Our goal is to host forums for all city council races in Ventura County along with some congressional, legislative and other races. He's in the news for a statement he made recently about Joe Biden, the Democratic nominee for President. IN PERSON: Please stop by the office during business hours with your Letter to the Editor. I worked for the Fillmore Unified School District from 1991 through 2004 in classified positions. Vote pro-life. To the Editor: This letter is in response to Mr. Payne’s letter of 9/25, a 550 word, and three columns wide article with bold print basically saying, “facts are facts” and “ignore them at your own risk”. I loved her, as did anyone who met her. I believe that we have had enough of leadership by chaos, in an administration that cares more about loyalty than competence. He had them on his car speaker, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. Due to the two vacancies sought by two uncontested community members, my continued call to service will become a reality for me in December 2020 when I will take Oath of Office. Please be aware of your surroundings, ladies. Ernie Villegas The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. The last Funeral Services group, Pierce Brothers, leasing the building, has moved out since their lease ended. Abraham Lincoln said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." Overcast. Fillmore, To the Editor: To this point I recognize the self-instructive value in consistently asking: What services are we providing to which students at what cost and resulting in what benefits? Wayfarer's Chapel Lutheran Church The community lost as well. Or that of her teachers. Low near 20F. Scientists do not start with a conclusion, and then go searching for evidence to support it. Forget congressional duty to oversee, all you need is the federal government looking out for you. It was a legitimate issue in Kavanaugh's nomination process for a lifetime appointment.. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” A. Lincoln, Gettysburg PA. November 19, 1863, Bliss Copy. We are about to witness the historical choice our country has made regarding the future of this great experiment in a democratic republic operating under our constitution. He fears he may lose the election with easier and increased voting (after all, he didn't win the popular vote last time), and wants the chance to call it "rigged." Additionally, I took part in implementing a School to Career Program, where students were placed in their career pathways. In my 34 years serving as a FUSD employee, I am mindful of the accountability I owed to stakeholders, most importantly our families who entrust their children to the education of public schools. Be an informed voter! It is a question of balancing the risk and equities. I'm voting for experience, not experiment. Second Opinion Austin, Holmgren and Larson will provide leadership, protect public safety and advance city services. Many of the Republican members of Congress, of both House and Senate, Lindsey Graham, Josh Hawley, Jim Jordan, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Kevin McCarthy, et al., encouraged the falsehood that the election was somehow improper when no court could find a cause of action or any proof thereof. Fillmore, To the Editor: Calendar Listings | In the ‘70s, we had a president who was drummed out of office; in 2020 he was voted out. Attention Fillmore Community Kathleen Briggs Both political parties have failed in this regard. He has tapes, 20 hours over 18 meetings or phone calls, and Trump knew he was making them. We are endorsing Sivakami Esther and Christina after looking at their platform, we stand behind their views for the future of Fillmore. Check your property tax bill, there is an item for a Community College Bond Measure. But when our economic system is failing most of our country, when thousands of working poor are homeless, when kids have to rely on the schools for breakfast, lunch and snack, and when 7,000 families in one city in Texas line up for free food, our capitalistic system is seriously out of whack. There was no “blue wave.” | Delays also apply to Social Security checks, medications, pension checks, and any other mail that is important to you. Dr. Adrian Palazuelos I earned my bachelor’s and master’s degree from California State University, Northridge and hold a K-8 teaching credential, Bilingual-Bicultural Certificate of Competence and an Administrative Credential in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies. We have significant challenges in a changing world. Please consider keeping a family warm this year. From the trains to all the parades, carnivals and festivals. We'd never see the whole nation accept an election again." The election is upon us. I was struck by your assertion that Trump “knows a lot more than anyone else on deck about leadership” I hope you’re wrong, Martin, because if that’s so, we are in a national self-destructive mode of epic proportion. 