The vulgar idea that "riding the goat " constitutes a part of the ceremonies of initiation in a Masonic Lodge has its real origin in the superstitions of antiquity. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”. What became of the two tribes and a half? By faith we are saved, by hope we are raised, and by charity brought nearer to God. The central password for the Arch Purple is: “The-Ark-of- God.”. Or they had to perform the so-called osculum infamum (obscene kiss) which involved kissing the goat’s backside to show their fealty to Satan” (Beyond The Light p. 87). 3. He is told: “You can wear an emblem of the three-stepped ladder representing Faith, Hope, and Charity. A changeable password known as an ‘annual password’ is made every year and is taken from Scripture in the most superstitious manner. What two tribes and a half? The idea that candidates undergoing initiation into American fraternal groups were forced to ride goats was ubiquitous in the decades surrounding the beginning of the twentieth century. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The goat was James Cook’s goat and was on her third voyage with Cook to the Pacific. The Royal Arch Purple lecturers then outline the importance and profound significance of this solemn act to him: “With my knees upon a representation of a coffin, my toes extended over the earth, to testify that I was duly prepared to suffer death and all its penalties, before I would divulge anything I had received, or was about to receive.”. Most Protestant people in Northern Ireland and many parts of Scotland have heard the saying “riding the goat” in regard to one joining the Order Order. Cook had brought gifts of horses and sheep to the Tahitians from King George III. Lord Advocate J.B. Balfour attested that on April 27th, 1895, one Rankine of Airblies, Scotland was being initiated into the Arch Purple degree at the Motherwell Orange Lodge when he was blindfolded and tossed so violently in a net or hammock that his spine was dislocated or broken at the neck. The Bible says, “Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not; But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God. Rather than revealing Christ they hide Him. How could a believer submit himself to such Arch Purple bondage for what is in reality a counterfeit gospel? Contrary to the teachings of secret societies, Jacob’s ladder in Scripture was not literal but symbolic, Jacob having seen it in a dream from God (Genesis 28:12). The draft outlines how many organisations use the ladder as “symbolic of moral, intellectual and spiritual progress,” and explains how, “The belief in the existence of a ladder leading from earth to heaven was at one time widespread throughout the world. The ‘two and a half’ is used as a mystical knock, to gain admittance to all Royal Arch Purple meetings. As the earliest published reference to riding the goat, it may well be the origin of all the stories. This is performed by both persons placing pressure with their respective thumbs upon the others middle knuckle thus meeting two and a half finger lengths up the hand, and verifying their Arch Purple membership. In the draft to their book, ‘History of the Royal Arch Purple Order’, the Royal Arch Purple Chapter unashamedly describe the mystical significance and the pagan origins of this practice, although, they conveniently chose to withhold such a passage from their published book. Probably you will meet someone and there will be big passion between you and that person. This may have been the inspiration for an 1898 film entitled Riding the Goat. Like all secrets within the Order, this password is given mystically. They were widely accused of practising black magic, blasphemy and homosexuality during their many initiations. At the top of this ladder, the blindfolded Arch Purple candidate is made to kneel upon a representation of a coffin. Edit. Such wickedness was too much even for Rome who began to persecute the Templars. The Bible is certainly not a basin to fish superstitious passwords from, but the true, open and infallible revelation of God’s Word. We also find 'acting the goat' from 1879, when H. Hartigan included it in his memoir Stray Leaves from a Military Man's Note Book: "Don't be actin' the goat." So riding of the goat, which was believed to be practiced by the witches, was transferred to the Freemasons." Giant Goat. It is time for the godly to separate from this heathenism! There, the ignorant candidate is placed upon a representation of a coffin and in some lodges he is even put into an actual wooden one. Significantly, the Royal Arch Purple candidate is also given the same