Male In Mudae, Fairy Tail is a rollable series. As his alias "Black Priest" suggests, Keyes dresses in form-fitting robes with a high collar. Manga Debut Magical Barrier Particles (魔障粒子 Mashōryūshi): Keyes' body is made up of thick black particles, allowing him to move similar to a mist and cause both Magic deficiency and illness. Fairy Tail Keyes Cosplay; El color en la imagen puede verse un poco diferente al producto actual; Los patrones de accesorios de vestuario (como encajes, botones, hebillas, cuero) pueden diferir ligeramente de la foto del producto si el patrón original está agotado. Fairy Tail is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hiro Mashima. Facing off the Fairy Tail members, Keyes prepares for a four-on-four battle. Jōji Nakata. He has a calm, sadistic, and manipulative demeanor, even when he is about to face his enemies, as he eerily threatened Lucy, Wendy, Happy, and Carla before confronting them. As they convene, the group are joined by Kyôka and Silver, both of whom were off on "special missions". Member of the Nine Demon GatesMember of Tartaros [34] The said ability allows Keyes to deform and reform his body seemingly at will to avoid physical and magical attacks, functioning at minimun contact. He was forced to leave the council after the misuse of the Etherion during the Tower of Heaven incident. Alias Making his body intangible, Keyes removes himself from harm's way and tells Juvia that he will next use her corpse to kill all of her friends. Wrapping himself around her body, Keyes tells her in response to her defiance to kill him, but mentions that if she does, Gray will once more be without a father; he then gleefully taunts Juvia whilst citing his belief that human emotions are foolish. [23] In the midst of the battle, Keyes lets Juvia know that Silver is, in fact, a corpse of Gray's father revived by the Demon. See a recent post on Tumblr from @ultimateanna about fairy tail jackal. Doug Jackson [12] Later, in Tartaros headquarters, the Black Priest is among the several to sense Natsu Dragneel break into their base. Keyes can also use his own body to throw a sneak attack, and is fast enough to even outpace Natsu, Gajeel and Juvia simultaneously. Coming to the aid of Torafuzar when he is attacked by Gajeel, Keyes attempts to strike the Iron Dragon Slayer from behind, though is stopped by Juvia, who swoops in to save her comrade. Jetzt Episode 16 Staffel 6 von Fairy Tail & weitere Folgen komplett in bester HD Qualität online als Stream. Doug Jackson. Attempted murderUnethical experimentation After the battle of Tartarus, Fairy Tail disbanded and Juvia traveled with her beloved Gray Fullbusterto Amefurashi Village and resided there until Gray's disappearance due to him joining Avatar as a spy. As he regroups with his fellow Demons and watches Fairy Tail do the same, Keyes silently mutters that nothing is over yet. Confused, Gray casts an array of Ice-Make spells at Keyes, though the Demon merely utilizes his mist body once more in order to avoid them, silently muttering that soon Face shall be activated as an annoyed Gray curses his abilities. 1 Profile and Stats 1.1 Power Ranking 2 Appearance 3 Personality 4 History 5 Powers and Abilities 6 Weaknesses 7 Equipment 8 Relationships 9 Other Media 9.1 OVA 9.2 … As he continues his advance, Keyes is joined by Franmalth, who was hiding in the room as Lucy and Wendy investigated it. When Natsu leaves him, Keyes turns to attack Juvia once more with his khakkhara, striking her as she stands distracted. Game Debut Although he was never shown to utilize this attack, it is mentioned in the Official Tartaros Member Guide at the end of Volume 46. [29], Necromancer (死人使い(ネクロマンサー) Nekuromansā): Using this Curse, Keyes has the ability to perform necromancy, which allows him to revive and control a deceased person, as seen when he used Crawford Seam to remotely activate Face. Tartaros Characteristics Desert Death Ma Free … His death soon allows Silver and all affected by his Necromancer to finally rest in peace in the afterlife. Activate Face to cleanse the presence of Magic on the continent of Ishgar and use it to activate the Curse Power to revive E.N.D. Magical Barrier Particles: Keyes' body is made up of thick black particles, allowing him to move similar to a mist and cause both Magic deficiency and illness, as seen after Juvia forcibly exited his body. Doug Jackson is the English dub voice of Keyes in Fairy Tail, and Jōji Nakata is the Japanese voice. Keyes is a very silent and mysterious Demon, rarely saying a word, although he usually mutters. 100% Kostenlos Online 3000+ Serien Image Gallery, Keyes (キース Kīsu) was an Etherious of the Dark Guild Tartaros and a member of the Nine Demon Gates.