Links. Douglas County Register of Deeds. Fax . Nebraska Deed Forms U. S. Legal Forms™, Inc. provides Nebraska for all your needs, including warranty deeds, quitclaim deeds, special warranty deeds and others. We provide attorneys and you with the correct valid form. The deputy may not be the County Treasurer, Sheriff, Clerk or Surveyor. Prior to this date, handwritten index books were used. A database (1860-1954 Tract Books Index) has been compiled that allows researchers to locate references within the 163 land tract books that list the first owners of land in Nebraska. For a copy of the land entry from the tract books, contact the Library/Archives Reference Staff. 8:00am-5:00pm M-F. The Buffalo County Sheriff's Office is accepting applications for a Certified Deputy Sheriff. The information provided by Adams County is provided 'as is' and for reference only. The register of deeds may appoint one or more deputies for whose acts the register will be responsible. Prior to this date, handwritten index books were used. Lancaster County Register of Deeds. Box Butte County County Register of Deeds. Register of DeedsJill M. DeMers1111 13th Street, Suite 1Aurora, NE 68818402-694-3443402-694-2297 (fax) Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm excluding holidays Cash or check only allowed as payment The Register of Deeds has the power to take acknowledgments, administer oaths, and certify the same by his or her signature. Search Hall County recorded land documents by name, date or document type. For counties … Search Garden County recorded land records by grantor or grantee, town, subdivision, legal description, block, and lot. View Nebraska Land Surveyor maps, plats, and field notes. Search Sioux County recorded land records by grantor, grantee, section, town, range, subdivision, legal description, block and lot. Search Clay County recorded land records by grantor or grantee, town, subdivision or legal description. Rev. Images: 301 N Jeffers Rm 103 North Platte, NE 69101. Once you retrieve the book you want, you open the book and then go to the appropriate page within the book. County Clerk/Register of Deeds. Search Gage County recorded land records by grantor or grantee, town, subdivision or legal description, block, and lot. In Nebraska, deeds are recorded with the Register of Deeds in the county where the property is located. The Register of Deeds Office is responsible for the maintaining and securing of the land records of the county. Candi Nicholas: Register of Deeds: Suzanne Sommerhalder : Deputy Register of Deeds: The Register of Deeds has the power to take acknowledgments, administer oaths, and certify the same by his or her signature. Phone: (402) 441-7463 Please visit GoodHire for all your employment screening needs. Search for official survey records on file in the office of the Hall County Surveyor. Searches for online records can include searching by grantor/grantee name, instrument number, or filing date. Search York County recorded land records by grantor, grantee, section, town, range, subdivision or legal description, block, and lot. The Register of Deeds must keep a book in which every instrument filed for record in his or her office is entered and an official seal. You can simply search by book number. To find links to collections for lower jurisdictions (such as a county or town), go to Locating Online Databases. Search Lancaster county recorded land documents by grantor or grantee name, instrument number, and filing date. The Polk County Recorder of Deeds, located in Osceola, Nebraska is a centralized office where public records are recorded, indexed, and stored in Polk County, NE. 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday If a Register of Deeds is not elected pursuant to Section 32-518, the County Clerk shall act as Ex-Officio Register of Deeds. The purpose of the Recorder of Deeds is to ensure the accuracy of Polk County property and land records and to preserve their continuity. Location Buffalo County Courthouse - 1512 Central Ave The Register of Deeds Office is responsible for maintaining and securing the permanent land records of the County. The tract books are on 47 microfilm reels. Gifts of Real Property in Nebraska A gift deed, or deed of gift, is a legal document voluntarily transferring title to real property from one party (the grantor or donor) to another (the grantee or donee). Dept. Register of Deeds Records Online Information, Same user interface that is used on the courthouse workstation, Search via many data parameters (grantor/grantee, date range, document number, legal description, etc. The tract books are on 47 microfilm reels. The Polk County Recorder of Deeds, located in Osceola, Nebraska is a centralized office where public records are recorded, indexed, and stored in Polk County, NE. The Register of Deeds may appoint one or more deputies for whose acts the register will be responsible. Phone (308) 772-3924. The Register of Deeds is a separate office in counties that have more than 20,000 inhabitants. It is called a “warranty” deed because it comes with a warranty from the grantor that he or she has the legal authority to sell the property and he or she owns the property with no hidden interests or encumbrances. Register of Deeds. The Register of Deeds is a public office and is used by the public along with Real Estate Companies, Title and Abstract Companies, Banks, Law Firms, Appraisers and Genealogists. 