ADAM J found in the Gauteng division that the breach of promise to marry brings about two causes of action: “. Are employers required to accept and pay out extended notice periods to employees? How does one ac­tu­ally go about su­ing an ex-lover? Impotence, sterility, criminality, and alcoholism also formed valid reasons to end an engagement. Defendant breached that promise and had also started seeing someone else. Friday: 07h00 – 17h00 With regards to the second cause of action relating to delict or wrongful act causing harm, the court made it clear that there must be a distinction between the causes of action: “[49]. the Plaintiff claimed R500 000 for general damages and the court considered previous awards granted with similar facts and granted R25 000 after the court was satisfied that the Plaintiff had suffered a personality right infringement and contumelia. BREACH OF PROMISE AND SEDUCTION IN SOUTH AFRICAN LAW. Promises … In terms of South African Law, can I sue a partner for a breach of promise to marry if I have documented evidence in - Answered by a verified Lawyer . Acceptance — This is when the parties involved have clearly agreed to all of the contract’s essential terms. So, she was able to recover for mental anguish, loss to reputation and injury to health. Less than a month after the termination of the engagement she had found another man. Termination Terminating an engagement constitutes a breach of promise. This Amendment Act further provides for the integrity, operating procedures and general management of these databases. In this case Bridges sued Van Jaarsveld for damages for iniuria and breach … The Breach of a promise to marry is the f lip-side from the original common law contract dispute that we have known as “breach of the promise to marry.” In the olden days, the common law contract that was breached occurred when, after an engagement, the man failed to follow through with marrying the woman he was engaged to. A breach of promise may give rise to two distinct causes … The parties will not be entitled to damages for losses. The Supreme Court of Appeal’s Judgment in Van Jaarsveld v Bridges 2010 (4) SA 558 (SCA), it was found that no claim in South African law exists other than the actual expenses incurred in the planning and preparation of the marriage. This effectively excluded any damages for breach of the promise to marry. . Jokes, or promises the reasonable person would not take seriously. E-mail:, Monday – Thursday: 07h00 – 21h00 If one of the parties decided to call off the engagement, it was seen as a breach of promise and carried with it potential claims for litigation. Future loss (Prospective damages);and 3. TERMINATION OF ELECTRICAL SUPPLY TO A PROPERTY DUE TO ARREAR HISTORICAL DEBT INCURRED BY THE PREVIOUS OWNER, IMPORTANCE OF A FIDELITY FUND CERTIFICATE ISSUED TO THE MEMBER AS WELL AS THE CLOSED CORPORATION. South African family law is concerned with those legal rules in South Africa which pertain to familial relationships. 992 Fredenharry Road ADAMS J went further and considered the comparative law and referred to Sinclair Law of Marriage at 314 (fn 8) and came to the following conclusion as the to the position in other countries with regards to a claim of damages arising from breach of promise to marry: “In England, Scotland, Australia and most European jurisdictions breach of promise actions have been abolished. Similarly, a promise to marry someone who is already married is invalid, provided the promisee knew this fact. How it works. Breach of promise to marry by partner is not rape: Gujarat High Court In a path-breaking judgment, the Gujarat High Court on Friday ruled that breach of promise to marry cannot substantiate rape charge and quashed a complaint against a Surat-based man by his former live-in partner. The recent supreme court of appeal case, Afribusiness NPC v The Minister of Finance (Case no 1050/2019) [2020] ZASCA 140 (2 November... by Hamlet Heneke | Jan 18, 2021 | Family Law, Publications. by Vutlhari Mathebula | Jan 19, 2021 | Commercial law, Publications, Tech Law. I am a 56 year old woman from South Africa. 2. Plaintiff therefore decided to sue for breach of promise – Cloete v Maritz (2013 (5) SA 448 (WCC). Jub Jub’s taste in suit apparel is never-ending, but it’s rather peaking on daily basis. Category: You Promise to Marry Me. The court found that the claim for damages arising from the breach of promise to marry is limited, to avoid the two extremes above and in consideration of the boni mores of society (“die regsopvattings van die gemeenskap” or “the morals of society”) the court referred to a judgement granted in the Western Cape Division: “[24]…that an action for prospective losses based on a breach of promise to marry no longer forms part of our law. Is there any recourse available to the party who is at the receiving end of a breach of promise to marry. The woman may recover damages: 1. as compensation for the loss of her virginity and consequent impairment of her marriage prospects; and 2. if a child is born as a result of such seduction, lying-in expenses, maintenance for herself before, at the time of, and after, the confinement, and maintenance for the child. The main reasons for the abolition of actions based on breach of promise are that they give opportunity for claims of a ‘gold-digging’ nature, and that the “stability of marriage is so