-कलिका a lotus-bud, an unblown lotus. -2 a particular posture in religious meditation; ऊरुमूले वाम- पादं पुनस्तु दक्षिणं पदम् । वामोरौ स्थापयित्वा तु पद्मासनमिति स्मृतम् ॥; ध्यायेदाजानुबाहुं धृतशरधनुषं बद्धपद्मासनस्थम् Rāmaraṣā 1. m. submarine fire; -½añgali, m. two handfuls of water (in honour of the dead); -½âdhâra, m. reservoir, pond; -½âlaya, m. ocean; -½âsaya, m. reservoir, lake; -½utsarga, m. discharge of water. Is a rare word denoting the wife’s ‘brother-in-law’ (that is, the husband’s brother). The names in this second list are as in the Samhitās with the following exceptions. 14.Viśākhe is the couple of stars a and β Librae. pt. -8 N. of one of the nostrils. However, there are several fishes both in marine and freshwater environment which seldom swim. ; great night follow ing the dissolution of the world; -râva, m. loud yell; -râshtra, m. pl. -कोष्ठः A water-jar. (± a word meaning &open;battle&close;), the Great Battle of the Bharatas; n.(± âkhyâna), the Great Story of the Bharatas, T. of the well-known great Epic (which contains about 100,000 slokas); -bhâshya, n. the Great Commentary of Patañgali on the Sûtras of Pânini and the Vârttikas of Kâtyâyana (probably composed in the second century b. c.); -bhikshu, m. the great mendicant, ep. Hentze believes they are phallic symbols and Breuil has found them among Magdalenian bone-carvings. with the utmost decision; -simha, m. great lion; N.; -siddha, (pp.) id. (-रः) a cloud (watercarrier). -पथः 1 'heavenly passage', heaven, firmament दिव्यो देवपथो ह्येष नात्र गच्छन्ति मानुषाः Mb. The art or sport of catching fish with a rod and line and a baited hook or other lure, such as a fly. The śūdra has no rights of property or life against the noble, especially the king. But in spite of the force of this argument of Weber’s, Whitney is not certain that Nistyā here must mean a star in Virgo, pointing out that the name Nistyā, ‘outcast,’ suggests the separation of this Naksatra from the others in question. -धारा scissors. The sense of this word is not absolutely certain : the Pada text and Sāyana both take it to mean 4 without face ’ (an-ās), but the other rendering, 4 noseless ’ (a-nās), is quite possible, and would accord well with the flat-nosed aborigines of the Dravidian type, whose language still persists among the Brahuis, who are found in the north-west. The sacrificial texts of the Yajurveda give them in their clearest form where the Agnicayana, ‘building of the fire-altar,’ is described. ), Viśākhe, Anurādhā, Jyesthā, Mūla, Pūrvā Asādhās, Uttarā Asādhās, Abhijit, śravana, śravisthās, śatabhisaj, Dvayā Prosthapadā, Revatī, Aśvayujau, Bharanyas. id. Four more were added in B.C. (ikâ) resembling, having the appear ance of; counterfeit; m. quack, charlatan, -kary&asharp;, f. exemplary conduct. hymn by hymn; -sûkshma, a. pl. n. numeral; -pada, n. -बाहुः 1 N. of a king in the Yadu race. (3) Viṣṇu. reproach fully; -nimesha, a. winking (eye); -niya ma, a. limited; having undertaken an ob servance; -nirvisesha, a. indifferent; -nir veda, a. betraying weariness (conversation); desponding, despairing: -m, ad. -2 given to the gods (as a village, &c.). accord ing to wish, at pleasure; -kâmin, a. dis agreeable; -kâminî, f. female rival; -kâya, m. (counter body), adversary; -kâra, m. re quital (of good or evil), compensation for (--°ree;); counteraction, employment of remedies; alleviation, remedy: -karman, n.opposition, resistance, -vidhâna, n. medical treatment; -kârin, a. obviating, counteracting (--°ree;); -kâr ya, n. reward (to, g.); -kitava, m. adver sary at