8:30 to 4:30 Monday through Friday. Register of Deeds Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Search County Land Records 24 Hours a Day! PO Box 350 611 Main St Oshkosh, NE 69154. Phone: (402) 747-5431 The Buffalo County Sheriff's Office is accepting applications for a full-time Corrections Officer. Email. Nebraska Deeds Online. Nebraska Quit Claim Deed. NOTICE TO BIDDERS - Radio Communications Tower. 8:00 to 4:00 Monday through Friday. The County Clerk also serves as Register of Deeds and is responsible for recording and maintaining records related to real property situated in Douglas County. Because of microfilm, all documents recorded with the Adams County Register of Deeds can be returned within 24 hours. Search Boyd County recorded land records by grantor or grantee, town, subdivision or legal description. The deputy may not be the County Treasurer, Sheriff, Clerk or Surveyor. A deed embraces every instrument in writing by which any real estate or interest in real estate in Nebraska is created, assigned, alienated, mortgaged, or by which the title to any real estate may be affected in law or equity, except last wills and leases for one year or less (NRS 76-203). The Register of Deeds may appoint one or more deputies for whose acts the register will be responsible. The State’s site gives a … Debra S. Girard PO Box 276 Osceola, NE 68651 Phone – (402) 747-5431 Fax – (402) 747-2656 E-mail – The Polk County Clerk/Register of Deeds Office is located on the second floor of the Courthouse in Osceola, NE. ), Legal description - Subdivision, parcel ID, Metes & Bounds, Viewing images is included in the per search fee, Pay-as-you-go with a credit card - Visa & MasterCard accepted, Open Account Payment Plan - $25 minimum per month. Lancaster County, Nebraska Register of Deeds. Search Sarpy County property surveys by subdivision, quarter, section, township, range, and surveyor name. A gift deed typically transfers real property between family or close friends. The deputy may not be the county treasurer, sheriff, clerk or surveyor. Search Lincoln County recorded land records through paid subscription. 40-104). Images of the index books are found in the book/page archives of each subdivision or section. The Nebraska deeds provide the legal method for the transfer of real estate in Nebraska. The register of deeds is responsible for recording and maintaining records related to real property situated in Sherman County. Joann M. Fischer: Ex-Officio Register of Deeds: The Register of Deeds has the power to take acknowledgments, administer oaths, and certify the same by his or her signature. We also prepare the annual tax roll for the County Treasurer. View Dakota County business and trade name filing information and requirements, fees, including list of current trade name recordings. Sheridan County Register of Deeds and Clerk. The deputy may not be the County Treasurer, Sheriff, Clerk or Surveyor. Search Sarpy County section corners by township, range, and section. Search Washington County recorded land records by grantor, grantee, section, town, range, subdivision, and legal description. Search Merrick County recorded land records by grantor, grantee, section, town, range, subdivision, block, and lot. 405 15th Ave / PO Box 146, Franklin, Nebraska 68939. The Register of Deeds must keep a book in which every instrument filed for record in his or her office is entered and an official seal. Images: Online access to Register of Deeds images is restricted to Registered Users. 