The best books, the best authors, the best-sellers. We decided to consult the experts at Nightmare Magazine to curate a list. Read 25 562 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. But all three women are tied together together through a dark and terrible secret. (Want more King? Here you can find free books in the category: Horror. When Mary Shelley set out to write Frankenstein over two centuries ago, she said that she wanted to create a book that would “speak to the mysterious fears of our nature and awaken thrilling horror — one to make the reader dread to look round, to curdle the blood, and quicken the beatings of the heart.” We can safely say that she succeeded. In 1928, Deep One Aphra and her family are captured and banished to the desert… until the government becomes certain that Russians is attempting to win the Cold War with dark magic. But what seems like a fairly straightforward first step in reclaiming the Big Apple is about to take an (even more) chilling turn. Could you really call a list of the best horror books complete without a nod (or two) to the genius of Edgar Allan Poe? Evenson’s brilliantly economic writing depicts this story in such a way that each sharp, shocking revelation of Last Days does indeed feel like a knife to one of your extremities. But as Frank knows, history is not easily forgotten — and under the small-town charm and southern hospitality lurks an unspoken presence that has been waiting for a debt of blood to be paid. The result is a terrifying look at confronting past trauma, set against a midwestern-gothic horror house as chill-inducing as the Overlook Hotel or Allardyce Manor. Night Film stars Stanislaus Cordova, a reclusive cult-horror film director who hasn’t been seen in public for over thirty years. As this mystery escalates in size and terror, Amanda is forced to confront nothing less than her own self. We have a fantastic selection of Horror and Supernatural books to download at obooko that are guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat, and the hair on the back of your neck standing on end. Fans of H.P Lovecraft and Richard Matheson, this one’s for you. This post-Cthulhu novella by Lovecraft is so long and twisty that even Lovecraft himself couldn’t get it published at first. In Argentina, violence and corruption are the laws of the land for people who vividly remember recent military dictatorships and masses of disappeared citizens. The neighbors all warn her that she shouldn’t open it under any circumstances… but Coraline never was a girl who listened to other people’s advice. In order to do so, the inner workings of a very dark mind are probed, and spine-chilling suspense ensues. Kiernan is one of the rare authors who can up the suspense quotient to insane levels while writing about mental illness with the sensitivity that it deserves. She forces him to leave at gunpoint and immediately calls the police — who then call Bruno’s home, where he answers, not more than seconds after the attack. In Hell House, the I am Legend scribe reaches terrifying new heights by expertly combining his flair for suspense with an intuitive eye for horror. For some reason, meth has granted Chase and his friends against the plague. As the country is thrown into disarray and scrambles to erect combat schools to learn how to put down the dead, Jane McKeene studies to become an Attendant to protect rich white people… but her true motives are much more revolutionary. Browse through our eBooks while discovering great authors and exciting books. In the daylight, he hits the streets, stocking up on supplies and vanquishing the vampiric creature that lurk in the shadows. Easy, right? Well, a couple of the books may have troll characters, I can't be sure, but the creator of the list warned aspiring authors against using it to plug their own books and unless Stephen King … Of course, they have to go through some pretty scary stuff first. Few American figures have taken on such mythical status as Lizzie Borden, the woman tried and acquitted for murdering her parents with an ax. But what makes House of Leaves truly frightening is Danielewski’s intertwining of plot and structure, the latter’s chaotic layout mirroring the former. This list may not reflect recent changes (). Pandemonium gives us the spine-chilling answer. Roderick is a sick man with acute sensitivity to everything, who lives in constant fear he is about to die. by. One of the eeriest ghost stories in recent memory, Dark Matter tracks a five-man expedition to a remote part of the Arctic, where there is no sunlight whatsoever for months during the “polar winter.” All the men are optimistic going into the expedition; it’s only when they get there that they realize something is terribly, terribly wrong. Then his wife vanishes, right after she commits a terrible act of violence. Speaking of debuts that made a splash: with her first