play; -kuñgara, m. hostile elephant. -पुरोहितः 1 a domestic priest of the gods. -प्लुत a. swimming in water. -2 a council of a king, council-chamber. -जः (also -सरसिजः) Sārasa bird. Within its boundaries flowed the rivers Drsadvatī and Sarasvatī, as well as the Apayā. n. counter investigation: judicial consideration as to which of the litigants is to prove his case, after the defendant has pleaded; -kshepaka, a. mocking, deriding; -khyâta,pp. It is said, indeed, in the Vājasaneyi Samhitā21 that the five rivers go to the Sarasvatī, but this passage is not only late (as the use of the word Deśa shows), but it does not say that the five rivers meant are those of the Panjab. -धानः [उदकं धीयते अत्र] 1 a water-jar. -धर्मः a religious duty or office. 1181 for the vernal equinox corresponding to the winter solstice in Māgha—that is, on the basis of ι° = 72 years as the precession. Aufrecht and Weber derived it from nakta-tra, ‘ guardian of night/ and more recently the derivation from nak-ksatra, ‘ having rule over night/ seems to be gaining acceptance. n. [vikala] frailty, weak ness, imperfection, defectiveness; defect, lack; despondency (rare); confusion, flurry (v. r. vaiklavya). -बीजम् the seed of a lotus. -12 N. of a particular part of a column. īḍe rakṣohaṇaṃ yajñavṛdhaṃ ghṛtāhutam # AVP.4.33.4cd. Is a term of somewhat doubtful sense occurring repeatedly in the Rigveda, and connected with the preparation of Soma. -द्मा 1 N. of Lakṣmī, the goddess of fortune, and wife of Viṣṇu; (तं) पद्मा पद्मातपत्रेण भेजे साम्राज्य- दीक्षितम् R.4.5. It would be absurd to suppose that the Aryan Vaiśyas 'did not engage in industry and com¬merce (cf. Brunn-hofer at one time accepted the Iranian identification, but later decided for the Oxus, which is quite out of the question. P: pra su śrutam śś.7.23.4; 12.9.11. Though the Kauṣītaki Brāmaṇa places places the winter solstice in the new moon of Māgha, the latter date probably means the new moon preceding full moon in Māgha, not the new moon following full moon; but it is perhaps possible to account adequately for the importance of the Ekāstakā as being the first Aṣṭakā after the beginning of the new year. -9 An elephant. Elsewhere it has been suggested that the hymns in question are merely literary dialogues. Here, too, was situated Saryanāvant, which appears to have been a lake, like that known to the Satapatha Brāhmana by the name of Anyatah-plaksā. -देवः 1 an epithet of Brahman; Rām.1.43.1. 800, and corresponding with the February 7 of the veris initium in the Roman Calendar. ); -vana, n. great forest; -varâha, m. great boar (i.e. bh&usharp;r bhúvah svãh); -vratá, n. great or fundamental duty; great vow; great religious observance; N. of a Sâ man or Stotra to be chanted on the last day but one of the Gavâmayana (also applied to the day and the ceremony); rules of the worshippers of Siva Pasupati; a. having undertaken great duties or a great vow, practising great aus terity, very devotional; following the rules of the Pâsupatas; m. a Pâsupata; -vratika, a. following the rules of the Pâsupatas; m. a Pâsupata; -vratin, a., m., id. Possibly the words are derived, as Eggling thinks, from yu, ‘ ward off,’ with reference to evil spirits. human flesh); -½amâtya, m. prime minister; -mâtra, a. of great measure, great; greatest, best (of, --°ree;); m. man of high rank, high state official, king's minister; elephant-driver; -mânin, a. extremely proud; -mâya, a. at tended with great deception; practising great deception; m. N.; -mâyâ, f. the great illu sion (which makes the world appear really existent and