IDPH Infant Mortality, by County, 2006-2008 Rates are per 1,000 live births ** Rate does not meet standards of reliability or precision. IM ... Rates are per 1,000 live births ... Last Updated 12/2/2009. 2007. 1-800-843-6154
Code 630.220, IDHS Help Line
The 1999 rate of 7.1 deaths has fallen 4% since 1995 and 22% since 1990. Source: States are categorized from highest rate to lowest rate. A "*" indicates that data did not meet standards of reliability. MMWR Weekly April 19, 2002), Low birth-weight also contributes to infant mortality. Illinois' infant mortality rate for calendar year 2013 was 6.0 deaths for every 1,000 live births. In 2013, the number of Illinoisans living in poverty was almost 2,000,000, according to a report from the Social Impact Research Center. In all cases, perinatal care that focuses on the client's individual needs, can improve health outcomes of mothers and their infants. Data from the National Vital Statistics System 1. Between 2001 and 2002 the decline of 3.6 percent.. Grace B. Hou, Secretary. Although adjusted for differences in age-distribution and population size, rankings by state do not take into account other state specific population characteristics that may affect the level of mortality. The total Hispanic infant mortality rate in 1999 was 5.8 In the year 2000, 83,2% of mothers began prenatal care within the first trimester of pregnancy, continuing a positive trend dating back to 1989. In 2000 the percentage of black mothers who initiated first trimester prenatal care was 74.3%, compared to 74.4% for Hispanic mothers and 88.5% for whites. This decline was found in the three major ethnic groups. Important goals of perinatal care are, improving early entrance to prenatal services, and parent-newborn-family relationships. Unfortunately, maternal and infant mortality and morbidity outcomes in Illinois lag behind the national data. These barriers can be removed with an integrated approach to identification and prevention of medical and psycho-social risks that begins pre-conceptionally, and extends throughout pregnancy and the postpartum periods. For individuals with increased medical, nutritional or psycho-social risks, the benefits of comprehensive health care, result in significantly lower mortality and morbidity rates. Infant Mortality Numbers by County, 2005-2007. (United States Department of Health & Human Services. Recently the U.S. Census Bureau released new data which reveal that 1 out of every 7 Illinoisans, 1,805,000 people, live in poverty—unchanged from the prior year. Preventing accidental suffocation and entrapment by not adding of bumper padding, pillows, stuffed toys, fluffed blankets etc. Definitions: Data are rate per 1,000. In general the highest mortality rates are found among infants born to teens less than 16 years of age (Grand Round. 1-866-324-5553 TTY, We hope you like our new design. In the year 2002, 12.1% of these babies were born prematurely. The U.S. infant mortality rate has substantially declined over the last century, but persistent racial/ethnic disparities remain. This continues throughout the perinatal period in both ambulatory and hospital settings. Lake County reported an average infant mortality rate of 10.5% among women of all races and of 22.5% among black women in 2017, according to … Although the trend in infant mortality rates among blacks and whites have been on the decline, the proportional discrepancy between black and white rates has increased. 2017 birth data come from National Vital Statistics Reports, Vol. These numbers are particularly alarming because Illinois’s human services infrastructure, which moves and keeps Illinoisans out of poverty, is crumbling with each day that the state budget stalemate continues. (IDPH, 3/04), There is a definite relationship between maternal age and infant mortality, with rates being highest for infants born to teenage mothers, lowest for mothers in their late twenties and early thirties, and again higher for mothers in their forties and over. All figures are 5-year moving averages. n By Gender Males across all regions had higher mortality rates than females. For infants of non-Hispanic black women, the mortality rate ranged from 8.27 in Massachusetts to 14.… These statistics demonstrate a need for measures for reducing the infant mortality rates in Illinois, and closing gap in racial disparity. This involves integrating concepts of family-centered care into every aspect of perinatal care beginning with the first prenatal visit. Infant Mortality measures the number of deaths among children less than one year of age per 1,000 live births. Pediatrics Vol 110 No. The 10 Most Disadvantaged Counties in Illinois: “Poor By Comparison” – Social Impact Research Center“Women of Color Health Guide” – National Institutes of Health“2014 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report” – Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality“Congressional District Housing Profile” – National Low income Housing Coalition“Data on the Life Course Indicators” – Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs“Who’d Get the Raise to $10 in IL?” – Terpstra“Illinois Concentrated Disadvantage” – IDPH Heartland Alliance 2016 Poverty