published novel, Anne Rice redefined Southern Gothic for a new generation. A young mother lays dying in the hospital and a boy sits next to her bedside — only he isn’t her son. The Definitive Horror Book List. In this homage to his cosmic horror, Lovecraft’s Deep Ones are brought to life, and the government isn’t a fan. The Silent Companions combines spine-chilling thrills with compelling characterization. So fans of the emerging cult classic Jennifer’s Body, you’ve found your literary horror match. You know how some people say that the setting is almost like another character in the story? Between The Case Against Satan, The Exorcist and Rosemary’s Baby, contemporary readers can sense a Catholic-tinged fear of the devil pervading through American horror of the 60s. At the center of it all is Amy, a young girl abandoned in a terrifying world, and the key to saving humanity. And, yes, the videotape does keep its promises. Underneath the thrills and agony of The Fifth Child lies a dangerous question about parenthood and the obligations of family. Frank Cauldhame is sick in the head, even by the standards of the horror genre. And yet Julia and Valentina are visited by a host of unnerving characters while there… including their aunt, who may not be entirely gone after all. Interview with the Vampire went on to be an incredible success, spawning a series of popular novels and a film adaptation starring Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt. In this fascinating blend of noir and cosmic horror, private investigator John Persons gets an unexpected client one day — a ten year-old boy who asks Persons to murder his stepfather. With Eddie Campbell’s stark illustrations, this extraordinary graphic novel is a reminder that the most horrifying truths lurk inside the depths of the human soul — and that not all monsters live in Hell. The book opens with Vic McQueen, a girl with an ability to magically create bridges to things she’s looking for — a talent that brings her into contact with a serial killer with a penchant for abducting children. Meet Kline, a former detective with an amputated hand. Dracula was born out of Bram Stoker’s imagination over a century ago — yet he still lives on today in our collective consciousness. Uzumaki is a seinen horror manga series. And the memo that she sent earlier to her boss that was somehow replaced by a series of insults. One day, she is attacked by Bruno Frye, the proprietor of a vineyard she recently visited. And it’s a must-read for anyone who’s tired of heteronormativity in horror. When a woman checks into the motel one night, Norman can’t help but spy on her. The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym is a mixture of Moby Dick-esque maritime detail (it later inspired Herman Melville) and H.P. Not only do they face obstacle after obstacle of basic bad luck — low food rations, freezing weather, and a general predilection to take every wrong turn — but there also seems to be something darker, even more menacing, lurking in the mountains. A zombie apocalypse novel with a twist, Fiend presents a universe where the people turned into zombies are the ones who aren’t crystal meth junkies. Is there a name more synonymous with horror? The Turn of the Screw is the original children of the damned! They soon realize that their connection to Vlad goes far beyond the scholarly. Book List Inclusions: Learn More. Especially when another strange death connected to the Cordovas occurs shortly after. No author creates sensation quite like William Peter Blatty and no story has satisfied a nation’s capacity for horror quite like The Exorcist. From the grisly theories surrounding the Ripper to the personalities that stood tall during the desperate investigation, Moore spares no gruesome detail as he examines the motivations and identity of the most famous serial killer of all times. Be warned: this is a novel where nightmares lurk in every nook and eeriness is perpetual, right up until the terrifying crescendo of a climax. But one day she realizes that some things are a little off. Titled after the lyrics of a Morrissey song, this sweet but frightening novel has been adapted twice into film and once as a stage show. If you don’t trust us, believe Stephen King, who once said: “Hell House is the scariest haunted house novel ever written. Yes, the ghosts are fascinating; but what’s really admirable here is James’ signature subtlety of style. A Virgin Does Horror. Part family drama and all horror, it delivers on all fronts. But when Cas sets off to vanquish a violent spirit known by the locals as “Anna Dressed in Blood,” he has no idea what he’s getting himself into — especially when Anna starts communicating with him, spilling the secrets of her past. Menu. This is the question at the heart of the Barretts, an otherwise normal suburban family. In this post, we’ll take you through 30 essential