1819 Farnam St, Suite H-09 (4th floor, Harney Street level), Omaha, Nebraska 68183 . If a register of deeds is not elected pursuant to section 32-518, the county clerk shall act as ex officio register of deeds. Place a "2" in th… regular meeting of the Buffalo County Board of Commissioners for the purchase and construction of two radio towers. Laredo’s innovative technology and 24-hour access to the county’s land records allows you to obtain information faster and more efficiently. Nebraska Deed Forms U. S. Legal Forms™, Inc. provides Nebraska for all your needs, including warranty deeds, quitclaim deeds, special warranty deeds and others. Register of Deeds. The register must keep a book in which every instrument filed for record in her office is entered and an official seal. Perkins County Register of Deeds . Another website unique to Nebraska is the “Government Subscriber Portal.” The website offers access to a wide range of state of Nebraska online services including court records, Department of Motor Vehicle records, and Secretary of State’s records. vary from State to State and the requirements are vastly different. Laredo - If you are looking for online access and want a subscription. For information on Laredo and Tapestry, click on Deeds Records Online, to the left. 402-387-2705. Indexing: Electronic indexing is available for all documents filed on or after June 19, 1987. In Nebraska, both spouses must sign the deed to release any marital rights, regardless of whether or not the spouse holds a direct interest in the property (Neb. The deputy may not be the County Treasurer, Sheriff, Clerk or Surveyor. Nebraska Deeds Online The counties shaded in blue on the Nebraska map have made an agreement with MIPS Inc. to make their Register of Deeds information available online. Benefits. Nebraska Deeds Online The office is required to prepare abstracts of assessment and certification of taxes levied for the Nebraska Department of Revenue. Links. Search Hamilton County recorded land records by grantor name, grantee name, section, township, range, town, subdivision, block, and lot. Fax (308) 772-9926. Search Nebraska survey record repository with or without images by township and range, subdivision, or city. Pursuant to Nebraska State Statute 32-518 , the County Clerk in Wayne County also performs the duties assigned to the Register of Deeds. If a Register of Deeds is not elected pursuant to Section 32-518, the County Clerk shall act as Ex-Officio Register of Deeds. Go to our website and select "Quick Search by Book Number". 7:30 to 4:30 M-F. 8:00am to 4:30pm M-F / Filing until 3:15pm Address. The clerk also serves as register of deeds and is responsible for recording and maintaining records related to real property situated in Polk County. Search Lancaster County Engineer's survey records by survey number, survey record book, page number, section, township, range, subdivision, block, and more. Notice: The Register of Deeds' office has finished scanning all of the Deed and Miscellaneous records into our imaging system, and those images are now available online. Email. Search Keith County recorded land records by grantor or grantee, section, town, range, subdivision, block, and lot. Search Frontier County recorded land records by grantor or grantee, town, subdivision, block, or legal description. What marketing strategies does Nebraskadeedsonline use? Quitclaim deeds are accepted, but not statutory in Nebraska. Indexing: Electronic indexing is available for all documents filed on or after June 19, 1987. Saline County Register of Deeds and Clerk. Search Nemaha County recorded land records by grantor, grantee, section, town, range, subdivision, block, and lot. Lancaster County, Nebraska Register of Deeds. Seasonal Position details and how to apply. The register of deeds is responsible for recording and maintaining records related to real property situated in Hall County. The deputy may not be the County Treasurer, Sheriff, Clerk or Surveyor. PO Box 25 Ainsworth, NE 69210.,, and can be searched free of charge at your local family history center or the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. Consolidated Management Company is accepting applications for part-time cook in the jail. The Register of Deeds must keep a book in which every instrument filed for record in his or her office is entered and an official seal. Search Red Willow County recorded land records by grantor, grantee, section, range, subdivision, block, and lot. The Register of Deeds may appoint one or more deputies for whose acts the register will be responsible. Once you have signed up, and have been issued a username and password, go to the Fidlar website select Nebraska as the state, then Buffalo as the county, and click download. Search Knox County recorded land records by grantor, grantee, section, town, range, subdivision, block, and lot. The purpose of the Recorder of Deeds is to ensure the accuracy of Cheyenne County property and land records and to preserve their continuity. Documentary Stamp Tax Information. In Nebraska, real property can be transferred from one party to another by executing a quitclaim deed. Lois Block – Register of Deeds Joyce Gibbs- Deputy. Images of the index books are found in the book/page archives of each subdivision or section. regular meeting of the Buffalo County Board of Commissioners for a new Cab & Chassis Lowboy Tractor and a The Adams County Register of Deeds is an elected partisan position with a four year term of office. The register of deeds has the power to take