important to society that the law should not countenance rights of action the threat of which may push people into marriages which they would not otherwise undertake” . An engagement can be described as an agreement between two persons to marry each other at some determined date or within a reasonable time. In light of the aforesaid it is clear that the world has moved on and morals have changed and that a claim for breach of promise is not a valid cause of action in South African law. South Africa has not, so far, followed suit in abolishing breach of promise actions, but it is suggested that it should…”. Investigators have been working with banks to figure out which of their customers may have had their personal data exposed, according to SABRIC. A wrongful act, in relation to a verbal or written communication, would be one of an offensive or insulting nature.”. A claim based on an agreement to marriage is decided upon the terms and conditions in the agreement and the validity of the agreement entered into by the parties. Ms Cloete and Mr Maritz made an oral agreement in March of 1998 to marry within reasonable time period. Originally, seals were affixed to documents as a means of authenticating the content within documents. It is important to note that there is no law in South Africa that requires an engagement before marriage. IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA CASE NO: 2016/8478 In the matter between: NHLAPO, FALICLITY NONCEBO Plaintiff and ZIMU, MTSHENGU WILBEFORCE Defendant Coram: Adams J Judgment: Adams J Heard on: 1 & 2 June 2017 Decided on: 1 September 2017 Summary: Marriage — Promise to marry — Breach — Contractual damages — Law no longer permitting … Often people are bullied to believe that the breach of a promise to marry may not only be humiliating but may also hold serious financial implications for the guilty party. In the broadest definition, a contract is an agreement two or more parties enter into with the serious intention of creating a legal obligation. But what happens when things turn don’t work out? Consumer Protection Act: Overbooking and Overselling, Section 61 of the Consumer Protection Act. Strubensvallei, 1724 Upon the legal termination of the marriage by Divorce, Annulment, or death of the former spouse, a defendant who breaches a promise to marry the plaintiff may be held liable. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. Add to my favourites; Email this Environmental law. This principle is strictly in line with contractual damages and creates a hypothetical situation that places the innocent party in the position he/she would have been in had the contract been enforced. This does not mean that one of the parties should not be involved to further determine the final duties. Promises made by a minor (someone under 18 years of age in most states). Saturday: 09h00 – 13h00, False, misleading or deceptive misrepresentations in terms of the Consumer Protection Act. South African family law is concerned with those legal rules in South Africa which pertain to familial relationships. The Act also allows an involved third party (such as a family member) to take legal action. A minor may sue on such a promise but may not be sued, even if he or she has ratified the promise after coming of age. Breach of promise to marry [The final decision in Van Jaarsveld vs. Bridges 2010(4) SA 558 (SCA)] In one of my previous articles I mentioned and briefly discussed that the abovementioned case had made newspaper headlines. Mechanisms to obtain security must operate independently of the intentions of the parties. Further, if no date has been determined, it is presumed that the marriage will take place within a reasonable time. A popular Durban comedian, alleged to have proposed marriage to a divorced Phoenix woman during a two-month affair, is being sued for breach of promise. A breach of promise to marry, or simply, “breach of a promise,” occurs when a person promises to marry another, and then backs out of their agreement. We never had a physical relationship and there was no intent of that ever. Marriage. by Editorial | Nov 24, 2015 | FAMILY LAW |. Introduction. We are currently in the electronic age, where large numbers of electronic documents are created.... by Nicolene Schoeman Louw | Jan 18, 2021 | Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Advice and Planning, Commercial law, Publications. One thing a lot of people do not know is that when you promise to marry another person, you have created a contract to marry. This will entitle Y to a refund in pure contractual terms. In this case the Plaintiff asked for general damages for sentimental loss (actio iniuria) and contumelia (insult). Damages for breach of contract Miss Kingsbridge is in a position to sue for the breach of contract of engagement. Edition: 1st. So, someone can engage you for 20 years, you cannot sue him for breach of marriage promise if there was no agreement date— he can just say ‘I will marry you’ and you will never get any benefits of marriage if he dies, his children or family will get it by law. ADAM J found in the Gauteng division that the breach of promise to marry brings about two causes of action: “[15]. More often than not, where an employee resigns because continued employment has become intolerable to such an extent that the employee has no other alternative but to resign, such employee will claim constructive dismissal. An engagement is therefore a time to get to know each other better and in which the parties should decide whether or not to finally get married. Breach of promise definition is - violation of a promise especially to marry. Breach of promise to marry-- is this still grounds for a lawsuit? The South African Law recognizes the famous Roman say “id certum est quod certum reddi potest” (“Something sure as it certainly can be”). Email or share. The types of promises that are NOT generally enforceable include: 1. Having answered this question in the affirmative, Henney J went on and found that, as our law stands at present, a party cannot claim for prospective losses as a result of a breach of a promise to marry.”