[2]. Kanji. Keyes oder Keith (キース Kīsu) ... Du kannst Fairy Tail Wiki helfen, indem du ihn erweiterst. TV Show: Fairy Tail Franchise: Fairy Tail. He was revealed to be a secret informant of Tartaros, until he is killed to break the last seal on Face. Professional Status Keyes is a very silent, uncaring, and mysterious Demon who rarely says a word, although he usually mutters. Chapter Text "Keyes," From behind him, Erik broke the silence surrounding the standoff between the three wizards and the Black Archbishop. [3], Despite his seemingly calm personality, he has shown a more twisted side of his personality; Keyes despises humans and he treats them as tools for him to use for his Necromancy experiments. Activate Face to cleanse the presence of Magic on the continent of Ishgar and use it to activate the Curse Power to revive E.N.D.Destroy the Fairy Tail guild and humanity. [13], With the Fairy Tail Guild having landed on and entered their headquarters, Keyes heads out to confront some of the guild members, soon finding Lucy, Wendy, Happy and Carla as they head out to deactivate Face. Cube (former) Most notably though, Keyes does not have a human face. [17], Staring down his enemy, Keyes watches as Silver and Tempester spring into action, the former grabbing Gray and disappearing whilst the latter creates huge whirlwinds to blow their opponents about. Instead, his body seems to be that of a skeleton, with Keyes possessing no nose, eyes or skin. Multiple sizes offered for all your carrying needs. Powers/Skills [25], Keyes arrives at the battlefield with the help of Neinhart's Historia of the Dead, appearing before Juvia and intimidating her while commenting on the interesting nature of his summoner's Magic. Race Coming to the aid of Torafuzar when he is attacked by Gajeel, Keyes attempts to strike the Iron Dragon Slayer from behind, though is stopped by Juvia, who swoops in to save her comrade. your own Pins on Pinterest Making his body intangible, Keyes removes himself from harm's way and tells Juvia that he will next use her corpse to kill all of her friends. At one point in time, using his Curse, Keyes resurrected hundreds of corpses, one of which included Silver Fullbuster, in an experiment to find out how much a corpse could behave like a living human. Hearing her mumble that she believes Gray is in danger, Keyes comments that it will soon be the end of Gray's life, receiving a rage-filled glare from Juvia as he explains that Gray will lose himself in a calamity and follow the fate of his mentor, Ur. Origin Necromancer: Using this Curse, Keyes has the ability to perform necromancy, which allows him to revive and control a deceased person, as seen when he used Crawford Seam to remotely activate Face. Keyes, as his alias "The Black Archbishop" suggests, dresses in form-fitting robes with a high collar. Staring down his enemy, Keyes watches as Silver and Tempester spring into action, the former grabbing Gray and disappearing whilst the latter creates huge whirlwinds to blow their opponents about. Fairy Tail Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. He also didn't show concern at the fact that Silver wanted to take revenge against the whole guild nor worries about if Silver ends up killing his own son, if that allows him to improve the abilities of his Necromancer. Fairy Tail 2014 OST 2 - 21 - The Black Archbishop Keyes by Fairy Tail 2014 OST published on 2016-12-15T01:45:44Z The second OST for the 2014 series of Fairy Tail was released, so here it is :D However, Keyes rapidly teleports from the control center, reappearing in front of the two once more. [21] Glorifying Silver's Magic abilities, Keyes aims an attack at Juvia as the Water Mage asks why a person with Devil Slaying Magic would join a guild of Demons; Keyes replies that it was all the whim of Mard Geer that Silver be accepted as a Demon Gate[22] and strikes a distracted Juvia with yet another attack. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Much like the Golden Keys, they are rare, and considered invaluable, as well as exceptionally powerful spirits. Around his face and on his head, Keyes wears an ornate head piece, revealing Tartaros' guild mark, covering his jaw and fanning out over his head almost like a crown. Most notably though, Keyes does not have a human face. Despite his seemingly calm personality, he has shown a more twisted side of his personality; Keyes despises humans and he treats them as tools for him to use for his Necromancy experiments. He sees feelings as humanity's own weakness as he claims that feelings just gets in their way. Approaching the Fairy Tail Mages, who stand scared at his skeleton-like appearance, Keyes threatens the two women to hell, stating that they shall soon be corpses. [39] Keyes can also use his own body to throw a sneak attack, and is fast enough to even outpace Natsu, Gajeel and Juvia simultaneously. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Keyes oder Keith (キース Kīsu) war ein Etherious der dunklen Gilde Tartaros und ein Mitglied der Neun Dämonentore. Offensively, Keyes can manipulate the poisonous anti-Magic particles in various ways such as spiraling currents, a wave, or an explosion to attack opponents. Juvia and Meredyis a friendship between Fairy Tail Mage, Juvia Lockser, and Crime Sorcière Mage,Meredy. Hearing that two of their other members, Jackal and Tempester, are also out, the group move to put their plans against the Magic world into action. Authoritative Necromancer, Magical Barrier ParticlesEnhanced speedKhakkharaJudgment of Malefic StarEnhanced speed. [10] As they convene, the group are joined by Kyôka and Silver, both of whom were off on "special missions". After hearing about Jackal's successful mission involving the destruction of the entire Magic Council, Keyes listens as some of the other Nine Demon Gates members argue over their lack of participation in the plan so far, though he chooses to remain out of the conversation, instead silently commenting about their dedication to Zeref. Status Goals "This is my story. Jouji Nakata Enhanced Speed: While using his Magical Barrier Particles body, Keyes can travel at high speeds, even without getting noticed by his enemies. Ready for coins, cards, phones, makeup, art stuff, or more. Reforming himself in front of Gray, Keyes recognizes the Ice-Make Mage, and utters Silver's name. ", Keyes [27] However, it is not long before Meredy and Juvia unite their powers[28], quickly finishing off both him and Zancrow by casting Maguilty Water. Kīsu English Voice Full Name 1 About Juvia and Meredy 1.1 Juvia Lockser 1.1.1 Appearance 1.1.2 Personality 1.2 Meredy 2 History 2.1 Juvia's History 2.2 Meredy's History 3 Friendship 4 Synopsis 4.1 Tenrou Island Arc 4.2 Grand Magic Games Arc 4.3 Alvarez Empire Arc 5 References 6 Navigation Juvia Lockser (ジュ … Rōmaji Name: Keyes, The Black Archbishop Origin: Fairy Tail. Keyes (Fairy Tail) Mascarvin (Log Horizon) Phantom (Marchen Awakens Romance) Peta (Marchen Awakens Romance) Halloween (Marchen Awakens Romance) Zi Yuan (The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor) Kabuto (Naruto) Obito Uchiha (Naruto) Orochimaro (Naruto) Ainz Ooal Gown (Overlord) Sung Jin-Woo (Sung Jin-Woo) Horned King (The Black Cauldron) [9], Keyes with some of the other Nine Demon Gate members, Keyes gathers with his fellow Nine Demon Gates members at the Tartaros headquarters. Chapter 356 At the same time, both Silver and Gray join the fight, being followed soon after by Tempester and Natsu. Japanese Keyes is also very wicked and derogatory, so he doesn't show a trace of remorse on his actions, taking pride in having resurrected Silver's corpse, even marveling at his powers. Hearing that two of their other members, Jackal and Tempester, are also out, the group move to put their plans against the Magic world into action. Keyes is a very silent and mysterious Demon, rarely saying a word, although he usually mutters. Facing off the Fairy Tail members, Keyes prepares for a four-on-four battle. The series has received an anime adaptation, a prequel side story, multiple OVAs, multiple games, two movies, and a spin-off sequel. Fairy Tail [8], At one point in time, using his Curse, Keyes resurrected hundreds of corpses, one of which included Silver Fullbuster, in an experiment to find out how much a corpse could behave like a living human. Keyes continues to battle Gray until Mard Geer activates a Curse that transforms the entire fortress; the Curse causing the enemy Fairy Tail Mage to sink into the ground and be trapped in the stone. Keyes merely watches as the process is completed. Not long after that, he attempts to poison his foe by cloaking her with his Magical Barrier Particles. Entonces Lucy y Wendy se preparan para luchar, pero detrás de Keyes aparece Franmalth, Lucy invoca a Aries y Tauro, quienes atacan a los demonios con un ataque combinado de la Lana de Aries, atrapándolos en un muro de Lana, momento que aprovechan las chicas y los Exceed de Fairy Tail para escapar, en su camino de escape se encuentran con Keyes, quien … Curse Yep. [19] When Natsu leaves him, Keyes turns to attack Juvia once more with his khakkhara, striking her as she stands distracted. Fairy Tail is an anime based off the manga made by Hiro Mashima about magic guilds, centering on the guild called Fairy Tail, starring Lucy, Natsu, Gray, and Erza. Keyes was an Etherious of the Dark Guild Tartaros and a member of the Nine Demon Gates. His death soon allows Silver and all affected by his Necromancer to finally rest in peace in the afterlife. The Black ArchbishopKeith Continuing his battle with the three Fairy Tail Mages, Keyes shrugs off a punch from Natsu, his body yet again turning into a misty substance. He has a calm and sadistic demeanor, even when he is about to face his enemies, as he eerily threatened Lucy, Wendy, Happy and Carlabefore confronting them. He also didn't show concern at the fact that Silver wanted to take revenge against the whole guild[5] nor worries about if Silver ends up killing his own son, if that allows him to improve the abilities of his Necromancer. Judgment of Malefic Star: Keyes raises his staff and a dark aura surrounds both it and him. With a final twist of his body, Keyes seemingly crushes Juvia, much to everyone's shock, but quickly realizes his folly, as her water