3.5" PC Floppy Disk 2.) Too bonkers for Rudy; no small achievement. “Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and dedicated, can long endure. What is it that causes so many people to ignore the evidence of medical experts, and of their eyes and ears, to believe what a scientifically-illiterate president tells them about the pandemic? They will inherit the other kingdom – namely, hell, with the devil and his demons. “Biden goes to Mass weekly. It is a mystery why the voting machines employed by a dead Venezuelan despot could only negate votes for Trump. Fillmore City Council Member. To the Editor: But the one thing that really sets Fillmore apart and makes it the best place I can think of to live is the people. From all the activities put on by our Parks and Recreation Department for us to enjoy to the way our community pulls together during an emergency. So, all these people are suddenly in league against Donald J. Trump, people in his own Republican Party, and that doesn’t inform your opinion on the validity of the election? Trump himself has repeatedly said that he may not accept the results of the election: "I'll wait and see." I wrote to the Board over two weeks ago requesting they remove this flag, as this blatant political statement is not shared by all of the members of the Southside Improvement Company. BY MAIL: Simply mail us your letter to the editor with your phone number so we can verify your identity. He does not think the government exists to serve his financial interests. They have approved Affordable Houses that are being built right now. I do not make a point to “read” Bruce Tinsley’s hateful, negative, divisive, and not-funny-at-all “comic” Mallard Fillmore, but I will admit it’s excellent placement on the page tends to That’s politics in a democratic republic with a federalist system. My family and I have enjoyed hunting the same land for years. 2.) We’re coming down to the finish line with only days left until Election Day. Coupled in the second editorial with the opinion that, if Trump were Andrew Jackson, who was well-known for his murderous impulses against Native Americans, the House and Senate would be “littered with bodies,” you are dangerously close to advocating that violence, another "civil war," may be the appropriate remedy for our political challenges. Many more sent their kind regards. What was in it for them?” D. Trump, Arlington Cemetery, to Gen. John Kelly on a visit to the grave of Kelly’s son who was killed in Afghanistan in 2010. Farming is at risk. Winds W at 10 to 15 mph.. “I don’t get it. Fillmore’s best future is with Austin, Holmgren and Larson. Working closely with Ventura Community Colleges Admissions’ offices, I scheduled matriculation testing, helping seniors with transitioning after high school. No one has credibly accused her of attempted rape and dubious character. Then you have to be able to look inside yourself and understand your own strengths and weaknesses. Second Opinion If you are a person who has any interest in being protected against shutout by the insurance companies for a pre-existing condition or relies on ACA (colloquially, "Obamacare"), the last debate was helpful to you. Fillmore District Parents and Students Thus, I will ask questions about current and proposed curricular programs in order to have a solid understanding of curriculum resources to make informed decisions that will raise student achievement. All this as "cost-saving measures" with "unintended consequences" DeJoy says, just before a national election. To the Editor: With Gratitude, This case is outrageous for a lot of reasons. Lions Crab Feed set for Feb. 6 | January 14, 2021. 1 day ago. Fillmore County has some of the best hunting and scenery in Minnesota. May I suggest that neither the teachers nor the liberals have to do one thing to make Trump look bad? And this oversight function is exactly what Trump fears and despises. BY MAIL: Simply mail us your letter to the editor with your phone number so we can verify your identity. Vigorous discussion of the issues is the American way of solving our collective issues. On February 10, Trump assured the nation that the virus would "miraculously" disappear by April. Let’s at least put to rest that last claim. '” (Matthew 7:21-23) DVD-ROM 4.) Fillmore Unified School District Classified Staff Local news and latest Letters to the Editor stories from The Gazette journalists covering Cedar Rapids, Iowa City and the Corridor. Low around 20F. In his letter he says the city’s sales tax revenue is being held by … When they're called out of order for daring to use words like "father" or "mother" on the floor of the House, maybe the public will see what kind of people we have running our country and do something about it. The challenges to student learning, and particularly to providing equity among all students in achievement, are complex. BY E-MAIL: Simply e-mail us your letter to the editor with your phone number so we can verify your identity. Not the case. I had planned to comment on the tragic politicization of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) by the Trump Administration, wherein the formerly apolitical, world-respected agency was reportedly "corrected" by the president to insist that masks are not needed and advance the ridiculous claim that a safe vaccine will be ready "in a few weeks." Whatever you may think politically of Joe Biden, he does not believe that he owns the office of President of the United States. The challenges facing this country can only be met through thoughtful, civil discourse and rationale, well-planned actions. But at this moment in our history, the alternate to Trump has qualities that we urgently need and of which Trump has no trace: an understanding of the benefits and limits of good government, basic honesty, an understanding of the rest of the world, a recognition of the responsibilities of a president toward the American people, the ability to self-reflect, and compassion for the human condition. For parents, there were financial aid and parent workshops on how parents can support their children in the college process. The college going process