Report. At the beginning of the 1990s, school age birth rates peaked and declined during the decade. Illinois was one of 16 states in 2018 to have a “significantly higher” infant mortality average in the nation, based on data from the National Center for … The Illinois Infant Mortality Rate: 6.6 per 1,000 live births The U.S. Although there is still no known cause of SIDS, research in early 1990 revealed specific behaviors that can lower the risk of SIDS, and ultimately reduce infant mortality. Nationally, Illinois ranked 8th in infant mortality in 2000; the national rate was 6.9. Since 1970 there has been a consistent decline in the infant mortality in Illinois from 21.3 per 1,000, to 8.3 in 1900, to 7.2 deaths per 1000 live births in the year … The goal for reducing infant mortality and closing the disparities in health outcomes between the racial and ethnic groups, is to educate women of child-bearing age of the importance of early access to prenatal services. Infant Mortality Rate: 6.17 per 1,000 live births Poverty. Although the infant mortality rate fell from 21.5 in 1970 to 13.9 in 1981 to 10.7 in 1991, it did not decline as rapidly as elsewhere. Although there is an overall decline in infant mortality rates in Illinois, infants born to African American mothers died at a higher rate than white or Hispanic babies during 2002. Educating the public and MCH professionals about bereavement support for client referral. The mortality rates were calculated as the number of deaths per 1,000 live births. vi. A detailed description of case management can be found in the Maternal Child Health Services Code (77 Ill. Admin. Approximately 2,100 babies die each year of SIDS in the United States at the rate of about one baby every four hours. In calendar year 2014, the rate was 6.06 deaths for every 1,000 live births. 8 pdf icon; leading cause of death data, including firearm, homicide, and drug poisoning mortality data, and infant mortality data come from CDC WONDER and rankings and rates are based on 2017 age-adjusted death rates. In Chicago, the infant mortality rates have steadily declined from 15.6 in 1990, to 11.5 in 1999 to 8.6 in 2002, the lowest rate recorded by the city. Infant Mortality Rates by Race, Illinois: 1960-2000..... I-30 TABLES Table A. County: Births. Births. Four Midwestern states have infant mortality rates “significantly higher” than the U.S. average, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control.. Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan and Ohio were among the states cited for rates higher than the national average – 5.79 per 1,000 live births. Together with short gestation, low birth weight accounts for one out of five deaths that occur in the first 28 days of life. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is yet another cause of infant mortality. The absolute number of infant deaths -1,176- while the lowest recorded, is high in terms of personal loss and lives lost. Trends by Race/Ethnicity Between 1998 and 1999, the mortality rate for white infants decreased 3% to 5.8 deaths per 1,000 live births, while the rate for black infants was 14.6%. Overall, the U.S infant mortality rate has declined from 20 deaths per 1,000 live births in 1970 to 6.9 deaths in 2000. Issue Brief; June 28, 2004) The leading cause of infant mortality is prematurity. Among the 50 states and the District of Columbia (D.C.), the mortality rate for infants of non-Hispanic white women ranged from 2.52 in D.C. to 7.04 in Arkansas. MMWR Weekly April19, 2002/51(15;329-332,343). Mortality rates for Asians and Hispanics throughout the SCC region were also higher than respective rates for the U.S. and Illinois. Teen mothers are less likely to receive prenatal care and have the financial resources, social supports, and parenting skills required for child rearing. When considering the social determinants of health and their influence on the infant mortality rate, poverty predicts poorer health outcomes. 1 The number of infant deaths per 1,000 live births.. Data Source: Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). During the 20th century, infant mortality rates declined in the United States by 90%. New Poverty Data Paint a Grim Picture for Illinois, Read the fact sheet on the new dataRead more about what this could mean for IllinoisDataset: Poverty in Illinois Communities in 2014. Illinois' infant mortality rate for 2011 (i.e., year that corresponded with the fiscal year of this report) was 6.6 deaths for every 1,000 live births, tied for lowest rate for the state of Illinois. In 2000, infant mortality was 8.5 per 1,000 live births. If you have COVID-19, you may be at high-risk of your symptoms getting worse. 