acknowledgments, administer oaths, and certify the same by his or her signature. SEPARATE, SEALED BIDS will be received at the McPherson County Register of Deeds - Clerk. Fax (308) 772-9926. A few counties provide online access to recorded documents whereby searches can be performed by name, document number, document type, recording date, and township. For a valid transfer, record the deed at the recording office in the county where the property is located. View alphabetical index of Buffalo County land patents. A few counties provide online access to recorded documents. Copies of filed documents are available upon request. No original is retained for permanent record with the exception of Plats. The user expressly agrees that the use of Adams County's web site is at the user's sole risk. We are striving to develop the most comprehensive, Register of Deeds, Clerk, Marriage Licenses and Election Information, Registrar of Deeds, Clerk, Marriage Licenses, Birth, Death and Marriage Records and Election Information, Register of Deeds, Clerk, Marriage Licenses, Birth, Death, Marriage Records and Elections, Register of Deeds, Clerk, Marriage Licenses, Birth, Death, Marriage Records and Election Information, Register of Deeds, Clerk, Marriage Licenses, Birth, Death, and Marriage Records. Address. Nebraska Deeds Online Instructions for Numerical Indexes. About Land Records and Deeds in Nevada Deeds, mortgage documents, easements, liens, powers of attorney, and other document recordings are managed by the County Recorder’s office in each Nevada county. Nebraska Homestead Land Records. About Land Records and Deeds in Nebraska Deeds, mortgage documents, easements, liens, powers of attorney, and other document recordings are managed by the Register of Deeds Office in each Nebraska county. Search Stanton County recorded land records by grantor, grantee, section, town, range, subdivision, legal description, block, and lot. vary from State to State and the requirements are vastly different. new Cab & Chassis with Dump Body to be used by the Buffalo County Highway Links. Laredo Designed for users who consistently search in a single county Fidlar Software has designed Laredo, a remote access product, with your objectives in mind. Butler County Register of Deeds and Clerk, Cheyenne County Register of Deeds and Clerk. Phone: (308) 352-4643 A database (1860-1954 Tract Books Index) has been compiled that allows researchers to locate references within the 163 land tract books that list the first owners of land in Nebraska. Search Dawes County recorded land records by grantor or grantee, town, subdivision, and more. Deeds must include the names of the grantor (seller) and grantee (buyer) as well as the legal description of the property and the person to whom the deed should be returned after recording. The Register of Deeds must keep a book in which every instrument filed for record in his or her office is entered and an official seal. About Land Records and Deeds in Missouri Deeds, mortgage documents, easements, liens, powers of attorney, and other document recordings are managed by the County Recorder in each Missouri county. Access to recorded documents can be obtained by visiting the Register of Deeds Office in person, or through phone and mail requests. Search Pierce County recorded land records by grantor, grantee, section, town, range, subdivision, block, and lot. PO Box 350 611 Main St Oshkosh, NE 69154. These records include section, township, range, monument descriptions, corner identifications, and actual field survey measurements as well as the date of survey and the surveyor in responsible charge. The Cheyenne County Recorder of Deeds, located in Sidney, Nebraska is a centralized office where public records are recorded, indexed, and stored in Cheyenne County, NE. Search Colfax County recorded land records by grantor or grantee, town, subdivision, subdivision, block, or lot. Courthouse - 400 Hawkeye St, 2nd floor / PO Box 276, Osceola, Nebraska 68651. Polk County Register of Deeds . The Register of Deeds may appoint one or more deputies for whose acts the register will be responsible. The information provided by Adams County is provided 'as is' and for reference only. The State’s site gives a detailed list of available records and any pertinent fees. The duty of the Register of Deeds is to record deeds, mortgages, assignments, releases, construction liens, tax liens (state and federal), UCC filings, plats, original instruments and writings presented to him or her for recording. Franklin County Register of Deeds. The Register of Deeds may appoint one or more deputies for whose acts the register will be responsible. Carol Givens 435 N Park Fremont, NE 68025 (402) 720-6789 Links. Search Banner County recorded land records by grantor or grantee, town range, subdivision, block, and lot. Nebraska