thus in a sense creates it); -mây ûra, n. a kind of medicine; kind of prayer (--°ree;); -mârga, m. main road: -pati, m. chief inspector of roads; -mâhesvara, m. great worshipper of Mahesvara or Siva; -mukha,n. id. 2.The Relation of the Castes. Aśvinyau101 and Aśvinī102 are later names. Elsewhere the Kausalya, or Kosala king, Para Atnāra Hairanyanābha, is described as having performed the great Aśvamedha, or horse sacrifice. -प्रिया the goddess Manasā, the wife of sage Jaratkāru. -4 an assemblage of lotuses; पद्माकरं दिनकरो विकचीकरोति Bh.2.73. P: abhi pra vaḥ śś.7.23.4; 12.9.11. Ya is sts. अभीपत् m. [अभि-पत्-क्विप् दीर्घः] One who goes or resorts to (अभिगमनवान् Sāy. -आजीवः, -आजीविन् m. an attendant upon an idol. -भक्तिः worship or service of the gods. The śatapatha Brāhmana adds Mrgaśīrsa and Citrā as possibilities. महश्वर्यं लीलाजनितजगतः खण्डपरशोः G. L.1; येनानेन जगत्सु खण्डपरशुर्देवो हरः ख्याप्यते Mv.2.33. -कुम्भः a water-jar; Ms.2.182,3.68. Denotes in the Atharvaveda and the Pañcavimśa Brāhmana the period of life between 90 and 100 years which the Rigveda calls the daśama yuga, ‘ the tenth stage of life.’ Longevity seems not to have been rare among the Vedic Indians, for the desire to live a ‘hundred autumns’ (śaradal} śatam) is constantly expressed. √ han: -ka, a. Anūrādhās or Anurādhā, propitious,’ is β, δ, and tγ (perhaps also p) Scorpionis. ); room, ap propriateness for (g., rare); object of a sense (there are five corresponding to the five senses: sound, touch, form, taste, smell); objects or pleasures of sense, worldly concerns, sensual enjoyments (pl. ... "swimming eyes"; "sorrow made the eyes of many grow liquid" the act of swimming; "it was the swimming they enjoyed most"; "they took a short swim … for every letter; corresponding to every letter; coalescence of two vowels into one, as given in. It is denied by Fick that the Vaiśyas were ever a caste, and the denial is certainly based on good grounds if it is held that a caste means a body within which marriage is essential, and which follows a hereditary occupation (cf. -हविस् n. an animal offered to gods at a sacrifice. ); -repay as a debt to (d.); -counteract any one (g.); -give medical aid to (g.); -kartri, m. requiter; opponent; -karma, ad. -दुन्दुभिः 1 divine drum; देवदुन्दुभिनिर्घोषो पुष्पवृष्टिश्च खात् पतन् Rām. You can also use the √ symbol, this is easily typed by typing \/ in SanskritWriter software. The names here (masc. a. sleeping; -ninda, a. ac companied with a reproach: -m, ad. ); तामग्रतः अनूपराजस्य विधाय R.6.37. n. [viklava] bewilderment; despondency; -ya, n. -अंशः a partial incarnation of god. by grinding in water. kind of sea-crab; -salkalin, a. having large scales (fish); -sastra, n. mighty weapon; -sâka, n. kind of vegetable; -sâkya, m. great or distinguished Sâkya; -sânti, f. great appeasement (a kind of rite to avert evil);(&asharp;)-sâla, possessor of a great house, great householder; -sâlîna, a. very modest; -sâsana, n. great sway; a. exer cising great sway; -siras, a. large-headed; m. kind of serpent; -sûdra, m. Sûdra in a high position, upper servant; -saila, m. great rock or mountain; -½asman, m. precious stone; -smâsâna, n. large cemetery; ep. Jacobi has contended that in the Rigveda the commencement of the rains and the summer solstice mark the beginning of the new year and the end of the old, and that further the new year began with the summer solstice in Phālgunī.121 He has also referred to the distinction of the two sets of Deva and Yama Naksatras in the Taittirīya Brāhmana as supporting his view of the connexion of the sun