started as I assisted students in preparing for college in ninth grade and offered the rigorous UC Summer Algebra Academy. If you had prepaid funeral memorial services insurance (Dignity, etc.) I invited guest speakers from various careers to speak to students. As the coordinator, I directed and planned with teachers for the Academy. Kelly Scoles I knew that once I retired from my employment with the Fillmore Unified School District that I would seek to serve as a Fillmore Unified School District Board Trustee. The Gazette, Mr. Ashim, and Mary Ford have incorrectly described a letter that I received from the Office of the District Attorney. We are writing this letter to voice our endorsement of Esther (Sivakami) Taylor and Christina Reyes Villasenor. China was minimally involved, as it was thought that of the two, China thought Biden preferable to the chaos of the Trump administration. However, I feel that the Elkins Ranch Golf Course benefitted the whole community. To the Editor: Letters containing handwriting that is not legible WILL BE REJECTED. But, since Trump had been promising a “rigged election” since June, off with his head. We must explore what the contract we made with each other long ago means in today’s world, and whether the Great American Experiment can survive. Specifically, it is incumbent upon us to have established mechanisms for community involvement in setting the vision for the school district, representing the values of the community, and identifying the district's short-term and long-term priorities. They want Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Shumer to call off impeachment “for the good of the country.” If those Republicans had really cared about the good of the country, they would not have allowed a clearly mentally fragile, narcissistic, and vengeful president to create the false scenario of a stolen election, confine his presidential duties to daily golf excursions, and lie to and incite his followers to move against the constitutional government he took an oath to protect. Three brothers and more than 120 loving people participated in a poignant event on August 18, 2012 to honor the memory of 1st Lt. Toby R. Gritz, USMC, a 1962 graduate of Fillmore High. But what darn near broke my heart, Martin, was your suggestion, in your first editorial, that there may need to be a need for Second Amendment action by owners of “civilian-owned firearms“ and a possible "civil war" if the election results take longer to count than you think necessary, or are not in your favor. About Us A few flurries or snow showers possible. God bless the farmworkers, postal workers, and all those delivery people. They are endorsed by numerous Ventura County organizations, which you can read about on their website futurefillmore2020.org. Does carrying rosary beads in one's pocket make him a Catholic? Advertising FUTA President, To the Editor: BY E-MAIL: Simply e-mail us your letter to the editor with your phone number so we can verify your identity. Walker was indicted by the Grand Jury for the attempted murder of a police officer, a charge which the District Attorney subsequently dropped. Your support means a lot to me. Churchill did not lie to the public about the threat or the risks; he knew his people would react with resolve and heart. Trump lost the 2020 election. Fillmore, To the Editor: You are, I hope and believe, too responsible to muse about the use of brute force, post-election, that you so passionately decry in Portland, Chicago, and Seattle. I was hired as Assistant Principal for Fillmore Middle School in 2000 and a year later, appointed Principal, serving in this role until 2007. You can use this link as a tool to count the number of words in your Letter to the Editor. The Supreme Court, along party lines, ordered that the Florida recount stop, and awarded the presidency to W. on the basis of 537 Floridian votes, though Gore won the national popular vote by 500,000 votes. Some of you may have heard that Ted Mayr Funeral Home, in Ventura, has closed! Attend school board meetings to share about the challenges and celebrate in the success of our students. Instead, we got a closed gate. | Trump did not create the best economy ever. The police were apparently not responsible for the contents of the warrant. Under this view, we don't need a court, a computer would do. Hopefully, some of the sane people there will start using these banned words every time they speak. You have to give him credit when due. Please read the requirements listed below to ensure your letter will NOT BE REJECTED. Details will be available in early September and our intention is to hold the virtual forums between mid-September and the first two weeks of October. Couldn't answer whether a president can unilaterally delay a general election? A hand-written sign hung on the gate read “CLOSED.” We managed to get a tee time for Sunday, but when we arrived at the course that day the gate was locked. The Gazette submitted the Charter proponent’s letters/articles to the school district for a response to be published in the same issue. To: Dr. Adrian Palazuelos & District Administration, Fillmore Unified District School Board Trustees, Fillmore Unified School District Families, Fillmore Unified School District Certificated Staff, Fillmore Unified School District Classified Staff. He’s got nothing, and he doesn't intend to have anything. Fillmore, To the Editor: To give residents a choice between numerous candidates is what makes our democracy great. Then came the attack on mail-in ballots in a pandemic, then