body begins to struggle and move about inside him; Keyes is then blown into pieces as Juvia forcefully exits his body. Fairy Tail Brave Saga Khakkhara Antes … Before they can attack, Lucy summons both Taurus and Aries, and the two combine their abilities to form a cloud of wool, which temporarily blinds Keyes and Franmalth, allowing Wendy and Lucy to fly from the room. [18] Continuing his battle with the three Fairy Tail Mages, Keyes shrugs off a punch from Natsu, his body yet again turning into a misty substance. Fairy Tail Collection 11 - Official Clip - Taurus and Aries. Fairy Tail (フェアリーテイル Fearī Teiru ) es un manga de aventura y fantasía escrito e ilustrado por Hiro Mashima, publicado en la revista Shōnen Magazine, de la editorial japonesa Kōdansha. [30] He is able to reanimate hundreds of corpses at a time, which allowed him determine how much a corpse could behave like its former self. Magic Furthermore, if Keyes is defeated, corpses under his control will cease functioning. As Gajeel and Torafuzar later clash, Keyes moves to intercept Natsu as the Dragon Slayer tries to help his friend, surprising him with his mist-like body and easily dodging Juvia's Water Slicer to attack her in return. - … Treating humans like tools for his necromancy experiments.Conducting necromancy experiments. Official Name: ja キース: Gender Identity: male: entity: demon In Western lore, demons are often described as minions from Hell, generally known to attack humans and feast on their flesh or possess the bodies of those with weak souls. Enhanced Speed: While using his Magical Barrier Particles body, Keyes can travel at high speeds, even without getting noticed by his enemies. [40], Khakkhara: Keyes carried around a Khakkhara, which he used to attack opponents, able to injure even Juvia despite her Water Body,[41] as well as manipulate the Magical Barrier Particles that compose his body to be sent at the target.[42]. However, it is not long before Meredy and Juvia unite their powers, quickly finishing off both him and Zancrow by casting Maguilty=Water. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. However, Keyes rapidly teleports from the control center, reappearing in front of the two once more. Previous Affiliation Keyes is able to reanimate hundreds of corpses at a time, which allowed him determine how much a corpse could behave like its former self. Necromancer The basic attributes of some members of Tartaros have been compiled in the form of game cards. Reforming himself in front of Gray, Keyes recognizes the Ice-Make Mage, and utters Silver's name. The Black Archbishop (漆黒僧正 Shikkoku Sōjō)[1] Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. However, he is shocked when something doesn't go the way he had planned and even curses his own folly when making a mistake. Around his face and on his head, Keyes wears an ornate head piece, revealing Tartaros' guild mark, covering his jaw and fanning out over his head almost like a crown. Heartbroken, she decided to stay at the village to wait for Gray, until Natsu's group arrived to find … Evil-doer 1 History 2 What makes him Pure Evil 3 External link 4 Navigation TBA He bombed the Magic Council. He also didn't show concern at the fact that Silver wanted to take revenge against the whole guild nor worries about if Silver ends up killing his own son, if that allows him to improve the abilities of his Necromancer. [16], However, after Lucy manages to summon the Celestial Spirit King to her aid, the Alegria Curse is lifted from Cube, freeing the Fairy Tail members who were previously trapped. Crawford Seam (クロフォード・シーム Kurofōdo Shīmu) is an antagonist of the anime/manga series Fairy Tail.He was the former Chairman of the Magic Council. He has a calm and sadistic demeanor, even when he is about to face his enemies, as he eerily threatened Lucy, Wendy, Happy and Carla before confronting them. 100% Kostenlos Online 3000+ Serien However, corpses revived under Keyes control may only exist for a limited time unless they possess a driving force, as Silver's desire for revenge against Demons allowed him to stay reanimated much longer than other corpses. As he begins to cast a spell to take them out, he is struck from behind by Gray, though turns his body into a black mist to avoid receiving any physical damage. Personal Status All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Later, in Tartaros headquarters, the Black Priest is among the several to sense Natsu Dragneel break into their base. Keyes is also very wicked and doesn't show a trace of remorse on his actions, taking pride in having resurrected Silver's corpse, even marveling at his powers. As he begins to cast a spell to take them out, he is struck from behind by Gray, though turns his body into a black mist to avoid receiving any physical damage. Keyes VOICE. [15] Keyes continues to battle Gray until Mard Geer activates a Curse that transforms the entire fortress; the Curse causing the enemy Fairy Tail Mage to sink into the ground and be trapped in the stone.