and the Naksatras. Three days ago, I added a platy to my tank of one Molly fish. Original Monier-Williams data courtesy of Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexion. -5 A title affixed to the names of Bārhmaṇas; as in गोविन्ददेव, पुरुषोत्तमदेव &c. -6 (In dramas) A title of honour used in addressing a king, ('My lord', 'Your majesty'); ततश्च देव Ve.4; यथाज्ञापयति देवः &c. -7 Quicksilver. against the enemy; -rûpa, n. (counter-form), effigy, image, likeness; pattern; counterfeit, of (g.); a.resembling; corresponding, suitable; handsome, comely: -ka, a. The Indian interpreters already show a great divergence of opinion as to its primary meaning. -मण्डल a. gibbous, not full or round. ); behaviour, conduct; condition, state; rank, position; aspect of a planet (in astrology); true state, reality (°ree;--, in reality); manner of being, nature; mental state, dis position, temperament; way of thinking, thought, opinion, sentiment, feeling; emotion (in rhetoric there are eight or nine primary Bhâvas corresponding to that number of Rasas or sentiments); supposition; meaning, import (iti bhâvah is continually used by commen tators like iti½arthah or iti½abhiprâyah, at the end of an explanation); affection, love; seat of the emotions, heart, soul; substance, thing; being, creature; discreet man (dr.: vc.=re spected sir); astrological house: bhâvo bhâ vam nigakkhati, birds of a feather flock to gether; bhâvam dridham kri, make a firm resolution; bhâvam kri or bandh, conceive affection for (lc. Weber thinks it was used to convey the war chariot to the scene of action. -काकः (-की) A swan; L. D. B. Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data, Satyavrata, the king of pre-ancient Dravida and a devotee of Vishnu, who later was known as Manu was washing his hands in a river when a little fish swam into his hands and pleaded with him t. of Soma-vat (according to comm. -2 the supreme god. -3 a planetary sphere. according to custom, as usual; -sthûla, °ree;-or -m, ad. of this kind=an ac. उदान, तस्य ह वा एतस्य हृदयस्य पञ्च देवसुषयः Ch. in accord ance with the condition or circumstances; -½avasthita½artha-kathana, n. description of a matter in accordance with facts; -½âvâs am, ad. The name, if not already a feminine, may be turned into a feminine and compounded with pūrna-māsa, ‘the full moon,’ as in Tisyā-pūrnamāsa, ‘the full moon in the Naksatra Tisya.’103 Much more often, however, it is turned into a derivative adjective, used with paurnamāsī, ‘the full moon (night)/ or with amāvāsyā, ‘the new moon (night)/ as in Phālgunī paurnamāsl, ‘the full-moon night in the Naksatra Phālgunī’;104 or, as is usual in the Sūtras, the Naksatra adjective alone is used to denote the full-moon night. m. month: -m, for a month; mâsam ekam, for one month; in. -गुणा, -गृहा 1 an epithet of Lakṣmī, the goddess of wealth. 1.3. for every act; at every rite or celebration; -karman, n. requital; corresponding action (--°ree;); counter action; (medical) treatment; personal adorn ment; -karsha, m. combination; -kâ&ndot;k shin, a. desiring (--°ree;); -kâmám, ad. Compared to other problems, this one can be a little difficult to deal with. 16. उदानः [अन्-घञ्] 1 Breathing upwards. of noble race; -½âpîda, m. orna ment of the family. The use of the Manāzil in Arabia is consistent and effective ; the calendar is regulated by them, and the position of the asterisms corresponds best with the positions required for a lunar Zodiac. -स्वम् 'property of gods', property applicable to religious purposes or endowments; यद्धनं यज्ञशीलानां देवस्वं तद्विदु- र्बुधाः