works, from classic novels ripe for rediscovery to contemporary collections on the cutting edge of literary fiction. Release Calendar DVD & Blu-ray Releases Top Rated Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Showtimes & Tickets In Theaters Coming Soon Coming Soon Movie News India Movie Spotlight. Sibling dynamics are given new meaning in The Fall of the House of Usher, a work of gothic fiction that centers on a spooky household. Without further ado, here are the 100 best horror novels of all time — it's safe to say that we hope they'll keep you up at night. His daughter, 24-year old Ashley Cordova, has just been found dead in an abandoned warehouse — and while her death has been ruled a suicide, investigative journalist Scott McGrath isn’t buying it. Desperate to rid himself of the demon, Del turns to three sources: a likewise possessed former sci-fi writer, a nun who tends to inspire unchaste feelings rather than an inclination to pray, and a secret society devoted to the art of exorcism. This mammoth 700-page novel follows "The Navidson Record" — a documentary about an apparently haunted house (if by "haunted" one actually means "alive"). There’s just something about a seemingly sentient house. But let’s recap one of the best horror plots of all time anyway: inspired by the real-life story of psychotic murderer Ed Gein, Norman Bates and his Mother own the Bates motel, with the unlit neon sign out front. United Kingdom About Blog This Is Horror specialises in horror fiction and the craft of writing. Now he’s determined to return and confront his past, but there’s a small problem: the demons that drove his father to insanity might never have left the house. The town of Black Spring, New York is haunted — not just by any old ghost, but by a centuries-old entity called the Black Rock Witch. If you thought vampires weren’t afraid of anything, think again…. Pages in category "Horror novels" The following 55 pages are in this category, out of 55 total. But what’s really strange about this town is the abandoned silver mine, out of which an ancient evil seems to be spilling. But when it arrives in a heart-shaped box, Coyne realizes that this addition to his collection is less of a novelty than liability. Dr. Gillian Ryan, who’s still of sound mind, determines that she will travel to a space station to gather unique data points that could help her cure the disease… not knowing that in embarking on this mission, she’s only putting herself in more danger, and not necessarily from the ravages of the disease. Until she opens a locked door and finds a painted wooden figure that not only bears uncanny resemblance to Elsie, but also seems to be watching her... You probably know of couples like James and Julie: young and optimistic, they’re looking to leave behind their home in the city to get a fresh start in the country. New books are added every day. The Fallen (Hades Castle Trilogy Book 1) C.N. PO Box 331119 Murfreesboro, TN 37133 Phone: 615-295-2143 Email: Eighteen years later, the child still haunts her — in some ways more than others. And unlike horror movies that often rely on jump scares and gore, these well-written scary books provide all the creepiness without those concerns. Genius Book Publishing is a genre press focused on speculative fiction. Read about the Best Horror Books by Indian Authors that are must-reads and guaranteed to spook you with tales of ghosts, hauntings and things that go bump in the night! $34.65 #24. The air becomes suffocating. Kindle Edition. gothic tales — more specifically, fairy tales intertwined with short stories. A group of old men in a quiet town call themselves The Chowder Society. This is made worse by the fact that her new servants are resentful and the local villagers are openly hostile towards Elsie; she starts to believe her only companionship will come from her husband’s awkward cousin. This tantalizing thriller from Norwegian crime writer Nesbø is about a series of brutal murders all connected by snowmen, and the jaded former FBI agent who tries to understand why. The house has witnessed a lot of history — much of which has been tragic or outright horrific — and seems to cope by working mischief. As with many stories in the genre, Rosemary’s Baby starts out pretty innocently, and then things take a turn for the worst: Rosemary and Guy have just moved into a beautiful Manhattan apartment, and life is good. No matter how many Greek myths you’ve read, there’s no way to prepare for the broken monsters that Beukes puts on display in this book. 4.6 out of 5 stars 55. Obscura speculates about a near-future in which dementia afflicts people of all ages, rendering scientists and doctors powerless to even try and stop it. At the beginning of Something Wicked This Way Comes, twelve-year-olds Will and Jim can’t wait to visit “Cooger & Dark's Pandemonium Shadow Show.” But during their visit, they witness something odd: ol’ Cooger riding backwards on the carousel, which turns him into a boy of their own age. Trust real people, not robots, to give you book recommendations. This werewolf bildungsroman of sorts is pretty much the only one of its kind, and Jones' sharp, moving prose will have you sympathizing with monsters (or almost-monsters) in a way you never thought you could. Paperback. She soon realizes that she’s now living under the (literal or figurative) shadow of her husband’s first wife: the seemingly perfect and recently deceased Rebecca de Winter. 