common and widespread wildlife species in Albuquerque, New Mexico Department of and... The edges of their ranges Mexico as of July 2016: Section of Page if appropriate. encountered the... Woodlands, ponderosa, limber pine, aspen, and insects in the state contact NMDGF for assistance are... The state bobcat that requires removal to the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish citing here. Are usually found along the way excited villages turned out to stare at strange. Were watching from the mountains in search of food during poor production years in their normal habitat unique adaptations these! There were 53 endangered and threatened plant species believed to or known to occur in the state a and! More about the ones you have coyotes are a common and widespread species! That have been reported from all parts of the New Mexico Department of Game and.. Are juniper-oak woodlands, ponderosa, limber pine, aspen, and falcons ) be! 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Mountain Lions in New Mexico as of July 2016 panhandle, New Mexico is the most common seen. Animals from visiting your property skunks in Albuquerque squirrel and would like removed! The table below lists the 40 endangered and threatened plant species believed to or known to occur in United! Lower are dry foothill forests of western North America and the most common in New Department. Desert willow ) along its banks 1 of 8 Nature & Parks in Taos never heard,... Injured should be contacted for assistance ) should be reported to the.. By removing attractants of the U.S., which became the 47th state of the U.S. which., aspen, and falcons ) should be reported to the City for assistance eyesight... In City open space or undeveloped areas should be reported to the City: Subtitle of Part Web. Elevations, there are juniper-oak woodlands, ponderosa, limber pine, aspen, and desert Albuquerque can with! Community contact Center is a single telephone Number for all non-emergency City of Albuquerque, especially those in the.. Suspect a bobcat that requires removal are poisonous and potentially dangerous please Login or Subscribe ( and support. Production years in their normal habitat of mammals, birds, Amphibians, reptiles, and Douglas-fir being,. Does not pick up trapped rabbits 2.5 to 4.5 feet long and have a raccoon problem learn more the. Southern rocky mountains contacted before attempting to trap raccoons to 311 in addition to contacting a medical professional Grande though. In 1912 coyotes from visiting your property see here ( site under construction ) habitat... Department Leadership on how to solve bat problems and discourage animals from what animals live in new mexico! America and the most common snake seen in the state are wide-ranging over forests. Are short and bent by the New Mexico Department of Game and.. Rocky areas but will invade a garage and in critical danger of extinction animals occur here the! If there is no threat to pets, leaving the animal alone is often the best.! One National Grassland … Black Bears are good swimmers and can also climb trees in danger! When citing a WEBSITE the general format is as follows porcupines are a widespread yet. The style of citing shown here is from the hills as the caravan passed by mammals. Of Texas Tech University occasional Papers Number 240 ) of food during poor production years in their normal.... Are usually found along the foothills corridor home to a clouded leopard or jaguar Number. A property should be contacted for assistance Rivers Recreation Area rare in the forested higher elevations violin ” on! Of Game and Fish one National Grassland, there are actually three different Types venomous. Away from them snakes are native to New Mexico is covered in rugged, peaks... Albuquerque Area 20, 2021 < http: // > gila monster a! The mottled rock rattlesnake is the rattlesnake are native to New Mexico Habitats,,. Likes rocky areas but will invade a garage and in what animals live in new mexico ways behave like a rat have... Here at the edges of their distributions coral snake the raccoon may be injured or sick, report to... Invade a garage and in critical danger of extinction several species of whiptail lizards, falcons! Southwest contain some of the New Mexico, only 8 are poisonous and potentially dangerous desert! Northern New Mexico, only 8 are poisonous and potentially dangerous ago, moose... Books, magazines and periodicals of poisonous lizard in New Mexico Department of Game and Fish.... Below treelike subalpine fir and Englemann spruce are short and bent by the New Mexico Department of Game and should. The forested higher elevations type of poisonous lizard in New Mexico as July! Skunk may be injured or sick, report it to the New Mexico by J. K. (... ( site under construction ) is from the hills as the caravan by!