Statewide Online Genealogy Records. Same user interface that is used … Address. Search Fillmore County recorded land records by grantor or grantee, town, subdivision, legal description, block, and lot. The Register of Deeds office contains grantor, grantee and land record indexes dating back to the original land patents. Tapestry Designed for the occasional users or those who want the freedom to search in all Fidlar counties All you need is a web browser for 24/7 access to county land records. Search Sarpy County 1857-1990 recorded land documents by grantor and or grantee. Search Madison County recorded land records by grantor or grantee, section, town, range, subdivision, block, and lot. For example - you are looking for an image at Deed Book 2, page 50. Search Cuming County recorded land records by grantor or grantee, town, subdivision or legal description. The Nebraska deeds provide the legal method for the transfer of real estate in Nebraska. The deputy may not be the County Treasurer, Sheriff, Clerk or Surveyor. Search Douglas County property sales records by addition including 12-month history of deed-type documents filed in the Douglas County Register of Deeds office. For a copy of the land entry from the tract books, contact the Library/Archives Reference Staff. Search Wayne County recorded land records by grantor, grantee, section, town, range, subdivision or legal description. Nebraska Deeds Online All copies and Buffalo County plat books are available to purchase in the office. If a Register of Deeds is not elected pursuant to Section 32-518, the County Clerk shall act as Ex-Officio Register of Deeds. The register must keep a book in which every instrument filed for record in his or her office is entered and an official seal. Nebraska Deeds Online. Fill-In Form 521 from Department of Revenue. The register of deeds has the power to take acknowledgments, administer oaths, and certify the same by his or her signature. Search Pawnee County recorded land records by grantor, grantee, section, township, range, subdivision, or block and lot. Search for Otoe County recorded land documents by owner name, parcel ID, address, and legal description. In Nebraska, it is illegal to fly a plane while drunk. Search Scotts Bluff County recorded land records by grantor or grantee, section, town, range, subdivision, block, and lot. The register of deeds may appoint one or more deputies for whose acts the register will be responsible. Furnas County Register of Deeds and Clerk. Effective 4/22/2020, Zoning & Floodplain will have new phone numbers: Buffalo County is currently soliciting public input on the proposed federal-aid transportation and bridge replacement project in rural Buffalo County. Nebraska Deeds Online The website offers access to a wide range of state of Nebraska online services including court records, Department of Motor Vehicle records, and Secretary of State’s records. Phone (308) 772-3924. Phone: (308) 425-6202 Search Platte County recorded land records by grantor, grantee, section, town, range, subdivision, block, and lot. Search Adams County recorded land documents by grantor, grantee, instrument number, book page, file date range, and instrument. 555 South 10th St, Rm 102, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508. Property Search - Gworks. Email. Courthouse - 200 Lincoln Ave / PO Box 156, Grant, Nebraska 69140 . Search Phelps County recorded land documents by owner name, parcel ID, address, legal description, and sales. The Nebraska general warranty deed is a legal document used to transfer property in Nebraska from a seller to a buyer. Stat. The Register of Deeds records are available on the Free Public Access computers. Phone . California Privacy Notice: If you are a California resident, you have the right to know what personal information we collect, the purposes for which we use it, and your options to opt out of its sale. Please use "Quick Search by Book Number". A few counties provide online access to recorded documents. 402-387-0918. Deeds must include the names of the grantor (seller) and grantee (buyer) as well as the legal description of the property and the person to whom the deed should be returned after recording. SEPARATE, SEALED BIDS will be received at the Deeds are provided for individuals, corporations, Limited Liability Companies and husband and wife. Nebraska Gift Deed. Copies of the complete land file can be acquired from The Register of Deeds Office is a separate office in counties that have more than 20,000 inhabitants. The Register of Deeds Office is responsible for maintaining and securing of the land records of the county. Fillmore County Register of Deeds - Clerk. Deeds are provided for individuals, corporations, Limited Liability Companies and husband and wife. 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