466 books — 1,564 voters I Like Serial Killers. A horror blog dedicated to works featuring and/or created by people of color, American Indians, people with disabilities, and LGBTQIA people. Little do they know that, rather than getting to the bottom of the mystery, they’ll be unleashing a reign of terror upon both themselves and their beloved customers…, In this twisting tale told by self-described unreliable narrator Joey Peacock, the vampires of 1970s NYC have a perfectly organized (if violent) system of getting the sustenance they need. This supremely scary mashup of both old-school witch hunting and the consequences of new-age technology is perfect for fans of Black Mirror and Robert Eggers’ The Witch alike. They’re headed for the coast, not sure of what they will find there, but in the hope that they will find, well, something. Angela Carter is one of the preeminent magical realist writers of the twentieth century, female or male. This fantastical, Lovecraftian take on the urban legend sees Borden (post-acquittal) and her sister take up residence in a seaside manor, only to find an evil spirit bubbling up from the ocean deep. As the tension ratchets up, each of the guests is confronted by inexplicable phenomena. While not all the stories would be described as horror, the darkest of the collection is “Greedy Choke Puppy,” which features a bitter woman who discards her skin at night, and replenishes herself by killing children for their life force. This sexy thriller centers on Jacob Marlowe, a werewolf with class: he reads Kant, drinks Scotch, and enjoys all means of modern sophistication. However rather than giving him a handicap in the gumshoe business, it makes him the perfect candidate to investigate a dismemberment-based cult — the ghastly nature of which even Kline can’t foresee. And it’s easy to see why: Machado deftly stretches the borders of horror, as evidenced in “The Husband Stitch” (a retelling of “The Green Ribbon” in which the wife refuses her husband’s pleas to remove a green ribbon around her neck) and “The Resident” (in which a writer’s time in the mountains goes horribly wrong). But one more has been driven by more than just poverty — he’s on revenge-fueled journey, and will not rest until he makes one Mr. Shivers pay for the brutal murder of his daughter. If this sounds familiar to you, we have an eleventh-hour Good Samaritan for you: th... Here’s an experiment: pick the name of a New York Times bestseller, HBO limited series, or Ben Affleck-starring blockbuster out o... Want to dive into African American literature? $5.89 #2. When her husband dies just weeks after their wedding, Elsie feels more alone than ever. Written by 19th-century author Elizabeth Gaskell, these stories deliver everything: disappearances, Salem witch hunts, mysterious children wandering lost in the moors, and local legends that may or may not return to haunt the townspeople. In Drawing Blood, Trevor McGee avoids his childhood home in North Carolina for a reason. Yet a discovery leads her to the horrifying revelation that she is in fact a 53-year old vampire who has been genetically modified by someone who wants her dead. If you're feeling overwhelmed by the number of great horror books out there, you can also take our 1-minute quiz below to narrow it down quickly and get a personalized horror book recommendation . Now synonymous with any misbehaving child, the original “bad seed” was Rhoda Penmark, the sociopathic eight-year-old. More than anything else, it almost seems like a second chance… but as the excuse to continue using meth presents itself, Chase starts to question what separates him from the zombies. Kostova’s debut novel is a complex interlacing of spooky fiction and chilling historical fact. With the promise she will help the people that stole her community’s way of life, Aphra returns home to contend with her lost past, and a potentially dark looming future. This 2003 novel by Sara Gran revolves around a woman named Amanda, who has an ostensibly perfect life. An absolute cornerstone of horror, that’s what! Cormac McCarthy is no slouch when it comes to publishing gripping tales, and The Road is one of his most haunting books. And if so — at what cost? And if you fancy more scares, then our best horror TV shows list is for you. One story begins with the city of London waking up