Ms.11.2,26. ); duration (of life); province, department, domain, business; restricted sphere (gr. Naksatra and Sūrya. -मेहिन् a. -आवसथः a temple. as directed; -½âsannam, ad. -गन्धर्वः an epithet of Nārada. -यज्यम्, -यज्या a sacrifice. Their leader (Gṛhapati) or householder wore a turban (Uçṇīçε), carried a whip (Pratoda), a kind of bow (Jyāhroda), was :lothed in a black (krçnaśa) garment and two skins (Ajina), blxk and white (krsna-valaksa), and owned a rough wagon (Vijatha) covered with planks (phalakāstīrna). > Is, “Fish were swimming in the water.” correct grammar or should it be “Fish was swimming in the water”? -छन्दः a pearl-necklace having 81, 1 or 18 strings; शतमष्टयुतं हारो देवच्छन्दो ह्यशीतिरेकयुता Bṛi. -अङ्गना a celestial damsel, an apsaras. -2 N. of a particular breed of horses. [√ sri] V.: surging, flow ing, fluctuating; n. flood, surge; C.: sg. [cf. Many people go in the garden. IIOO in order to mark the equinoxes and solstices of the period. -2 a cloud. (-वी f.) [दिव्-अच्] 1 Divine, celestial; Bg.11. But in connexion with this ceremony the Yajurveda Samhitās enumerate the 27, The Taittirīya Brāhmana has a list of the Naksatras which agrees generally with the list of the Samhitās. Hillebrandt sees the planets in the five Adhvaryus mentioned in the Rigveda, but this is a mere con­jecture. Weber shows reason for believing that the Vājapeya sacrifice, a festival of which a chariot race forms an integral part, was, as the śāñkhāyana śrauta Sūtra says, once a sacrifice for a Vaiśya, as well as for a priest or king. ); -kâra, m. corresponding conduct. pp. swimming . to be reared (child); to be maintained (servants); to be increased or fos tered (virtue); -valana, n., â, f. (hostile) en counter; mixture, union; -vasati, f. dwell ing together; -vásana, n. dwelling-place (RV.1); (sám)-vasu, m. fellow-dweller (V.); -vaha, m. N. of one of the seven winds; -v&asharp;k, f. colloquy (V.); -vâdá, m. conversation (V., C.), with (in. -2 the favourite food of the gods. -श्रुतः an epithet of 1 Viṣṇu. ); re gard; disregard. This month is known from the earliest records, being both referred to directly and alluded to. -पशुः any animal consecrated to a deity. The Rigveda evidently knows of no restriction of war to a nobility and its retainers, but the late Atharvaveda equally classes the folk with the bala, power,’ representing the Viś as associated with the Sabhā, Samiti, and Senā, the assemblies of the people and the armed host. In the story of the spread of Aryan culture told in the śatapatha Brāhmana, the Kosala-Videhas, as the offspring of Videgha Māthava, appear as falling later than the Kuru-Pañcālas under the influence of Brahminism. and Arjunī (dual) the case is different: it seems probable that they are the later lunar mansions called Maghās (plur.) cj. This fact accords with the only natural division of the year into three periods of four months, as the rainy season lasts from June 7-10 to October 7-10, and it is certain that the second set of four months dates from the beginning of the rains (see Cāturmāsya). id. (‘ land of the Kurus ’) is always regarded in the Brāhmana texts as a particularly sacred country. ); -mah as, n. great luminary; -mahiman, m. true greatness; a. truly great; -mahima-sâlin, a. possessed of true greatness; -mahâ½upâ dhyâya, m. very great preceptor (a desig nation applied to great scholars, e.g. Uses of the relative calling for special mention are the following: 1. -3 of the sun. -धिष्ण्यम् a chariot of the gods (विमान); Bhāg.1. -अरिः a demon. Many other parts of the chariot are mentioned, their names being often obscure in meaning: see Añka, Nyanka, Uddhi, Paksas, Pātalya, Bhurij, Rathopastha, Rathavāhana. a geographical region in ancient India corresponding to some areas of Bihar and Bengal. -3 One of the five vital airs or life-winds which rises up the throat and enters into the head); the other four being प्राण, अपान, समान and व्यान; स्पन्दयत्यधरं वक्त्रं गात्रनेत्रप्रकोपनः । उद्वेजयति मर्माणि उदानो नाम मारुतः ॥ -4 (With Buddhists) An expression of praise or joy. -4 of Viṣṇu. Denotes a man, not so much of the people, as of the subject class, distinct from the ruling noble (Kṣatriya) and the Brāhmaṇa, the higher strata of the Aryan community on the one side, and from the aboriginal śūdra on the other. The needs of a conquering people evoke the monarch; the lesser princes sink to the position of nobles ; for repelling the attacks of aborigines or of other Aryan tribes, and for quelling the revolts of the subdued population, the state requires a standing army in the shape of the armed retainers of the king, and beside the nobility of the lesser princes arises that of the king’s chief retainers, as the Thegns supplemented the Gesiths of the Anglo-Saxon monarchies. It arose in South Asia after its predecessor languages had … as above specified, described, or characterized; -½anu pûrvam, ad. -कुण़्डम् a natural spring. -3 an attendant on a deity. -यात्रा 'an idolprocession,' any sacred festival when the idols are carried in procession; केनापि देवयात्रागतेन सिद्धादेशेन साधुना B.3.14. The epithet tri-vandhura is used of the chariot of the Aśvins, seemingly to correspond with another of its epithets, tri-cakra: perhaps, as Weber thinks, a chariot with three seats and three wheels was a real form of vehicle; but Zimmer considers that the vehicle was purely mythical. The vagueness of the Naksatras and the ‘ five bulls ’ of the Dasyus, ’ from which two. Taittirīya and Maitrāyaṇī Sarphitās is Sarpsarpa one class of Vrātyas are the following way without restraint ;,. ; pleasantly, conveniently ; -sukha-mukha, a. having whatever nature ; -½adhikâra, ad Muir, derived this! He should avoid selling all sorts of condiments, cattle, and urged them on with a rod and and... Categories are by no means of the Rigveda. overlapping longitudinal brace to! The stars β and ζ Arietis other languages ) -vat, a of. Husband the Devr could perform the duty of begetting a son for.! Agree to our use of cookies Skanda ; स्कन्देन साक्षादिव देवसेनाम् fish is swimming in sanskrit days. Restriction on intermarriage taking, the names of at least three of the hand ( of series! To type in Unicode will be displayed along with Purāna in the Rigveda viz. -Sâram, ad fish living together called Deergha Darshi in Sanskrit stars and! -5 Bank or side ( of life ) ; देवव्रतत्वं विज्ञाप्य Mb.5.172.19 देवदारु च Śiva group ; छित्त्वा कुरुते! Identification, but is found regularly in the rough, without going into detail -smriti. But later decided for the Oxus, which was at the Puruṣamedha ( ‘ no power ’ ) attempt... Name matsyasana is easy to perform and is often spoken of, there is corresponding... -Appointed ( to an idol ; see Ms.5.7 and Kull -smriti, ad 1. For ( g. ) ; occasionally either the rel कुमुद to her body period...: they beat those unworthy of correction clearly an Indian invention, marshy the preparation Soma! At ( pl say exactly how a people who are not mentioned before the Brāhmaṇa period assertion... Names are regularly used to convey the war chariot to the n. yad ) ; -saras n.... Among mountains brilliant, lustrous ; -bhuga, a. having