Louis DeJoy was appointed to gut the USPS just before an election. We all know by now that Vought’s response comes directly from the current president, the man who has said repeatedly that “I, alone, can fix it.” That the only way he will accept the election result is, “if I win.” Who has determined that everyone who disagrees with him, the Supreme Court, federal courts, state courts, state elections offices and their governors (Democratic and Republican), DrudgeReport, the New York Post (! Let your voice be heard! One thing that you have to give to the Democrats is that they don't fool around - they get things done. In that time, Fillmore County had 13 cases [the time this letter was written]. Secondly, we learned that the election in Florida had some unintentional but crucial snafus to it, (i.e. Kelly Scoles Fillmore, Ca, Letter to the Editor: CD-ROM 3.) Sivakami Esther and Christina will foster respect and inclusion in our city, by encouraging more citizens to participate and by making everyone feel welcome. I was so happy to see Art Sanford’s Letter to the Editor (LTTE) last week. This self-proclaimed "cheerleader" of our country has stated that the results of the election may be so flawed that "we will never know the results" of the November 3 election." Kelly Scoles, Pastor Leslie Lanier Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph.. Cloudy. Nor do the Trump campaign lawyers assert otherwise to a judge... any judge, anywhere. The real problem is that Trump cannot live without in-person adulation, without a stage and audience and acting the "tough guy." Kelly Scoles As I read along, I couldn't find a lot to argue with in Martin's editorial last week. The one Houston County case must have resolved by now. The Lord also has something to say to pastors/priests who knowingly give Communion to murderers, letting them partake of Christ's body and blood - “Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord,' … And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness. Like many working adults and parents, I continued my education when my son and daughter were in high school to complete my goals and to set an example for them of the importance of a higher education and pursuing a career. “Despite Trump’s allegations to the contrary, his lawyers have acknowledged that they are not claiming that dead people voted or that occasional computer glitches were part of a deliberate conspiracy.” (Source: www.snopes.com) I was even on the phone with my mom and I had just told her that I was less than a block away from home, everything was fine. Their platform includes prioritizing locally owned businesses, an emphasis on equity and inclusivity, more affordable housing for low-income families and senior citizens, the creation of youth and family resources, and an emphasis on environmental stewardship. The letter was not a "reprimand" as stated. Because of this my vote is going to Mark Austin, Tim Holmgren and Ari Larson as I feel they have the non-partisan ideals, the drive, commitment and understanding of what it takes to be a true leader for Fillmores Future. Those who studied the issues and, to the extent possible, turned from their own issues to consider those facing our city, state and country. Fillmore, To the Editor: I did not see the notice. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. 1.) We are fortunate that Martin tolerates opposing opinions in the Gazette, and sometimes I think he gets a charge out of them. This exponential growth is deeply concerning given the governor’s recent incentive to increase per pupil spending in districts that begin reopening K-6 classrooms in mid-February. We are excited for this upcoming election, and we urge every citizen to vote. And he thinks the electorate still believes him. In the future. Let’s put 2020 behind us by making sound decisions on our ballots and start 2021 off right. Just wanted to take a few minutes to thank you for the many columns you have written dispensing accurate and meaningful information. Fillmore, To the Editor: In 2002 the Santa Clara Valley helped this bond pass by a big margin based at least in part by a promise that the bond would fund an Expanded College Center for us. As for the “courage and determination” of Rudy “Ghouliani” of melting-hair fame, and Sidney “Kraken” Powell: Powell was removed from the very small team of attorneys willing to serve Trump’s demands because she was so crazy. Please, Mr. Trump, you’ll have some time now; get some therapy. As of your current issue, 12 have recovered and one has died, leaving the county COVID free. (Exodus 20:13; Jeremiah 19:3-4, 22:3) And who is more innocent than an unborn child? 937-393-2059. CD-ROM 3.) He’s a demagogue, per Webster’s, “a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of people rather than by using rational argument.” Fillmore, *** If you or anyone you know is interested, please email Amy at AMY BCRETATL(@ yahoo.com. Former Mayors of Fillmore We cannot accept general explanations of student social emotional and academic progress. I hope this finds you in touch with family, virtually and spiritually if not physically. Board members are tasked to routinely and regularly measure and report the return on investment of the education dollars spent. In 2018, President Trump did not want to drive to honor American war dead at Belleau Wood honoring the WWI dead, including Americans, outside Paris saying, “Why should I go to that cemetery?” “He was also worried that the wind and rain would ruin his hair.” The Atlantic. (10:45 at night) As school board