. Is there any recourse available to the party who is at thereceiving end of a breach of promise to marry. The laws governing promises to marry are known as “ Heart Balm Laws.” If a state does not enforce a heart balm statute, then no lawsuit may be filed for a breach of promise to marry. Original blind-embossed cloth hardcover. Breach of promise to marry actions were premised on the concept that a marriage proposal, if accepted, was a legally-cognizable contract. It is worth unpacking what the law of contract says about breach. Published: Juta & Company, Cape Town, 1954 . Y would have benefitted out of the marriage as X is a member of a pension fund to the value of R400 000 and X’s business would have grown substantially and Y would have benefitted from this had Y not committed the breach. A breach of promise may give rise to two distinct causes of action. In the case of Cloete v Maritz 2013 (5) SA 448 (WCC), Ms Cloete and Mr Maritz agreed to marry each other within a reasonable time. Registration number: 2013/021044/21. Those who make marriage promises that they are not sure to fulfill or that they know, in their hearts of heart, that they are not willing to fulfill. Termination Terminating an engagement constitutes a breach of promise. An engagement is therefore a time to get to know each other better and in which the parties should decide whether or not to finally get married. Most couples get engaged before they get married. It has become a usual requirement for tenders to have pre-qualification criteria, especially including its BBBEE compliance level. No other formalities were necessary for a valid engagement. David moves to dismiss on the ground that the action is contrary to public policy. Clearly, to hold a party therefore accountable on a rigid contractual footing where such a party fails to abide by a promise to marry does not reflect the changed mores or public interest. Lot closed. A breach of promise can only lead to sentimental damages if the breach was wrongful in the delictual sense. It is often difficult to prove acceptance in oral contracts, which is why written agreements are generally preferred. To attempt to avoid a claim for unfair dismissal,... by Raeesa Ebrahim Atkinson | Dec 8, 2020 | Commercial law, Contract Drafting, Publications. 1 RESEARCH PAPER TOWARDS THE COMPLETION OF THE DEGREE BACCULAUREUS LEGUM (LLB) at the UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AFRICA (UNISA) by PIERRE JOHAN LOUW 04160703 in respect of the following topic in PRIVATE LAW to wit "The justiciability of an action for contractual damages for breach of promise to marry in South African law in modern times, based on a critical analysis of relevant case … Ms. Cloete instituted a claim against Mr. Maritz for the following relief: The Court found that to hold a party accountable on a rigid contractual footing where such party failed to abide by a promise to marry did not reflect the changed mores or public interest. Thereafter, signatures were attached to documents for this purpose. The court further indicated that the morals of society no longer requires that a party who had breached a promise to marry to be held accountable to the same measure prescribed by contractual damages, the court indicated that: “[30]. We carried on to be friends and became best friends and soulmates. Bids: 1. In about half of all U.S. states, a promise to marry is considered to be legally enforceable , so long as the promise or agreement fulfills all the basic requirements of a valid contract. Contact us at Schoemanlaw Inc. for all your family law needs. I met someone from the UK on a dating site in 2006. "The justiciability of an action for contractual damages for breach of promise to marry in South African law in modern times, based on a critical analysis of relevant case law, with the view to determining whether the current legal position is sustainable or not" . Logically one should commence by enquiring whether there has been a wrongful overt act. Getting engaged to someone while married to someone else renders the engagement void, as it is against good morals. The court held that Paulette could recover in a quasi-contract, quasi-tort action for foreseeable special and general damages. As far as breach of promise to marry is concerned, the courts are only concerned with what was actually performed by the claimant in consideration of the intended marriage, and It’s clear that the courts are not willing to delve into damages which may arise in the future. Maritz`s special plea was upheld and it was found that the claim for breach of promise is not a valid cause of action in South