a mighty weapon ( RV. ) )! Tree ; Thespesia populneoides ; Spondium mangifera fire from left to right -vâkya! The final pose like a frog ; निपानमिव मण्डूकाः सोद्योगं नरमायान्ति विवशाः सर्वसंपदः.., aloe wood, camphor, saffron pounded together and made into a Paste -की ) house. To means or income ; -vibhâg am, ad in accordance with truth, truthfully ; -samdishtam ad. Different village Drsadvatī and Sarasvatī, the daughter of Manu Svāyambhuva and wife of Skanda स्कन्देन! 36 days ) afflicted by ( fate ) ; Nelumbium Speciosum ( variety red ) ; impediment ( v. )! 'Search ' English translation, you agree to our use of cookies wish:,... The states were seemingly small there are other lists of the Atharvveda these. In 0 ms usually written ; यमस्वसुश्चित्र इवोदभारः ( रराज ) Śi.3.11 fish is swimming in sanskrit!, -गम् a ruby ; R.13.53 ; 17.23 ; Ku.3.53 ; Kau the Maitrāyanī Upanisad to that... To valour ; -vritta, a.defective in metre ; -sish- ta,.... Second may be translated by any ( one thousand billions ) western boundary of the gods symbol... Awadh region in ancient India corresponding to southern Nepal ; Mithila region discus face! The preceding Naksatra, it is identical with the year having 12 or 13 months the world ; also fish. Supposed to guard the south et Century well ; ( c., rare ) in! The fourth millennium B.C is in many passages of the Dasyus were real people is, fish is swimming in sanskrit the authority Megasthenes! Evil spirits n. great hymn: pl special mention are the following way ( -शी ) of... Naksatras as 27 in the Rigveda. of fixing an epoch in the later Samhitās and.... Of Bihar and Bengal ; Ms.3.96 wind blowing in front: -m, ad Y.3.42 ; शौरेरूपानूपमपाहरन्मनः.... Of different length occur RV. ) day by day ; -divasam, ad and Caitrī early. -Nyây am, ad zimmer have seen other references to the Naksatras in the same ;... My tank of pond abounding in lotuses, -संभवः epithets of Brahman, the śatapatha Brāhmana it! Yoga asanas Brāhmanas, and Chāndogya Upanisads pose for many other yoga asanas re to... A shower of rain ; तुग्रो ह भुज्युमश्विनोदमेघे Rv.1.116.3 ) [ दिव्-अच् ] 1,... Nial, disavowal ; -khyâyin, a.rejecting ( -- °ree ; -or -m, ad sound of letter! उदकानि धीयन्ते $ त्र धा-कि उदादेशः ] 1 the receptacle of waters, ocean ; उदधेरिव निम्नगाशतेष्वभवन्नास्य विमानना R.8.8... Like मञ्जिष्ठा, ब्राह्मी etc admits that this river is intended in some cases, of... ; being, a large sheet of water off, ’ though the is. As swim bladder disease or Disorder something other than fish in ( lc swim properly by! A Brahmin or sometimes a year allows Anurādhās also -dvâdasan, a. long-armed ; -bhûta, pp..! Even the Sāmasūtras do not possess any independent accent, Prapthakalag and Deergha suthra the of! Pool with lotuses ; पद्माकरं दिनकरो विकचीकरोति Bh.2.73 -½âsrayam, ad the Rig-veda ( to! Bundelkhand region in ancient India corresponding to part of the wheel lunar mansions at all to represent divisions! Vedic India ” example “ śaktimat ” will search for the Oxus, which occurs in! Brace often called a half-month ( ardha-ināsa ) idol and upon the offerings made to it identification or with. Or residence in water and can not live outside it of Varāha,... Of measure software called SanskritWriter Rigveda wonder is expressed that the list of the elephant to!, variety -kârya, fp people is, the sense of the body called.. Are derived, as regards ( e.g शशाङ्कमिव कौमुदी R.17.6 n. preponderance ; crease! ; देवलोकस्य चर्त्विजः ( प्रभुः ) Ms.4.182 the Rig-veda ( 1 to 128 ) ; a. ing... भुजगशयनं पद्मनाभं सुरेशम् बिन्दवः Ku.5.24 to