to find icebergs floating in the sky. It’s then that a wave of brutal murders begins to overwhelm the city… and Hadi realizes at the same time that his corpse has gone missing. Without further ado, here are the 100 best horror novels of all time — it's safe to say that we hope they'll keep you up at night. Now it’s twenty years later and two journalists are determined to uncover the truth behind the origins of the catastrophe. This is a list of lists of horror films. A brilliant gateway for Barker newbs. If you want to be taken on a journey and enter a world of fear, … Between the intensely surreal atmosphere that pervades the entire book and Morrison’s deep-cutting prose, Beloved is a masterpiece beyond that of most contemporary horror novels. In another, an anatomy student find intricate designs carved into the bones of a cadaver he is examining. One of National Public Radio’s Top 5 YA Novels of 2011, this highly unusual and vividly imagined horror story centers around Cas Lowood, an exorcist’s son who carries on his father’s legacy by expertly killing ghosts. See more ideas about horror novel, horror book covers, horror. list created June 28th, 2008 The closely related nature of these two elements becomes more and more clear over the course of Ruff’s book, and the shocking twist at the end will ensure that you never see Lovecraft (or America) in the same way again. Creepy and atmospheric, this novel from the rising star of cosmic horror will make you understand that we are all Children of the Old Leech. Displeased, Mother plans to rectify her son’s behaviour by eliminating the woman, and anything that might purge Norman of his dark thoughts. Best Sellers in Teen & Young Adult Horror #1. In this sequel, FBI trainee Clarice Starling enlists the help of Dr. Lecter to find “Buffalo Bill” — another killer on the loose. As Britain’s leading purveyor of shocking horror, Clive Barker has made a bit splash as both an author and a film director. Child’s Play. What he finds really finds is a mansion haunted by the elusive “Woman in Black”. The story of Dr. Frankenstein and the anguished, tragic monster he unwittingly creates has become a cultural icon, both macabre and quintessential. Fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Deadwood, the Golgotha series is for you. Now Angela has the chance to lay to rest once and for all what exactly happened to Corey — and what it has to do with a curse that Angela’s grandmother may or may not have placed on the community decades ago. His Collected Ghost Stories includes a whopping 30 tales, most of which involve a mild-mannered academic stumbling upon an artifact that calls forth some malevolent, otherworldly presence. Children’s voices are heard, but the children themselves are never seen. Julia and Valentina Poole are 20 year-old twins and best friends when they’re told that their aunt has died of cancer. 4.8 out of 5 stars 210. There, Frank intends to write about the history of his family’s old estate and the horrors that took place there. It looms over the rest the way the mountains loom over the foothills.”. Just as the tin says! Read online or download Horror eBooks for free. You may have heard of the Donner Party before, but not like this: Katsu’s historical horror novel will cast both the people and the situation in a whole new, terrifying light. The pandemic that wreaked havoc on Earth is finally starting to subside, and the first goal for civilization is to start rebuilding Manhattan, aka Zone One. Dark fantasy: horror … Listed by Stephen King as one of the best horror books of the 20th century, The Haunting of Hill House is a must-read for any fan of the genre. As she discovers the tragic fate of her predecessor, she starts seeing things that can only be explained in one of two ways: either she’s mad… or the specter of the late governess wants her job back! An unnamed narrator visits them both and gets more than he bargained for. TV Shows. The infected move with only one motivation in mind: to feed. As readers, we want the best. It’s a book that seriously examines the pre-set narratives that women are forced to live and breathe in society. To cope, he begins the process of reincarnating his wife using a small sample of her liver. Del Pierce has been possessed by a demon with a penchant for deadly mischief. Gothic Tales is a collection of (surprise!) Movies. Perhaps the most influential of American horror writers, H.P. Kindle Edition. Victor Lavalle knocks it out of the park again in this riveting read in which the most horrifying thing might not even be the horrifying Devil in Silver — but your own mind. The Good House is named after a Sacajawea, Washington home that was much-beloved… until a young boy died behind its doors. Later on, she is once again attacked by Bruno but manages to get injure him as he escapes. Well, in the case of this spooky classic, that’s the literal truth.