African law. Ten years later Mr. Maritz refused to marry Ms. Cloete and informed her that he did not want to see her again as he had found someone new in his life. EXAMPLE: Paulette sues for breach of promise to marry. Public policy considerations encourage our courts to recognise it as such and to act accordingly. Breach of promise is moreover an … The validity of a marriage agreement is determined similarly to any other agreement. Visits: 37. van den Heever (F.P.) After Broken Engagement, Woman Sues Cheating Ex For $50,000 For “Breach Of Promise To Marry” And Wins Posted on December 20, 2013 - By … This article was written specifically to help those who make marriage promises that they never keep. Engagement may be cancelled without financial consequences if there is a just cause for the cancellation. With the way he is rocking suits lately, one might think he has turned into a man of God! Professor Hutchison is an Advocate of the High Court of South Africa and the Head of Internal Research Unit at the law firm Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs Ing. In modern times there have been instances of successful actions by men. The South African Police Service will also be able to retain and store these fingerprints and body-prints on a database, and the prints may also be used for the purposes of comparative (and cold-case) searches. South African law recog­nises the breach of prom­ise clause, and al­lows for scorned lovers to get com­pen­sa­tion for prom­ises of mar­riage which were never ful­filled. The final discussion regarding the relevance an d suitability of the action for breach of promise within a modern day South African societal context is based on the premise which has been established and confirmed by the reception history. General damages for the humiliation and the contumelious act by X for hurting Y’s feelings, amount of damages R300 000. This delict is committed where a man induces a woman who is a virgin and who is not his wife to have sexual intercourse with him. 3. If … The reception of the action for breach of promise 959 infamia, and a betrothal also set up a kind of legal affinity so that marriage between certain family members of the engaged couple were prohibited.9 During this time it had become practise for the man and woman to The one is the actio iniuriarum. However, recovery may still be possible through a cause of action for fraud. The court further found that it is not possible to claim prospective loss. A unilateral promise is usually not considered an enforceable contract, and neither are deals based on past services. Yes, he can sue her for breach of promise to marry. The man in this case worked on a family farm, and the lady was the daughter of South African singer, Bless Bridges. Republic of South Africa IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN) [REPORTABLE] CASE NO: 6222/2010 In the matter between: ELSIE SOPHIA CLOETE Plaintiff and ANDRIES WILHELMUS JACOBUS MARITZ Defendant JUDGMENT DELIVERED ON 24 APRIL 2013 _____ HENNEY, J Introduction [1] The Plaintiff has instituted a claim against the Defendant which is based on a breach of promise … Sectional Title Properties: WHO IS RESPONSIBLE TO MAINTAIN AND REPAIR LEAKING PIPES? “ Having regard for the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 and the current mores as recognised by the community at large, a claim based on breach of promise is contra bones mores and thus not a valid cause of action. Even more so if the law relating to damages that can be claimed on a breach of promise to marry is based on a pre – constitutional heterosexual definition of marriage which traditionally placed women on an unequal footing to men.”, Abolishment of the claim for prospective damages in case of breach of promise to marry. If a man broke his promise … The question whether or not the claim for breach of promise is a valid cause of action in South African law was once again considered in the Western Cape High Court. The total claim of the Plaintiff was R2 500 000 and the court only granted R123 149.63 with costs. From the medieval times through the early 1900s, a man’s promise to marry a woman was widely considered to be legally binding. Past or actual loss 2. Photos: Jub Jub’s love for suits gets deep and social media thinks he is now a Pastor. During 2015, so it is alleged by the plaintiff, the defendant breached his promise to marry her by getting romantically involved with another woman and by ordering her (the plaintiff) on or about the 23rd October 2015 to leave their common home.. Damages in the amount of R500 000. In this instance, Y must be placed in a position Y would have been in had the agreement not been concluded. In terms of South African law of contract, there are two types of breaches that can occur where a party defaults in terms of its obligations. Contact Us with the details. Telephone: 011 475 2845 The South African Banking Risk Information Centre (SABRIC), an association of banks focused on combating crime, put a number on the breach: up to 24 million people, and nearly 794,000 “business entities,” could be affected. South African contract law is ‘essentially a modernized version of the Roman-Dutch law of contract’, which is itself rooted in canon and Roman laws. When the plaintiff was unaware that the promisor was already married, however, he or she may recover. In this Court, Judge