bizarre explanation, albeit it is only given to him in the closing address, long after he has scaled the ladder. Man must be drawn God’s appointed way. This is in stark contrast to Paul the Apostle in Acts 20:24 who was only prepared to pay the ultimate cost, for the Gospel’s sake. The Protestant Truth Society booklet of 1925 reveals the significance of the two and a half, stating, “They [The Royal Arch Purple] claim to be representative of the two and a half tribes that led the vanguard of Israel to the Promised Land, and the numerals two and a half are to some extent the badge of their Organisation.” This ‘two and a half’ is the mystical number of the Order, as the Arch Purple lecture explains: Q.”Have you a number? This sign in reality is the same sign as made by the Pope (in the Greek form) when making a statement that he is ‘God’s representative on earth’. What once was a symbol of evil has now come to represent the ideals, philosophy and religion of Satanism. Be sure to read "What is Freemasonry - a FREE E book. Found in the mountains of Tolish, these huge beasts are often used by by the Goat Riders to hunt down men in hard to reach areas. Readers response (including the author of ‘Behind Closed Doors’ – Paul Malcomson). Wilmshurst, in his book ‘The Meaning of Masonry’ (which is addressed to Masons), expounds the spiritual significance of ‘Jacob’s Ladder’, stating: “Man who has sprung from the earth and developed through the lower kingdoms of nature to his present rational state, has yet to complete his evolution by becoming a god-like being and unifying his consciousness with the Omniscient- to promote which is and has always been the sole aim and purpose of Initiation. Former thirty-second degree Mason and Wiccan Witch High Priest, William Schnoebellan testifies to his own experience within Freemasonry: “I was kept in an anteroom. - The act of a man tucking his wang and sack between his legs and bending over so that it can be seen from behind resembling the head of a goat. Æ Hemilitra or Hexonkion. This is performed by furnishing the membership orally with four numbers. They were restored to their former inheritance on the other side of Jordan in the land of Gilead.”. 152-153). The great and grand password for the Arch Purple is: “The-great-Jehovah-be our-guide.”. Under the title ‘Deterioration in the Arch Purple Discipline’ they state “In the early years of the present [20th] century concern was felt by Clerical Brethren and by medical practitioners called upon to render first aid to Arch Purple candidates who had endured a particularly rough travel.”, This ceremony, of “riding the goat” is shared by other institutions involved in the mysteries. The word ‘father’ in Arabic is taken to imply ‘source’. But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep” (John 10:1-2). This ladder is in reality a symbolic Old Testament figure of Christ, the only way by which man can get to heaven. Whilst the three steps of ‘Jacob’s ladder’ represent the three principal stages in life – “Youth, Manhood, and Age.” The Arch Purple candidate, by kneeling on this coffin, symbolically indicates he is dying to his old self, and commencing a new mystical life within the Royal Arch Purple Order. One wonders how any Christian could defend such an irreligious sham and explain how it at all promotes holy living or respect for one’s fellow man. The blindfolded initiate, who has his back to the blanket is then told to cross his arms whilst still kneeling upon a representation of a coffin. Largest Grand lodge opinion poll on Arch Purple degree. Dealing with Scripture in such a mystical manner can only serve to damage the way in which Royal Arch Purple men look upon God’s precious Word and have the ultimate effect of concealing the truths contained therein rather than revealing them. But this new GOAT … The ‘source’ in this case being clearly the devil. The response of George Dawson (Imperial Grand Master of the Independent Orange Institution). Q. Mystical? Popular belief has often identified masonic initiation with the riding of a goat. While a popular theory is that the celebration of the goat is connected to worship of the Norse god Thor, who rode the sky in a chariot drawn by two goats, Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr, it goes back to common Indo-European beliefs. Wiccan Witchcraft revealed and compared to Freemasonry. It is Pan riding a goat, it cannot get better than that. Riding Goat. They had to consent to sexual intercourse with ‘the goat’; (usually a high priest rigged up with a goat’s head, but occasionally a real demonic form which looked goat-like). Its skin has been valued as a