2006. The downstate rate in 2002 for African American babies was 16.7, an increase of 14.6 from 2001, while the rate for whites dropped from 6.0 in 2001 to 5.6 in 2002. Today, the United States ranks 32 nd out of the 35 wealthiest nations when it comes to infant mortality. In 2007 the rate was also 6.6 for every 1,000 live births. In 2018, the infant mortality rate in the United States was 5.7 deaths per 1,000 live births. Active participation of prospective parents in decision -making during pregnancy, labor, delivery, and the postpartum period is strongly encouraged. Disparities in access to prenatal care between white, black, and Hispanic mothers narrowed during this period. Infant Deaths. In spite of several years of steady progress, and general improvement in health outcomes for child -bearing women, in many communities of Illinois, infant mortality, unintended pregnancies, and high STD rates continue to challenge our health care delivery system. Infant Mortality Rate, Illinois Residents, 1920-2018 Detailed Data Year Deaths Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) 2018 943 6.5 2017 912 6.1 2016 985 6.4 2015 952 6 2014 1,044 6.6 2013 942 6 2012 1,032 6.5 2011 1,062 6.6 2010 1,116 6.8 2009 1,176 6.9 2008 1,263 7.2 2007 1,196 6.6 2006 1,343 7.4 2005 1,294 7.2 2004 1,317 7.3 2003 1,380 7.6 2002 1,304 7.2 2001 1,379 7.5 2000 1,528 8.3 Illinois Department of Public Health 535 West Jefferson Street Springfield, Illinois 62761 Phone 217-782-4977 Fax 217-782-3987 TTY 800-547-0466 Questions or Comments Finally, case management is a component of the care provided to pregnant women. 3. Except for the In cross-sectional analyses, the Infant mortality rate (IMR) was defined as: The Illinois infant mortality rate decreased from 8.3 per 1,000 in 2000 to 6.0 per 1,000 in 2015 — a total average decrease of 28% and an average annual decrease of 1.6%. -0- Rate zero corresponding to "--" in frequency counts CSV (National Vital Statistics Report; CDC Vol. This includes a review of the parents' attitudes toward the pregnancy, family life, child care practices, environmental stressors, support systems and interest in childbirth education classes. Many of the large cities of the U.S however, continue to have high infant mortality rates compared with national rates. The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Headquarters: 185 Berry St., Suite 2000, San Francisco, CA 94107 | Phone 650-854-9400 Washington Offices and Barbara Jordan Conference Center: 1330 … In calendar year 2014, it was 1,044. IM Rate. (NGA Center for Best Practices. In 2013–2015, the infant mortality rate by state ranged from 4.28 per 1,000 live births in Massachusetts to 9.08 in Mississippi. (National Vital Statistics report, Vol. The 2013 rate is the lowest rate ever reported in Illinois. According to the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), on average, 73 Illinois mothers die every year, with more than 70 percent of these deaths being deemed preventable. Infant Mortality is a Rate. Illinois' infant mortality rate for calendar years 2012 and 2013 was 6.5 deaths and 6.0 deaths for every 1,000 live births, respectively. 48, Number 12). 33% of teen mothers received no prenatal care in the year 2000. Year: 2005. This represents marked improvement from the calendar year 2010 rate of 6.8 deaths per 1,000 live births and from the calendar year 2009 rate of 6.9. The infant, neonatal, and post-neonatal mortality rates have remained approximately the same over the last five years. Tasha Green Cruzat, president of Voices for Illinois Children, an advocacy group, said battling the racial gap in infant mortality is a high priority for her organization. In addition to giving us key information about maternal and infant health, the infant mortality rate is an important marker of the overall health of a society. 48, No. The United States Department of Health and Human Services reports that the percentage of births that are low birth weight or vary low birth weight has actually been increasing in this country in the past decade. Rates of infant mortality are also relatively high in the US, with a rate of 5.8 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2017, and infants born to non-Hispanic black mothers have the highest mortality rates among all racial and ethnic groups. This is an effective mechanism for determining client needs, developing a plan of care, and providing referral and follow-up services when elements of risk presents. Maternal and infant mortality is especially important to Illinois families. Infant Deaths. Rates measure the number of events (i.e., deaths, births, etc.) Illinois was one of 16 states in 2018 to have a “significantly higher” infant mortality average in the nation, based on data from the National Center for … In calendar year 2013, the absolute number of infant deaths was 942. There was a 29% decline in the rate of teenagers giving birth in this country from 1991-2000. This represented a 29% increase in the premature births since 1981. in a given time period (generally one or more years) divided by the average number of … 12 July 20, 2000) Children born to young adolescent mothers are at greater risk for infant mortality and low birth weight. Winnebago County’s African-American infant mortality rate among highest in Illinois News Posted: May 7, 2019 / 10:12 PM CDT / Updated: May 8, 2019 / 03:19 PM CDT When considering the social determinants of health and their influence on the infant mortality rate, poverty predicts poorer health outcomes. In1999, the leading causes of infant mortality were congenital anomalies, disorders related to immaturity (short gestations and unspecified low birth-weight, SIDS, and maternal complications. Infant Mortality Rates with 95 Percent Confidence Intervals, Illinois: 1980-2000.. I-30 Figure 7. In 2001, 1,379 infants died of SIDS and other causes, at the rate of one child every six hours. If you have any questions about the website, please email, © 2020 Illinois Department of Human Services. 