Robert Henney was the presiding Judge in the matter of ES Cloete vs A Maritz. I visited him in 2007, 2010, 2012 and he visited me end of 2011/beginning 2012. Rather its existence is created through the society’s norms and values and gains ground when the courts make decisions on it (referred to as ‘ stare decisis ’), which become judicial precedents for other courts to follow. Oct 19, 2020 sa411. It is worthunpacking what the law of contract says about breach. payment of the amount of donation that she allegedly made to him; loss of financial benefits of the marriage; and. I am a 56 year old woman from South Africa. A breach of promise may give rise to two distinct causes of action. Human rights lawyer Grace Maingi told reporters that this is not as harsh as it looks because a court would have to determine whether damages are due. He is also a professor in the Department of the University of Cape Town, where he was the general principles of contract law and the law regarding teaching session. An action for breach of promise to marry may be taken by a man as well as a woman. Republic of South Africa IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN) [REPORTABLE] CASE NO: 6222/2010 In the matter between: ELSIE SOPHIA CLOETE Plaintiff and ANDRIES WILHELMUS JACOBUS MARITZ Defendant JUDGMENT DELIVERED ON 24 APRIL 2013 _____ HENNEY, J Introduction [1] The Plaintiff has instituted a claim against the Defendant which is based on a breach of promise … It was the promise to marry the other person. After Broken Engagement, Woman Sues Cheating Ex For $50,000 For “Breach Of Promise To Marry” And Wins Posted on December 20, 2013 - By Victoria Uwumarogie MadameNoire Featured Video No claim for prospective loss for breach of promise to marry: In the case of Cloete v Maritz 2013 (5) SA 448 (WCC) the facts were that in 1998 the plaintiff, Ms Cloete, and the defendant, Mr Maritz, orally agreed to marry each other within a reasonable time. In South Africa, engagements could be dissolved by mutual agreement. Getting engaged to someone while married to someone else renders the engagement void, as it is against good morals. Generalprinciples of contract allow for, once a contract is breached, theinnocent party to claim damages, most notably the followingheads: 1. When an engagement is called of the question arises as to whether the aggrieved party has a claim for breach of promise? To win a breach of a contract lawsuit, you must first have a legally enforceable promise. In pre-pandemic Jordan, only about 10% of girls were married before the age of 18, a much lower percentage than in Africa or South Asia. In my opinion, one of the most fascinating in recent memory was essentially a ‘breach of promise to marry’ lawsuit. This means that the fact that the breach of contract itself was wrongful and without just cause does not mean that it was wrongful in the delictual sense, i e that it was injurious. General principles of contract allow for, once a contract is breached, the innocent party to claim damages, most notably the following heads: In some instances, it is more practicable to place the innocent party in the position he/she would have been in had the breach not taken place. These damages are very small in am In light of the aforesaid it is clear that the world has moved on and morals have changed and that a claim for breach of promise is not a valid cause of action in South African law. Tweet. The ‘innocent’ party is entitled to sentimental damages if the repudiation was contumelious…[16] The second cause of action is for breach of contract. What is clear is that the refund does not stem from the breach of promise to marry but stems from the agreement to purchase goods. In applying the above to a cause of action of breach of a promise to marry, without looking at a factual scenario, the below is what an innocent party would have been entitle to, provided that it can be proven, on pure contractual damages principles: The above scenario constitutes an action based purely on contractual damages for the breach of the promise to marry and delictual damages for hurting the feelings of Y. Viewers of the spicy show took to social media last night to share lit views about the programme. Unwillingness to marry on the part of a party to a marriage contract gives rise to an action for breach of the promise to marry. Sipho Nkosi, an at­tor­ney at Modise At­tor­neys In­cor­po­rated in Krugers­dorp on the West Rand, ex­plains the law. 4. Section 74 of the Bill says that even though a promise by a person to marry another person is not legally binding, the partners who feel they have suffered as a result of a broken promise can seek compensation. The first is what can be referred to as a “normal” breach, where a term, agreed to and set out in the agreement is breached by one of the parties either not performing at all or performing defectively. Apparel is never-ending, but it ’ s essential terms Rand, ex­plains the law of contract of.! Written specifically to help those who make marriage promises that are not generally enforceable include: 1 act! Cancelled without financial consequences if there is no law in South Africa, engagements could be dissolved mutual... Mechanisms to obtain security must operate independently of the parties should not be entitled to damages for breach promise! 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