source for leather. But what does this mean? Masonic adept W.L. Clearly no one can climb to Christ – they must be lifted! The entrance password for the Arch Purple is: “Shib-Bo-Leth.”, 2. Sicily, Himera. What does are you still riding the goat expression mean? The Lord taught: “For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad” (Mark 4:22). When the demonology of the classics was taken up and modified by the early Christians, Pan gave way to … Livestock farming - Livestock farming - Goats: Probably first domesticated in the East, perhaps during prehistoric times, the goat has long been used as a source of milk, cheese, mohair, and meat. Yet Jesus says, “For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them” (Luke 9:56). We therefore see that Christ alone is our only way of access to heaven. Since the devilishly designed Tower of Babel, man has always thought it possible to climb his way to heaven. He is then asked, by the lecturers, “In whom do you put your trust?” The nervous candidate answers ” God” (normally with a little prompting from his guide) whereupon he receives a violent push backward unto the blanket. Although labelled Faith, Hope and Charity the steps of this ladder represent the candidate’s mystical journey to ‘spiritual bliss’. His mechanical skills quickly translated to his opening the Normandy Cycle Company in 1953. The old Greeks and Romans portrayed their mystical god Pan in horns and hoof and shaggy hide, and called him “goat-footed.” Ward explains the significance of passwords, in his Masonic book, ‘1st Degree Handbook’ (p. 37): “Why passwords at all? The fellow who was in charge of keeping an eye on me said that I should not worry about riding the goat in the initiation – most guys did it and never fell off. The Bible solemnly states: “be ye clean, that bear the vessels of the LORD” (Isaiah 52:11). The Navy’s first goat mascot, El Cid, was the pet aboard the cruiser New York (Armored Cruiser No. It is sometimes used as a joke between members and potential members. The Bible account of Babel says, “And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name” (Genesis 11:4). It is also emblematical of the three principal stages in life – Youth, Manhood, and Age.”. Circa 420-410 B.C. This practice is known as “riding the goat.”. The Goddess Artemis’ sacred Goat is another reference to the creature, but so is the fact that one of Dionysus’ Divine Aspects is the Goat. Several Older brethern I have conferred with seem to have no idea of where or when it originated. A. Captain Cook was quite angry about the theft of the goat and burned native canoes and held tribal leaders hostage until the goat was returned to the ship. If you have dreamed of riding a goat, it means that you will experience big passion in the near future. Such a practice is nothing new, but is traced back to the ancient mysteries in which there always existed a peculiar belief in a ladder extending from earth to heaven. In keeping with all secret societies they ultimately present the confused candidate with a counterfeit path of salvation. The Scriptures say, “Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith” (Romans 16:25-26). Two organizations of the early eighteenth century seem to have been formed and to have lived their short lives wholly to bring ridicule on Freemasonry. Are you still riding the goat - Idioms by The Free Dictionary. This is the 'giddy' phrase that has lasted, possibly because of the alliteration. Then in typically Masonic manner the Arch Purple attempts to Christianise the practice by labelling the steps Faith, Hope and Charity. The two and a half is used again as the sign of the Arch Purple by coupling the fore finger and middle finger together pointing upward and coupling the small finger and ring finger together downwards and bringing the thumb across in between them. The candidate then steps ‘two and a half’ paces forward towards the ladder, in an observance called ‘the advancement’. We can see therefore, as the Arch Purple candidate ascends this mysterious ladder, he is taking a blasphemous, symbolic, spiritual journey. 1. In some Norse myths, God Thor was said to riding a flying chariot drawn by two goats. Ron Johnstone (Royal Arch Purple Chapter spokesman): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6. By the turn of the nineteenth century riding the goat had truly entered the mainstream. This would likely result from the goats being either herded to wetter environments during some part of the year, or provided fodder from those environments. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Matthew 25:31-34). In this instance God destroyed man’s abominable counterfeit, as He will every other one constructed. Q. The ‘two and a half’ is also incorporated into the Order’s secret handshake, which identifies one Arch Purple man to another. Two, and a half. Some authorities on the subject associate ‘the Baphomet’ with the Arabic abufihamet, pronounced in Moorish Spanish as bufihmat. Riding the Goat Candidate kneels upon a representation of a coffin Most Protestant people in Northern Ireland and many parts of Scotland have heard the saying “riding the … - Sometimes used in the Fag Game or the Nut Game. When interrogated the Templars told of strange occultic rituals wherein they worshipped a goat-headed demonic apparition called ‘the Baphomet’. Before the blindfolded Royal Arch Purple candidate experiences “riding the goat,” he is led over to within four or five feet of the front of a purpose-built ladder, symbolising ‘Jacob’s ladder’. In Freemasonry the member wishing entry into the lodge makes three loud knocks, but to achieve the ‘two and a half’ the Arch Purple make two slow knocks followed by a sharp, quick knock. Q. Over time this peculiar practice came to be associated with all secret societies. His racing skills were equally matched with his ability to braze high quality racing frames. The blindfolded candidate stands nervously in front of the set of steps, known as ‘Jacob’s ladder’. The Royal Arch Purple also attempt to justify this pagan symbol of ‘man’s progressive salvation’, by using the scriptural story where Jacob dreamt of a ladder extending to heaven, as if to justify its use. But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them” (2 Corinthians 4:1-4). The Royal Arch Purple draft explains, “This ‘advancement’ by steps is not unique to the Arch Purple but is shared by the Masonic Order.” This ‘two and a half’ paces represent the secret mystical number of the Order. Each rung of the ladder being labelled as he progresses upward, “And now abideth (1) Faith (2) Hope (3) Charity, these three; but the greatest of these is Charity.” Unknown to the candidate, at this stage, this climb symbolises one of the great mystical doctrines of all occult bodies. A. That is interesting when one recalls Albert Pike’s teaching about the he-goat of the witches’ sabbat, and the way witches in the Middle Ages demonstrated their allegiance to Satan. This would tell the members that the ‘annual password’ is to be found in the second book of the Bible, Exodus, in the twenty-fifth chapter, in the second verse and is the twelfth word. Mountain goat Dream Explanation — (Ibex; Oryx; Sasin; Wild goat) In a dream, a mountain goat represents a foreigner who will be passing by one's town. The two tribes and a half. For further information on the the Royal Arch Purple degree, its teachings, practices and symbols, purchase Behind Closed Doors (see why this explosive book has caused hundreds of members to resign from this neo-Masonic structure). This is an extraction and improvement for the story of Yue people … The Yule goat's origins go back to ancient Pagan festivals. He also gave evidence of how in July 1893, one David Blair, while being initiated into the Royal Arch Purple degree at an Orange hall in Belfast, was likewise blindfolded, and while in the act of mounting a table (or ladder) in this condition, fell backwards and was killed. This mystical number permeates through all aspects of Arch Purple secrecy. Second response of George Dawson (Imperial Grand Master of the Independent Orange Institution). This manifestation, ‘the Baphomet’, seems to have been regarded with idolatrous reverence amongst the Knights Templar. Masonic historians have been at a loss as to the source of this myth, speculating as far afield as the horns on the four corners of the altar used by Old Testament Hebrews and echoed in modern Scottish Rite ritual, or the myth of the goat-headed Baphomet . Catching a mountain goat in a dream means receiving money from a king or from a wealthy and a powerful person, for the mountain in a dream represents such a person and the goat represents the prize. The goat. ” skills quickly translated to his opening the Normandy Cycle Company in 1953 candidate ’ s journey. Told: “ Shib-Bo-Leth. ”, 2 practices into their Order after the Crusades had been completed they. Orally with four numbers by that practical joker and fellow Mason ; Benjamin Franklin abufihamet, pronounced in Moorish as. Your email addresses origin of riding the goat opinion poll on Arch Purple bondage for what Freemasonry! To their former inheritance on the subject associate ‘ the Baphomet ’ with the Bicycle exploits. 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