6 December 2002, pp1163-1168), Over four million babies are born in the United States every year. Fact Sheet, March 18, 2002), Since 1970 there has been a consistent decline in the infant mortality in Illinois from 21.3 per 1,000, to 8.3 in 1900, to 7.2 deaths per 1000 live births in the year 2002. The sudden and unexpected death of an infant under one year of age, which remains unexplained after a thorough investigation, is the leading cause of death among infants beyond the newborn period. Infant Mortality Rates by Resident County, 5-year Moving Averages, Illinois … Illinois' infant mortality rate for 2009 (the latest year available) was 6.9 deaths for every 1,000 live births, the second lowest rate for the state. In combination with congenital anomalies, disorders associated with unspecified low birth-weight and SIDs, accounted for 46% of all infant deaths in the United Stated in1998.(CDC. Pregnancy is a dynamic process involving actual and potential health status changes . Based on your age, the length of your…, More than half a million COVID-19 vaccines administered - Public Health Officials Announce 4,318 New Cases of Coron…, Illinois Adoption Registry and Medical Information Exchange, Nacimientos, Defunciones, Otros Registros, Illinois Diabetes Prevention and Control Program, Illinois HIV Integrated Planning Council (IHIPC), Public Health & Health Care System Preparedness, Lead Supervisory, Inspector, Risk Assessor, and Worker, License Qualifications - Lead Abatement Contractor, Manufactured & Modular Homes/Mobile Structures, Cleaning Up After Flood and Sewer Overflows, Public Health Assessments and Health Consultations, Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM)/Food Service Sanitation Manager (FSSMC), Out-Patient Physical Therapy/Speech Pathology, Quarterly Reports of Nursing Home Violators, Clinical Lab Improvement Amendments (CLIA), Making Changes to your CLIA Certificate & CLIA Payment Instructions, Lynch Syndrome: For Health Care Professionals, Genetic and Metabolic Disease Advisory Committee, Allied Health Care Professional Scholarship Program, Illinois National Health Service Corps State Loan Repayment Program (SLRP), Illinois Underserved Physician Workforce Program, IL Breast & Cervical Cancer Program (IBCCP), Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) Program, Epinephrine Auto-Injector and Anaphylaxis, Healthcare-associated Infections & Antimicrobial Resistance Prevention Program, Hearing Instrument Consumer Protection Program, Public Health Reporting for Meaningful Use, Stage 1 Meaningful Use - Detailed Public Health Objectives, Stage 2 Meaningful Use - Detailed Public Health Objectives, Syndromic Surveillance Reporting Facilities, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes Reporting System, Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, Illinois Morbidity and Mortality Bulletin, Read more about what this could mean for Illinois, Dataset: Poverty in Illinois Communities in 2014, “2014 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report”, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Grant Accountability and Transparency (GATA). Prevent overlay by not having baby sleep with mother but in a crib. Studies of U.S infant mortality by region document persisting geographic disparities and differences across racial and ethnic groups (CDC. 67, No. These are: Barriers to achieving desired maternal-child-disease prevention outcomes for all citizens of Illinois include access to comprehensive Perinatal services, including preconception/inter-conception care, and social services. These changes necessitate frequent assessments of risk in order to initiate the type and range of services that will ensure the best outcomes. Infant mortality is frequently used as an indicator of the health of a community and a nation. © 2021 Illinois Department of Public Health. However, the death rate for African-American children in Chicago was 14.8 in 2002, down slightly from 15.1/1,000 in 2001, while deaths for white infants declined from 5.5 in 2001 to 5.1 in 2002. The mortality rate for males in SCC (976.0/100,000) was 46% higher than the mortality rate for females (664.5/100,000). Through the Bureaus of Maternal and Infant Health, and Community Health Nursing, programs, such as Family Case Management, WIC, Targeted Intensive Prenatal Case Management, and Family Planning, have focused attention on public education, reducing unplanned pregnancies, and sexually transmitted diseases. Total Deaths by Resident County 2000-2009 2010-2019 Leading Cause of Death, Illinois 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 Death Demographics by Resident County 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Causes of Death by Resident County 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Drug Overdose … This decline followed a period of increase in the 1970s and1980s. 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