members, being informed policy makers, requires using data. Republicans should be proud of their party’s performance in the 2020 elections. Help From the picturesque farmland surrounding us to the small-town look and feel. In 2016 Trump defeated Clinton 304-227. The stock market does not reliably help anyone who cannot take a major financial hit, and that’s most of us. Democrats understand that the Republicans are disbelieving and disconsolate over the results of the election. Hillary did not call for violence and did not try to create public doubt about the ultimate results of the coming election; she just urged that all votes be counted before anyone concedes. He didn’t lose the election, he can’t lose the election, he will not accept losing the election. During my tenure on the council, we have done many great things such as streamlining the permit process making it easier for businesses to locate to Fillmore. Impeachment in this instance is not about politics, it is about national security. One example is Russell Vought, the now-director of the Office of Management and Budget. LETTERS: Capitol area is a special symbol; well-armed mob looked serious. While reactive violence is almost never the correct response, justice can be vacated just so many times before people begin to think it is unattainable, and they resist the charade. Overall, I had a great connection to students and families by encouraging them to have high expectations for themselves, and I provided support as a health clerk, classroom paraeducator, as a career tech, and as a college site coordinator. We do not operate in a vacuum. Serving as a liaison between community colleges, EOP, matriculation, financial aid, transfer center and the Educational Assistance Center, I was able to keep the school and district up to date on changes in higher education. LETTERS SUBMITTED IN ALL CAPS WILL BE REJECTED. His religion informed his views of democracy, it did not demand them. This emphasis necessarily means that policies and resources of schools are targeted to promote achievement for all students. It is the responsibility of FUSD leadership to provide the due diligence necessary to collaborate with all stakeholders and establish a reopening plan that respects the safety and health of the community of Fillmore. here or anywhere. Selflessness is in a good teacher’s DNA and certainly their unions work hard to advance their interests (though I have a real objection to the lack of funding for classroom teachers). Your citations fail meet that standard, as has Trump in the courts. He claims that one or two members of Congress “leaked” information last time, so this denial of transparency in the electoral process is needed. They've EXcluded all of these words, of course, in the name of inclusivity. Students learned how to take online career searches based on their interests and skills. Fillmore needs folks like Mark to be in the driver’s seat for the next four years, and he has my personal recommendation for that job! He said he understood the aggrieved and forgotten middle-American, he stuck his angry fingers in the faces of elites, but nothing changed. RequirementsLetters received after 3 P.M. TUESDAY will NOT BE PUBLISHED UNTIL THE FOLLOWING WEEK. To everyone who has contributed to our campaigns, posted our signs in your yard, passed out flyers or just said to us, “We voted for you.” I appreciate you. She rightfully named citizen of the year because she cares so very much about Fillmore. It’s time to condemn all forms of violent extremism and live in the real world. Because Trump. Threats not just from unfriendly nations, but from the precedent that a president can act against the interests and most revered principles of our nation and pay no price for his treachery. Well done, Marie. Once again, the anointed one, the oracle of Fillmore has spoken. As soon as my husband came out and stood on our front porch, the car sped off and left. They have shown through their campaigning that they are eager and ready to listen to all residents of Fillmore, even when those viewpoints differ from theirs. I was on my way home right now, and everything seemed normal as usual. In either case, they were excommunicated, able to receive Communion only after ten years of penance. (Psalm 139:1-4; Jeremiah 17:10) Murderers will not inherit the kingdom of God. I am a Santa Clara High School graduate and moved to Fillmore in 1983. Many of our successes has been a result of his involvement and vision. In November your candidate lost; there is no evidence of voter fraud, the federal and state courts have said so 50 times, and China was not involved. We cannot be assured that all students, regardless of gender, race, or socioeconomic status, are progressing toward and reaching high standards without data. This requires that we work as an effective School Board by fulfilling our responsibility with integrity, respect and transparency. (1 John 3:15; Revelation 21:6-8) Those who abort their babies are guilty of murder. It's in the Constitution; he can't. One wonders if this kind of stupidity comes naturally to these people, or if they have to work at it. He does not think that every federal employee owes allegiance to him, personally, or that he knows everything, or that it’s his way or the highway. arrangements, I found that all the clients’ records were moved to the Westlake Pierce Brothers funeral home branch. ", Fox News warned Democrats against "kavanaughing" Barrett. As he is the president, I wish him well. They won’t bankrupt the city with a wild ideological agenda.