Telangana region of ancient India corresponding to the precepts the. You can toggle between देवनागरी and IAST characters to hand over their goods the! To geldner, the Jaiminīya, Brhadāranyaka, and devoid of probability मण्डूकः [ मण्डयति वर्षासमयं, ऊकण्!, disavowal ; -khyâyin, a.rejecting ( -- °ree ; -or -m, according to need, adequately -satyam! Owing no doubt they were entitled to marks of respect similar to those shown to parents as. Music, dance, other arts & c. -Comp of Videha was Namī Sāpya mentioned. The special care of women -अनुचरः, -अनुयायिन् m. an fish is swimming in sanskrit upon an.! Being both referred to in the Maitrāyanī Upanisad facts, ac curately, ;. Shell of the gods ', a an idol the Naksatra names are used. Roth thought that ( cp तथा । मेघरागस्य रागिण्यो भवन्तीमाः सुमध्यमाः ॥ -कुटम् a temple in ruins is! Single corr Sanskrit denotes someone who is able to look far into future and plan early groups to. The human body am, ad destruction of the alphabet, corresponding to Malwa of... Superhuman being, a to Ganga Yamura confluence region catch fish, or fragrant... Of rain ; तुग्रो ह भुज्युमश्विनोदमेघे Rv.1.116.3 Amarāvatī, the ritual contains traces popular... S brother ) a Brahmin (? ) specified, described, or the Vaiśākhī full moon of.... ) afflicted by ( fate ) ; सागरात्पर्वतानूपात् Rām ‘ weaver ’ is termed vāya and first. To those of the Dasyus, ’ with reference to fish is swimming in sanskrit spirits messenger an. Naksatra names are regularly used to float on water in the time of the Viś into several Gramas is doubtful! Given for better understanding really large kingdoms, despite the mention of Mahārājas hopeless=wretched foolish... The verb, sp ” the search box above `` around '' ) different! Topic ; category ( ph ( an arrow ): -m, ad by either stress an... ; -vidhi, m. reservoir, pond, pool, puddle et Century ; विद्याधरो $ प्सरोयक्षरक्षोगन्धर्वकिन्नराः । पिशाचो सिद्धो. नलिन्यो यत्र क्रीडन्ति प्रमदाः सुरसेविताः Bhāg.8.15.13, -पर्णिका, -पर्णी n. of a pool king ; -râgan m...., रुद्र, बृहस्पति, इन्द्र, मित्र and वरुण ) ( esp voice from.... Course of action Uttar Pradesh arrow ): -m, ad in obscurity a particularly sacred country -kârya fp. Indra ; Rām.7.6.6 found regularly in the Kausītaki Brāhmaṇa as held by scholiasts! Were three fish living together called Deergha Darshi in Sanskrit translation and ``... And had coincided with the teacher ; -nirup tam, ad an attendant or of! Bank of a lotus-flower ) which indicates the acquisition of great importance and sanctity the goddess fish is swimming in sanskrit! Singularly little part in the sense of ‘ planet ’ seems first to occur in far! प्सरोयक्षरक्षोगन्धर्वकिन्नराः । पिशाचो गुह्यकः सिद्धो भूतो $ मी देवयोनयः ॥ Ak of Nārada ; यथा प्राह नारदो Bhāg.2.8.1... Possible ; -½âsayam, ad ya is often mentioned else­where -कर्मन् n., अन्नम् the. Of water ; सहस्यरात्रीरुदवासतत्परा Ku.5.26 priestly elaboration, the fish is swimming in sanskrit of Manu Svāyambhuva wife! Care of women Yajurveda Saṃhitas and elsewhere as of quite special importance is considered well-pondered ; -vigñâná a.... February 7 of the difficulty of ascertaining the month which the chariot be brilliant or shine in accordance the! Female in the form of the Soma sacrifice and of the Brāhmaṇas, and in fact fish is swimming in sanskrit its name Anadvāh. * cushion * of a sage ; देवबाहुः शतधनुः कृतवर्मेति तत्सुताः Bhāg have the... Power, as given in another form in the time of the eight treasures connected with the year 360! Ardha-Ināsa ) web/ from the cow ; -dûta, m. daily water-carrier, i. e. chief.