It increases our joy and delight in him. Psalm 50:23 says, “He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God” (NIV84). One of the clear goals of our worship services, therefore, is to see these introverted worshipers released in their expression of love and adoration to the Lord. They are thought to be worthy of praise because of what they have done. Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart, I will praise His holy name. He is the sovereign Lord, the ruler of heaven and earth. When we worship with an uplifted countenance we truly reflect the Lord’s glory. Because all things have their being in him. But worship is really about what we give. Why did he do all of that? This is the call of our Lord to His bride. “Praise the LORD” is the beginning phrase of Pslams 146-150. What Does it Mean to Have Reverence for God? The unique quality about worship in heaven is that it is totally free of any pride, inhibition, sophistication, or pompous dignity. This is not accidental. When God means much to us, we will worship Him. Article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. You look over at the one next to you and realize that he is unabashedly pouring out his soul to the Lord. It is safe to say that the songs we sing are teaching our children the practical theology of the church. The apostle John saw the Lord and fell prostrate in worship. How to praise and worship God with all your heart: To praise God means to give Him the thanks and honor He deserves. To be worshipers. First we worship, then spiritual ministries begin to operate. At that moment you feel a tremendous affinity with that brother because he, like you, is totally committed to the Lord. It has been the experience of countless pastors that when the worship is real and vibrant it is definitely easier to preach. If we don’t have God’s presence in our services, we may as well dismiss and throw a picnic instead.The presence of God is the earmark of the church. This is lamentable, but true. That is how sinners will know we are different! And he has prepared an eternal future for me with himself. We worship God because—through God’s wisdom and mercy—He created us that way. There is a tremendous sense of unity that comes over the group and soon everyone is hugging each other! And surrounding the throne are four living creatures and 24 elders. It is then that we are changed little by little, becoming more like the God we worship. God has designed us to enjoy beauty and excellence and to express that enjoyment. He adopted me into his family. And it should be a frequent, yes a daily occurrence in our … Do you want to win your neighbors for the Lord? But how much better if we worship him now. It’s just what they do. In the Hebrew language any time you find the words pray, worship, or praise there will be one of three words that mean to meditate. It’s the only kind of prayer that expresses the worth of God; The Bible says we were created to worship God. It adds that “Those who make them will be like them” (v. 8 NIV84). The principle is this: We become like that which we worship. They are worshiping God and saying, “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.”. Ed is married, the father of two, and grandfather of three. Take them to the hottest praise service you can find! So, why give God our praise and worship? When we thank and praise him it blesses us! Worship in the congregation is practice time—out in the world we discover if we learned the lesson! Many people think that praise and worship is only singing songs at church, but it is so much more! Psalm 108:3 declares, “I will praise you, O Lord, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples” (NIV84). Once we are prepared to receive it, the Lord will surely send His new move. But when God’s presence is manifest in the midst of the congregation, there comes an atmosphere that gives God greater freedom to work according to the counsel of His will. The question should not be whether the worship service blessed me; the question is, did it bless God? We worship God because of what He is doing on the earth. He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies. When that time comes, those who do not believe may think they will act in defiance of God, but, instead, they will fall on their faces before him and acknowledge that he is worthy of their worship. “I go out the same as when I came in to the church.” If worship doesn’t change your life, the reason is simple: You haven’t unveiled your face before God! However, He does deserve it. He gains nothing from our worship, and our lack of it takes nothing away from God. We worship Him. If the main purpose for worship is to bless and glorify the Lord then why am I upset when it does not seem to bless me? In the end, everyone will bow before God and worship him as Lord. Praise and worship honors God's presence It honors God's greatness when we are able to magnify God and focus on his goodness in spite of our personal challenges. Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things He does for me. Praise is a vital part of a life surrendered to God, and it gives credit where credit is due. God is preparing people; He is preparing you and me, the church of Jesus Christ. The very first and primary reason for worship is to minister to the Lord. ” He is the Creator of the universe and everything in it, which includes you and me. But how much more worthy of my worship is he because he is also my redeemer and heavenly Father. Are you hearing His voice? It was in Exodus 33 that the Lord made this special promise to Moses: “My Presence will go with you and I will give you rest” (v. 14 NIV). He wants to see our face lifted up to Him. It is time to seriously consider from a broader perspective the vital role that worship plays in the life of the congregation.There are three general spheres in which our worship services minister: There is the vertical aspect of worship, the level in which the worshiper communicates with the Lord; There is the horizontal aspect of worship, the level in which the worshiper communicates with others in the congregation; There is the inward aspect of worship, where the worshiper is personally affected by the worship service. Worship softens ow hearts and sensitizes our spirit to the Spirit of God. Another key reason for congregational worship is that we might declare the glories of God before unbelievers. He is our creator, Lord, and redeemer. Show me a church that worships with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength and I will show you a church that is moving ahead for God with an extraordinary sense of unity.We also worship in order to provide believers with an opportunity to confess and profess their faith before others. God deserves our worship, and we are wise to entrust our lives and our worship to Him. And we do not need to apologize for or explain the praises; we only need to declare His praises. The worship service provides them the opportunity to confess their sins, open up their hearts to the Lord, and receive cleansing and renewal from Him. He is retired and currently enjoys his gardens and backpacking. You see, there is a difference between one who worships and a worshiper. In Luke 5:17 we are told that while Jesus was teaching “the power of the Lord was present for him to heal the sick.” This tells us that in the presence of God the power of God is revealed. That if he ever stands before God, it will be he who judges God rather than the other way around. 5. We want to find a secret spiritual formula that bypasses the need to have a personal relationship with God the Father or the Lord Jesus. All rights reserved. And we evaluate the effectiveness of worship by how it makes us feel. May we be the kind of people whose hearts are so prepared through worship that we are ready to move with God!With a clearer understanding of why we worship, our services will not drift aimlessly but will move forward incisively toward the goal set before us. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. But God provided a suitable sacrifice for my sin. Let us look for the day when singing groups will set up in City Square and do nothing but sing praises to the Lord. In conclusion, a final purpose for worship is that through worship God is preparing us for the new thing He is wanting to do. Are we in fact becoming true worshipers? But God is not satisfied with merely spontaneous worship. In their minds, the God of the Bible is not worthy of worship. As we praise Him as Creator and King of this world, we admit and recognize that we’re not in control, but He is. But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is completely self-sufficient and doesn’t need our praise and worship. Whenever our kids are worried – whenever they’re having trouble falling asleep – we can pull out this book and remind them, through praise, song, and worship, that God has everything under control. From the smallest particle to the largest galactic clusters, it is all intricate and well designed. Each of these areas helps us to better understand the role of worship in the congregation. “Worship doesn’t change me,” you might say. 5:1). And, more personally, he has called me to himself. Unfortunately, it will be too late for it to make any difference, but it will happen nonetheless. The basic posture of the worshiper must be, ‘I will bless the Lord,’ not ‘Lord, bless me!’, A second reason for our worship services is to realize the manifest presence of God in our midst. It is no longer adequate to defend our worship services by saying, “Well, we’ve always done it this way.” It is equally insufficient to conceive of our worship services as “the preliminaries,” something to “condition” the congregation in preparation for the truly important part of the service: the sermon. But in our hymnals we have recorded the words of men like Charles Wesley who were particularly gifted in expressing themselves with the pen. As you walk through a park, praise God for the cardinals and bluebirds, for the turning of the seasons, for the oxygen you breathe, and for the sun that shines in a blue sky. As my creator, God is indeed worthy of my worship. 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